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Soubarayalu Devarajan (Subbu)
Mobile : +919962514637 (IND); Landline : + 91-413-2211872. Email Id:
Lead the team by effective contribution in a progressive and professional organization and
also to handle challenging Responsibilities.
An experienced, disciplined and highly-motivated Business / Finance Analyst, qualified MBA
and have more than 15 years experience in a wide range of companies MNC, Large Scale &
Small Scale Industries.
 Self-starter with impeccable ethics and integrity, as well as proven communication
skills, verbal and written, with a clear ability to effectively communicate amongst
different levels of the organization
 Strong attention to detail and analytical ability
 Ability to work under pressure within minimal supervision
 Have strong analytical and organizational skills.
 Have advanced knowledge of Excel (Lookups, Pivot Table, Macros & PPT) and
familiarity using ERP systems including use of financial reports
 Core experience in Budgeting, Forecasting and Variance analysis
 Analyze current and past trends in key performance indicators including all areas of
revenue, cost of sales, expenses and capital expenditures
 Monitor Key performance indicators, highlighting trends and analyzing causes of
unexpected variance
 Supervision of Financial Analyst(s)
 Oversee and manage the continued development of Budgeting, Financial
Forecasting, Operating Plan and Modeling tools
 Quarterly and Monthly Financial reports
 Implement and work with a Business Intelligence Tool and Dashboard reports
 Develop financial models and analyses to support strategic initiatives
 Analyze complex financial information and reports to provide accurate and timely
financial recommendations to management for decision making purposes.
 Cost center management , manufacturing overheads reporting, Variance analysis,
tracking/ reporting of new projects, Product costing.
 Preparing and completion of all basic data capture, report preparation for weekly
reconciliation of Stores/ Stock, consumption of material, packaging and other prime
components .
 Preparation of Customer wise Sales Reports, Variance analysis & Customer
 Preparation of Monthly Operation Profit & Loss Account depicting Gross Margin
& EBIDTA & Variance Analysis
 Setting the standards of Materials & uploading & managing the same.
 Product Costing, Bills of Material Maintenance, Vital role in Pricing.
 Masters Degree in Business Administration
 Bachelors Degree in Commerce
Sl Role Company From  To No. of
1 Plant Cost Controller
 Deputy Manager
Poclain Hydraulics
Pvt Ltd,
Jan14  Till date 2 years
4 months
2 Asst.Manager -
Business Analyst
(Global Operations)
NCR Corporation
India Pvt Ltd
Aug09  Jan14 4 years
6 months
3 Financial Analyst Accenture May08  Aug09 1 year
4 months
4 Executive - Accounts Packaging India Pvt
Feb04  May08 4 year
3 months
5 Officer  Accounts Varnica Herbs Apr02  Feb04 1 year
6 Executive - Accounts Samtel India Ltd Sep00  Mar02 1 year
7 months
Present: Poclain Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Puducherry (Jan14 - Till date)
A French technology company & world leading specialist in Hydrostatic Transmissions.
Highly diversified markets such as building, farming and public works, handling, industrial
and highway markets, the environment etc.
Designation : Plant Cost Controller  Deputy Manager
 Monthly P&L review with MD & Group Controlling
 Monitoring & controlling Inventory Variance.
 Validating & Approving the Investment Request(IR)
 Monitoring CAPEX expenses against approved IR.
 Preparing & reporting Quarterly Rolling Forecast to Group.
 Preparing & presenting Yearly Budget to Group along with MD.
 Monitoring monthly expenses & initiating Cost Controlling activities.
 Driving & supporting the Production, Manufacturing, Logistics, Warehouse,
Sourcing team for cost control activities.
 Supporting core Finance team for monthly closure activities.
 Setting Standard Cost.
 Product wise Gross Margin Analysis and impact of Forex.
 Monitoring & reporting daily Manufacturing Scrap and initiating for reducing scrap.
 Yearly Budget Presentation will be present to Group Directors in Verberie, France.
 Increase the Inventory Accuracy from 90% to 99.8% ( Qty) by developing integrity &
ownership with process owner for the Inventory Variance.
 2015 YTD Operational Margin achieved more than by 10.1% against Target 19,2%

Previoust: NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd, Puducherry (Aug09  Jan14)
An American technology company specializing in kiosk products like retail, financial, travel,
healthcare, food service, entertainment, gaming and public sector industries. Its main products
are self-service kiosks, point of sale terminals, automated teller machines, cheque processing
systems, etc. One of the largest providers of IT maintenance support services.
Designation : Asst. Manager - Business Analyst ( Global Operations )
Role: Supporting the Global Product Solution Managers & Global Commodity
Managers for achieving the Year End Target Cost savings.  Cost Control.
 Analyzing the Monthly Actual Product Cost BoM against Frozen & Prior month
 Analyzing YTD Variance Analysis  Cost & Savings
 Analyzing Monthly Purchase Cost Comparison - BEI/BUD/COL/IND
 Forecast Savings  Actual Vs Frozen ( Mntly, Qtrly, Yrly)
 Analyzing Top 20 Spend & Saving Suppliers / Products
 Monitoring & supporting to the Commodity, Product & Project Team for achieving
their Planned Cost & Savings.
 Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation monthly with analysis in Excel to the
Commodity & Product Solution Managers (Scotland & US).
 Record & Create the macros for the analysis, which reduce the time consumption.
 Detailed report gave to the Global Team for Cost Savings & Cost reduction on
Material Cost
 Support the Commodity Manger & Finance Team for setting Standard Cost  Global
 Drive the sourcing team for achieving the Year End Cost saving against Plan.
 Achieved Manager Discretionary Recognition & Rewards under the category of
Respect and Teamwork.
Undergone onsite training in Dundee (Scotland) . Reporting to Manager  Scotland.
Previous: Accenture Service Private Ltd, Chennai (May08  Aug09) - BPO
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company.
Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and
Financial Analyst:
 Product wise Costing.
 P&L Variance Analysis Actual Vs Budgeting
 Product wise Gross Margin Analysis  Actual Vs Forecast
 P & L Forecast  Revenue & Cost.
 Preparation of Balance Sheet Summary.
 Reconciliation of Provision & Deferral Summary with GL
Reporting to Finance Manager  On shore (UK), Asst Manager  Off Shore
 RPA Award from Client  Timely Deliverables with speedy, quality & accuracy.
 Appreciation Award from Client in a row.(3 Months)
Previous: Packaging India Private Ltd, Pondicherry (Feb04  May08)
Manufacturing Specialty Flexible Packing Material & supplying to leading customers  ITC,
Britannia, Cavinkare, Godrej, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, etc. Company Turnover Rs.125
Crores. Previously it was Group Concern of Cavinkare Private Limited. From Sep06 onward
it has become a Unit of Essel Propack Limited.
Executive  Accounts:
 Preparation of Budget.(Turnover  Product wise)
 Valuation of Stock  Raw Material, Semi Finished.
 Preparation of Gross Margin Analysis Customer cum Product  Budget Vs Actual
 Preparation of Trend Analysis - Sales, Purchase & COGS  Actual Vs Year ago
 Mix Variance Analysis  Price, Product, Quantity.
 Wastage Analysis  Actual Vs Standard
 Analysis of Capacity Utilizations.
 Ageing Analysis of Stock.
 Preparation of P&L variance Analysis Month on Month  Budget Vs Actual
 Preparation of Forecasting - Monthly
 Preparation of Executive Summary  Monthly.( Turnover, Funds Inflow & Outflow,
Wastage, Productivity,etc).
 Preparation of Cash Flow  Projection & Actual.  Weekly & Monthly.
 Preparation of Working Capital Cost  Monthly.
Accounts and Finance:
 Month end Closing books of accounts
 General Ledger a/c scrutinizing
 Verifying & approving the bills for making payment.
 Supporting GM for Funds Management.
 Monitoring Funds Balance in Banks for Effective Utilization of Cash Credit Limit.
 Integrating with Internal & Statutory Auditors.
 Liaison / Interaction with Finance Institution.
 Preparation of Monthly Stock Statement & Yearly CMA for Banks.
 Monitoring the CAPEX Payment.
Statutory :
 Preparation of Bank Stock Statement.
 Preparation of CMA /FFR to the Finance Institution.
 Support for implementation of Finance & Inventory Module in ERP
 Validating Costing Modules in ERP.
 Driving the ERP team for punching online data
ERP (Microsoft Navision) Package using for Finance
Reporting to General Manager.  Finance.
 Drive the team for achieving the Management goal.
 Drive the ERP Team to make process in online.
 Monitoring the Funds Flow.
 Ensuring all the Payables & Receivables accounting in timely.
 Prepared 2 Projects  Rs.250 Crore & Rs.150 Crore.
 Balance Sheet signed within 1month from the date of year end closing.
 Effective Funds Management.
 Driving Cost Meeting.
 Team Member of ERP  Finance Module & Inventory Module
 Timely Creditor Payments.
Previous: Varnica Herbs, Pondicherry (Apr02  Feb04)  Manufacturer
It was established as a unique manufacturing company in India for manufacturing
modified Starches & Hair Dye Powder to suit customers specification.
Officer : Accounts
 Job work Costing  (Starch Powder & Hair Dye Powder).
 Job work Gross Margin Analysis - Marico & Cavinkare.
 Job work Turnover Analysis
 Job work Product Mix Variance Analysis.
 Job work Stock Valuation  Raw Material, Semi Finished.
 Wastage Analysis  Actual Vs Standard
Accounts and Finance:
 Cash Flow Analysis  Weekly, Monthly
 Raising Hundies & Discounting the Bill
 Preparing Monthly Creditors & Debtors Outstanding
 Bank Reconciliation  ICICI, UTI, PNB.
 Debtors & Creditors Reconciliation
 MIS, Budgeting,
 Preparing Financial Statement.
 Updating entries for Bank, Purchase, Sales in Tally 6.3 e.i
Reporting to Commercial Manager & Director
 Implementing System for Inventory & Finance Modules  Tally 6.3
 Implementing Cash Flow Analysis.
Previous: Samtel India Ltd, Pondicherry (Sep00  Mar02)  Manufacturer
1st to offer the largest range of 14", 21" FST and 21" F&FST color picture tubes in India and
supplying to leading customers like Wipro, IBM, HCL, Accel, etc
Accounts Executive:
 Customer-wise Product Costing
 Customer wise Gross Margin Analysis .
 Customer  wise Turnover Analysis .
 Customer  wise Variance Analysis.
 Inventory Valuation  Raw Material, Semi Finished.
 Liaison works with Banks  ICICI & PNB
 Bank Reconciliation  ICICI, PNB
 Filing & Issuing - TDS, C-Form & Form  XVII
 Preparing Pay roll & Distributing Salary & Wages
 Maintaining General A/c  Journal, Payment& Receipts  Bank & Cash.
 Preparing Monthly Creditors & Debtors Outstanding
 Freight bill verification.
Reporting to Asst. Manager - Finance.

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  • 1. Soubarayalu Devarajan (Subbu) Mobile : +919962514637 (IND); Landline : + 91-413-2211872. Email Id: soubou1@gmail.com OBJECTIVE Lead the team by effective contribution in a progressive and professional organization and also to handle challenging Responsibilities. PERSONAL SUMMARY An experienced, disciplined and highly-motivated Business / Finance Analyst, qualified MBA and have more than 15 years experience in a wide range of companies MNC, Large Scale & Small Scale Industries. KEY SKILLS Self-starter with impeccable ethics and integrity, as well as proven communication skills, verbal and written, with a clear ability to effectively communicate amongst different levels of the organization Strong attention to detail and analytical ability Ability to work under pressure within minimal supervision Have strong analytical and organizational skills. Have advanced knowledge of Excel (Lookups, Pivot Table, Macros & PPT) and familiarity using ERP systems including use of financial reports AREAS OF EXPERTISE Core experience in Budgeting, Forecasting and Variance analysis Analyze current and past trends in key performance indicators including all areas of revenue, cost of sales, expenses and capital expenditures Monitor Key performance indicators, highlighting trends and analyzing causes of unexpected variance Supervision of Financial Analyst(s) Oversee and manage the continued development of Budgeting, Financial Forecasting, Operating Plan and Modeling tools Quarterly and Monthly Financial reports Implement and work with a Business Intelligence Tool and Dashboard reports Develop financial models and analyses to support strategic initiatives Analyze complex financial information and reports to provide accurate and timely financial recommendations to management for decision making purposes. Cost center management , manufacturing overheads reporting, Variance analysis, tracking/ reporting of new projects, Product costing. Preparing and completion of all basic data capture, report preparation for weekly reconciliation of Stores/ Stock, consumption of material, packaging and other prime components .
  • 2. Preparation of Customer wise Sales Reports, Variance analysis & Customer Margins. Preparation of Monthly Operation Profit & Loss Account depicting Gross Margin & EBIDTA & Variance Analysis Setting the standards of Materials & uploading & managing the same. Product Costing, Bills of Material Maintenance, Vital role in Pricing. ACADEMIC DETAILS Masters Degree in Business Administration Bachelors Degree in Commerce WORK EXPERIENCE Sl Role Company From To No. of Yrs 1 Plant Cost Controller Deputy Manager Poclain Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Jan14 Till date 2 years 4 months 2 Asst.Manager - Business Analyst (Global Operations) NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd Aug09 Jan14 4 years 6 months 3 Financial Analyst Accenture May08 Aug09 1 year 4 months 4 Executive - Accounts Packaging India Pvt Ltd Feb04 May08 4 year 3 months 5 Officer Accounts Varnica Herbs Apr02 Feb04 1 year 11 months 6 Executive - Accounts Samtel India Ltd Sep00 Mar02 1 year 7 months CAREER SUMMARY Present: Poclain Hydraulics Pvt Ltd, Puducherry (Jan14 - Till date) A French technology company & world leading specialist in Hydrostatic Transmissions. Highly diversified markets such as building, farming and public works, handling, industrial and highway markets, the environment etc. Designation : Plant Cost Controller Deputy Manager Monthly P&L review with MD & Group Controlling Monitoring & controlling Inventory Variance. Validating & Approving the Investment Request(IR) Monitoring CAPEX expenses against approved IR. Preparing & reporting Quarterly Rolling Forecast to Group.
  • 3. Preparing & presenting Yearly Budget to Group along with MD. Monitoring monthly expenses & initiating Cost Controlling activities. Driving & supporting the Production, Manufacturing, Logistics, Warehouse, Sourcing team for cost control activities. Supporting core Finance team for monthly closure activities. Setting Standard Cost. Product wise Gross Margin Analysis and impact of Forex. Monitoring & reporting daily Manufacturing Scrap and initiating for reducing scrap. Yearly Budget Presentation will be present to Group Directors in Verberie, France. Achievements: Increase the Inventory Accuracy from 90% to 99.8% ( Qty) by developing integrity & ownership with process owner for the Inventory Variance. 2015 YTD Operational Margin achieved more than by 10.1% against Target 19,2% Previoust: NCR Corporation India Pvt Ltd, Puducherry (Aug09 Jan14) An American technology company specializing in kiosk products like retail, financial, travel, healthcare, food service, entertainment, gaming and public sector industries. Its main products are self-service kiosks, point of sale terminals, automated teller machines, cheque processing systems, etc. One of the largest providers of IT maintenance support services. Designation : Asst. Manager - Business Analyst ( Global Operations ) Role: Supporting the Global Product Solution Managers & Global Commodity Managers for achieving the Year End Target Cost savings. Cost Control. Analyzing the Monthly Actual Product Cost BoM against Frozen & Prior month BoM Analyzing YTD Variance Analysis Cost & Savings Analyzing Monthly Purchase Cost Comparison - BEI/BUD/COL/IND Forecast Savings Actual Vs Frozen ( Mntly, Qtrly, Yrly) Analyzing Top 20 Spend & Saving Suppliers / Products Monitoring & supporting to the Commodity, Product & Project Team for achieving their Planned Cost & Savings. Preparing the PowerPoint Presentation monthly with analysis in Excel to the Commodity & Product Solution Managers (Scotland & US). Achievements: Record & Create the macros for the analysis, which reduce the time consumption. Detailed report gave to the Global Team for Cost Savings & Cost reduction on Material Cost Support the Commodity Manger & Finance Team for setting Standard Cost Global Drive the sourcing team for achieving the Year End Cost saving against Plan. Achieved Manager Discretionary Recognition & Rewards under the category of Respect and Teamwork. Undergone onsite training in Dundee (Scotland) . Reporting to Manager Scotland.
  • 4. Previous: Accenture Service Private Ltd, Chennai (May08 Aug09) - BPO Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. Financial Analyst: Product wise Costing. P&L Variance Analysis Actual Vs Budgeting Product wise Gross Margin Analysis Actual Vs Forecast P & L Forecast Revenue & Cost. Preparation of Balance Sheet Summary. Reconciliation of Provision & Deferral Summary with GL Reporting to Finance Manager On shore (UK), Asst Manager Off Shore Achievements: RPA Award from Client Timely Deliverables with speedy, quality & accuracy. Appreciation Award from Client in a row.(3 Months) Previous: Packaging India Private Ltd, Pondicherry (Feb04 May08) Manufacturing Specialty Flexible Packing Material & supplying to leading customers ITC, Britannia, Cavinkare, Godrej, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, etc. Company Turnover Rs.125 Crores. Previously it was Group Concern of Cavinkare Private Limited. From Sep06 onward it has become a Unit of Essel Propack Limited. Executive Accounts: Costing: Preparation of Budget.(Turnover Product wise) Valuation of Stock Raw Material, Semi Finished. Preparation of Gross Margin Analysis Customer cum Product Budget Vs Actual Preparation of Trend Analysis - Sales, Purchase & COGS Actual Vs Year ago Mix Variance Analysis Price, Product, Quantity. Wastage Analysis Actual Vs Standard Analysis of Capacity Utilizations. Ageing Analysis of Stock. MIS: Preparation of P&L variance Analysis Month on Month Budget Vs Actual Preparation of Forecasting - Monthly Preparation of Executive Summary Monthly.( Turnover, Funds Inflow & Outflow, Wastage, Productivity,etc). Preparation of Cash Flow Projection & Actual. Weekly & Monthly. Preparation of Working Capital Cost Monthly. Accounts and Finance: Month end Closing books of accounts General Ledger a/c scrutinizing
  • 5. Verifying & approving the bills for making payment. Supporting GM for Funds Management. Monitoring Funds Balance in Banks for Effective Utilization of Cash Credit Limit. Integrating with Internal & Statutory Auditors. Liaison / Interaction with Finance Institution. Preparation of Monthly Stock Statement & Yearly CMA for Banks. Monitoring the CAPEX Payment. Statutory : Preparation of Bank Stock Statement. Preparation of CMA /FFR to the Finance Institution. Systems: Support for implementation of Finance & Inventory Module in ERP Validating Costing Modules in ERP. Driving the ERP team for punching online data ERP (Microsoft Navision) Package using for Finance Reporting to General Manager. Finance. Role: Drive the team for achieving the Management goal. Drive the ERP Team to make process in online. Monitoring the Funds Flow. Ensuring all the Payables & Receivables accounting in timely. Achievements: Prepared 2 Projects Rs.250 Crore & Rs.150 Crore. Balance Sheet signed within 1month from the date of year end closing. Effective Funds Management. Driving Cost Meeting. Team Member of ERP Finance Module & Inventory Module Timely Creditor Payments. Previous: Varnica Herbs, Pondicherry (Apr02 Feb04) Manufacturer It was established as a unique manufacturing company in India for manufacturing modified Starches & Hair Dye Powder to suit customers specification. Officer : Accounts Costing: Job work Costing (Starch Powder & Hair Dye Powder). Job work Gross Margin Analysis - Marico & Cavinkare. Job work Turnover Analysis Job work Product Mix Variance Analysis. Job work Stock Valuation Raw Material, Semi Finished. Wastage Analysis Actual Vs Standard
  • 6. Accounts and Finance: Cash Flow Analysis Weekly, Monthly Raising Hundies & Discounting the Bill Preparing Monthly Creditors & Debtors Outstanding Bank Reconciliation ICICI, UTI, PNB. Debtors & Creditors Reconciliation MIS, Budgeting, Preparing Financial Statement. Updating entries for Bank, Purchase, Sales in Tally 6.3 e.i Reporting to Commercial Manager & Director Achievements: Implementing System for Inventory & Finance Modules Tally 6.3 Implementing Cash Flow Analysis. Previous: Samtel India Ltd, Pondicherry (Sep00 Mar02) Manufacturer 1st to offer the largest range of 14", 21" FST and 21" F&FST color picture tubes in India and supplying to leading customers like Wipro, IBM, HCL, Accel, etc Accounts Executive: Costing: Customer-wise Product Costing Customer wise Gross Margin Analysis . Customer wise Turnover Analysis . Customer wise Variance Analysis. Inventory Valuation Raw Material, Semi Finished. Accounts Liaison works with Banks ICICI & PNB Bank Reconciliation ICICI, PNB Filing & Issuing - TDS, C-Form & Form XVII Preparing Pay roll & Distributing Salary & Wages Maintaining General A/c Journal, Payment& Receipts Bank & Cash. Preparing Monthly Creditors & Debtors Outstanding Freight bill verification. Reporting to Asst. Manager - Finance.