This document contains summaries of various events and interests in the author's life. It discusses their favorite month of April when they share a birthday with family members. It also covers their passion for basketball, enjoyment of skateboarding and favorite animals like chipmunks. Other topics included are family members, hometown of Leominster, and favorite activities like playing video games, visiting zoos and beaches on vacation.
Maria was born on April 11, 1998 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. When she was 4-5 years old, she played t-ball and enjoyed winning games with her team, though one game she decided to run to her dad each time she got a hit instead of focusing on winning. Maria has fond memories of learning to swim around age 4 when her mom took a photo of her in the pool. She describes her daily life now at age 11, including interests, friends, school, and hopes for the future including robots as assistants.
The document summarizes different parts of the author's life in brief sections:
1) Details of the author's birthdate and what was popular at the time.
2) Memories of playing t-ball as a child and ignoring the coach's instructions to have fun instead of focusing on winning.
3) A photo taken of the author learning to swim at age 4 in Myrtle Beach.
4) A description of the author's interests and style at their current age, including friends, music, movies and school.
5) Some of the author's accomplishments like publishing a poem and performing a speech, as well as sports trophies and ribbons earned.
This poem expresses the feelings of an athlete before or during an important game. It describes praying to God for help and success before the game. It talks about giving your best effort during the game and thanking God for making you an athlete regardless of the outcome. The analysis says the poem uses stanzas and conveys changing moods to describe the nervousness and excitement an athlete may feel.
This document introduces Benito Salazar and provides details about his family, favorite foods, movies, sports, places to eat, holidays, colors, cities, states, singers, activities, friends, school subjects, and books. Benito is 11 years old from Brownsville, Texas and enjoys spending time with his fun family, playing football with his dad, and eating hamburgers and pizza.
The document provides biographical details about McKoy C., born on April 25, 1998. It discusses McKoy's family, childhood memories like breaking a window playing soccer, favorite music and TV shows from their youth, and daily life as a student.
The document provides autobiographical information about Blake, including his birthday, age, where he is from, and hobbies. It describes a typical school day for Blake and things he enjoys like baseball, basketball, and football. The document also outlines Blake's participation in a food drive to help stock a local pantry and his wish to help feed the hungry and give shelter to the poor.
Eminem had a difficult childhood, growing up poor with an addict mother who couldn't hold a job. He faced discrimination as a white rapper in the black hip hop scene. His controversial lyrics addressing his struggles led to many lawsuits, including from his mother. Throughout his struggles, his daughter Hailie provided inspiration and was the focus of his most emotional songs expressing his love for her.
Tommy Gentry is a 75-year-old Auburn University senior studying mechanical engineering. He first attended Auburn in 1960 but failed out after two years. Despite starting a family and business, he was always plagued by not finishing his degree. In 2014, at the encouragement of his wife, he enrolled again at Auburn and plans to graduate in 2018, fulfilling his lifelong dream of earning a college degree. His perseverance and dedication to never giving up provides inspiration and a role model for his grandchildren also attending Auburn.
Tommy Gentry is a 75-year-old senior at Auburn University pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. He first attended Auburn in 1960 but failed to graduate. Inspired by his wife to finish his degree, Gentry returned to Auburn in 2014 at age 71. Despite facing challenges due to his age, Gentry is achieving excellent grades with support from professors and classmates. He serves as an inspiration by proving it is never okay to give up on your dreams and goals.
This document discusses the author's memories of and experiences with various places, sports, objects, and times of year that are important to them. Specifically, it mentions:
- Fond memories of a trip to Alaska with their father that strengthened their bond.
- Frustration with receiving poor quality "trophies" like sweaters or pucks for sports accomplishments as a child.
- A strong desire to move to and experience more of Canada, especially watching hockey games and the Hockey Hall of Fame.
- Enjoyment playing hockey and attempting tricky moves, despite often failing.
- Negative memories of their elementary school being in poor condition and an unsafe location.
This document introduces NethanLanzaderas and lists their best friends, favorite colors, sports, animal, songs, teachers, books, singers, and TV shows. It concludes by thanking the reader for their time and wishing them a great day.
This document contains short paragraphs written by students at St. Ville school. Each student introduces themselves as a "diploma bound St. Ville Shooting Star" and shares their plans after completing 8th grade at St. Ville, which high school they plan to attend, and their career goals or plans after high school. Some common high schools and career goals mentioned include attending West Jefferson High School, playing sports, joining clubs or activities, attending college, and pursuing careers such as teaching, nursing, acting, or playing professional sports.
This document contains several poems and name poems written by students. It includes poems about colors, animals, favorite places and snacks, as well as memories of family members. The poems vary in form, including cinquain poems, emotion poems, and hello poems where students describe themselves using colors and animals.
The document provides autobiographical information about Kendal K., born on September 2, 1997. It discusses events from Kendal's birth such as popular music, movies, gas prices. It also describes Kendal's green stuffed frog Froggy that she took on trips and activities. Later sections discuss Kendal's interests such as softball, guitar, and favorite movies and TV shows.
This document introduces 11-year-old Felix from Brownsville. It provides details about his family, interests, hobbies and favorites. Felix enjoys activities like hunting, fishing, basketball and skateboarding. His favorite movies are action films like Top Gun and The A-Team. He also enjoys playing video games like Call of Duty and building model airplanes in his free time.
This document contains a collection of short bioslides from various students in an English composition class. Each slide includes 1-3 facts or details about the student, such as their name, major, hobbies and interests, family members, career goals, or other personal information. There are bioslides from over 20 different students, each 1-3 sentences in length.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
Maria is an 11-year-old girl from Brownsville, Texas who enjoys spending time with her large group of best friends. She likes playing soccer, piano, and gymnastics in her free time. Her favorite movies are The Notebook, The Clique, and Clueless. Maria's favorite places to eat are Chick-Fil-A with friends Karen and Audrie, as well as Whataburger and Pizza Hut with other friends. Her favorite colors are purple, blue, green, pink and red.
The document provides autobiographical information about the author through a series of short paragraphs labeled with single letters. It describes the author's patriotism and involvement in Boy Scouts, love of activities like fishing, kayaking, and gaming at the Cape, close relationships with supportive parents, interest in joining the Coast Guard, and various hobbies and experiences like reading books about military missions, making paracord bracelets, attending ceremonies for veterans, and enjoying outdoor activities like zip lining.
Every year in October, the author and their dad go apple picking at Sholan Farms and make apple crisp. One year while carrying bags of apples, the author stepped in a hole and rolled their ankle, causing all the apples to fall out of the bags. The author loves watching the Boston Bruins hockey games with their family but there was a lockout this year preventing games. The author also enjoys getting ice cream at Cherry Hill but once cut their knee there.
Every year around the beginning of October, the author and their Dad go apple picking at Sholan Farms where they get 3 bags of apples to make apple crisp. However, one time when returning to their car, the author stepped in a hole and rolled their ankle, causing all the apples to fall out of the bags.
This document discusses the author's memories of visiting Alaska with their father. Some key details include bonding over views of mountains and water, funny moments like the car rolling down a hill when they stopped, and talking with their father about hockey at a history walkway in Anchorage. The author wants to attend the University of Alaska Anchorage.
Lytton Infinger was born on November 11, 1997 and had a golden retriever named George that he loved playing with as a child. One day during a thunderstorm, George got loose from the backyard and the whole family went searching for him in the car. They eventually found George trotting down the street, and realized he was afraid of thunderstorms. When Lytton was around 3 years old, a picture was taken of him in his footy pajamas hugging his neighbor's dog named Dixie at Lake Summit in North Carolina. Lytton is now 11 years old and the biggest animal lover, with 8 pets including an old teddy bear named Fuzzy.
This document appears to be a collection of autobiographical writings by Worth G. Life from March 1998 to present day. It includes summaries of Worth's birth details, family experiences like a trip to the beach as a child, interests like playing lacrosse and watching fireworks on July 4th, and thoughts on life as an 11-year old such as favorite music and TV shows.
The document describes the author's fond memories of visiting Alaska with their father, including beautiful scenery and funny moments like their car rolling down a hill. It also discusses the author's love of hockey and their goal of attending University of Alaska Anchorage.
Kendal Kipper provides an autobiographical summary of her life including details about where she was born, her favorite stuffed animal Froggy that she takes on trips, a photo from her softball game, and everyday life as a girl her age which involves sports, music and movies. She describes her talents of playing softball and guitar and hitting a home run in a tournament where she was named MVP.
The document describes an individual who has 5 brothers and 1 sister. It focuses on the third oldest brother, Andrew, who is 7 years old and enjoys the TV show Super Hero Squad and the character The Hulk. The individual bought Andrew Hulk hands for Christmas that he loved. Andrew helps with younger brothers and agrees with the individual.
The document then switches topics to discuss different friends, family members, hobbies, TV shows and movies that the individual enjoys discussing. It provides snippets of information about each topic in short paragraphs without much connection between the topics.
Charles summarizes details about his life in three passages. He describes events from the day he was born, including that it was a famous poet's birthday and a full moon. He then discusses being in classes at school, enjoying sports and music, and not liking some classmates. Finally, he shares some of his hobbies like soccer and boy scouts and dreams of joining the military after school.
Bradley was born on October 3, 1998. He enjoys playing sports like baseball and basketball with his friends. In his free time, he also likes to collect baseball cards, play video games, and go fishing. He hopes that in the future there will be flying cars and new types of pets.
Tommy Gentry is a 75-year-old senior at Auburn University pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. He first attended Auburn in 1960 but failed to graduate. Inspired by his wife to finish his degree, Gentry returned to Auburn in 2014 at age 71. Despite facing challenges due to his age, Gentry is achieving excellent grades with support from professors and classmates. He serves as an inspiration by proving it is never okay to give up on your dreams and goals.
This document discusses the author's memories of and experiences with various places, sports, objects, and times of year that are important to them. Specifically, it mentions:
- Fond memories of a trip to Alaska with their father that strengthened their bond.
- Frustration with receiving poor quality "trophies" like sweaters or pucks for sports accomplishments as a child.
- A strong desire to move to and experience more of Canada, especially watching hockey games and the Hockey Hall of Fame.
- Enjoyment playing hockey and attempting tricky moves, despite often failing.
- Negative memories of their elementary school being in poor condition and an unsafe location.
This document introduces NethanLanzaderas and lists their best friends, favorite colors, sports, animal, songs, teachers, books, singers, and TV shows. It concludes by thanking the reader for their time and wishing them a great day.
This document contains short paragraphs written by students at St. Ville school. Each student introduces themselves as a "diploma bound St. Ville Shooting Star" and shares their plans after completing 8th grade at St. Ville, which high school they plan to attend, and their career goals or plans after high school. Some common high schools and career goals mentioned include attending West Jefferson High School, playing sports, joining clubs or activities, attending college, and pursuing careers such as teaching, nursing, acting, or playing professional sports.
This document contains several poems and name poems written by students. It includes poems about colors, animals, favorite places and snacks, as well as memories of family members. The poems vary in form, including cinquain poems, emotion poems, and hello poems where students describe themselves using colors and animals.
The document provides autobiographical information about Kendal K., born on September 2, 1997. It discusses events from Kendal's birth such as popular music, movies, gas prices. It also describes Kendal's green stuffed frog Froggy that she took on trips and activities. Later sections discuss Kendal's interests such as softball, guitar, and favorite movies and TV shows.
This document introduces 11-year-old Felix from Brownsville. It provides details about his family, interests, hobbies and favorites. Felix enjoys activities like hunting, fishing, basketball and skateboarding. His favorite movies are action films like Top Gun and The A-Team. He also enjoys playing video games like Call of Duty and building model airplanes in his free time.
This document contains a collection of short bioslides from various students in an English composition class. Each slide includes 1-3 facts or details about the student, such as their name, major, hobbies and interests, family members, career goals, or other personal information. There are bioslides from over 20 different students, each 1-3 sentences in length.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
Maria is an 11-year-old girl from Brownsville, Texas who enjoys spending time with her large group of best friends. She likes playing soccer, piano, and gymnastics in her free time. Her favorite movies are The Notebook, The Clique, and Clueless. Maria's favorite places to eat are Chick-Fil-A with friends Karen and Audrie, as well as Whataburger and Pizza Hut with other friends. Her favorite colors are purple, blue, green, pink and red.
The document provides autobiographical information about the author through a series of short paragraphs labeled with single letters. It describes the author's patriotism and involvement in Boy Scouts, love of activities like fishing, kayaking, and gaming at the Cape, close relationships with supportive parents, interest in joining the Coast Guard, and various hobbies and experiences like reading books about military missions, making paracord bracelets, attending ceremonies for veterans, and enjoying outdoor activities like zip lining.
Every year in October, the author and their dad go apple picking at Sholan Farms and make apple crisp. One year while carrying bags of apples, the author stepped in a hole and rolled their ankle, causing all the apples to fall out of the bags. The author loves watching the Boston Bruins hockey games with their family but there was a lockout this year preventing games. The author also enjoys getting ice cream at Cherry Hill but once cut their knee there.
Every year around the beginning of October, the author and their Dad go apple picking at Sholan Farms where they get 3 bags of apples to make apple crisp. However, one time when returning to their car, the author stepped in a hole and rolled their ankle, causing all the apples to fall out of the bags.
This document discusses the author's memories of visiting Alaska with their father. Some key details include bonding over views of mountains and water, funny moments like the car rolling down a hill when they stopped, and talking with their father about hockey at a history walkway in Anchorage. The author wants to attend the University of Alaska Anchorage.
Lytton Infinger was born on November 11, 1997 and had a golden retriever named George that he loved playing with as a child. One day during a thunderstorm, George got loose from the backyard and the whole family went searching for him in the car. They eventually found George trotting down the street, and realized he was afraid of thunderstorms. When Lytton was around 3 years old, a picture was taken of him in his footy pajamas hugging his neighbor's dog named Dixie at Lake Summit in North Carolina. Lytton is now 11 years old and the biggest animal lover, with 8 pets including an old teddy bear named Fuzzy.
This document appears to be a collection of autobiographical writings by Worth G. Life from March 1998 to present day. It includes summaries of Worth's birth details, family experiences like a trip to the beach as a child, interests like playing lacrosse and watching fireworks on July 4th, and thoughts on life as an 11-year old such as favorite music and TV shows.
The document describes the author's fond memories of visiting Alaska with their father, including beautiful scenery and funny moments like their car rolling down a hill. It also discusses the author's love of hockey and their goal of attending University of Alaska Anchorage.
Kendal Kipper provides an autobiographical summary of her life including details about where she was born, her favorite stuffed animal Froggy that she takes on trips, a photo from her softball game, and everyday life as a girl her age which involves sports, music and movies. She describes her talents of playing softball and guitar and hitting a home run in a tournament where she was named MVP.
The document describes an individual who has 5 brothers and 1 sister. It focuses on the third oldest brother, Andrew, who is 7 years old and enjoys the TV show Super Hero Squad and the character The Hulk. The individual bought Andrew Hulk hands for Christmas that he loved. Andrew helps with younger brothers and agrees with the individual.
The document then switches topics to discuss different friends, family members, hobbies, TV shows and movies that the individual enjoys discussing. It provides snippets of information about each topic in short paragraphs without much connection between the topics.
Charles summarizes details about his life in three passages. He describes events from the day he was born, including that it was a famous poet's birthday and a full moon. He then discusses being in classes at school, enjoying sports and music, and not liking some classmates. Finally, he shares some of his hobbies like soccer and boy scouts and dreams of joining the military after school.
Bradley was born on October 3, 1998. He enjoys playing sports like baseball and basketball with his friends. In his free time, he also likes to collect baseball cards, play video games, and go fishing. He hopes that in the future there will be flying cars and new types of pets.
The document is a collection of journal entries and reflections from an 11-year-old girl named Emma. It describes events from her life like being born, a family trip to Germany where she got separated from her family at a fair, her interests and favorite things, what is popular with kids her age, and her daily school routine.
The document is a collection of autobiographical writings by Reese W. about his childhood and life experiences:
1) As a young boy, Reese was obsessed with cars and knew details about various vehicles. He had a large collection of toy cars.
2) One of Reese's early memories is playing baseball as a child. His mother took a photograph of him at bat at a game.
3) Reese describes what life is like for an 11-year-old boy, including his interests, friends, and daily routine at school and home.
My aunt is very special to me. She has two children, Taylor who is 17 and Troy who is 12, that are my cousins. It is fun to visit my aunt's house, especially when my cousins are there. My aunt is always there for me to talk to and I am thankful for how much she cares about me.
My aunt is very special to me. She has two children, Taylor who is 17 and Troy who is 12, that are my cousins. It is fun to visit my aunt's house, especially when my cousins are there. My aunt is always there for me to talk to and I am thankful for how much she cares about me.
My aunt is very special to me. She has two children, Taylor who is 17 and Troy who is 12, who are my cousins. I enjoy visiting my aunt's house, especially when my cousins are there. My aunt is always there for me to talk to and I am thankful for how much she cares about me.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
Lee C. is writing an autobiography project about himself. He provides background information like his birthday, age, where he was born. He discusses playing tackle football in 3rd grade and making his all-star team. Lee talks about his interests in sports like football, baseball and soccer that he has played for several years. He describes typical things for a boy his age like not liking homework but enjoying sports.
2. April
April is the month I was born in. My brother and dad are both born
in April also. April is known as the rainy month. Its my favorite because
during the month it is usually not hot or cold. One time my dad, my brother,
and I just got home and my dad when we walked in asked if we wanted to
play ping pong downstairs and me and my brother love ping pong so when
we ran down the stairs and opened the door their was a surprise party
waiting and I was so scared!
(Picture of my B-Day
3. Basketball
Basketball is my all time favorite sport. I play for the central mass A
team and start as a shooting guard. We have won 2 championships in 5th and
6th grade. In 5th grade we went undefeated. I have a ton of trophy's. So far this
year we are 5-1 only because we were missing 2 starters in that game we lost.
But Conner Weirnon and I are back and ready to play from our injuries.
Picture of trophys
4. Chipmunks
Chipmunks are my favorite animal. I have chipmunks and squirrels in my attic
and I can hear them running around every night during the winter. When I
need to go get my tree in the attic I'm scared because I think one might jump
on me and I will fall down my ladder.. The main reason I like them is because
they are super fast.
5. Daniel Glennon
My name should have been Alex but my dad didnt like it so they
decided on Daniel. My middle name is Anthony because its after Mark
Anthony the singer. My dad wanted me and my brother to be Gerry the 3rd
and 4th but my mom would never let that happen. So still today I still dont
know why they named me Daniel but there has to be one and I'm going to
find out.
6. Electronics
My first electronic was a birthday present for me and my brother. We
got a PS2 like 8 years ago. Later I got a lot of electronics like my laptop,
phone, iPod, and Xbox 360. My first phone I got was a LG Zeon and I jumped
into my pool with it. My next phone I dropped down a staircase and the
screen Shattered and the battery snapped in half. I want to happy.
7. Fernando Montalvo
Fernando Montalvo is my nickname that my uncles gave me
because they hated that my last name was Glennon and I'm Spanish.
Some of my friends call me Fernando but mainly stick with Dan.
When ever my uncles here the name Dan they flip out and yell its
Fernando Get it right!
8. Gerry Glennon
(From left to right there is
Me, then my Dad, and my
My dads name is Gerry its said like Jerry but I call him papa. Our
biggest experience with each other is going to our first basketball game. We
dont agree with are football teams so we went to a basketball game. It was
the Celtics vs. Heat. The Celtics is our favorite team and they won 105 to 98 it
was awesome.
9. Home
I live at 31 Wilder road in Leominster Massachusetts. I've
lived their all my life and I dont remember to much from when I
was a little kid but all I remember is putting the pool in my back yard
and changing my kitchen completely. When my kitchen was getting
redone the whole floor was gone and every cabinet, fridge, and
pantry was gone. I thought we got robbed but afterwards the
kitchen looked AWESOME!
10. Important Things
Some of my most important things are no doubt my skateboard,
bike, phone, iPod, Xbox, and friends. Each thing is important because I use
each thing everyday and hang out with friends just about all the time. One
time I lost my phone and I couldnt find my phone and it was in my hand the
whole time.
11. Joe Sanborn
I've known Joe for about 6-7 years and we've done a lot in that time.
We played baseball together, we have been in the same classes for a long
time, and we hangout a ton. The most funniest thing we probably did
together was we did a raw egg challenge at 4:00 in the morning. We saw who
could try to swallow a raw egg first but we both failed. It was gross.
12. Kites
Kites have been my favorite thing in the whole world as a kid. I loved
to fly them and watch them. When I was little I bought a kite at Hampton
beach and my dad was helping me fly it. He stopped to go get something to
drink and I started screaming for help and I let it go by accident and cried the
whole ride home.
13. Leominster
I grew up and was born in Leominster. I go to Leominster schools and
I play sports for Leominster teams. Ever sense I was born I had lots of friends
in Leominster. The funniest thing I did here was in pre school when we were
doing a play. I dont remember the name but it was something about a spider
traveling and I was a horse in the play. I had to make a horse noise and I made
a pig squeal instead.
14. Maria Glennon
My moms name is Maria Glennon but her madden name is
Maria Montalvo. She is probably my biggest inspiration in life because
no matter what happens she always has a smile on her face. I dont
know how she does it but she does. She looks really young for her age.
One time my mom, my brother who's 18, and I were walking around the
mall and one of my brothers friends came over and said, Hey? When
did you get a new girlfriend?
15. New Hampshire
Every summer I go to Hampton Beach. Last year I brought Joe to
Hampton. We played at the arcade half the time. We played this old game
that you rolled a ball and their was numbers in front of the holes and you
either had to get under 15 or over 23 and it was a really difficult game. We
stayed their almost all day then played catch with a football and also went
into the freezing cold water. Pretty fun day.
16. Obey
Obey is my favorite skateboarding company. They came out in 2010
and their skate team in amazing. One time I saw Jereme Rogers at the
California skate park in Alhambra. He is one of the best skateboarders in the
obey skate team and when I saw him I almost died! We were out in a open
skate park and he was doing some impossible tricks. The most amazing trick
was a Christ air. Its when you basically go up a huge ramp and jump of the
board pick it up with one hand and raise it in the sky then put it back under
you. It was the most amazing moment in my life.
17. PAC-MAN!
Pac man was the first ever game I think I might of played. I liked
eating the ghosts and getting the fruits that Pac man eats. Whenever I almost
got eaten I would look away because I was to scared to look and watch myself
get eaten. The one time I made it past level 2 I only had one more live for
level 3 and I got eaten and flipped out and cried and punched my brother for
laughing at me.
18. Quarter Back
Matt Cassel is my favorite quarter back mainly because he almost
won a championship with Tom Brady hurt. I was sad to see him leave the
team but my dad bought tickets for me and him to go to the game when Matt
Cassel was playing the patriots at Gillette Stadium. We had tickets right next
to their locker room where they walk in and that day at half time I got a high
five from almost every teammate and all I said was I never want to wash this
hand again but I forgot after I went to the bathroom.
19. Recess
I went to Johnny Appleseed School. Everyday we had recess and I
always had lots of fun. The most fun part about recess to me was playing 4
square or the cement. I was always the king of 4 square. I would always team
up with everyone so I would always stay in 1. We would have the biggest line
like 25 people long waiting to play. I miss elementary school.
20. Skateboarding
Skateboarding is one of my most favorite things to do whenever I
have free time because its really fun. Ive broken my arm once so far and
other then that no broken bones. Ive snapped over 4 boards and right now I
have two types of skateboards a blind and a mini logo. The funniest thing Ive
ever seen while skate boarding was a kid from Clinton was going off this little
baby box that was 2 feet when he ollied the board pointed straight up and he
landed in between his legs and it was hilarious but painful.
21. Travis Reid
Travis has been my friend sense 7 years old. Today he his still my friend but we
dont talk much. Our best moment was last year we were sledding at cherry hill and I just
got to the bottom and I started my way up and I turned around to see if my brother hit the
jump and out of a sudden I hear GET OUT OF THE WAY! I turned around and I see him
flying 5 feet in front of me and he hits both my shins and I fly in the air but some how land
on both my feet but then landed on ice and fell on my face.
22. UFC
U.F.C. stands for ultimate fighting champion. My favorite UFC fighter
is Brock Lesnar one of the biggest UFC fighters in history. My uncles and I
order every pay per view fight so we can watch some of the most craziest
fights that the world might ever see. So for the greatest fight was between BJ
Penn and Caol Uno it lasted 12 rounds which is the max and the final scores
was tied so no one won it was a draw and BJ Penn remained champion.
(Both pictures of Brock Lesnar)
23. Vacations
Ive gone on a lot of vacations but mostly to Disney world and
California. In Disney world my favorite ride was The Tower Of Terror mainly
because it scared be sooooo MUCH! Going up and down really fast and being
able to see the whole park when you came up to a window is great. In
California I always visit my uncle and aunt which is boring but then I go to this
awesome hotel and right under the hotel is this restaurant called 21 ocean
front. My whole family went in and my dad bought a 112$ steak. It tasted so
24. Wonder Pets
The Wonder Pets was my favorite show when I grew up. My favorite
character was Lenny the guinea pig. The main reason being that I always
wanted to be a guinea pig because it always seemed so fun to run around as a
little fluffy animal. My favorite episode was when they went to go save the
baby otter. Everyday I would make my mom get up before I went to preschool
to turn the wonder pets on because it was my favorite show.
25. X-Ray
In second grade I broke my arm sliding into a gym matt and of course
it was right before vacation. When I was walking out of the school I almost
fainted so the nurse got me a wheel chair and I went to the hospital. I was
super scared because I over heard one time my friend fractured a bone and it
wasnt right in place so they had to brake it completely so I was so nervous to
go get x-rays but I was brave. It hurt how they positioned my arm on the table
but after I found out I had a broken wrist I got a water proof cast so I could go
swimming in my hotel in Florida YAY!
26. Yard Work
Every year I get about 20 trees for wood to keep my house warm in
the winter. I have a wood stove. I work on the splitting the wood with my
brother and he stacks while my dad cuts the whole tree into little chunks with
his chainsaw. I split it with a machine which all you need to do is pick up a
giant heavy chunk then pull a leaver which makes this sharp pointy object
(that looks like the end of an axe) and it comes down and splits the wood. It
takes about 4-6 weeks every year and hate it!
27. Zoo
Every year sense I was 6 my mom and I go to the Franklin Park Zoo.
My favorite animal at the zoo was always the koala. One time we were lucky
and we got to go into the exhibit for free. I couldnt imagine going into the
exhibit. When we walked in with another family I saw koalas climbing around
and it was so cute. I sat down and one came over to me and I got to pet it and
it was the fluffiest thing I ever touched.