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The Facebook election Nordich tech politics 02. september 2011 v. Anna Ebbesen
Brief introduction
agenda Facts on Denmark The people The politicians And the media
Facts on Denmark and the danes
 Forenings Danmark  Billede af batminton
Weve kept politics and religion in the closet
Danish election gamble 4
Danish election gamble 4 21
Danish election gamble 4 21 ?
Party focus
Change is coming - Before and after the web: 53 Communication classic (web as a channel) Sender Web Facillitator Journalists Other types of communication Network communication (web as a platform) Target groups Web/ media/ campaigns/coworkers
Danes are online and social 87%  have used the internet in the last 3 months 2,6 mio profiles   on Facebook = more than half of the adult population have a profile Over  4.500  blog posts a day on  75.000  active blogs 14.000+  on Twitter
 and Mobile
What are the people up to?
Daily discussions on Facebook
Often satirical
Videos of politicians are now a viral hit
Satire on Tumblr #1
Satire on tumblr #2
Insider talk on #dkpol #fv11
What are the politicians doing?
most get facebook
Some new attempts FB meeting via FB chat
most get facebook
most get facebook
The unknown candidates paradise
The unknown candidates paradise
Videos can now spread
Apps isnt the thing  yet!
Might be
Gamification  more stunt than impact?
Whats up with the media?
Tests  last elections most common digital action
Trying to be Down with the people
Creating more entertaining formats
Hitting an all time low
Still stuck in logos
All have turned to blogging
Focus on fact-checking
Summed up
Danish Election 2011
Were getting there
@annaebbesen digitaletanker.dk G+ Anna Ebbesen

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Danish Election 2011

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Some facts on Denmark, the Danes and our elections Seen through a digital lens: The Peoples election The Medias election The Politicians election
  • #7: We keep our politics and our religion in the closet.
  • #8: 4 years is the maximum term The prime minister has to call an election 21 days before election day. He can do so when ever he wants, where ever he wants = 21 days of campaigning, that can happen at any given time.
  • #9: 4 years is the maximum term The prime minister has to call an election 21 days before election day. He can do so when ever he wants, where ever he wants = 21 days of campaigning, that can happen at any given time.
  • #10: 4 years is the maximum term The prime minister has to call an election 21 days before election day. He can do so when ever he wants, where ever he wants = 21 days of campaigning, that can happen at any given time.
  • #11: Get with people between the elections. Make connections Its always been about the community building But the community itsself was maninly focused on the party itself
  • #13: 87% have used the internet in the last 3 months 2,6 mio profiles on Facebook = more than half of the adult population have a profile Over 4.500 blog posts a day on 75.000 active blogs 14.000+ on Twitter
  • #14: En kvinde p奪 Iphone bruger lige s奪 meget som en mand p奪 Andriod. 62% of the cellphones sold are smartphones 139% cell phone penetration 7,7 mio. simcards Smartphone users count for majority of mobile data traffic Vi har kortere bindingsperoder end andre lande. Benh奪rd konkurrence
  • #20: http://helleoglars.tumblr.com/
  • #44: People are on and talking Media is sort of Politicians as a whole are still struggeling.