I talked to about 70 salesmen from a major pharmaceutical company. It is a 30 mins pre dinner talk. The audience enjoyed a short and sharp reminder to better their daily work.
The document provides background information on renowned photographer Sebasti?o Salgado. It discusses his career starting in 1973 when he began photography after receiving a camera from his wife. It also mentions that he was born in 1944, holds a PhD in economics, and has traveled to over 120 countries in his life. Additionally, the summary discusses some of Salgado's most notable books that document issues like migration, workers, and the environment. It also notes that while most legendary photographers are against the digital era, Salgado appreciates the flexibility of digital photography.
Teks tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai besaran fisika pokok, satuan SI, dan alat ukur yang sesuai. Besaran fisika pokok yang disebutkan adalah massa dan waktu, dengan satuan kilogram dan sekon, serta alat ukur neraca dan stopwatch.
Smartlogic, Semaphore and Semantically Enhanced Search – For “Discovery”VOGIN-academie
Smartlogic provides semantic search and content intelligence solutions to unlock business value from unstructured content. Their solution, Semaphore, uses natural language processing and machine learning to automatically enrich content with metadata, extract entities and facts, and categorize content according to customizable semantic models or ontologies. This helps organizations more effectively search, discover, and leverage information across diverse content sources. Semaphore delivers enhanced search capabilities, automated categorization, and tools to build and manage semantic models collaboratively. Customers report benefits such as reduced time spent searching, lower classification costs, and reduced risk of non-compliance by making more information accessible.
Think Globally, Act Locally: 5 Local SEO Strategies for Global BusinessesMartin K?ra
This document discusses 5 local SEO strategies for global businesses to consider based on their business model. It provides examples of businesses that operate globally like Burger King and The Body Shop that should build separate local business pages. It also discusses businesses like Chevrolet and Mary Kay that encourage local partners to build their brand, as well as those like Dropbox and Vimeo that operate strictly online and should localize their websites. The document concludes with a checklist for global brands to get local rankings, including using multiple domain country codes, geo-targeting correctly, and engaging locally to build links.
WES Content Literacy Training August 2012 LaToya Davis
This document provides an example of a strategic teaching lesson plan and discusses its key components. The lesson plan uses a strategic framework including a before, during, and after structure. It focuses on having students identify the components of a strategic lesson. The before stage activates prior knowledge through an anticipation guide. During, students take jot notes to engage with the text and monitor comprehension. After, students reflect on the lesson through revisiting the anticipation guide. The document also models coding a sample lesson plan to identify its strategic elements, such as outcomes, chunking, literacy strategies and assessments.