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Darleshia W. Warner
6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #529
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(818) 699-4494 Mobile
Dear Hiring Manager:
Im currently seeking out new challenge, new employment with a prideful organization such as yours
that can benefit from my high level of professionalism, excellent communications skills, outstanding
work ethic and the ability to work equally well in both team-oriented and self-directed environments.
Im energetic and eager to utilize my well rounded track record in office management and
administrative support.
With earnest introspection, I consider myself the best qualified individual for a position with your
company/organization. You will benefit from my following key strengths:
 Computer expertise, with proficiency in all MS Office programs (Microsoft Office; Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, iCalendar, InfoPath and Access), Lotus Notes, Corel Word Perfect
8, AS400, IMPAC, SAP, Adobe.
 Broad-based experience covering a full spectrum of office management and administrative
duties, including executive support, budgeting, billing/invoicing, purchase orders, payroll
administration, customer care, account management, database administration, document
preparation, travel/meeting coordination and project/program support.
 Superior multitasking talents, with the ability to manage multiple high priority assignments and
develop solutions to challenging business problems.
 A proven reputation, with a consistent history of exemplary performance reviews and
recognition for driving efficiency improvements to office systems, workflows and processes.
 I strive for the highest level of professionalism, always applying myself to the fullest extent of
my skills and abilities.
If you are seeking an employee who understands the value that comes with a great work ethic and is as
career-committed as it takes to achieve total success, then please consider what I have to offer. I look
forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Darleshia W. Warner
Encl: 2
6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #529
Canoga Park, CA 91303
(818) 699-4494 Cell
A self-motivated professional with an excellent Management and Administrative
background, seeking an opportunity to work within a fast paced stabilized and dynamic
organization where I can utilize my interpersonal skills, and extensive experience in the area
of Business Management/Administration.
December 1987
June 1984
California State University - Long Beach, California
University of Irvine  Irvine, California
MS Office programs; (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, iCalendar, InfoPath and Access),
AS400, IMPAC,SAP,Adobe, Lotus Notes,Corel Word Perfect 8.
Budget Management Nioxin/Sebastian & On-Time Execution of Monthly Trackers:
Delivered with excellence. POs,payments completed on time, without issues, FY
budget within 1% vs. target.
Delivered MSA FY budget within 2% and managed brand budget tracker.
Delivered monthly updates with over-and-under spending opportunities
Delivered monthly consolidated NOS, MSU and POS Actualfor Sebastian/Nioxin
Executive & Administrative Support:
Reports, Calendar Management: Maintained & Delivered 200% with on time accuracy.
Delivered industries Best In Class Administrative Support & Office Organization
(Awarded by Mgmt.).
Administered/tracked Office supplies within SRA assigned $ target
Special Projects include; SAP integration, Wellas Web Store project
Successfully maintained image database and improved location, folders, files names to
make it easier for internal and Clients to find and locate files.
Business Continuity  Maintained & Delivered 200% with on-time accuracy.
Darleshia W. Warner-Resume / pg. 2
04/07-09/14 Procter & Gamble  Marketing Budget Coord., Model Coord., & Executive Support
o Budget management for Sebastian & Nioxin-managed and administered MSA budget
process (i.e. purchase orders, record of invoices, good receipts completion, cross
charges and accruals), ProCard payments & charges
o Support CSA audit (pulling context and data from SAP and MyPurchases)
o Special Projects include; SAP integration and Wellas Web Store project
o Expense reports, calendar management, report management and rollups (budgets,
attendance log, scorecard data,job descriptions, contact by functions, call stats,W&DP
(completed/filed/qtr.review),surveys/results,training survey reports, compiles special
reports upon request)
o PersonalAssistant to Stephen Moody (Dean-Wella Global Education Academy)
o Managed model & image data base, model calls, photos, salon orders, managed image
data base, trade show and hair show setups
o Managed & operated P&GEmployee Store
o Business Continuity Planning
o Administrative functions and system
o Culture Team (promotes PVPs by building diverse, collaborative relationships)
BSG (Beauty Systems Group)  Sales Administration
o Sales analysis, store sales comparison reports and manufacturer sales reports
o Monthly store sales, spiffs, and bonus payouts for district sales consultants
o Advertising co-op agreements,co-op vendor credits and expense reports
G&K Services  Office Manager
o Supervised and request warehouse temp workers and route service reps.
o Route check-ins (audits)
o Administrative functions and incoming/outgoing service calls.
o Accounts receivable/payable, expense reports and time cards.
o Organized and maintained company files
o Maintained computer hardware
09/00-11/04 Advance America Cash Advance Centers  Branch Manager
o Managed store operations and budget
o Interviewed, hired and trained.
o Opening new accounts and marketing.
o Maintained new, existing and past due accounts.
o Processed daily/weekly financial reports, daily bank deposits, over/short reports,
and maintained accurate store and bank records
o Accounts receivable/payable, collections, payroll records and time sheet data.
o Prepared written correspondence, as well as establishing store goals.
o Administered field requests for product and product information.

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Darleshia W. Warner Cover Letter & Resume

  • 1. Darleshia W. Warner 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #529 Canoga Park, CA 91303 (818) 699-4494 Mobile darleshia11@yahoo.com www.linkedIn.com Dear Hiring Manager: Im currently seeking out new challenge, new employment with a prideful organization such as yours that can benefit from my high level of professionalism, excellent communications skills, outstanding work ethic and the ability to work equally well in both team-oriented and self-directed environments. Im energetic and eager to utilize my well rounded track record in office management and administrative support. With earnest introspection, I consider myself the best qualified individual for a position with your company/organization. You will benefit from my following key strengths: Computer expertise, with proficiency in all MS Office programs (Microsoft Office; Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, iCalendar, InfoPath and Access), Lotus Notes, Corel Word Perfect 8, AS400, IMPAC, SAP, Adobe. Broad-based experience covering a full spectrum of office management and administrative duties, including executive support, budgeting, billing/invoicing, purchase orders, payroll administration, customer care, account management, database administration, document preparation, travel/meeting coordination and project/program support. Superior multitasking talents, with the ability to manage multiple high priority assignments and develop solutions to challenging business problems. A proven reputation, with a consistent history of exemplary performance reviews and recognition for driving efficiency improvements to office systems, workflows and processes. I strive for the highest level of professionalism, always applying myself to the fullest extent of my skills and abilities. If you are seeking an employee who understands the value that comes with a great work ethic and is as career-committed as it takes to achieve total success, then please consider what I have to offer. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Darleshia W. Warner Encl: 2
  • 2. DARLESHIA W. WARNER 6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd., #529 Canoga Park, CA 91303 (818) 699-4494 Cell darleshia11@yahoo.com www.linkedIn.com OBJECTIVE A self-motivated professional with an excellent Management and Administrative background, seeking an opportunity to work within a fast paced stabilized and dynamic organization where I can utilize my interpersonal skills, and extensive experience in the area of Business Management/Administration. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND December 1987 June 1984 California State University - Long Beach, California University of Irvine Irvine, California SPECIAL SKILLS MS Office programs; (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, iCalendar, InfoPath and Access), AS400, IMPAC,SAP,Adobe, Lotus Notes,Corel Word Perfect 8. ACHIEVEMENTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Budget Management Nioxin/Sebastian & On-Time Execution of Monthly Trackers: Delivered with excellence. POs,payments completed on time, without issues, FY budget within 1% vs. target. Delivered MSA FY budget within 2% and managed brand budget tracker. Delivered monthly updates with over-and-under spending opportunities Delivered monthly consolidated NOS, MSU and POS Actualfor Sebastian/Nioxin Executive & Administrative Support: Reports, Calendar Management: Maintained & Delivered 200% with on time accuracy. Delivered industries Best In Class Administrative Support & Office Organization (Awarded by Mgmt.). Administered/tracked Office supplies within SRA assigned $ target Special Projects include; SAP integration, Wellas Web Store project Successfully maintained image database and improved location, folders, files names to make it easier for internal and Clients to find and locate files. Business Continuity Maintained & Delivered 200% with on-time accuracy.
  • 3. Darleshia W. Warner-Resume / pg. 2 WORK EXPERIENCE 04/07-09/14 Procter & Gamble Marketing Budget Coord., Model Coord., & Executive Support o Budget management for Sebastian & Nioxin-managed and administered MSA budget process (i.e. purchase orders, record of invoices, good receipts completion, cross charges and accruals), ProCard payments & charges o Support CSA audit (pulling context and data from SAP and MyPurchases) o Special Projects include; SAP integration and Wellas Web Store project o Expense reports, calendar management, report management and rollups (budgets, attendance log, scorecard data,job descriptions, contact by functions, call stats,W&DP (completed/filed/qtr.review),surveys/results,training survey reports, compiles special reports upon request) o PersonalAssistant to Stephen Moody (Dean-Wella Global Education Academy) o Managed model & image data base, model calls, photos, salon orders, managed image data base, trade show and hair show setups o Managed & operated P&GEmployee Store o Business Continuity Planning o Administrative functions and system o Culture Team (promotes PVPs by building diverse, collaborative relationships) development) 09/06-02/07 11/04-08/06 BSG (Beauty Systems Group) Sales Administration o Sales analysis, store sales comparison reports and manufacturer sales reports o Monthly store sales, spiffs, and bonus payouts for district sales consultants o Advertising co-op agreements,co-op vendor credits and expense reports G&K Services Office Manager o Supervised and request warehouse temp workers and route service reps. o Route check-ins (audits) o Administrative functions and incoming/outgoing service calls. o Accounts receivable/payable, expense reports and time cards. o Organized and maintained company files o Maintained computer hardware 09/00-11/04 Advance America Cash Advance Centers Branch Manager o Managed store operations and budget o Interviewed, hired and trained. o Opening new accounts and marketing. o Maintained new, existing and past due accounts. o Processed daily/weekly financial reports, daily bank deposits, over/short reports, and maintained accurate store and bank records o Accounts receivable/payable, collections, payroll records and time sheet data. o Prepared written correspondence, as well as establishing store goals. o Administered field requests for product and product information.