The document summarizes a horror film called "The Surgeon". It describes the film as a spine-tingling torture horror where a failed plastic surgeon named Osman kidnaps and holds hostage an aspiring actress named Chloe to perform unspeakable acts on her. Directed by Debbyaan Onyenassir, the film depicts the demented fantasies of the surgeon character and shows that the protagonist's imperfections are opportunities for torture. The film throws out the conventional rule book for such horror stories.
This document summarizes a robotics workshop that discusses what robots are, examples of robots created by companies and research organizations, and provides an overview of the basic components needed to build a simple robot, including a chassis, motors, switches, and wires. The workshop also notes that building a robot requires patience. Key robots mentioned include industrial robotic arms from ABB and KUKA, military robots from DRDO, and an educational robot called DAKSH.
SMARTWRAP is a new smartphone case concept that aims to provide additional functionality beyond basic protection. Key features include the ability to generate a small electric charge using piezo-electric materials to provide power on the go without needing to plug in. The case will also be made from strong but lightweight carbon fiber. Marketing strategies will target early technology adopters and focus on digital promotions, with a goal of capturing 3% of the smartphone market after 2 years.
The presentation focuses mainly on the wave energy. It first highlights the need to explore into renewable energy. It gives fundamental differences between wave and tidal energy. It outlines the limitations of tidal energy. It illustrates the working of wave energy powerplant which works on the principle of Oscillating Water Column. It concludes by comparing its cost with conventional energy.
The document analyzes the effect of vibration on the performance of a PEM fuel cell. It performs a modal analysis to determine natural frequencies below 1kHz. Harmonic analysis at 4g acceleration for 1 hour shows maximum deformations. Accounting for bolt loosening due to vibrations changes contact pressure profiles. Estimates include a hydrogen leakage rate of 0.16778 L/hr due to vibrations at resonance frequencies. The study provides a framework to evaluate fuel cell design for mobile applications operating in vibration environments.
Application of Fluid Dynamics In Traffic ManagementJaydeep Deshpande
This document discusses how fluid dynamics principles can be applied to traffic management. It outlines key concepts in fluid dynamics like continuum, rate of flow, and continuity equation that also apply to traffic flow. Analogies are drawn between liquid flow and traffic flow, like how viscosity causes slower vehicles at boundaries and velocity gradients. Applications discussed include using fluid dynamics to simulate traffic, design road widths, and optimize signal timings to minimize traffic jams. The document concludes by mentioning a program developed to calculate accurate signal timings at an intersection using fluid dynamics and traffic data.
Green building aims to reduce environmental impact through sustainable and efficient practices across a building's entire lifecycle. It focuses on siting, design, construction, operation, and deconstruction to optimize energy efficiency, water efficiency, materials efficiency, and waste reduction/management. Specifically, it emphasizes the use of high-performance windows and insulation, effective window placement, onsite renewable energy, low-flow fixtures, rapidly renewable and recyclable materials, and converting waste into resources like fertilizer.
The document discusses using principles of fluid mechanics to model and manage traffic flow. Traffic flow exhibits similarities to fluid flow such as boundary layers and wake regions forming behind obstructions. An experiment at an intersection found that adjusting signal timing based on fluid flow equations avoided traffic jams by keeping traffic density below a critical level. With further refinement, fluid mechanics tools could provide low-cost traffic management solutions as an alternative to GPS-based systems.
Radar stealth technology aims to prevent aircraft detection by radar systems. It works by reducing an aircraft's radar cross-section through shape design and radar-absorbing materials. Aircraft shapes avoid orthogonal plates and use re-entrant triangles to interfere with and attenuate radar waves through incoherent scattering and destructive interference. Coatings like iron ball paint and Jaumann absorbers are also applied to aircraft surfaces to reduce detectability. Stealth aircraft additionally aim to reduce detection in other spectra and noise signatures. Radar stealth technology plays an important role in modern military operations by aiding secret missions and increasing a nation's defensive capabilities.
This document discusses stealth technology, which aims to make objects invisible to radar detection. It provides a brief history of stealth technology development during World War 2 by the Germans. It then explains how radar systems work using radio waves and echo detection. It describes different methods used in stealth technology to reduce radar cross-sections, including shaping aircrafts at acute angles, using radar-absorbing materials, and active cancellation techniques. The document outlines advantages like cost-effectiveness but also disadvantages such as reduced payload and high costs to develop stealth aircraft. In conclusion, it discusses how stealth technology is the future of military combat but is currently very expensive.
Stealth technology aims to make aircraft and vehicles difficult to detect on radar. It achieves this through shaping the vehicle to deflect radar waves, using radar absorbing materials to absorb radar signals, and minimizing heat emissions from engines. Key aspects of stealth technology include flat aircraft surfaces to deflect radar signals, re-entrant triangles and serrations in external airframes, and radar absorbing paints and materials. While stealth technology has advanced, it requires significant investment and its effectiveness in combat situations remains to be fully proven.
This document summarizes radar stealth technology. It discusses how radars work by calculating location and shape using digital signal processing. It describes radar cross section (RCS) and how stealth technology uses geometry, coatings, and infrared avoidance to reduce detection. Applications of stealth technology include military operations for secret missions and emergency protection. The conclusion states that stealth technology plays a vital role in modern military operations by helping aircraft avoid detection and reduce the odds of a successful attack.
This document discusses stealth technology, including how it aims to make planes, ships, and soldiers invisible to radar. It describes how radar works and how stealth aircraft are designed with radar-absorbent materials and special shaping to minimize radar reflection. The document outlines some disadvantages of stealth aircraft and discusses efforts to develop anti-stealth technologies like low-frequency radar and multi-transmitter systems. It also briefly touches on stealth applications beyond planes, such as stealth ships and vehicles.
Stealth aircraft use stealth technology to make them harder to detect by radar and other sensors than conventional aircraft. This is done through design features that reduce visibility across the visual, audio, infrared and radio frequency spectrums. Well-known stealth aircraft include the F-117 Nighthawk, B-2 Spirit bomber, and F-22 Raptor. Stealth technology limits radar's ability to detect or track aircraft effectively through complex designs that decrease how much an opponent's sensors can detect, track, and attack the aircraft.
Technical seminar on STEALTH TECHNOLOGY IN AIRCRAFTAnjan Kumar
The document outlines a technical seminar presentation on stealth technology in aircraft. It discusses techniques for object detection like radar, heat detection, and visual detection. It covers electromagnetic spectrum, radar cross section reduction, and the rule of balanced observables in stealth design. The presentation outlines design aspects of stealth aircraft like shaping, non-metallic airframes, low infrared signature, jet wakes, and visibility considerations. It also discusses stealth aircraft from the past, present and future.
This document provides an overview of stealth technology, including its history, types of signatures that stealth aims to reduce, and methods used. It discusses radar absorbent materials and structures, as well as techniques to decrease infrared, acoustic, visual and other signatures. Examples of stealth aircraft like the F-117 and ships are given. Advantages like reduced detection and disadvantages like high costs are outlined. India's developments of stealth helicopters and aircraft are summarized. The future potential of stealth, including South Korea's KF-X fighter, is also examined.
Stealth aircraft use advanced technologies to reduce detection by radar, infrared, visible light, radio frequencies, and sound. Radar systems work by sending out radio waves that bounce off objects and return to the sender, revealing the object's location and velocity. Stealth aircraft are designed through careful shaping of surfaces, use of radar-absorbing materials, and other methods to minimize radar reflection and detection. Future stealth designs aim to further reduce detection through innovations like canards and new materials.
Radar crossection area reduction techniques presentationMUKULWADHOKAR
This document discusses techniques for reducing the radar cross-section (RCS) of aircraft to make them less detectable to radar. There are four main techniques: shaping the aircraft through careful design of surfaces; applying radar absorbing materials; passive cancellation using echo sources; and active cancellation controlling a phased antenna array. While stealth technology provides military advantages like increased survivability, it also has disadvantages like high costs, reduced performance, and increased maintenance needs.
Stealth refers to the act of trying to hide or evade detection. Stealth technology is
ever increasingly becoming a paramount tool in battle especially high technology wars
if one may occur in the future where invisibility will mean invincibility. Able to strike with
impunity, stealth aircraft, missiles and warships are virtually invisible to most types of
military sensors. The experience gained at the warfront emphasizes the need to
incorporate stealth features at the design stage itself. According to conventional military
wisdom, surprise is the best form of attack. With evermore sophisticated methods of
detection, however, catching the enemy unawares has becoming increasingly difficult.
Thus paving way to the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies that help
in evading the enemy's ever vigilant eyes.
The future is bright, the future is stealth
Stealth refers to the act of trying to hide or evade detection. Stealth technology is
ever increasingly becoming a paramount tool in battle especially high technology wars
if one may occur in the future where invisibility will mean invincibility. Able to strike with
impunity, stealth aircraft, missiles and warships are virtually invisible to most types of
military sensors. The experience gained at the warfront emphasizes the need to
incorporate stealth features at the design stage itself. According to conventional military
wisdom, surprise is the best form of attack. With evermore sophisticated methods of
detection, however, catching the enemy unawares has becoming increasingly difficult.
Thus paving way to the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies that help
in evading the enemy's ever vigilant eyes.
The future is bright, the future is stealth
The main objective of this topic is to know and study how stealth technology plays a major role In the modern and future combat warfare.
This report also deals with the study of various factors that include to make any aircraft/ship/drones etc. to be stealthy.
This report also distinguishes between the conventional and non-conventional {stealth} platforms against the miscellaneous stealth categories.
stealth technology (or LO for "low observability") is not a single technology. It is a combination of technologies that attempt to greatly reduce the distances at which a person or vehicle can be detected; in particular radar cross section reductions, but also acoustic, thermal, and other aspects:
This document provides an overview of stealth technology, including its history, principles, applications, and future developments. It discusses how stealth works to reduce detection by radar, infrared, visual, and acoustic means. Key stealth aircraft are described, such as the F-117, B-2, F-22, and future projects. Stealth has allowed for espionage and more surgical military strikes but remains an expensive technology currently available only to few nations. Continued research aims to expand stealth capabilities to hypersonic speeds and new platforms while also reducing costs.
This document summarizes the topic of stealth technology. It discusses how stealth technology uses various techniques to make aircraft, ships, and missiles less visible to radar through shape, materials, and other methods. It outlines the main components of stealth technology, including radar stealth which deals with vehicle shape and radar-absorbing materials, infrared stealth which focuses on hiding hot zones, and visual stealth using electrochromic polymers. The document also reviews detection methods, advantages of stealth like reduced casualties, and future applications that could expand stealth capabilities.
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA prie iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodo邸li na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online dogaaj koji okuplja senior lidere i menad転ere iz razliitih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj dogaaj pru転a priliku da zavirite u nain razmi邸ljanja ljudi koji donose kljune odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna strunjaka, istra転iemo:
Kako uspe邸no zapoeti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najvei izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazii.
Na koje naine automatizacija menja radne procese i poma転e timovima da ostvare vi邸e.
Bez obzira na va邸e iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uop邸te, ovaj dogaaj je osmi邸ljen kako bi bio koristan svima od menad転era do tehnikih lidera, i svima koji 転ele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridru転ite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da nauite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za sledee korake u va邸oj RPA strategiji!
Supercharge Your Career with UiPath CertificationsDianaGray10
Join us on February 25th as we discuss how you can supercharge your career with the updated 2025 UiPath Certifications.
Diana Gray, UiPath Senior Community Marketing Manager, Americas, will walk us through:
-- Workforce Trends
-- Value of UiPath Certifications
-- Certification Program
-- Steps to Earning a Certificate
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching StrategiesScyllaDB
Exploring the tradeoffs of common caching strategies and a look at the architectural differences.
- Which strategies exist
- When to apply different strategies
- ScyllaDB cache design
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
5 Must-Use AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity!
AI is changing the game! From research to creativity and coding, here are 5 powerful AI tools you should try.
NotebookLM Your AI Research Assistant
Organizes & summarizes notes
Generates insights from multiple sources
Ideal for students, researchers & writers
Boost your productivity with smarter note-taking!
ィ The Creativity Booster
Connects and organizes ideas
Perfect for writers, designers & entrepreneurs
Acts as your AI-powered brainstorming partner
Unleash your creativity effortlessly!
DeepSeek Smarter AI Search
Delivers deeper & more precise search results
Analyzes large datasets for better insights
Ideal for professionals & researchers
Find what you needfaster & smarter!
ChatGPT Your AI Chat Assistant
Answers questions, writes content & assists in coding
Helps businesses with customer support
Boosts learning & productivity
From content to codingChatGPT does it all!
Devin AI
Devin AI AI for Coders
Writes, debugs & optimizes code
Assists developers at all skill levels
Makes coding faster & more efficient
Let AI be your coding partner!
AI is transforming the way we work!
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDB
Understanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
Radar stealth technology aims to prevent aircraft detection by radar systems. It works by reducing an aircraft's radar cross-section through shape design and radar-absorbing materials. Aircraft shapes avoid orthogonal plates and use re-entrant triangles to interfere with and attenuate radar waves through incoherent scattering and destructive interference. Coatings like iron ball paint and Jaumann absorbers are also applied to aircraft surfaces to reduce detectability. Stealth aircraft additionally aim to reduce detection in other spectra and noise signatures. Radar stealth technology plays an important role in modern military operations by aiding secret missions and increasing a nation's defensive capabilities.
This document discusses stealth technology, which aims to make objects invisible to radar detection. It provides a brief history of stealth technology development during World War 2 by the Germans. It then explains how radar systems work using radio waves and echo detection. It describes different methods used in stealth technology to reduce radar cross-sections, including shaping aircrafts at acute angles, using radar-absorbing materials, and active cancellation techniques. The document outlines advantages like cost-effectiveness but also disadvantages such as reduced payload and high costs to develop stealth aircraft. In conclusion, it discusses how stealth technology is the future of military combat but is currently very expensive.
Stealth technology aims to make aircraft and vehicles difficult to detect on radar. It achieves this through shaping the vehicle to deflect radar waves, using radar absorbing materials to absorb radar signals, and minimizing heat emissions from engines. Key aspects of stealth technology include flat aircraft surfaces to deflect radar signals, re-entrant triangles and serrations in external airframes, and radar absorbing paints and materials. While stealth technology has advanced, it requires significant investment and its effectiveness in combat situations remains to be fully proven.
This document summarizes radar stealth technology. It discusses how radars work by calculating location and shape using digital signal processing. It describes radar cross section (RCS) and how stealth technology uses geometry, coatings, and infrared avoidance to reduce detection. Applications of stealth technology include military operations for secret missions and emergency protection. The conclusion states that stealth technology plays a vital role in modern military operations by helping aircraft avoid detection and reduce the odds of a successful attack.
This document discusses stealth technology, including how it aims to make planes, ships, and soldiers invisible to radar. It describes how radar works and how stealth aircraft are designed with radar-absorbent materials and special shaping to minimize radar reflection. The document outlines some disadvantages of stealth aircraft and discusses efforts to develop anti-stealth technologies like low-frequency radar and multi-transmitter systems. It also briefly touches on stealth applications beyond planes, such as stealth ships and vehicles.
Stealth aircraft use stealth technology to make them harder to detect by radar and other sensors than conventional aircraft. This is done through design features that reduce visibility across the visual, audio, infrared and radio frequency spectrums. Well-known stealth aircraft include the F-117 Nighthawk, B-2 Spirit bomber, and F-22 Raptor. Stealth technology limits radar's ability to detect or track aircraft effectively through complex designs that decrease how much an opponent's sensors can detect, track, and attack the aircraft.
Technical seminar on STEALTH TECHNOLOGY IN AIRCRAFTAnjan Kumar
The document outlines a technical seminar presentation on stealth technology in aircraft. It discusses techniques for object detection like radar, heat detection, and visual detection. It covers electromagnetic spectrum, radar cross section reduction, and the rule of balanced observables in stealth design. The presentation outlines design aspects of stealth aircraft like shaping, non-metallic airframes, low infrared signature, jet wakes, and visibility considerations. It also discusses stealth aircraft from the past, present and future.
This document provides an overview of stealth technology, including its history, types of signatures that stealth aims to reduce, and methods used. It discusses radar absorbent materials and structures, as well as techniques to decrease infrared, acoustic, visual and other signatures. Examples of stealth aircraft like the F-117 and ships are given. Advantages like reduced detection and disadvantages like high costs are outlined. India's developments of stealth helicopters and aircraft are summarized. The future potential of stealth, including South Korea's KF-X fighter, is also examined.
Stealth aircraft use advanced technologies to reduce detection by radar, infrared, visible light, radio frequencies, and sound. Radar systems work by sending out radio waves that bounce off objects and return to the sender, revealing the object's location and velocity. Stealth aircraft are designed through careful shaping of surfaces, use of radar-absorbing materials, and other methods to minimize radar reflection and detection. Future stealth designs aim to further reduce detection through innovations like canards and new materials.
Radar crossection area reduction techniques presentationMUKULWADHOKAR
This document discusses techniques for reducing the radar cross-section (RCS) of aircraft to make them less detectable to radar. There are four main techniques: shaping the aircraft through careful design of surfaces; applying radar absorbing materials; passive cancellation using echo sources; and active cancellation controlling a phased antenna array. While stealth technology provides military advantages like increased survivability, it also has disadvantages like high costs, reduced performance, and increased maintenance needs.
Stealth refers to the act of trying to hide or evade detection. Stealth technology is
ever increasingly becoming a paramount tool in battle especially high technology wars
if one may occur in the future where invisibility will mean invincibility. Able to strike with
impunity, stealth aircraft, missiles and warships are virtually invisible to most types of
military sensors. The experience gained at the warfront emphasizes the need to
incorporate stealth features at the design stage itself. According to conventional military
wisdom, surprise is the best form of attack. With evermore sophisticated methods of
detection, however, catching the enemy unawares has becoming increasingly difficult.
Thus paving way to the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies that help
in evading the enemy's ever vigilant eyes.
The future is bright, the future is stealth
Stealth refers to the act of trying to hide or evade detection. Stealth technology is
ever increasingly becoming a paramount tool in battle especially high technology wars
if one may occur in the future where invisibility will mean invincibility. Able to strike with
impunity, stealth aircraft, missiles and warships are virtually invisible to most types of
military sensors. The experience gained at the warfront emphasizes the need to
incorporate stealth features at the design stage itself. According to conventional military
wisdom, surprise is the best form of attack. With evermore sophisticated methods of
detection, however, catching the enemy unawares has becoming increasingly difficult.
Thus paving way to the development of increasingly sophisticated technologies that help
in evading the enemy's ever vigilant eyes.
The future is bright, the future is stealth
The main objective of this topic is to know and study how stealth technology plays a major role In the modern and future combat warfare.
This report also deals with the study of various factors that include to make any aircraft/ship/drones etc. to be stealthy.
This report also distinguishes between the conventional and non-conventional {stealth} platforms against the miscellaneous stealth categories.
stealth technology (or LO for "low observability") is not a single technology. It is a combination of technologies that attempt to greatly reduce the distances at which a person or vehicle can be detected; in particular radar cross section reductions, but also acoustic, thermal, and other aspects:
This document provides an overview of stealth technology, including its history, principles, applications, and future developments. It discusses how stealth works to reduce detection by radar, infrared, visual, and acoustic means. Key stealth aircraft are described, such as the F-117, B-2, F-22, and future projects. Stealth has allowed for espionage and more surgical military strikes but remains an expensive technology currently available only to few nations. Continued research aims to expand stealth capabilities to hypersonic speeds and new platforms while also reducing costs.
This document summarizes the topic of stealth technology. It discusses how stealth technology uses various techniques to make aircraft, ships, and missiles less visible to radar through shape, materials, and other methods. It outlines the main components of stealth technology, including radar stealth which deals with vehicle shape and radar-absorbing materials, infrared stealth which focuses on hiding hot zones, and visual stealth using electrochromic polymers. The document also reviews detection methods, advantages of stealth like reduced casualties, and future applications that could expand stealth capabilities.
Leadership u automatizaciji: RPA prie iz prakse!UiPathCommunity
Dobrodo邸li na "AI Powered Automation Leadership Talks", online dogaaj koji okuplja senior lidere i menad転ere iz razliitih industrija kako bi podelili svoja iskustva, izazove i strategije u oblasti RPA (Robotic Process Automation). Ovaj dogaaj pru転a priliku da zavirite u nain razmi邸ljanja ljudi koji donose kljune odluke u automatizaciji i liderstvu.
Kroz panel diskusiju sa tri izuzetna strunjaka, istra転iemo:
Kako uspe邸no zapoeti i skalirati RPA projekte u organizacijama.
Koji su najvei izazovi u implementaciji RPA-a i kako ih prevazii.
Na koje naine automatizacija menja radne procese i poma転e timovima da ostvare vi邸e.
Bez obzira na va邸e iskustvo sa UiPath-om ili RPA uop邸te, ovaj dogaaj je osmi邸ljen kako bi bio koristan svima od menad転era do tehnikih lidera, i svima koji 転ele da unaprede svoje razumevanje automatizacije.
Pridru転ite nam se i iskoristite ovu jedinstvenu priliku da nauite od onih koji vode automatizaciju u svojim organizacijama. Pripremite svoja pitanja i inspiraciju za sledee korake u va邸oj RPA strategiji!
Supercharge Your Career with UiPath CertificationsDianaGray10
Join us on February 25th as we discuss how you can supercharge your career with the updated 2025 UiPath Certifications.
Diana Gray, UiPath Senior Community Marketing Manager, Americas, will walk us through:
-- Workforce Trends
-- Value of UiPath Certifications
-- Certification Program
-- Steps to Earning a Certificate
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching StrategiesScyllaDB
Exploring the tradeoffs of common caching strategies and a look at the architectural differences.
- Which strategies exist
- When to apply different strategies
- ScyllaDB cache design
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
5 Must-Use AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity!
AI is changing the game! From research to creativity and coding, here are 5 powerful AI tools you should try.
NotebookLM Your AI Research Assistant
Organizes & summarizes notes
Generates insights from multiple sources
Ideal for students, researchers & writers
Boost your productivity with smarter note-taking!
ィ The Creativity Booster
Connects and organizes ideas
Perfect for writers, designers & entrepreneurs
Acts as your AI-powered brainstorming partner
Unleash your creativity effortlessly!
DeepSeek Smarter AI Search
Delivers deeper & more precise search results
Analyzes large datasets for better insights
Ideal for professionals & researchers
Find what you needfaster & smarter!
ChatGPT Your AI Chat Assistant
Answers questions, writes content & assists in coding
Helps businesses with customer support
Boosts learning & productivity
From content to codingChatGPT does it all!
Devin AI
Devin AI AI for Coders
Writes, debugs & optimizes code
Assists developers at all skill levels
Makes coding faster & more efficient
Let AI be your coding partner!
AI is transforming the way we work!
Caching for Performance Masterclass: The In-Memory DatastoreScyllaDB
Understanding where in-memory data stores help most and where teams get into trouble.
- Where in the stack to cache
- Memcached as a tool
- Modern cache primitives
AI Trends and Fun Demos Sothebys Rehoboth PresentationEthan Holland
Ethan B. Holland explores the impact of artificial intelligence on real estate and digital transformation. Covering key AI trends such as multimodal AI, agency, co-pilots, and AI-powered computer usage, the document highlights how emerging technologies are reshaping industries. It includes real-world demonstrations of AI in action, from automated real estate insights to AI-generated voice and video applications. With expertise in digital transformation, Ethan shares insights from his work optimizing workflows with AI tools, automation, and large language models. This presentation is essential for professionals seeking to understand AIs role in business, automation, and real estate.
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz
In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. Well be covering:
Why, when, and how should you use lexical search
What is the BM25 distance metric
How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
Quantum Computing Quick Research Guide by Arthur MorganArthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
Dev Dives: Unlock the future of automation with UiPath Agent BuilderUiPathCommunity
This webinar will offer you a first look at the powerful capabilities of UiPath Agent Builder, designed to streamline your automation processes and enhance your workflow efficiency.
During the session, you will:
- Discover how to build agents with low-code experience, making it accessible for both developers and business users.
- Learn how to leverage automations and activities as tools within your agents, enabling them to handle complex and dynamic workflows.
- Gain insights into the AI Trust Layer, which provides robust management and monitoring capabilities, ensuring trust and transparency in your automation processes.
- See how agents can be deployed and integrated with your existing UiPath cloud and Studio environments.
Zach Eslami, Sr. Manager, Product Management Director, UiPath
Register for our upcoming Dev Dives March session:
Unleash the power of macOS Automation with UiPath
This session was streamed live on February 27, 2025, 15:00 GMT.
Check out future Dev Dives 2025 sessions at:
Big Data Analytics Quick Research Guide by Arthur Morgan (PREVIEW)Arthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
How to teach M365 Copilot and M365 Copilot Chat prompting to your colleagues. Presented at the Advanced Learning Institute's "Internal Communications Strategies with M365" event on February 27, 2025. Intended audience: Internal Communicators, User Adoption Specialists, IT.
Revolutionizing Field Service: How LLMs Are Powering Smarter Knowledge Access...Earley Information Science
Revolutionizing Field Service with LLM-Powered Knowledge Management
Field service technicians need instant access to accurate repair information, but outdated knowledge systems often create frustrating delays. Large Language Models (LLMs) are changing the gameenhancing knowledge retrieval, streamlining troubleshooting, and reducing technician dependency on senior staff.
In this webinar, Seth Earley and industry experts Sanjay Mehta, and Heather Eisenbraun explore how LLMs and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) are transforming field service operations. Discover how AI-powered knowledge management is improving efficiency, reducing downtime, and elevating service quality.
LLMs for Instant Knowledge Retrieval How AI-driven search dramatically cuts troubleshooting time.
Structured Data & AI Why high-quality, organized knowledge is essential for LLM success.
Real-World Implementation Lessons from deploying LLM-powered knowledge tools in field service.
Business Impact How AI reduces service delays, optimizes workflows, and enhances technician productivity.
Empower your field service teams with AI-driven knowledge access. Watch the webinar to see how LLMs are revolutionizing service efficiency.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching at ScaleScyllaDB
Weighing caching considerations for use cases with different technical requirements and growth expectations.
- Request coalescing
- Negative sharding
- Rate limiting
- Sharding and scaling
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1DianaGray10
Welcome to UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 1.
In this session, we will cover the following topics:
Introduction to RPA & UiPath Studio
Overview of RPA and its applications
Introduction to UiPath Studio
Variables & Data Types
Control Flows
You are requested to finish the following self-paced training for this session:
Variables, Constants and Arguments in Studio 2 modules - 1h 30m -
Control Flow in Studio 2 modules - 2h 15m - https:/
鏝 For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
Mastering ChatGPT & LLMs for Practical Applications: Tips, Tricks, and Use CasesSanjay Willie
Our latest session with Astiostech covered how to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and LLMs for real-world use!
Key Takeaways:
Effective Prompting: Crafting context-specific, high-quality prompts for optimal AI responses.
Advanced ChatGPT Features: Managing system prompts, conversation memory, and file uploads.
Optimizing AI Outputs: Refining responses, handling large texts, and knowing when fine-tuning is needed.
Competitive Insights: Exploring how ChatGPT compares with other AI tools.
Business & Content Use Cases: From summarization to SEO, sales, and audience targeting.
The session provided hands-on strategies to make AI a powerful tool for content creation, decision-making, and business growth.
Are you using AI effectively in your workflow? Lets discuss how it can improve efficiency and creativity!
#AI #ChatGPT #PromptEngineering #ArtificialIntelligence #LLM #Productivity #Astiostech
This is a comprehensive guide explaining how blockchain technology works, its key features, and real-world applications in industries like finance, supply chain, and retail. Learn about different blockchain networks (public, private, and consortium) and the challenges businesses face in adopting blockchain. Discover how blockchain consulting can help businesses implement secure, transparent, and efficient solutions, reducing risks and optimizing operations. This guide is ideal for businesses exploring blockchain adoption and seeking expert guidance.
TrustArc Webinar: State of State Privacy LawsTrustArc
The U.S. data privacy landscape is rapidly proliferating, with 20 states enacting comprehensive privacy laws as of November 2024. These laws cover consumer rights, data collection and use including for sensitive data, data security, transparency, and various enforcement mechanisms and penalties for non-compliance.
Navigating this patchwork of state-level laws is crucial for businesses to ensure compliance and requires a combination of strategic planning, operational adjustments, and technology to be proactive.
Join leading experts from TrustArc, the Future of Privacy Forum, and Venable for an insightful webinar exploring the evolution of state data privacy laws and practical strategies to maintain compliance in 2025.
This webinar will review:
- A comprehensive overview of each states privacy regulations and the latest updates
- Practical considerations to help your business achieve regulatory compliance across multiple states
- Actionable insights to future-proof your business for 2025
4. Stealth
Concealing your identity from your enemy
Low observable technology
It is a combination of technologies that attempt to
greatly reduce the distances at which a person or vehicle
can be detected.
5. Elements of Stealth
Reduction in Radar Cross Section
1. Stealthy Plan-form
2. Radar Absorbent Material Coating (RAM)
3. Reflection
Reduction in Heat Signature
1. Use of highly specialized alloys and ceramics
2. Surface coatings
Electronic Noise reduction
1. Reducing Electronic noise emission (Radars, Electronic
Warfare Suit)
7. Unmanned Air Vehicle
Takes instructions from ground control
Complete flight path can be pre-programmed
Very high endurance
Higher survivability