This document describes an educational simulation technology for welding. It supports several welding processes and joints, allows selection of voltage, intensity, polarity and other parameters. It includes augmented reality glasses and diagnostic evaluation. The system has a touch screen computer with Intel Core i7 processor, SSD, 4GB RAM and Windows operating system. It is designed for portability with a transportation box. Adaptations can be made upon customer request.
The document summarizes a research project led by Perena Gouma to commercialize nanocatalysts for water remediation. The nanocatalysts can efficiently decompose hydrocarbons and are intended to be used for oil decomposition and environmental cleanup. Potential customers include water remediation companies, coastal guards, shipping industries, and government environmental agencies. The project aims to validate the intellectual property, conduct pilot studies, establish partnerships for manufacturing and distribution, and generate revenue through direct sales, leasing, licensing, or partner channels. Market estimates suggest the total environmental nanotechnology market was $6.1 billion in 2010 and projections put the target remediation market over $8 billion.
NanoMarkets hosted a webinar on January 5th, 2012 about the market for silver inks and pastes from 2012-2019. They predicted a decline in the global market due to high silver prices and problems in the photovoltaic sector, though some growth was expected in sensors and flexible electronics. Alternatives to silver such as copper and aluminum may gain market share. Opportunities exist in developing products that reduce costs and enable miniaturization.
This document discusses customer segments for a new business. It provides examples of different types of customers including international graduate students, kite surfers of different experience levels, and potential customers for a medical device startup. It explores the needs, concerns, workflows, and payment models for various customer types.
Healthy City is a nonprofit organization that provides data, technology, technical assistance, and training to support social change and address social inequities in California. It operates an online platform,, that contains data, maps, and service referral information. Healthy City also works directly with organizations through technical assistance and its Community Research Lab program to build their research capacity and advocacy strategies. The site and Healthy City's resources are designed for use by various stakeholders interested in social issues.
Healthy City is an information and action resource that unites research, community voices, and technology to address social inequity. It provides data, maps, and service referrals through its online platform Users can conduct research, share stories, and fuel social change. The site offers over 30,000 social service listings, demographic data, and tools to map issues and compare communities. Healthy City partners with organizations across California to improve data access and support researchers, organizers, and advocates working for social justice.
This document discusses using data and technology to promote social change. It introduces Healthy City, a project that combines research, community voices, and web tools to address social inequities. Healthy City's online mapping technology and community research lab help community groups conduct action-oriented research. The document then gives an example of how this data could help a teacher identify developmental delays in a student and connect him with local screening resources. It shows how socioeconomic factors and service availability vary between communities and emphasizes the importance of weaving data into stories to engage stakeholders in social issues.
Hands-On Training Salinas 5-2-12 (Part II)Healthy City
This is a presentation that was given in Salinas on May 2, 2012. Healthy City is an information + action resource. Healthy City is a program of Advancement Project.
1) The document analyzes characteristics of the uninsured in America to better understand who lacks health insurance.
2) The authors estimate that at least 43% of the uninsured ages 18-64 could afford health insurance based on their incomes being 2.5 times the poverty level or higher, making them "voluntarily" uninsured.
3) Compared to the privately insured, the "involuntarily" uninsured who cannot afford coverage have higher rates of being high school dropouts, young, immigrants, single without children, and not working in the past year.
Day 3 21 cc workshop cd focus entire day slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda and notes from a workshop focused on 21st century competencies. The agenda includes revisiting plans and sharing artifacts from teachers, exploring technology tools, and setting new goals. Teachers shared examples of how they incorporated critical thinking and collaboration in the classroom. Criteria for artifacts were discussed. Technology like Career Cruising, Office 365, LinkedIn, and online resources were explored. Teachers provided updates on projects like a career fair and discussed next steps for professional development.
Paul addresses the concern that God's word has failed if justification comes through faith in Christ rather than the law. He explains that God has the right to choose who receives mercy, using the examples of Isaac/Ishmael and Jacob/Esau. While some Israelites were not the children of promise, God's promises are true. God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart shows His power to save. The goal was to show His mercy to both Jews and Gentiles through faith in Christ alone.
Promotoras 12.3.10 healthy city presentationHealthy City
Healthy City is an information and action resource that unites research, community voices, and technology to address social inequity. It provides data, tools, and technical assistance to organizations and individuals working on social issues. is an online platform that offers data on social services, demographics, health indicators, and more for communities across California. Users can search for services, conduct research, map data, and share their work to fuel social change.
Turmeric is a comprehensive SOA platform that was originally developed at eBay and has now been open sourced. It provides a policy-driven architecture and tools for developing, deploying, securing, monitoring, and governing SOA services. The platform includes client and server-side runtimes, quality of service features like authentication and authorization, and Eclipse-based developer tools. Turmeric was tested at a large scale at eBay and is now available to the open source community.
Study Of The Ten Commandmest (3) - The SabbathDon McClain
The document discusses the biblical Sabbath commandment and its meaning and application. It provides historical context about the Sabbath being given to Israel as a sign of their covenant with God. It also examines whether the Sabbath requirement ceased for Christians based on passages in the New Testament.
1. The Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK announced a plan to create 10 super-connected broadband cities and asked researchers to find the most cost-effective way to connect them.
2. A researcher discovered an algorithm that found connecting the cities through 3 additional nodes (Fermat points) saved up to 37.5 km of infrastructure and around 贈2.8 million compared to straight lines.
3. Fermat points provide the shortest total distance between 3 points. They were first described by Fermat and solved by Torricelli, with later contributions by others clarifying their properties.
Career development lead teacher meeting december 2013 for slideshareV
This document provides an agenda and notes from a career development (CD) LEAD teacher meeting. The agenda includes welcome and introductions, presentations from career counselors, a video on challenges facing today's youth, lunch, updates, and a team photo/gift exchange. Key discussion topics are 21st century career competencies including ePortfolios, planning for an upcoming career fair, the Moodle online learning platform, and a wiki/blog. Goals are outlined for various CD initiatives. Career program statistics from previous years are presented and updates are provided on programs, resources and deadlines. The meeting aims to support CD teachers in helping students with life/career development.
How to Use for Uploading Your Own Data Healthy City
Do you collect data about your community? Are you using the best tools to target your services, outreach or organizing efforts? Using to upload and map the data you gather can help maximize your organizations efforts. This webinar is for individuals looking to better understand the usefulness of data for planning, advocacy and action. We will discuss the importance of data-driven decision-making, how to layer your data alongside other information available on, as well as examples of how user-uploaded data has been utilized for research and advocacy.
In this webinar you will learn:
- How to upload point or thematic data on, including how to set up your spreadsheet, input information, and how to transform your survey data into informative maps and charts.
- How other users have had success in uploading and assessing their data for community research and advocacy, program planning, grant writing, and more.
- The best ways to take the maps youve made on and share them in reports or social media.
- About accessing our Help Center, which has a User Guide, video tutorials, and recorded webinars that can help you over any technical hurdles.
This document is a state-by-state analysis of trends in health insurance coverage rates between 1999-2000 and 2007-2008. It finds that rates of employer-sponsored insurance decreased the most for lower-income individuals, dropping by over 10% for those earning less than 200% of the federal poverty level in several states. Overall rates of employer-sponsored coverage declined across all income levels in most states. The analysis was commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to better understand changes in health insurance coverage.
J Robert Hunter Antitrust Senate Mc Carran Repeal Health Insurance Testimo...Wayne Rohde
This document is the testimony of J. Robert Hunter, Director of Insurance for the Consumer Federation of America, before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding prohibiting anticompetitive conduct in the health insurance industry. Hunter argues that the McCarran-Ferguson Act's antitrust exemption for insurers should be repealed to protect consumers from anticompetitive practices. He provides examples of insurers colluding to artificially lower payments and use unfair policy provisions, and argues that repealing the exemption would subject insurers to the same antitrust laws as other industries.
Supporting Abused and Neglected Children Through Early Care and PolicyHealthy City
Title: Supporting abused and neglected children through early care and policy
This webinar will make the case for supporting abused and neglected children through early care opportunities as well as describe how to use the site to research and identify policy solutions around foster youth and early childhood education issues.
Learning objectives:
1) Strengthen ones understanding of populations that make up abused and neglected children
2) Learn how to identify data around abused and neglected children on
3) Understand policy opportunities to improve conditions for the youngest abused and neglected children
The document discusses how to make godly decisions. It states that we make multiple decisions every day and each decision has consequences, with decisions either following God or not. It emphasizes that decisions today are affected by past decisions and that decisions determine our destiny. It provides guidance on walking in wisdom when making decisions, including having purpose, knowledge, faith, and preparation. It offers important questions to consider regarding how decisions can glorify God and avoid being a stumbling block. The overall message is that we must choose to obey God and follow His will in our decisions.
Talk at the Security Workshop, GridKA Summerschool 2010Stefan Freitag
The document discusses incident reporting and handling procedures for grid computing resources. It outlines the steps involved in reporting a security incident, including informing relevant parties, containing the incident, investigating through forensics, updating affected users and systems, and reporting lessons learned. Examples of specific security incident scenarios are provided to illustrate the process.
How to Use to Influence PolicyHealthy City
These slides are from a webinar designed to demonstrate how to use to inform and communicate your advocacy and policy goals. Integrating the data and tools available on into your organizational advocacy and policy strategies can broaden efforts to influence decision-making at the local, state, and federal level.
In this training you will learn how to:
- Research relevant resources and data throughout California such as demographic, health, education, and housing to inform your organizational policy proposals.
- Create maps and charts that can visually communicate your advocacy message to impact policy decisions.
- Gather data to enhance on-the-ground knowledge of the communitys perspective and needs in relation to specific policy proposals and decisions.
- Connect communities, advocates, and decision-makers to information and data to stimulate action for policy change.
This document provides specifications for the Seabery Soluciones welding trainer simulator. The simulator supports SMAW, GMAW, FCAW and GTAW welding processes and various joint configurations. It allows for selection of voltage, amperage, polarity, shielding gas, wire speed and more. The unit includes augmented reality welding masks and comes with standard accessories. Key features include diagnostic evaluation modes, on-screen help for students, and remote maintenance capabilities.
Corporate brochure for Saturn Electronics Corporation featuring PCB Manufacturing Equipment, advanced technologies, IPC standards and industry certifications. PCB Buyer's Guide included for industry comparisons.
This document discusses using data and technology to promote social change. It introduces Healthy City, a project that combines research, community voices, and web tools to address social inequities. Healthy City's online mapping technology and community research lab help community groups conduct action-oriented research. The document then gives an example of how this data could help a teacher identify developmental delays in a student and connect him with local screening resources. It shows how socioeconomic factors and service availability vary between communities and emphasizes the importance of weaving data into stories to engage stakeholders in social issues.
Hands-On Training Salinas 5-2-12 (Part II)Healthy City
This is a presentation that was given in Salinas on May 2, 2012. Healthy City is an information + action resource. Healthy City is a program of Advancement Project.
1) The document analyzes characteristics of the uninsured in America to better understand who lacks health insurance.
2) The authors estimate that at least 43% of the uninsured ages 18-64 could afford health insurance based on their incomes being 2.5 times the poverty level or higher, making them "voluntarily" uninsured.
3) Compared to the privately insured, the "involuntarily" uninsured who cannot afford coverage have higher rates of being high school dropouts, young, immigrants, single without children, and not working in the past year.
Day 3 21 cc workshop cd focus entire day slideshareV
This document outlines the agenda and notes from a workshop focused on 21st century competencies. The agenda includes revisiting plans and sharing artifacts from teachers, exploring technology tools, and setting new goals. Teachers shared examples of how they incorporated critical thinking and collaboration in the classroom. Criteria for artifacts were discussed. Technology like Career Cruising, Office 365, LinkedIn, and online resources were explored. Teachers provided updates on projects like a career fair and discussed next steps for professional development.
Paul addresses the concern that God's word has failed if justification comes through faith in Christ rather than the law. He explains that God has the right to choose who receives mercy, using the examples of Isaac/Ishmael and Jacob/Esau. While some Israelites were not the children of promise, God's promises are true. God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart shows His power to save. The goal was to show His mercy to both Jews and Gentiles through faith in Christ alone.
Promotoras 12.3.10 healthy city presentationHealthy City
Healthy City is an information and action resource that unites research, community voices, and technology to address social inequity. It provides data, tools, and technical assistance to organizations and individuals working on social issues. is an online platform that offers data on social services, demographics, health indicators, and more for communities across California. Users can search for services, conduct research, map data, and share their work to fuel social change.
Turmeric is a comprehensive SOA platform that was originally developed at eBay and has now been open sourced. It provides a policy-driven architecture and tools for developing, deploying, securing, monitoring, and governing SOA services. The platform includes client and server-side runtimes, quality of service features like authentication and authorization, and Eclipse-based developer tools. Turmeric was tested at a large scale at eBay and is now available to the open source community.
Study Of The Ten Commandmest (3) - The SabbathDon McClain
The document discusses the biblical Sabbath commandment and its meaning and application. It provides historical context about the Sabbath being given to Israel as a sign of their covenant with God. It also examines whether the Sabbath requirement ceased for Christians based on passages in the New Testament.
1. The Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK announced a plan to create 10 super-connected broadband cities and asked researchers to find the most cost-effective way to connect them.
2. A researcher discovered an algorithm that found connecting the cities through 3 additional nodes (Fermat points) saved up to 37.5 km of infrastructure and around 贈2.8 million compared to straight lines.
3. Fermat points provide the shortest total distance between 3 points. They were first described by Fermat and solved by Torricelli, with later contributions by others clarifying their properties.
Career development lead teacher meeting december 2013 for slideshareV
This document provides an agenda and notes from a career development (CD) LEAD teacher meeting. The agenda includes welcome and introductions, presentations from career counselors, a video on challenges facing today's youth, lunch, updates, and a team photo/gift exchange. Key discussion topics are 21st century career competencies including ePortfolios, planning for an upcoming career fair, the Moodle online learning platform, and a wiki/blog. Goals are outlined for various CD initiatives. Career program statistics from previous years are presented and updates are provided on programs, resources and deadlines. The meeting aims to support CD teachers in helping students with life/career development.
How to Use for Uploading Your Own Data Healthy City
Do you collect data about your community? Are you using the best tools to target your services, outreach or organizing efforts? Using to upload and map the data you gather can help maximize your organizations efforts. This webinar is for individuals looking to better understand the usefulness of data for planning, advocacy and action. We will discuss the importance of data-driven decision-making, how to layer your data alongside other information available on, as well as examples of how user-uploaded data has been utilized for research and advocacy.
In this webinar you will learn:
- How to upload point or thematic data on, including how to set up your spreadsheet, input information, and how to transform your survey data into informative maps and charts.
- How other users have had success in uploading and assessing their data for community research and advocacy, program planning, grant writing, and more.
- The best ways to take the maps youve made on and share them in reports or social media.
- About accessing our Help Center, which has a User Guide, video tutorials, and recorded webinars that can help you over any technical hurdles.
This document is a state-by-state analysis of trends in health insurance coverage rates between 1999-2000 and 2007-2008. It finds that rates of employer-sponsored insurance decreased the most for lower-income individuals, dropping by over 10% for those earning less than 200% of the federal poverty level in several states. Overall rates of employer-sponsored coverage declined across all income levels in most states. The analysis was commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to better understand changes in health insurance coverage.
J Robert Hunter Antitrust Senate Mc Carran Repeal Health Insurance Testimo...Wayne Rohde
This document is the testimony of J. Robert Hunter, Director of Insurance for the Consumer Federation of America, before the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding prohibiting anticompetitive conduct in the health insurance industry. Hunter argues that the McCarran-Ferguson Act's antitrust exemption for insurers should be repealed to protect consumers from anticompetitive practices. He provides examples of insurers colluding to artificially lower payments and use unfair policy provisions, and argues that repealing the exemption would subject insurers to the same antitrust laws as other industries.
Supporting Abused and Neglected Children Through Early Care and PolicyHealthy City
Title: Supporting abused and neglected children through early care and policy
This webinar will make the case for supporting abused and neglected children through early care opportunities as well as describe how to use the site to research and identify policy solutions around foster youth and early childhood education issues.
Learning objectives:
1) Strengthen ones understanding of populations that make up abused and neglected children
2) Learn how to identify data around abused and neglected children on
3) Understand policy opportunities to improve conditions for the youngest abused and neglected children
The document discusses how to make godly decisions. It states that we make multiple decisions every day and each decision has consequences, with decisions either following God or not. It emphasizes that decisions today are affected by past decisions and that decisions determine our destiny. It provides guidance on walking in wisdom when making decisions, including having purpose, knowledge, faith, and preparation. It offers important questions to consider regarding how decisions can glorify God and avoid being a stumbling block. The overall message is that we must choose to obey God and follow His will in our decisions.
Talk at the Security Workshop, GridKA Summerschool 2010Stefan Freitag
The document discusses incident reporting and handling procedures for grid computing resources. It outlines the steps involved in reporting a security incident, including informing relevant parties, containing the incident, investigating through forensics, updating affected users and systems, and reporting lessons learned. Examples of specific security incident scenarios are provided to illustrate the process.
How to Use to Influence PolicyHealthy City
These slides are from a webinar designed to demonstrate how to use to inform and communicate your advocacy and policy goals. Integrating the data and tools available on into your organizational advocacy and policy strategies can broaden efforts to influence decision-making at the local, state, and federal level.
In this training you will learn how to:
- Research relevant resources and data throughout California such as demographic, health, education, and housing to inform your organizational policy proposals.
- Create maps and charts that can visually communicate your advocacy message to impact policy decisions.
- Gather data to enhance on-the-ground knowledge of the communitys perspective and needs in relation to specific policy proposals and decisions.
- Connect communities, advocates, and decision-makers to information and data to stimulate action for policy change.
This document provides specifications for the Seabery Soluciones welding trainer simulator. The simulator supports SMAW, GMAW, FCAW and GTAW welding processes and various joint configurations. It allows for selection of voltage, amperage, polarity, shielding gas, wire speed and more. The unit includes augmented reality welding masks and comes with standard accessories. Key features include diagnostic evaluation modes, on-screen help for students, and remote maintenance capabilities.
Corporate brochure for Saturn Electronics Corporation featuring PCB Manufacturing Equipment, advanced technologies, IPC standards and industry certifications. PCB Buyer's Guide included for industry comparisons.
This document provides contact information for various Digi-Pas representatives around the world and lists several Digi-Pas digital level product lines including their key features and specifications. It promotes Digi-Pas as an innovation-driven manufacturer of professional digital levels that offer advantages over traditional spirit levels through advanced digital technology.
( We Swati Enterprise are a Sole Proprietorship firm engaged in manufacturing high-quality array of Brass Bush, Brass Washer, Brass Screw, etc.
This document summarizes the products and services of a cable manufacturing company. The company produces raw cables, interconnect designs, and cable assemblies. It has capabilities in materials for harsh environments, mixed copper and fiber optic cabling, and custom solutions. The company provides design services including 3D modeling, PCB design, and value engineering. Example applications discussed include automotive consumer ports, telecom assemblies, and solar panel cable assemblies.
Gemtron technologies european presentation (2)DMacspain
Gemtron Technologies is an electronics manufacturing services company established in 1988 in Taiwan that provides cable assemblies, plastic molding, metal stamping, and OEM manufacturing services. The company aims to build long-term global partnerships through quality services and total solutions. It has locations in Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Japan, UK, China, and Hungary.
Saturn Electronics Corporation is a leading printed circuit board fabricator that offers high-volume production and quick-turn prototype boards. It has strong financials with no debt and fully paid buildings and equipment. It owns three fabrication facilities in the US to enhance purchasing power and safeguard production. Saturn serves industries such as aerospace, automotive, defense, medical, and telecommunications with delivery times ranging from one day to three weeks. It has attained several certifications including AS9100, ISO9000, and ISO14001.
This document provides information about high-performance wire electrodes produced by Berkenhoff GmbH for spark erosion applications. It summarizes the company's history of over 120 years of developing wire products in Germany. The document highlights the company's "100% in-house" production process which allows for strict quality control. A range of the company's coated wire products are described, including the topas+, cobracut, and microcut lines, along with their characteristics and applications on different EDM machine brands.
DVP is an ISO9001 certified company that designs, manufactures, and sells optical and electrical equipment and test instruments. It produces products like optical fusion splicers, OTDR devices, light sources, power meters, fiber optic cables, and related tools that are used in telecommunications, utilities, transportation, research, and other industries. DVP aims to provide high-quality products and fast after-sales support through engineers with extensive experience in development and testing.
This document outlines the technology roadmap parameters for standard, advanced, and R&D printed circuit board fabrication capabilities including line widths and spacings, via sizes, impedance control tolerances, layer counts, board thicknesses, finishes, and material specifications. Key parameters include line widths down to 2/2.5 microns for advanced technology, microvia sizes down to 0.004 inches, up to 50 layer counts, board thicknesses from 0.016 to 0.3 inches, surface finishes of ENIG, OSP and HASL, and high frequency laminate materials with glass transition temperatures up to 185C and dielectric constants around 4.
M&Y Technology Inc. is a leading manufacturer and wholesaler of security, safety, and communication systems based in Canada. They offer a full range of products including CCTV, access control, public address systems, and more. They represent major manufacturers from around the world and provide project design, support, and training services to partners globally. M&Y is seeking to expand their business partnerships in the Middle East, North Africa, and Canada regions.
The document describes Axon', an innovative interconnect solutions company that designs and manufactures electrical assemblies including cables, contacts, connectors, and accessories. It has locations worldwide and specializes in technologies like plating, drawing, insulating, molding, and more. It serves markets such as aerospace, automotive, general electronics, consumer electronics, and medical. Its long term strategy focuses on innovation, growth, profitability, and customer relationships.
This document summarizes the features and specifications of the ProxPoint Plus Reader, a proximity card reader that can read cards up to 3 inches away. It has an audiovisual indicator with LED and beeper, can be mounted on metal, and is available with Wiegand or clock-and-data output. It is designed for indoor and outdoor use with an IP55-rated polycarbonate enclosure and operates between -30 to 65 degrees Celsius.
Leading Double Compression Cable Glands Manufacturer in IndiaGIE Cable Glands
Gie Cable Gland (Suryoday Enterprise) is a one of the leading Brass Double Cable Gland Manufacturers, Suppliers & Exporters in India, Based in Jamnagar, Gujarat.
Win Win Precision Technology is a solar technology company founded in 2003 with headquarters in Taiwan. It has two main business divisions: semiconductor manufacturing and solar energy. The company has over 150 employees in Taiwan and 25 in international offices. It is a leading manufacturer of polycrystalline solar panels under the WinAico brand, with production facilities producing up to 100MW of panels annually. The company focuses on high quality through certifications and strict production processes.
This document provides an overview of electrical solutions offered by Panduit, including:
1) Cable ties in various styles, materials, and sizes for bundling, mounting, and identifying cables.
2) Cable accessories like wiring ducts, raceways, abrasion protection, and cable management products.
3) Connectors for terminals, power, and grounding applications.
4) Labeling systems, markers, and lockout/tagout safety solutions.
The document describes Panduit's extensive line of cable ties and provides charts for selecting the appropriate tie for an application based on required functions, material properties, and performance needs.
This document provides an overview of electrical solutions offered by Panduit, including:
1) Cable ties in various styles, materials, and sizes for bundling, mounting, and identifying cables.
2) Cable accessories like wiring ducts, raceways, abrasion protection, and cable management products.
3) Connectors for terminals, power, and grounding applications.
4) Labeling systems, markers, and lockout/tagout safety solutions.
The document describes Panduit's extensive line of cable ties and provides charts for selecting the appropriate tie for an application based on required functions, material properties, and performance needs.
The document is an excerpt from an Iso-Tech product guide showcasing their line of multimeters and test equipment. It provides specifications for several of their industrial handheld multimeter models, including the IDM100 and IDM90 series. The IDM100 series are rugged meters with water resistant cases and protected inputs, while the IDM90 series are more basic but still suitable for most electrical and electronic applications. Both product lines offer features like AC/DC voltage and current measurement ranges, resistance and continuity testing, and frequency counting.
The premiere dimmable PAR30 spotlight, ValuLux PAR30 allows you to install a high powered LED spotlight in PAR30 form factor downlights or track lights and maintain full dimming capabilities. Utilizing a 7x3 watt LED light engine, the ValuLux PAR30 can achieve light output comparable to a 75 - 90 watt spotlight while only using 12 watts of power.
Angled Pipe V-butt V-butt joint Lap joint Pipe T-joint
T-Joint joint
Seabery is partner of:
European Regional WELDING
Development Fund ASSOCIATION
Investing in your future CESOL IberDidac
Follow us in: Seabery Soluciones | +34 959 807 473 | |
Supported welding processes SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW.
Manual Arc Welding, MIG/MAG, TIG.
Supported joints Standard version: V-butt joint, lap joint, T-joint, pipe
V-butt joint and pipe T-joint.
Optional: any other joints at the customer's request.
Welding positions (ANSI/AWS A3.0M/A3.0:201) 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G
Workpieces positions Plain, vertical, 45属, overhead
Voltage selection 10V - 30V
Intensity (Amperage) selection 60A - 300A
Polarity selection DC+, DC-, AC
Shielding gas selection Standard version: CO2, Argon and mixtures.
Optional: Helio, Nitrogen, etc. Gases mixtures
configurable by the customer.
Wire speed selection YES, in GMAW
Base material selection Standard version: carbon steel.
Optional: inox steel, aluminium, nickel, copper, etc.
Any other material at the customer's request.
Workpiece thickness selection Standard version: 10mm (coming soon 6 and 16mm).
Optional: any other thickness at the customer's request.
Electrode stick selection Main version: base, rutile.
Optional: celulosic, etc.
Electrode stick diameter selection Standard version: 2.5, 3.25 y 4.00 mm.
Optional: other diameters at the customer's request.
Wire diameter selection (solid wire) Standard version: 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 mm.
Optional: any other diameter at the customer's request.
Filler rod selection Standard version: 2.00 and 2.40 mm.
Optional: any other diameter at the customer's request.
Follow us in: Seabery Soluciones | +34 959 807 473 | |
Diagnostic and evaluation mode Standard version: Basic diagnostic module.
Optional: Advanced Pro diagnostic module.
Help mode for students On-screen help icons
Vision technology Augmented Reality
Power supply 115-230 V 5A-11A 50-60 Hz
Overcurrent protection point (Max) +3.3V: 60A; +5V:
48A; +12V:80A
Over voltage protection point +3.3V: +3.76V-+4.8V;
+5V: +5.6V-+7.0V; +12V: +13.0V-+16.5V
Under voltage protection +3.3V: 2.0V-2.4V; +5V:
3.3V-3.7V; +12V:8.5V-9.5V
Short circuit protection activated when any DC rails
short circuit
Over power protection at 110%-130% full load
Dimensions (without accesories) 400 x 230 x 440 mm
Weight 15 kgs. aprox. without accesories.
30 kgs. aprox with accesories.
Accesories included Standard version: Welding torches (SMAW, GMAW
(FCAW) and GTAW), Welding Mask with Augmented
Reality, 5 Workpieces, GTAW Filler Rod, All Necesary
Optional: Work Stand, Flight-Case for secure trans-
portation (which can be checked in for domestic or
international flights).
Dimensions and weight for transportation 600 x 800 x 600mm Export Box (H x B x T). Europalet.
Total Height: 700mm.
Total Weight (aprox): 45 kgs.
Security packaging, ANTI SHOCK SYSTEM.
Follow us in: Seabery Soluciones | +34 959 807 473 | |
Processor Intel速 Core i7 3770
4 Cores
3.60 GHZ Speed
Cache 8MB
Intel速 Turbo Boost
Intel速 Hyper Threading
Chipset Intel速 H61(B3) Express Chipset
RAM 4GB (2x2048Mb) DIMM DDR3
Graphic Board 1024 MB GDDR5
Hard Disc Solid State
SATA2 2.5''
Audio Realtek速 ALC887 8-Channel
High Definition Audio
Operating System SbyOS.Seabery Operating system optimized for
Display size 9.7''
Display resolution HD LCD 1024x768 XGA
Port for external display/projector VGA
Augmented Reality video-glasses High Resolution LCD 640x480.
resolution VGA Display input up to 1024x768.
Ultra-low video distortion.
31属 Diagonal field of view.
24-bit True Color.
Similar to viewing a 67-inch screen from a distance
of 10 feet (3 meters).
Focus Adjustment +2 to -5 diopters.
Augmented Reality video-glasses 5V
power supply
Cameras resolution (x2) 752 x 480 a 60 fps.
Cameras power supply 5V
Follow us in: Seabery Soluciones | +34 959 807 473 | |
Operating temperature 0 - 45属
Humidity 10 - 80%
Remote Maintenance and Upgrades In real time connecting to Internet.
Master Software: minimum hardware Windows Vista, 7
requirements Processor 32 bits (x86) 2.2GHz 3MB
Graphic 512MB DirectX 9.0c compatible.
NVidia GeForce GT440 or higher
ATI Radeon HD5000 or higher
Server Hardware SbyOS Operating System
Processor Intel i3 Core 2.4GHz 3MB
2 Ethernet ports
Specific customer adaptations on demand YES. Software upgrades in remote.
Regulations CE and FCC
Company Certifications ISO 9001 Quality Management System
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
Guarantee 1 Year
Note: the information contained here is for commercial purposes and does not mean any legal contract or obligation
for the company.
Follow us in: Seabery Soluciones | +34 959 807 473 | |