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While we value powerful ideas and innovative startups, the lifeblood of
any community is the individuals involved. We believe in empathy and
reciprocity  and that community can enable individual pursuits.

We believe that self-actualization is gained through applied, hands- on
experience. We are here not to seek or to hope for the future, but
actively construct it with our hands. If we get it wrong, we modify and
try again; real progress only comes through reflection and relentless

General Assembly is about the shared experience of fellow builders
taking risks  about embracing failure as much as success. When great
companies fail, theyre gone forever. When great people fail, they learn
from their experiences and go on to pursue new ventures with a greater
chance of success.

INTRODUCTIONS                                                           9

b   Tech-journalist and digital strategist in Hong Kong since 1997

b   Ranked #22 on the Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers 2012.

b   Author of the book, Mastering Story, Community and Influence: How to
     Use Social Media to Become a Socialeader.

b   Hong Kongs answer to Twitter royalty by Marketing magazine.


DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY                                         12

  ≒   Target the right audience for your company's brand

  ≒   Develop your brands voice, story, and community

  ≒   Create engaging and high-impact multi-channel content

  ≒   Plan and pitch a digital campaign
DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS                                  13

  ≒   Understand your business, goals, and how they relate to
       your brand and marketing.

  ≒   Identify who your customers are and what theyre
       thinking and feeling

  ≒   Develop your brand story, values, and community
DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS                                 14

  ≒   Utilize analytics and research to make decisions based
       on variances and insight

  ≒   Experiment with content, message, and strategies in
       order to gain insight

  ≒   Communicate clearly using data visualization and
       compelling stories
DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS                                  15

  ≒   Optimize the content youre delivering to your audience
       through your web site and social media profiles

  ≒   Identify how consumers are interacting with your brand
       on-the-go through mobile devices and tablets

  ≒   Utilize growth hacks to increase the amount of users
       and customers
DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS                                 16

  ≒   Utilize social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
       Google to launch paid and owned media campaigns in
       order to grow brand awareness and acquire users.

  ≒   Explore display and email marketing as ways to develop
       and continue audience engagement

GA STUDENT PERKS                   18

  ≒   Global network
  ≒   Strong, diverse community
  ≒   High quality curriculum
  ≒   Practical skills
  ≒   Continuing resources


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Digital Marketing @ GA HK

  • 5. CORE VALUES PEOPLE BEFORE THE MACHINE. While we value powerful ideas and innovative startups, the lifeblood of any community is the individuals involved. We believe in empathy and reciprocity and that community can enable individual pursuits.
  • 6. CORE VALUES LEARNING BY DOING. We believe that self-actualization is gained through applied, hands- on experience. We are here not to seek or to hope for the future, but actively construct it with our hands. If we get it wrong, we modify and try again; real progress only comes through reflection and relentless iteration.
  • 7. CORE VALUES JOURNEY OVER DESTINATION. General Assembly is about the shared experience of fellow builders taking risks about embracing failure as much as success. When great companies fail, theyre gone forever. When great people fail, they learn from their experiences and go on to pursue new ventures with a greater chance of success.
  • 9. INTRODUCTIONS 9 JAY OATWAY, INSTRUCTOR b Tech-journalist and digital strategist in Hong Kong since 1997 b Ranked #22 on the Forbes Top 50 Social Media Power Influencers 2012. b Author of the book, Mastering Story, Community and Influence: How to Use Social Media to Become a Socialeader. b Hong Kongs answer to Twitter royalty by Marketing magazine.
  • 12. DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY 12 YOULL BE ABLE TO ≒ Target the right audience for your company's brand ≒ Develop your brands voice, story, and community ≒ Create engaging and high-impact multi-channel content ≒ Plan and pitch a digital campaign
  • 13. DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS 13 UNIT 1 ≒ Understand your business, goals, and how they relate to your brand and marketing. ≒ Identify who your customers are and what theyre thinking and feeling ≒ Develop your brand story, values, and community
  • 14. DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS 14 UNIT 2 ≒ Utilize analytics and research to make decisions based on variances and insight ≒ Experiment with content, message, and strategies in order to gain insight ≒ Communicate clearly using data visualization and compelling stories
  • 15. DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS 15 UNIT 3 ≒ Optimize the content youre delivering to your audience through your web site and social media profiles ≒ Identify how consumers are interacting with your brand on-the-go through mobile devices and tablets ≒ Utilize growth hacks to increase the amount of users and customers
  • 16. DIGITAL BRAND STRATEGY SYLLABUS 16 UNIT 4 ≒ Utilize social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google to launch paid and owned media campaigns in order to grow brand awareness and acquire users. ≒ Explore display and email marketing as ways to develop and continue audience engagement
  • 18. GA STUDENT PERKS 18 COMMUNITY ≒ Global network ≒ Strong, diverse community ≒ High quality curriculum ≒ Practical skills ≒ Continuing resources