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Poetry 1 st  period
hello poem alex boyer
Hello  My name is Alex If I was a color I would be  Silver&black Like a gorilla If I were an animal Id be strong  Like a gorilla My favorite place Miami beach In summer
So it is warm and awsome My favorite snack is ice cream I like the coldness I get mad when football ends And go clean pools I love listening to rap when I am mad or ready to party de.wikipedia.org
Name Poem Kirsten www.hasslefreeclipart.com/. ../pink_%20rose.jpg
Kirsten It means lovable, happy, emotional, It is the number 2, It is like the sunset, It is spending time with each other watching movies , It is the memory of my grandma, Who taught me happiness and to be myself, When she lived her life here, My name is Kirsten , It means I believe in myself no matter what. http://www.life.uiuc.edu/plantbio/digitalflowers/picts/Flowers/01-%20Rose%20flower.jpg
cinquain poem marcus
Fishing  Water, boat  Reeling, catch, pull into boat Catching, releasing, cleaning, eating Fun
Emotion Poem Alix  http://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/img/smiley.png
Happy is purple. It smells like red roses. It tastes like chocolate. It sounds like a choir singing. It feels like a soft blanket. It looks like a model. Purple is winning the lottery! http://www.filgift.com/ProdImages/2%20dozen%20red%20roses%20in%20vas%20L.jpg
Name Poem Marina
Marina It means cute, loud and nice, It is the number 7, It is like roses blooming, It is doing hair and makeup, It is memory of ancestors, Who taught me kindness and respect, When she was alone. My name is Marina,  It means I can make a difference in life.
Name Poem Caroline
Caroline It means beautiful, funny,  sweet, It is the number of 8, It is something you will here when your sad that cheers you up, It is the memory of the (s7) who taught me how to have fun in life, and dont waist anytime doing it,  My name is Caroline it means courage,
Emotion Poem Morgann www.Google.com
Sad is blue.  It smells like dead fish in the water.  It taste like rotten grapes.  It sounds like everyone is screaming at you. It feels like you have the flue.  It looks like a daughter who lost her mom. Sadness is a like a disease. www.Google.com www.Google.com www.Google.com
Catherine Name Poem
Catherine It means loveable, laughable, and friendly. It means the number 3 Its like the sun set on the beach. It is laughing, and playing games.  It is a memory of my grandparents. Who taught me care, and trust When they lived a great life. My name is Catherine  It means never giving up, and trying my best! http://images.google.com/images?q=SUNSET+ON+BEACH&hl=en
hello poem Nick  http://www.bergoiata.org/fe/felins/High%20Velocity,% 20Cheetah.jpg
Hello! My name is Nick If I were a color, Id be red Like fire If I were a animal, Id be fast Like a cheetah  My favorite place is the outdoors When its sunny  And warm
My favorite snack is skittles  The rainbow Really dose taste great I really get upset  When losing  And I have to say good game to the other team I love listening to different music When I have nothing to do
http://www.hafdis.dk/pictures/silly/animals/The%203%20monkeys.jpg CORINNE HeLlO POeM
Hello! My name is Corinne. If I were a color, Id be yellow. Like the sun. If were an animal, Id be something that can jump and climb everywhere. Like a monkey.
My favorite place is the beach. When its a nice and breezy day. And we can talk and have fun playing around. My favorite snack is waffles with extra syrup From Camellia Grill in New Orleans. I get really upset  When my favorite show is on TV  And the satellite goes off. I love listening to country music When my friends are around to sing with me.
Cinquain Poem Edward Badeaux www.lobibass.com
Fishing  Fun and good memories Cast your line out, be quiet, and wait for a bite  Success to get a fish, proud, and smart  Outdoors
Rebecca Elias Name Poem
Rebecca It means friendly, compassionate, and fun It is the number 22 It is like flowers in the spring time It is like shopping and staying up all night It is in memory of Laine Who taught me love, honesty, and care for others When she does things for other people even when she is not asked to My name is Rebecca It means honesty, love, and never giving up. www.phirebrush.com/.../ iPhusion_Wild-Daisy.jpg
things that make me tall Ezabeth Viator
There are a few things that make me tall here are some  My nice  ,cell phone , midgets , and even my pet dog and these are pretty  small There are a few more things that  make me fell tall a  microwave, a clock , and a disc. http:// www.probertencyclopaedia.com/j/Sunflower.jpg
EmOtIoN PoEm Sarah Leonard
Love is red.  It smells like sugar. It taste like chocolate. It sounds like joy. It feels like cotton. It looks like a heart. Love is promising.
Sarah leonard
EmIlY sUiRe NaMe PoEm www.cellularsouth.com/  images/fun_phone_main.gif
Emily  It means friendly, caring, and loving  It is the number 13 It is like clouds on a rainy day  It is like talking on the phone and watching a movie  It is the memory of Uncle Mickey  Who taught me trust and patience  When he lived his life to the fullest My name is Emily  It means I believe in never giving up and  Trying hard
things that make me feel tall taylor dugas http://images.art.com/images/products/regular/10105000/10105494.jpg
Some things that make me feel tall, Shorter people and small babies Little children playing tee ball And dancing in platform shoes under a disco ball! Looking down while going up on elevators and escalators, Standing on top of high buildings makes me feel tall. My mom and Ms.Shelly make me feel tall but most of all, Finished homework, chores and being respectful is what makes me feel TALL!!
Cinquain Poem Eric Verret www.naturesound.org
Hunting Quiet and patience Shoot, call, wait Success, braveness, strong, alert Shooting
Name Poem Taylor Rodriguez http://thomashawk.com/hello/209/1017/1024/Sunflowers.jpg
Taylor It means strong, sweet, friendly. It is the number 2. It is like a sunflower on a damp day. It is like watching romantic movies and eating popcorn. It is the memory if my great grandmother. Who taught me honesty and patience. My name is Taylor. It means I believe in working hard And doing the best I can.
Name Poem Hailey Babineaux
Hailey It means exciting , nice, and crazy, It is like my favorite color, It is the number 9, Its going to party's and making new friends, It is in memory of my granny, Who taught me love and kindness, When everyday she made me smile, My name is Hailey , It means I believe to always live life to the fullest and to always believe in yourself www.birthdaycraftsandsupplies.com
cinquain poem Trey
Art Beautiful, simple, and complex Incredible, eye-catching, and mind teasing  Excspessable , powerful, artistic, and concentrated Imagine www.brc.dcs.gla.ac.uk/.../ gallery/Mona-Lisa.jpg 8
Name Poem Jaci
Jaci It means kind, friendly, caring It is the number 22, It is like the sky, It is like playing poker, It is the memory of Tad, Who taught me kindest and patience, When he helped me out with everything, My name is Jaci, It means I believe what I want to believe.
Hello Poem Jasmine
Hello! My name is Jasmine. If I were a color, Id be blue Like blueberries. If I were an animal, Id be a rockwellier Like a vicious lion. My favorite place is Atlanta. When it is hot And exciting. . http://www.jumpusa.com/jerseyball3.jpg
My favorite snack is M&MS,  The king size From Wal-Mart. I really get upset When the Cleveland Cavaliers are playing And I have to go help my mom with the groceries. I love listening to rap When nothing good is on TV.
CINQUAIN john borne http://redhawk.n-tama.k12.ia.us/ACA/ACA.HP.S99/beenken.hp/99action.jpg
Four wheelers Fun, exciting Riding, mudding Free, fast, going, let go Awesome!
HELLO  POEM Julian  Jacob
Hello ! My name is Julian  If  I were a color , Id be  light blue Like a pretty ocean If I was an animal  Id be something brave  Like a lion My favorite place is the park  When its a beautiful day And when I can just chill
My favorite snack is a icee The  sweet tons of juice at the bottom I really get  mad When my teachers  give me a detention  And  I have to go  home in trouble I love to listening to music When I am doing homework or doing anything www.jefflewisphotography.com/ adm/photo/60_USC

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Original Student Poetry

  • 1. Poetry 1 st period
  • 3. Hello My name is Alex If I was a color I would be Silver&black Like a gorilla If I were an animal Id be strong Like a gorilla My favorite place Miami beach In summer
  • 4. So it is warm and awsome My favorite snack is ice cream I like the coldness I get mad when football ends And go clean pools I love listening to rap when I am mad or ready to party de.wikipedia.org
  • 5. Name Poem Kirsten www.hasslefreeclipart.com/. ../pink_%20rose.jpg
  • 6. Kirsten It means lovable, happy, emotional, It is the number 2, It is like the sunset, It is spending time with each other watching movies , It is the memory of my grandma, Who taught me happiness and to be myself, When she lived her life here, My name is Kirsten , It means I believe in myself no matter what. http://www.life.uiuc.edu/plantbio/digitalflowers/picts/Flowers/01-%20Rose%20flower.jpg
  • 8. Fishing Water, boat Reeling, catch, pull into boat Catching, releasing, cleaning, eating Fun
  • 9. Emotion Poem Alix http://people.debian.org/~tille/talks/img/smiley.png
  • 10. Happy is purple. It smells like red roses. It tastes like chocolate. It sounds like a choir singing. It feels like a soft blanket. It looks like a model. Purple is winning the lottery! http://www.filgift.com/ProdImages/2%20dozen%20red%20roses%20in%20vas%20L.jpg
  • 12. Marina It means cute, loud and nice, It is the number 7, It is like roses blooming, It is doing hair and makeup, It is memory of ancestors, Who taught me kindness and respect, When she was alone. My name is Marina, It means I can make a difference in life.
  • 14. Caroline It means beautiful, funny, sweet, It is the number of 8, It is something you will here when your sad that cheers you up, It is the memory of the (s7) who taught me how to have fun in life, and dont waist anytime doing it, My name is Caroline it means courage,
  • 15. Emotion Poem Morgann www.Google.com
  • 16. Sad is blue. It smells like dead fish in the water. It taste like rotten grapes. It sounds like everyone is screaming at you. It feels like you have the flue. It looks like a daughter who lost her mom. Sadness is a like a disease. www.Google.com www.Google.com www.Google.com
  • 18. Catherine It means loveable, laughable, and friendly. It means the number 3 Its like the sun set on the beach. It is laughing, and playing games. It is a memory of my grandparents. Who taught me care, and trust When they lived a great life. My name is Catherine It means never giving up, and trying my best! http://images.google.com/images?q=SUNSET+ON+BEACH&hl=en
  • 19. hello poem Nick http://www.bergoiata.org/fe/felins/High%20Velocity,% 20Cheetah.jpg
  • 20. Hello! My name is Nick If I were a color, Id be red Like fire If I were a animal, Id be fast Like a cheetah My favorite place is the outdoors When its sunny And warm
  • 21. My favorite snack is skittles The rainbow Really dose taste great I really get upset When losing And I have to say good game to the other team I love listening to different music When I have nothing to do
  • 23. Hello! My name is Corinne. If I were a color, Id be yellow. Like the sun. If were an animal, Id be something that can jump and climb everywhere. Like a monkey.
  • 24. My favorite place is the beach. When its a nice and breezy day. And we can talk and have fun playing around. My favorite snack is waffles with extra syrup From Camellia Grill in New Orleans. I get really upset When my favorite show is on TV And the satellite goes off. I love listening to country music When my friends are around to sing with me.
  • 26. Cinquain Poem Edward Badeaux www.lobibass.com
  • 27. Fishing Fun and good memories Cast your line out, be quiet, and wait for a bite Success to get a fish, proud, and smart Outdoors
  • 29. Rebecca It means friendly, compassionate, and fun It is the number 22 It is like flowers in the spring time It is like shopping and staying up all night It is in memory of Laine Who taught me love, honesty, and care for others When she does things for other people even when she is not asked to My name is Rebecca It means honesty, love, and never giving up. www.phirebrush.com/.../ iPhusion_Wild-Daisy.jpg
  • 30. things that make me tall Ezabeth Viator
  • 31. There are a few things that make me tall here are some My nice ,cell phone , midgets , and even my pet dog and these are pretty small There are a few more things that make me fell tall a microwave, a clock , and a disc. http:// www.probertencyclopaedia.com/j/Sunflower.jpg
  • 33. Love is red. It smells like sugar. It taste like chocolate. It sounds like joy. It feels like cotton. It looks like a heart. Love is promising.
  • 35. EmIlY sUiRe NaMe PoEm www.cellularsouth.com/ images/fun_phone_main.gif
  • 36. Emily It means friendly, caring, and loving It is the number 13 It is like clouds on a rainy day It is like talking on the phone and watching a movie It is the memory of Uncle Mickey Who taught me trust and patience When he lived his life to the fullest My name is Emily It means I believe in never giving up and Trying hard
  • 37. things that make me feel tall taylor dugas http://images.art.com/images/products/regular/10105000/10105494.jpg
  • 38. Some things that make me feel tall, Shorter people and small babies Little children playing tee ball And dancing in platform shoes under a disco ball! Looking down while going up on elevators and escalators, Standing on top of high buildings makes me feel tall. My mom and Ms.Shelly make me feel tall but most of all, Finished homework, chores and being respectful is what makes me feel TALL!!
  • 39. Cinquain Poem Eric Verret www.naturesound.org
  • 40. Hunting Quiet and patience Shoot, call, wait Success, braveness, strong, alert Shooting
  • 41. Name Poem Taylor Rodriguez http://thomashawk.com/hello/209/1017/1024/Sunflowers.jpg
  • 42. Taylor It means strong, sweet, friendly. It is the number 2. It is like a sunflower on a damp day. It is like watching romantic movies and eating popcorn. It is the memory if my great grandmother. Who taught me honesty and patience. My name is Taylor. It means I believe in working hard And doing the best I can.
  • 43. Name Poem Hailey Babineaux
  • 44. Hailey It means exciting , nice, and crazy, It is like my favorite color, It is the number 9, Its going to party's and making new friends, It is in memory of my granny, Who taught me love and kindness, When everyday she made me smile, My name is Hailey , It means I believe to always live life to the fullest and to always believe in yourself www.birthdaycraftsandsupplies.com
  • 46. Art Beautiful, simple, and complex Incredible, eye-catching, and mind teasing Excspessable , powerful, artistic, and concentrated Imagine www.brc.dcs.gla.ac.uk/.../ gallery/Mona-Lisa.jpg 8
  • 48. Jaci It means kind, friendly, caring It is the number 22, It is like the sky, It is like playing poker, It is the memory of Tad, Who taught me kindest and patience, When he helped me out with everything, My name is Jaci, It means I believe what I want to believe.
  • 50. Hello! My name is Jasmine. If I were a color, Id be blue Like blueberries. If I were an animal, Id be a rockwellier Like a vicious lion. My favorite place is Atlanta. When it is hot And exciting. . http://www.jumpusa.com/jerseyball3.jpg
  • 51. My favorite snack is M&MS, The king size From Wal-Mart. I really get upset When the Cleveland Cavaliers are playing And I have to go help my mom with the groceries. I love listening to rap When nothing good is on TV.
  • 52. CINQUAIN john borne http://redhawk.n-tama.k12.ia.us/ACA/ACA.HP.S99/beenken.hp/99action.jpg
  • 53. Four wheelers Fun, exciting Riding, mudding Free, fast, going, let go Awesome!
  • 54. HELLO POEM Julian Jacob
  • 55. Hello ! My name is Julian If I were a color , Id be light blue Like a pretty ocean If I was an animal Id be something brave Like a lion My favorite place is the park When its a beautiful day And when I can just chill
  • 56. My favorite snack is a icee The sweet tons of juice at the bottom I really get mad When my teachers give me a detention And I have to go home in trouble I love to listening to music When I am doing homework or doing anything www.jefflewisphotography.com/ adm/photo/60_USC