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Pankaj Kansal
* Cost Control & Reduction-MIS Management-Analytical Reporting *
Over 2 years of experience in the field of costing & budgeting finance. Learned & implemented costing techniques for
management e.g. product, process & customer based costing, Budgeting & Forecasting MIS and various analysis e.g. product
wise, customer wise, market segment wise on daily, weekly & monthly basis with easy handling of SAP platform ECC 6 & 4.7. I
am now looking forward to explore new challenges and experience in the finance sector while being resourceful, innovative
and flexible
 Professional & positive approach  MIS reports  Compliance & Statutory Report
 Able to work and stay focused under pressure  SAP (ECC-6)  Inventory Analysis & Reconciliation
 Optimistic attitude, willingness to learn  Product Costing  Systems Formulation & Implementation
 Ability to work individually as well as in a team  Stock Audit & Tallies  Projected Profitability Analysis
 Comprehensive problem solving & analytical skills  Conversion Cost Analysis  Budgets & Forecast
Expense Control / Cost control
 Study/monitor Cost data & budget for cost measurement, control and reductions
 Implementing the target costing to optimize the cost
 Cost benefit analysis of investment proposals & costing for market order booking
 Conduct MIS reporting in vital cost areas to facilitate corrective measures and cost control.
Budget & Forecast
 Formulate budget for long & short term & financial projection.
 Customer & segment based budget planning.
 Budget allocation based on cash to cash cycle.
 Budgetary control through target costing & MIS activities.
Management Reporting
 Review and circulate daily MIS reports to make relevant information available at various decision making points.
 Maintain and submit timely and accurate Headcount reports.
 Preparing monthly variance analysis e.g. actual vs. actual, actual vs. mission.
 Manage all statutory compliance report and database e.g. Towel Production & Dispatch and Inventory valuation.
 Timely sharing MIS with Senior Management.
 By Production Planning Norms, Greigh Inventory Reducd.
 Reduction in False Salvage(Waste) in Loom Section.
 Conversion of Downgrade into A Grade.
 WIP Stock Correction- SAP v/s Actual.
Since Mar14 Trident Ltd. (Trident Group), Barnala as Asst. Manager in Finance-Costing & Budgeting
 To monitor & derive customer & product wise cost, its variances on daily/weekly/monthly basis so as achieve mission target.
 Monitoring of SAP system on daily basis to get correct data.
 System based reporting and data management, e.g. yearly budget planning, monthly cost planning.
 SAP based Costing and profitability, its variance.
 SAP based Utilization, Efficiency and Breakage Analysis.
 Process costing & activity based Costing.
 System (SAP ECC6) BOM & routing validation based on daily Sale order costing.
 Analysis of raw material, packing material, power & fuel consumption Customer wise & product wise.
 SAP basedD&C Analysis- Depth(Shade) wise and Customer Wise Std. v/s Actual.
 To monitor Material Inward, its usage, Life Cycle, Availability, Stock, etc.
 To monitor SFCF, FIFO, Dead Stock, High Inventory Ageing.
 Inventory valuation and reconciliation on Weekly/Monthly basis.
 Implementing new format/analysis reports of process to derive quality report.
July13-Mar14 AXIS BANK as Asst. Manager in Opertions
 Perform Daily Operation Tasks
 Teller Services
 Front Desk Officer for Customer Service- New Account, Account Information, Passbook, New Cheque Book Issuance, Debit
Card Renewal, etc.
 All transfer Entries- DD, NEFT, RTGS.
 Inter Branch and Inter Bank fund Collection.
 Verification of all Entries- DD, NEFT, RTGS, Cash.
 Clearing, Customer Fund Collection and ATM Auditing
Professional Qualification
Name of the Institute: School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala
Degree: MBA
Specialization: Finance (Major), Marketing (Minor)
Academic Qualification
Degree Institute Board / University Year of Passing %Marks
School of Management Studies,
Punjabi University, Patiala
Punjabi University,
2013 62.47%
Graduation (B.COM) MultaniMal Modi College, Patiala
Punjabi University,
2011 58.55%
XIIth Modi College, Patiala P.S.E.B. 2008 63.11%
Xth RGSM School P.S.E.B. 2006 61.53%
Father Name : Mr. Surinder Kumar
Date of Birth : 14th Nov 1990
Gender : Male
Languages Known : English, Hindi and Punjabi
Permanent Address : Dev Raj & Sons, #1, Dhobi Ghat Near Purani Anaj Mandi,Patiala
Contact- Mb No. : +91-94642-51751
-Email : Pkansal14@gmail.com
(Pankaj Kansal)

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CV-Pankaj Kansal

  • 1. Pankaj Kansal +91-94642-51751 PKansal14@gmail.com ASST. MANAGER FIN-COSTING & BUDGETING * Cost Control & Reduction-MIS Management-Analytical Reporting * Over 2 years of experience in the field of costing & budgeting finance. Learned & implemented costing techniques for management e.g. product, process & customer based costing, Budgeting & Forecasting MIS and various analysis e.g. product wise, customer wise, market segment wise on daily, weekly & monthly basis with easy handling of SAP platform ECC 6 & 4.7. I am now looking forward to explore new challenges and experience in the finance sector while being resourceful, innovative and flexible PROFILE SUMMARY Professional & positive approach MIS reports Compliance & Statutory Report Able to work and stay focused under pressure SAP (ECC-6) Inventory Analysis & Reconciliation Optimistic attitude, willingness to learn Product Costing Systems Formulation & Implementation Ability to work individually as well as in a team Stock Audit & Tallies Projected Profitability Analysis Comprehensive problem solving & analytical skills Conversion Cost Analysis Budgets & Forecast CORE COMPETENCIES Expense Control / Cost control Study/monitor Cost data & budget for cost measurement, control and reductions Implementing the target costing to optimize the cost Cost benefit analysis of investment proposals & costing for market order booking Conduct MIS reporting in vital cost areas to facilitate corrective measures and cost control. Budget & Forecast Formulate budget for long & short term & financial projection. Customer & segment based budget planning. Budget allocation based on cash to cash cycle. Budgetary control through target costing & MIS activities. Management Reporting Review and circulate daily MIS reports to make relevant information available at various decision making points. Maintain and submit timely and accurate Headcount reports. Preparing monthly variance analysis e.g. actual vs. actual, actual vs. mission. Manage all statutory compliance report and database e.g. Towel Production & Dispatch and Inventory valuation. PROJECTS ACHIEVEMENTS Timely sharing MIS with Senior Management. By Production Planning Norms, Greigh Inventory Reducd. Reduction in False Salvage(Waste) in Loom Section. Conversion of Downgrade into A Grade. WIP Stock Correction- SAP v/s Actual. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Since Mar14 Trident Ltd. (Trident Group), Barnala as Asst. Manager in Finance-Costing & Budgeting Role: To monitor & derive customer & product wise cost, its variances on daily/weekly/monthly basis so as achieve mission target. Monitoring of SAP system on daily basis to get correct data. System based reporting and data management, e.g. yearly budget planning, monthly cost planning. SAP based Costing and profitability, its variance. SAP based Utilization, Efficiency and Breakage Analysis. Process costing & activity based Costing. System (SAP ECC6) BOM & routing validation based on daily Sale order costing.
  • 2. Analysis of raw material, packing material, power & fuel consumption Customer wise & product wise. SAP basedD&C Analysis- Depth(Shade) wise and Customer Wise Std. v/s Actual. To monitor Material Inward, its usage, Life Cycle, Availability, Stock, etc. To monitor SFCF, FIFO, Dead Stock, High Inventory Ageing. Inventory valuation and reconciliation on Weekly/Monthly basis. Implementing new format/analysis reports of process to derive quality report. July13-Mar14 AXIS BANK as Asst. Manager in Opertions Role: Perform Daily Operation Tasks Teller Services Front Desk Officer for Customer Service- New Account, Account Information, Passbook, New Cheque Book Issuance, Debit Card Renewal, etc. All transfer Entries- DD, NEFT, RTGS. Inter Branch and Inter Bank fund Collection. Verification of all Entries- DD, NEFT, RTGS, Cash. Clearing, Customer Fund Collection and ATM Auditing EOD Professional Qualification Name of the Institute: School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala Degree: MBA Specialization: Finance (Major), Marketing (Minor) Academic Qualification Degree Institute Board / University Year of Passing %Marks MBA School of Management Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala Punjabi University, Patiala 2013 62.47% Graduation (B.COM) MultaniMal Modi College, Patiala Punjabi University, Patiala 2011 58.55% XIIth Modi College, Patiala P.S.E.B. 2008 63.11% Xth RGSM School P.S.E.B. 2006 61.53% PERSONAL DETAILS Father Name : Mr. Surinder Kumar Date of Birth : 14th Nov 1990 Gender : Male Languages Known : English, Hindi and Punjabi Permanent Address : Dev Raj & Sons, #1, Dhobi Ghat Near Purani Anaj Mandi,Patiala Contact- Mb No. : +91-94642-51751 -Email : Pkansal14@gmail.com (Pankaj Kansal)