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Phone: 13122182580 E-mail: 1103281311@
Liliang Liu
Gender: Male Data of Birth: 27th, Feb, 1991
Hometown: Xingan County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province
Current Address: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
Education History
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Sep. 2013-Present
School of Mechanical Engineering , Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Advisor: Prof. Chengliang Yin
General GPA: 3.75/4.0 Ranking: 3/31
Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive Engineering Aug. 2009- Jul. 2013
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology
Thesis Title: Design and Parameters Matching of Powertrain for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (advised
by Prof. Andong Ying and Shanshan Liu from Jianghuai Automobile Co. Ltd ).
General GPA: 3.57/4.0 Ranking: 6/199
Abilities of English and Computer
 Passed CET-6 and the score is 538
 Have Taken the TOEFL exam and the score is 97
 Passed the highest grade (Grade 4) of National Computer Rank Examination
Research Projects & Experience
Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU)
Study on the Influence of the Hydrogen and Oxygen Combustion on the Dynamic and Emission
Performance of the Gasoline Engine
Major Research Participant Dec. 2015-Apr. 2016
 Participated in the development of electronic control unit of the gasoline based on the MotoTron
 Studied the influence of different volumes of the hydrogen and oxygen on the performance of the engine
Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU)-Shanghai Maple Automobile (SMA)
Analysis of Characteristics of Transient Dynamics during Engine Starts Based on Test Bench
Research Assistant & Experiment Coordinator Jun. 2015-Sep. 2015
 Analyzed and achieved characteristics of transient torque and in-cylinder pressure of engine during
engine starts based on acquired data
 Studied impact of characteristic of engine transient torque when engine starts on transmission system and
drivability of the hybrid electric vehicle
SJTU-SMA Experiment on Dynamic Performance and Fuel Economy of Powertrain for A
Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus Based on Test Bench
Major Experiment Participant Mar. 2015-Jun. 2015
 Developed the electronic controller of the vehicle based on rapid prototype, and got familiar with the test
bench used for developing hybrid powertrains
 Analyzed dynamic performance and fuel economy of the powertrain based on experimental results, and
revised the designed control strategy
SJTU Study on Driving Cycle Prediction, Energy Online and Real-time Optimization for Hybrid
Electric Public Bus Based on Big Data (applied for the support of National Natural Science Fund of
Major Research Participant Dec. 2014-Mar. 2015
 Reviewed and recapitulated relevant references
 Studied driving cycle recognition and prediction of the public bus based on massive driving information
in spatial-temporal domains through data mining
 Studied the global optimal algorithm in the spatial domain and local quasi- optimization real-time
algorithm in the temporal domain, and wrote the application of the fund
SJTU Design, Modeling and Simulation of Powertrain for a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus
Leading Researcher Jul. 2014-Nov. 2014
 Completed configuration design and parameters matching of powertrain for a series-parallel hybrid
electric bus
 Developed rule-based control strategy in Simulink / Stateflow by utilizing the hybrid system theory and
built vehicle simulation model in Cruise software
 Obtained simulation results of dynamic performance and fuel economy of the powertrain by
co-simulation of Cruise software and Simulink, and wrote a conference paper
SJTU-Chongqing Changan Industry Group, Co., Ltd Research on Electric Drive for Four-
In-Wheel-Motor Drive Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Research Assistant Dec. 2013-Jul. 2014
 Completed refitting the prototype vehicle and designed control algorithm of the refitted vehicle
 Designed electrical structure for the vehicle and studied the torque distribution strategy during steering
based on the lateral dynamics of the vehicle, and wrote final report of the project
Liliang Liu, Yong Zhang, Hu Zhang and Chengliang Yin. Design, Modeling and Simulation of Powertrain for
a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus. Accepted for an ORAL presentation at the 2015 IEEE Vehicle Power
and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Montreal, Canada.
Honors and Awards
 Graduate student research fellowship from School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University. Sep. 2013  pres.
 Excellent graduate student of Hefei University of Technology. Jun. 2013
 Second Prize in Anhui Contest District in the Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMS). Dec. 2012
 National Endeavor Fellowship & Second-class Scholarship. Nov. 2012
 National Endeavor Fellowship & First-class Scholarship. Nov.2011
 Excellent Student of Hefei University of Technology. Jan. 2011
 Top 1 among 199 students in GPA in the Department of Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of
Technology. 2009-2011
 National Endeavor Fellowship & First-class Scholarship. Nov. 2010
Extra-Curricular Activities
 President of Yangchun campus community in the university. 2010  2012
 Commissary in charge of studies in my class and organized various activities. 2010-2013
 Participated in many voluntary activities on campus and outside campus, such as being a volunteer of
Shanghai International Marathon, Chinese Mechanics Congress, Hefei International Automobile
Exhibition and so forth. 2010-2015
Skills & Hobbies
 Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel; Excellent in Matlab / Simulink / Stateflow and
C Language; Strong abilities in mathematics and independently conducting research; be skilled in
writing research reports.
 Hobbies: music, reading, table tennis, badminton, basketball, swimming, cycling and photographing.

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CV_Liliang Liu

  • 1. Phone: 13122182580 E-mail: 1103281311@ Liliang Liu Gender: Male Data of Birth: 27th, Feb, 1991 Hometown: Xingan County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province Current Address: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No.800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai Education History Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Sep. 2013-Present School of Mechanical Engineering , Shanghai Jiao Tong University Advisor: Prof. Chengliang Yin General GPA: 3.75/4.0 Ranking: 3/31 Bachelor of Engineering in Automotive Engineering Aug. 2009- Jul. 2013 School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology Thesis Title: Design and Parameters Matching of Powertrain for a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (advised by Prof. Andong Ying and Shanshan Liu from Jianghuai Automobile Co. Ltd ). General GPA: 3.57/4.0 Ranking: 6/199 Abilities of English and Computer Passed CET-6 and the score is 538 Have Taken the TOEFL exam and the score is 97 Passed the highest grade (Grade 4) of National Computer Rank Examination Research Projects & Experience Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) Study on the Influence of the Hydrogen and Oxygen Combustion on the Dynamic and Emission Performance of the Gasoline Engine Major Research Participant Dec. 2015-Apr. 2016 Participated in the development of electronic control unit of the gasoline based on the MotoTron Studied the influence of different volumes of the hydrogen and oxygen on the performance of the engine Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU)-Shanghai Maple Automobile (SMA) Analysis of Characteristics of Transient Dynamics during Engine Starts Based on Test Bench Research Assistant & Experiment Coordinator Jun. 2015-Sep. 2015 Analyzed and achieved characteristics of transient torque and in-cylinder pressure of engine during engine starts based on acquired data Studied impact of characteristic of engine transient torque when engine starts on transmission system and drivability of the hybrid electric vehicle SJTU-SMA Experiment on Dynamic Performance and Fuel Economy of Powertrain for A Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus Based on Test Bench Major Experiment Participant Mar. 2015-Jun. 2015 Developed the electronic controller of the vehicle based on rapid prototype, and got familiar with the test bench used for developing hybrid powertrains Analyzed dynamic performance and fuel economy of the powertrain based on experimental results, and revised the designed control strategy SJTU Study on Driving Cycle Prediction, Energy Online and Real-time Optimization for Hybrid Electric Public Bus Based on Big Data (applied for the support of National Natural Science Fund of China) Major Research Participant Dec. 2014-Mar. 2015 Reviewed and recapitulated relevant references
  • 2. Studied driving cycle recognition and prediction of the public bus based on massive driving information in spatial-temporal domains through data mining Studied the global optimal algorithm in the spatial domain and local quasi- optimization real-time algorithm in the temporal domain, and wrote the application of the fund SJTU Design, Modeling and Simulation of Powertrain for a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus Leading Researcher Jul. 2014-Nov. 2014 Completed configuration design and parameters matching of powertrain for a series-parallel hybrid electric bus Developed rule-based control strategy in Simulink / Stateflow by utilizing the hybrid system theory and built vehicle simulation model in Cruise software Obtained simulation results of dynamic performance and fuel economy of the powertrain by co-simulation of Cruise software and Simulink, and wrote a conference paper SJTU-Chongqing Changan Industry Group, Co., Ltd Research on Electric Drive for Four- In-Wheel-Motor Drive Hybrid Electric Vehicle Research Assistant Dec. 2013-Jul. 2014 Completed refitting the prototype vehicle and designed control algorithm of the refitted vehicle Designed electrical structure for the vehicle and studied the torque distribution strategy during steering based on the lateral dynamics of the vehicle, and wrote final report of the project Thesis Liliang Liu, Yong Zhang, Hu Zhang and Chengliang Yin. Design, Modeling and Simulation of Powertrain for a Series-Parallel Hybrid Electric Bus. Accepted for an ORAL presentation at the 2015 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Montreal, Canada. Honors and Awards Graduate student research fellowship from School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Sep. 2013 pres. Excellent graduate student of Hefei University of Technology. Jun. 2013 Second Prize in Anhui Contest District in the Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMS). Dec. 2012 National Endeavor Fellowship & Second-class Scholarship. Nov. 2012 National Endeavor Fellowship & First-class Scholarship. Nov.2011 Excellent Student of Hefei University of Technology. Jan. 2011 Top 1 among 199 students in GPA in the Department of Automotive Engineering, Hefei University of Technology. 2009-2011 National Endeavor Fellowship & First-class Scholarship. Nov. 2010 Extra-Curricular Activities President of Yangchun campus community in the university. 2010 2012 Commissary in charge of studies in my class and organized various activities. 2010-2013 Participated in many voluntary activities on campus and outside campus, such as being a volunteer of Shanghai International Marathon, Chinese Mechanics Congress, Hefei International Automobile Exhibition and so forth. 2010-2015 Skills & Hobbies Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel; Excellent in Matlab / Simulink / Stateflow and C Language; Strong abilities in mathematics and independently conducting research; be skilled in writing research reports. Hobbies: music, reading, table tennis, badminton, basketball, swimming, cycling and photographing.