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Secondary Curriculum,
Instruction, and Assessment

Session 3: Daily
Todays learning objectives

1. Explain how core standards, objectives,
   and indicators relate to unit and daily
   lesson plans.
2. Identify the steps to backward design.
3. Compose learning objectives at all levels
   of Blooms Taxonomy.
4. Align formative assessments with daily
Learning Objective #1
Example: Hiroshima

Global objective: (empathy)
To examine a focal event in American History through
 the eyes of the enemy (to place students in the
 position of Other).

State Core/Educational objectives (Unit objectives):
1.2 Comprehend and evaluate informational text.
1.3 Comprehend and compare culturally and
  historically significant literary forms.
2.1 Evaluate ideas and information to refine thinking
  through writing.
Example (cont).

(some) Daily Learning objectives (indicators):
1.2b Evaluate the effectiveness of internal text
  structures in a variety of texts.
1.2c Identify an authors implicit and stated
  assumptions about a subject based on the evidence
  in the text.
1.3d Evaluate the impact of setting and historical
  context on literary works
2.1a Evaluate the merit of opposing opinions
Instructional Planning

Course Planning              General

Unit Planning

Daily Lesson Planning        Specific
Instructional Planning




Learning Objective #2: Backward Design

What do I want my students to know/do?
 = determine your objective(s)

How will I know when they know and can do it?
 = design your assessment

How do I prepare them to know and do it?
 = plan your lesson
Learning Objective #3 (BD step 1)

 You will be able to compose learning objectives at all
levels of Blooms (grad students) cognitive taxonomy.

         Learning Objectives = Indicators
Students will know the Pythagorean theorem.

Students will apply the Pythagorean theorem to solve
Students will gain an appreciation for the role of
culture in student learning.

Students will list three assumptions Native American
students may hold regarding teacher-student
Students will learn about suicide.

Students will identify five warning signs of suicide.
Students will understand how important freedom is.

Students will explain the personal relevance of the first
five amendments to the Bill of Rights.
Characteristics of good learning objectives:
Why are learning objectives important?

They help you . . .
Focus your content
Select instructional models and strategies
Develop and select instructional materials
Determine your assessment
Demonstrate what you value
Keep teaching and learning focused
Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy

Creating  generating new ideas, products, or ways
 of doing things
Evaluating  justifying or judging
Analyzing  breaking information into parts to
 determine how it fits together
Applying  transferring information to a new context
Understanding  explaining ideas or concepts
Remembering  recalling information

Recalling specific items (e.g. facts, vocabulary)

know        define       memorize           repeat
record      list         recognize          name
recall      identify     tell               recite

            Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

Grasping the meaning of the material.

Restate            discuss           explain
describe           express           paraphrase
illustrate         distinguish       recognize

             Reword the Pledge of Allegiance.

Transferring knowledge to a new context.

generalize       apply             practice
relate           examine           solve
describe         show              criticize

          Describe how allegiance may be
        demonstrated by someones behavior.

Breaking down material into parts to determine how it
fits together.

differentiate           compare           contrast
organize                classify          arrange
discriminate            distinguish       subdivide

   Distinguish between allegiance to the flag and
   allegiance to the republic for which it stands.

Making judgments based on criteria and standards.
Justifying a decision or action.

judge            appraise          evaluate
value            rate              critique
check            choose

     Decide if the ideas expressed in the Pledge of
 Allegiance exemplify the behavior of worthy citizens

Putting elements together to form a coherent whole or
new structure.

design              compose           generate
make                fashion           construct
initiate            invent

             Create a new Pledge of Allegiance
           based on original ideas combined with
             modern paradigms and moralities.
Daily alignment (1)
Comparison Objectives

Name the five causes of dizziness.

Given a patient case description, determine the three
 most likely causes of dizziness.
Comparison objectives

Identify melodic and harmonic intervals.

Transpose a composition from the key of C Major to
 the key of F Major.
Comparison objectives

Identify characteristics of a polygon.

Given the coordinates, use the Cartesian coordinate
 system to find the dimensions of a polygon.
Comparison objectives

List the levels of Blooms cognitive taxonomy in
 ascending order.

Create measurable indicators for a particular
 objective based on Blooms cognitive taxonomy.
Indicator #3: Compose learning objectives

Select an objective from your core and practice
composing learning objectives (aka: indicators) at the
Different levels of Blooms cognitive taxonomy.

Focus on student performance, not teacher performance
Focus on product, not process
Include only one learning outcome in each objective
Be clear, measurable, realistic, appropriate, and worthy
Underline your verb
Indicator #4: Align formative assessments

This is Backward Design step 2!

Now go back through those indicators and determine
how you would assess student mastery of those

Indicator + venue
Underline your verb
Make sure its cognitively aligned to your indicator
Todays formative assessment! Can you . . .

1. Explain how core standards, objectives, and
   indicators relate to unit and daily lesson plans.
2. Identify the steps to backward design.
3. Compose learning objectives at all levels of
   Blooms Taxonomy.
4. Align formative assessments with daily
For next time:

Cognitive Alignment Table  bring hard copy
Read Differentiation  What and Why
 (posted on the calendar)
Read pp. 263-265, The Graffiti Model
 (part of Chapter 13 in your text)

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Daily alignment (1)

  • 1. Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Session 3: Daily Alignment
  • 2. Todays learning objectives 1. Explain how core standards, objectives, and indicators relate to unit and daily lesson plans. 2. Identify the steps to backward design. 3. Compose learning objectives at all levels of Blooms Taxonomy. 4. Align formative assessments with daily indicators.
  • 4. Example: Hiroshima Global objective: (empathy) To examine a focal event in American History through the eyes of the enemy (to place students in the position of Other). State Core/Educational objectives (Unit objectives): 1.2 Comprehend and evaluate informational text. 1.3 Comprehend and compare culturally and historically significant literary forms. 2.1 Evaluate ideas and information to refine thinking through writing.
  • 5. Example (cont). (some) Daily Learning objectives (indicators): 1.2b Evaluate the effectiveness of internal text structures in a variety of texts. 1.2c Identify an authors implicit and stated assumptions about a subject based on the evidence in the text. 1.3d Evaluate the impact of setting and historical context on literary works 2.1a Evaluate the merit of opposing opinions
  • 6. Instructional Planning Course Planning General Unit Planning Daily Lesson Planning Specific
  • 8. Learning Objective #2: Backward Design What do I want my students to know/do? = determine your objective(s) How will I know when they know and can do it? = design your assessment How do I prepare them to know and do it? = plan your lesson
  • 9. Learning Objective #3 (BD step 1) You will be able to compose learning objectives at all levels of Blooms (grad students) cognitive taxonomy. Learning Objectives = Indicators
  • 10. Not: Students will know the Pythagorean theorem. But: Students will apply the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems.
  • 11. Not: Students will gain an appreciation for the role of culture in student learning. But: Students will list three assumptions Native American students may hold regarding teacher-student relationships.
  • 12. Not: Students will learn about suicide. But: Students will identify five warning signs of suicide.
  • 13. Not: Students will understand how important freedom is. But: Students will explain the personal relevance of the first five amendments to the Bill of Rights.
  • 14. Characteristics of good learning objectives:
  • 15. Why are learning objectives important? They help you . . . Focus your content Select instructional models and strategies Develop and select instructional materials Determine your assessment Demonstrate what you value Keep teaching and learning focused
  • 16. Blooms Cognitive Taxonomy Creating generating new ideas, products, or ways of doing things Evaluating justifying or judging Analyzing breaking information into parts to determine how it fits together Applying transferring information to a new context Understanding explaining ideas or concepts Remembering recalling information
  • 17. Remembering Recalling specific items (e.g. facts, vocabulary) know define memorize repeat record list recognize name recall identify tell recite Recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 18. Understanding Grasping the meaning of the material. Restate discuss explain describe express paraphrase illustrate distinguish recognize Reword the Pledge of Allegiance.
  • 19. Applying Transferring knowledge to a new context. generalize apply practice relate examine solve describe show criticize Describe how allegiance may be demonstrated by someones behavior.
  • 20. Analyzing Breaking down material into parts to determine how it fits together. differentiate compare contrast organize classify arrange discriminate distinguish subdivide Distinguish between allegiance to the flag and allegiance to the republic for which it stands.
  • 21. Evaluating Making judgments based on criteria and standards. Justifying a decision or action. judge appraise evaluate value rate critique check choose Decide if the ideas expressed in the Pledge of Allegiance exemplify the behavior of worthy citizens
  • 22. Creating Putting elements together to form a coherent whole or new structure. design compose generate make fashion construct initiate invent Create a new Pledge of Allegiance based on original ideas combined with modern paradigms and moralities.
  • 24. Comparison Objectives Name the five causes of dizziness. Given a patient case description, determine the three most likely causes of dizziness.
  • 25. Comparison objectives Identify melodic and harmonic intervals. Transpose a composition from the key of C Major to the key of F Major.
  • 26. Comparison objectives Identify characteristics of a polygon. Given the coordinates, use the Cartesian coordinate system to find the dimensions of a polygon.
  • 27. Comparison objectives List the levels of Blooms cognitive taxonomy in ascending order. Create measurable indicators for a particular objective based on Blooms cognitive taxonomy.
  • 28. Indicator #3: Compose learning objectives Select an objective from your core and practice composing learning objectives (aka: indicators) at the Different levels of Blooms cognitive taxonomy. Hints: Focus on student performance, not teacher performance Focus on product, not process Include only one learning outcome in each objective Be clear, measurable, realistic, appropriate, and worthy Underline your verb
  • 29. Indicator #4: Align formative assessments This is Backward Design step 2! Now go back through those indicators and determine how you would assess student mastery of those indicators. Hints: Indicator + venue Underline your verb Make sure its cognitively aligned to your indicator
  • 30. Todays formative assessment! Can you . . . 1. Explain how core standards, objectives, and indicators relate to unit and daily lesson plans. 2. Identify the steps to backward design. 3. Compose learning objectives at all levels of Blooms Taxonomy. 4. Align formative assessments with daily indicators.
  • 31. For next time: Cognitive Alignment Table bring hard copy Read Differentiation What and Why (posted on the calendar) Read pp. 263-265, The Graffiti Model (part of Chapter 13 in your text)