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裡劉隆旅凌 僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 留留凌ホ D i s a s t e r P l a n
16 竜虜竜亮硫溜凌
16 December
虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚, 了侶侶, 裡竜隆旅留亮
Risk Assessment , prevention, disaster planning and preparation
凌劉了竜侶 - 粒粒留劉
Arrivals - Registration830 - 900
律留旅竜旅亮凌溜 - 留凌溜留侶 僚 凌亮旅了侶ホ
Greetings - Presentation of the speakers900 - 930
930 - 1015
1015 - 1045
旅略了竜旅亮亮留  虜留劉
1045 - 1115
竜侶亮竜旅留僚流 隆旅留虜凌流
Lunch Break
1300 - 1430
旅留竜溜旅侶 虜旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌旅虜略
竜旅竜竜旅留虜略 亮凌竜溜留 虜留旅 硫旅硫了旅凌慮流虜竜
Risk assessment at regional museums and libraries
虜溜亮侶侶 虜旅僚隆僚僚
Risk Assessment elen Alten
裡劉隆旅留 僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 虜留留凌ホ 虜留旅
裡亮僚溜竜 僚竜粒留溜留 亮竜 凌竜溜
Disaster Plans and Cooperative Agreements
1115 - 1145 elen Alten
elen Alten
陸凌竜溜 了侶侶 虜留旅 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶
虜留留凌ホ 侶僚 了了略隆留
凌亮侶慮竜劉 了旅虜ホ 粒旅留 竜旅留旅虜略
劉虜留虜侶 留僚略粒虜侶
Prevention and Responding institutions
to emergencies in Greece / Suppliers
1145 - 1215
虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留,
亮劉留 留凌粒流 竜亮略僚旅侶 虜留留凌旅虜ホ
粒竜粒凌僚僚 : 陸旅略
Institutional Risk Assessments and
Mitigation techniques : Fire
1215 - 1235
elen Alten
虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留,
亮劉留 留凌粒流 竜亮略僚旅侶
虜留留凌旅虜ホ 粒竜粒凌僚僚 : 了侶亮亮留
Institutional Risk Assessments and
Mitigation techniques : Flood
1235 - 1300
Institutional Risk Assessments and Mitigation
techniques : Earthquakes
1430 - 1450
凌了侶旅虜略 亮劉留 劉僚留僚旅 虜留留凌ホ
竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留 侶 了了略隆留
Preventive measures in Greek
cultural institutions against disasters
1450 - 1510
1510 - 1540
1540 - 1640
Helen Alten
Susan Duhl
Maria Lyratzi
留留凌旅虜略 粒竜粒凌僚留 亮竜粒略了侶 虜了溜亮留虜留
& 旅留竜溜旅侶 溜竜僚
Large Scale Catastrophic events & crisis management
elen Alten
E. Lekkas
両略虜侶侶: 束凌 凌竜凌旅亮留亮劉僚凌 竜溜僚留旅 凌
凌了旅旅旅虜 留 溜隆亮留;損
旅 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 慮留 旅凌僚 竜 凌亮略隆竜.
略慮竜 凌亮略隆留 慮留 留僚留了略硫竜旅 僚留 凌粒留僚マ竜旅, 竜
竜溜虜凌旅 了竜略, 劉僚留 僚凌亮凌 劉隆旅凌 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶
虜留留凌流 虜留旅 虜略凌旅竜 竜虜 僚 凌亮略隆僚, 留
劉僚竜 了竜略 凌 慮留 隆旅留竜慮凌僚, 留
留凌旅略凌僚 凌 劉隆旅凌 凌 .
Tabletop Exercise: How prepared is your institution?
The people will be divided into groups. Each group will
receive 1 of 5 different scenarios(fire in Archives, flood in
a Museum, etc). Each group will design a brief assess-
ment and mitigation plan-20 minutes. Some of these
groups will present their plans.

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  • 1. 裡劉隆旅凌 僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 留留凌ホ D i s a s t e r P l a n 16 竜虜竜亮硫溜凌 16 December 虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚, 了侶侶, 裡竜隆旅留亮 Risk Assessment , prevention, disaster planning and preparation 凌劉了竜侶 - 粒粒留劉 Arrivals - Registration830 - 900 律留旅竜旅亮凌溜 - 留凌溜留侶 僚 凌亮旅了侶ホ Greetings - Presentation of the speakers900 - 930 930 - 1015 1015 - 1045 旅略了竜旅亮亮留 虜留劉 Coffee-break 1045 - 1115 竜侶亮竜旅留僚流 隆旅留虜凌流 Lunch Break 1300 - 1430 旅留竜溜旅侶 虜旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌旅虜略 竜旅竜竜旅留虜略 亮凌竜溜留 虜留旅 硫旅硫了旅凌慮流虜竜 Risk assessment at regional museums and libraries George Panagiaris 虜溜亮侶侶 虜旅僚隆僚僚 Risk Assessment elen Alten 裡劉隆旅留 僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 虜留留凌ホ 虜留旅 裡亮僚溜竜 僚竜粒留溜留 亮竜 凌竜溜 Disaster Plans and Cooperative Agreements 1115 - 1145 elen Alten elen Alten 陸凌竜溜 了侶侶 虜留旅 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 虜留留凌ホ 侶僚 了了略隆留 凌亮侶慮竜劉 了旅虜ホ 粒旅留 竜旅留旅虜略 劉虜留虜侶 留僚略粒虜侶 Prevention and Responding institutions to emergencies in Greece / Suppliers 1145 - 1215 A.Stefanis M.Lyratzi 虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留, 亮劉留 留凌粒流 竜亮略僚旅侶 虜留留凌旅虜ホ 粒竜粒凌僚僚 : 陸旅略 Institutional Risk Assessments and Mitigation techniques : Fire 1215 - 1235 elen Alten 虜溜亮侶侶 旅僚隆僚僚 竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留, 亮劉留 留凌粒流 竜亮略僚旅侶 虜留留凌旅虜ホ 粒竜粒凌僚僚 : 了侶亮亮留 Institutional Risk Assessments and Mitigation techniques : Flood 1235 - 1300 虜溜亮侶侶旅僚隆僚僚竜凌了旅旅旅虜略旅隆亮留留,亮劉留 留凌粒流虜留留凌旅虜ホ塾確砧確仁熟僚:裡竜旅亮凌溜 Institutional Risk Assessments and Mitigation techniques : Earthquakes 1430 - 1450 凌了侶旅虜略 亮劉留 劉僚留僚旅 虜留留凌ホ 竜 凌了旅旅旅虜略 旅隆亮留留 侶 了了略隆留 Preventive measures in Greek cultural institutions against disasters 1450 - 1510 1510 - 1540 1540 - 1640 Helen Alten Susan Duhl Maria Lyratzi V.Lambropoulos M.Kondonikoli 留留凌旅虜略 粒竜粒凌僚留 亮竜粒略了侶 虜了溜亮留虜留 & 旅留竜溜旅侶 溜竜僚 Large Scale Catastrophic events & crisis management elen Alten E. Lekkas 両略虜侶侶: 束凌 凌竜凌旅亮留亮劉僚凌 竜溜僚留旅 凌 凌了旅旅旅虜 留 溜隆亮留;損 旅 亮亮竜劉凌僚竜 慮留 旅凌僚 竜 凌亮略隆竜. 略慮竜 凌亮略隆留 慮留 留僚留了略硫竜旅 僚留 凌粒留僚マ竜旅, 竜 竜溜虜凌旅 了竜略, 劉僚留 僚凌亮凌 劉隆旅凌 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 虜留留凌流 虜留旅 虜略凌旅竜 竜虜 僚 凌亮略隆僚, 留 劉僚竜 了竜略 凌 慮留 隆旅留竜慮凌僚, 留 留凌旅略凌僚 凌 劉隆旅凌 凌 . Tabletop Exercise: How prepared is your institution? The people will be divided into groups. Each group will receive 1 of 5 different scenarios(fire in Archives, flood in a Museum, etc). Each group will design a brief assess- ment and mitigation plan-20 minutes. Some of these groups will present their plans.