DEA -mallilla voidaan arvioida yksiköiden tehokkuudet suhteessa muihin saman alan toimijihin. DEA-malli tuottaa indeksiluvun, jossa lukuarvo 1 edustaa tehokasta yksikköä. Vertaamalla omaa toimintaa tehokkaisiin yksiköihin voidaan tehdä johtopäätöksiä ja parannuksia omiin prosesseihin ja soveltaa näin benchmarking -tekniikoita sekä saavuttaa parannuksia henkilöstön työnjaon sekä potilaiden hoidon suhteen.
varsin laajasti kuntasektorin toiminnan tehokkuustarkasteluissa.
Menetelmaa voidaan soveltaa myos toimijoiden energiatehokkuustarkasteluissa.
Tassa selvityksessa tarkastellaan yhden
Helsingin kaupungin kiinteistoyhtion vuokranmaaritysyksik
oita DEA-analyysilla. Tarkastelujakso kasittaa vuoden
2011 aineiston kyseisista kiinteistoista. DEA-analyysin
panosmuuttujana on kaytetty vuokranmaaritysyksikoiden
neliovuokran maaraa. Tuotosmuuttujiksi on valittu yksik
oiden sahkon, lammon ja veden kulutustietoja kyseiselta
tarkastelujaksolta. Tassa selvityksessa on tyydytty esittamaan
DEA-mallin tulokset, puuttumatta toistaiseksi niihin tekijoihin
mitka mahdollisesti ovat vaikuttaneet saatuihin tuloksiin.
Jatkoselvityksissa tuliskin tarkemmin analysoida mitka tekijat
selittavat tehokkaimpien yksikoiden energiatehokkuutta ja
milla keinovalikoimalla yksikot voisivat saavuttaa tehokkuusrintaman.
Keywords: DEA, tuottavuus, tehokkuus, tehokkuusrintama,
kustannustehokkuus, energiatehokkuus, kerrostalojen
Suun terveydenhuollon tuotteistushankkeen yksiköiden tehokkuuden arviointi: D...Marko EkqvistDEA-analyysi¨a (Data Envelopmenti Analysis) on k¨aytetty varsin
laajasti kuntasektorin toiminnan tehokkuustarkasteluissa. T¨ass¨a
selvityksess¨a tarkastellaan Helsingin kaupungin ja THL:n tuotteistushankkeen
potilasryhmittelij¨an tuottamaa aineistoa ja siihen sovellettua
DEA-analyysi¨a. Tuotteistushankkeen ryhmittelyyn k¨aytetty
aineisto oli koottu Helsingin, Espoon ja Vantaan suun terveydenhuollon
yksik¨oist¨a siten, ett¨a mukana oli vain hoidetun potilaan
episodit. Ryhmittelij¨an soveltamisen j¨alkeen saatiin yksik¨oitt¨ain
tiedot hoidettujen potilaiden kokonaism¨a¨arist¨a tuoteryhmitt¨ain.
Toimenpiteiden kestoaikojen ja tapahtumien kokonaism¨a¨arien avulla
voitiin m¨a¨aritt¨a¨a tuoteryhm¨akohtaiset kokonaiskustannukset hoidetun
potilaan osalta kyseisiss¨a tuoteryhmiss¨a (11 kpl). DEA-analyysin
mukaan kustannustehokkaimmat yksik¨ot olivat Helsinki ja Vantaa.
Espoon osalta kustannustehokkuus ei ylt¨anyt samalle tasolle
(tehokkuusluku 0.8), johtuen vaativimmista toimenpiteist¨a suhteessa
muihin vertailukuntiin.
Asiasanat: DEA, tuottavuus, tehokkuusrintama, kustannustehokkuus,
suun terveydenhuolto.
Marko ekqvist esittely ja teemat Heka hallitukseen 17.12.2017Marko EkqvistMIKSI MINUT PITÄISI VALITA HEKA:n hallitukseen? Ohessa esittelyni ja teemat pp-esityksenä.
Poster Göteborg 2014Marko EkqvistIn Finland dental services are provided by the public and the private sectors. Recent clinical population studies have revealed great need for periodontal and prosthetic treatment in adults. The aim of this study was to analyse treatment provided for those who visited the Public Dental Service (PDS) in 2009.
Kuntaliitolle - Aikuisten mielenterveyspalvelut muutoksessaMarko EkqvistMerttu merttuä vuodelta 2006. Aikuisten mielenterveyspalvelut m
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content MarketingSearch Engine JournalThe future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?
Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. We’ll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.
You’ll hear:
- The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
- Predictions for SGE’s impact, and how to adapt.
- What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: it’s never been more important).
With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, we’ll show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.
If you’re looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you won’t want to miss this webinar.
Storytelling For The Web: Integrate Storytelling in your Design ProcessChiara AliottaIn this slides I explain how I have used storytelling techniques to elevate websites and brands and create memorable user experiences. You can discover practical tips as I showcase the elements of good storytelling and its applied to some examples of diverse brands/projects..
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition – SCHREPEL – June 2024 OECD dis...OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise AffairsThis presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion “Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition” held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the author’s consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCampSpeaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report – by HubspotMarius Sescu
· Scaling relationships and proving ROI
· Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
· Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
· The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
· Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
· Seeking: A single source of truth
· TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
· More human marketing, powered by robots
Everything You Need To Know About ChatGPTExpeed SoftwareChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldartsThe realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNowMental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying it’s good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation that’s least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state they’re comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartworkCreative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Skeleton Culture CodeSkeleton TechnologiesOrganizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil KimberleyPepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contentlyThis document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert QianThe document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2024 // The Global Indie InsightsKurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Deshé M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho González, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplytė, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Söhnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine JournalThe search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
It’s important that you’re ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
You’ll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If you’re looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHubFrom their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the world’s most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, it’s no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article “5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers”, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark BoydEveryone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
Getting into the tech field. what next Tessa MeroThe document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
How to have difficult conversations Rajiv Jayarajah, MAppComm, ACCStop putting off having difficult conversations. Seven practical tips to ensure your next difficult conversation go smoothly.
2024 Trend Updates: What Really Works In SEO & Content MarketingSearch Engine JournalThe future of SEO is trending toward a more human-first and user-centric approach, powered by AI intelligence and collaboration. Are you ready?
Watch as we explore which SEO trends to prioritize to achieve sustainable growth and deliver reliable results. We’ll dive into best practices to adapt your strategy around industry-wide disruptions like SGE, how to navigate the top challenges SEO professionals are facing, and proven tactics for prioritizing quality and building trust.
You’ll hear:
- The top SEO trends to prioritize in 2024 to achieve long-term success.
- Predictions for SGE’s impact, and how to adapt.
- What E-E-A-T really means, and how to implement it holistically (hint: it’s never been more important).
With Zack Kadish and Alex Carchietta, we’ll show you which SEO trends to ignore and which to focus on, along with the solution to overcoming rapid, significant and disruptive Google algorithm updates.
If you’re looking to cut through the noise of constant SEO and content trends to drive success, you won’t want to miss this webinar.
Storytelling For The Web: Integrate Storytelling in your Design ProcessChiara AliottaIn this slides I explain how I have used storytelling techniques to elevate websites and brands and create memorable user experiences. You can discover practical tips as I showcase the elements of good storytelling and its applied to some examples of diverse brands/projects..
Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition – SCHREPEL – June 2024 OECD dis...OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise AffairsThis presentation by Thibault Schrepel, Associate Professor of Law at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam University, was made during the discussion “Artificial Intelligence, Data and Competition” held at the 143rd meeting of the OECD Competition Committee on 12 June 2024. More papers and presentations on the topic can be found at
This presentation was uploaded with the author’s consent.
How to Leverage AI to Boost Employee Wellness - Lydia Di Francesco - SocialHR...SocialHRCampSpeaker: Lydia Di Francesco
In this workshop, participants will delve into the realm of AI and its profound potential to revolutionize employee wellness initiatives. From stress management to fostering work-life harmony, AI offers a myriad of innovative tools and strategies that can significantly enhance the wellbeing of employees in any organization. Attendees will learn how to effectively leverage AI technologies to cultivate a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Whether it's utilizing AI-powered chatbots for mental health support, implementing data analytics to identify internal, systemic risk factors, or deploying personalized wellness apps, this workshop will equip participants with actionable insights and best practices to harness the power of AI for boosting employee wellness. Join us and discover how AI can be a strategic partner towards a culture of wellbeing and resilience in the workplace.
2024 State of Marketing Report – by HubspotMarius Sescu
· Scaling relationships and proving ROI
· Social media is the place for search, sales, and service
· Authentic influencer partnerships fuel brand growth
· The strongest connections happen via call, click, chat, and camera.
· Time saved with AI leads to more creative work
· Seeking: A single source of truth
· TLDR; Get on social, try AI, and align your systems.
· More human marketing, powered by robots
Everything You Need To Know About ChatGPTExpeed SoftwareChatGPT is a revolutionary addition to the world since its introduction in 2022. A big shift in the sector of information gathering and processing happened because of this chatbot. What is the story of ChatGPT? How is the bot responding to prompts and generating contents? Swipe through these slides prepared by Expeed Software, a web development company regarding the development and technical intricacies of ChatGPT!
Product Design Trends in 2024 | Teenage EngineeringsPixeldartsThe realm of product design is a constantly changing environment where technology and style intersect. Every year introduces fresh challenges and exciting trends that mold the future of this captivating art form. In this piece, we delve into the significant trends set to influence the look and functionality of product design in the year 2024.
How Race, Age and Gender Shape Attitudes Towards Mental HealthThinkNowMental health has been in the news quite a bit lately. Dozens of U.S. states are currently suing Meta for contributing to the youth mental health crisis by inserting addictive features into their products, while the U.S. Surgeon General is touring the nation to bring awareness to the growing epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The country has endured periods of low national morale, such as in the 1970s when high inflation and the energy crisis worsened public sentiment following the Vietnam War. The current mood, however, feels different. Gallup recently reported that national mental health is at an all-time low, with few bright spots to lift spirits.
To better understand how Americans are feeling and their attitudes towards mental health in general, ThinkNow conducted a nationally representative quantitative survey of 1,500 respondents and found some interesting differences among ethnic, age and gender groups.
For example, 52% agree that technology and social media have a negative impact on mental health, but when broken out by race, 61% of Whites felt technology had a negative effect, and only 48% of Hispanics thought it did.
While technology has helped us keep in touch with friends and family in faraway places, it appears to have degraded our ability to connect in person. Staying connected online is a double-edged sword since the same news feed that brings us pictures of the grandkids and fluffy kittens also feeds us news about the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the dysfunction in Washington, the latest mass shooting and the climate crisis.
Hispanics may have a built-in defense against the isolation technology breeds, owing to their large, multigenerational households, strong social support systems, and tendency to use social media to stay connected with relatives abroad.
Age and Gender
When asked how individuals rate their mental health, men rate it higher than women by 11 percentage points, and Baby Boomers rank it highest at 83%, saying it’s good or excellent vs. 57% of Gen Z saying the same.
Gen Z spends the most amount of time on social media, so the notion that social media negatively affects mental health appears to be correlated. Unfortunately, Gen Z is also the generation that’s least comfortable discussing mental health concerns with healthcare professionals. Only 40% of them state they’re comfortable discussing their issues with a professional compared to 60% of Millennials and 65% of Boomers.
Race Affects Attitudes
As seen in previous research conducted by ThinkNow, Asian Americans lag other groups when it comes to awareness of mental health issues. Twenty-four percent of Asian Americans believe that having a mental health issue is a sign of weakness compared to the 16% average for all groups. Asians are also considerably less likely to be aware of mental health services in their communities (42% vs. 55%) and most likely to seek out information on social media (51% vs. 35%).
AI Trends in Creative Operations 2024 by Artwork Flow.pdfmarketingartworkCreative operations teams expect increased AI use in 2024. Currently, over half of tasks are not AI-enabled, but this is expected to decrease in the coming year. ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool currently. Business leaders are more actively exploring AI benefits than individual contributors. Most respondents do not believe AI will impact workforce size in 2024. However, some inhibitions still exist around AI accuracy and lack of understanding. Creatives primarily want to use AI to save time on mundane tasks and boost productivity.
Skeleton Culture CodeSkeleton TechnologiesOrganizational culture includes values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits that influence employee behaviors and how people interpret those behaviors. It is important because culture can help or hinder a company's success. Some key aspects of Netflix's culture that help it achieve results include hiring smartly so every position has stars, focusing on attitude over just aptitude, and having a strict policy against peacocks, whiners, and jerks.
PEPSICO Presentation to CAGNY Conference Feb 2024Neil KimberleyPepsiCo provided a safe harbor statement noting that any forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and are subject to risks and uncertainties. It also provided information on non-GAAP measures and directing readers to its website for disclosure and reconciliation. The document then discussed PepsiCo's business overview, including that it is a global beverage and convenient food company with iconic brands, $91 billion in net revenue in 2023, and nearly $14 billion in core operating profit. It operates through a divisional structure with a focus on local consumers.
Content Methodology: A Best Practices Report (Webinar)contentlyThis document provides an overview of content methodology best practices. It defines content methodology as establishing objectives, KPIs, and a culture of continuous learning and iteration. An effective methodology focuses on connecting with audiences, creating optimal content, and optimizing processes. It also discusses why a methodology is needed due to the competitive landscape, proliferation of channels, and opportunities for improvement. Components of an effective methodology include defining objectives and KPIs, audience analysis, identifying opportunities, and evaluating resources. The document concludes with recommendations around creating a content plan, testing and optimizing content over 90 days.
How to Prepare For a Successful Job Search for 2024Albert QianThe document provides guidance on preparing a job search for 2024. It discusses the state of the job market, focusing on growth in AI and healthcare but also continued layoffs. It recommends figuring out what you want to do by researching interests and skills, then conducting informational interviews. The job search should involve building a personal brand on LinkedIn, actively applying to jobs, tailoring resumes and interviews, maintaining job hunting as a habit, and continuing self-improvement. Once hired, the document advises setting new goals and keeping skills and networking active in case of future opportunities.
Social Media Marketing Trends 2024 // The Global Indie InsightsKurio // The Social Media Age(ncy)A report by thenetworkone and Kurio.
The contributing experts and agencies are (in an alphabetical order): Sylwia Rytel, Social Media Supervisor, 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT (PL), Sharlene Jenner, Vice President - Director of Engagement Strategy, Abelson Taylor (USA), Alex Casanovas, Digital Director, Atrevia (ES), Dora Beilin, Senior Social Strategist, Barrett Hoffher (USA), Min Seo, Campaign Director, Brand New Agency (KR), Deshé M. Gully, Associate Strategist, Day One Agency (USA), Francesca Trevisan, Strategist, Different (IT), Trevor Crossman, CX and Digital Transformation Director; Olivia Hussey, Strategic Planner; Simi Srinarula, Social Media Manager, The Hallway (AUS), James Hebbert, Managing Director, Hylink (CN / UK), Mundy Álvarez, Planning Director; Pedro Rojas, Social Media Manager; Pancho González, CCO, Inbrax (CH), Oana Oprea, Head of Digital Planning, Jam Session Agency (RO), Amy Bottrill, Social Account Director, Launch (UK), Gaby Arriaga, Founder, Leonardo1452 (MX), Shantesh S Row, Creative Director, Liwa (UAE), Rajesh Mehta, Chief Strategy Officer; Dhruv Gaur, Digital Planning Lead; Leonie Mergulhao, Account Supervisor - Social Media & PR, Medulla (IN), Aurelija Plioplytė, Head of Digital & Social, Not Perfect (LI), Daiana Khaidargaliyeva, Account Manager, Osaka Labs (UK / USA), Stefanie Söhnchen, Vice President Digital, PIABO Communications (DE), Elisabeth Winiartati, Managing Consultant, Head of Global Integrated Communications; Lydia Aprina, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Nita Prabowo, Account Manager, Integrated Marketing and Communications; Okhi, Web Developer, PNTR Group (ID), Kei Obusan, Insights Director; Daffi Ranandi, Insights Manager, Radarr (SG), Gautam Reghunath, Co-founder & CEO, Talented (IN), Donagh Humphreys, Head of Social and Digital Innovation, THINKHOUSE (IRE), Sarah Yim, Strategy Director, Zulu Alpha Kilo (CA).
Trends In Paid Search: Navigating The Digital Landscape In 2024Search Engine JournalThe search marketing landscape is evolving rapidly with new technologies, and professionals, like you, rely on innovative paid search strategies to meet changing demands.
It’s important that you’re ready to implement new strategies in 2024.
Check this out and learn the top trends in paid search advertising that are expected to gain traction, so you can drive higher ROI more efficiently in 2024.
You’ll learn:
- The latest trends in AI and automation, and what this means for an evolving paid search ecosystem.
- New developments in privacy and data regulation.
- Emerging ad formats that are expected to make an impact next year.
Watch Sreekant Lanka from iQuanti and Irina Klein from OneMain Financial as they dive into the future of paid search and explore the trends, strategies, and technologies that will shape the search marketing landscape.
If you’re looking to assess your paid search strategy and design an industry-aligned plan for 2024, then this webinar is for you.
5 Public speaking tips from TED - Visualized summarySpeakerHubFrom their humble beginnings in 1984, TED has grown into the world’s most powerful amplifier for speakers and thought-leaders to share their ideas. They have over 2,400 filmed talks (not including the 30,000+ TEDx videos) freely available online, and have hosted over 17,500 events around the world.
With over one billion views in a year, it’s no wonder that so many speakers are looking to TED for ideas on how to share their message more effectively.
The article “5 Public-Speaking Tips TED Gives Its Speakers”, by Carmine Gallo for Forbes, gives speakers five practical ways to connect with their audience, and effectively share their ideas on stage.
Whether you are gearing up to get on a TED stage yourself, or just want to master the skills that so many of their speakers possess, these tips and quotes from Chris Anderson, the TED Talks Curator, will encourage you to make the most impactful impression on your audience.
See the full article and more summaries like this on SpeakerHub here:
See the original article on Forbes here:
ChatGPT and the Future of Work - Clark Boyd Clark BoydEveryone is in agreement that ChatGPT (and other generative AI tools) will shape the future of work. Yet there is little consensus on exactly how, when, and to what extent this technology will change our world.
Businesses that extract maximum value from ChatGPT will use it as a collaborative tool for everything from brainstorming to technical maintenance.
For individuals, now is the time to pinpoint the skills the future professional will need to thrive in the AI age.
Check out this presentation to understand what ChatGPT is, how it will shape the future of work, and how you can prepare to take advantage.
Getting into the tech field. what next Tessa MeroThe document provides career advice for getting into the tech field, including:
- Doing projects and internships in college to build a portfolio.
- Learning about different roles and technologies through industry research.
- Contributing to open source projects to build experience and network.
- Developing a personal brand through a website and social media presence.
- Networking through events, communities, and finding a mentor.
- Practicing interviews through mock interviews and whiteboarding coding questions.
Google's Just Not That Into You: Understanding Core Updates & Search IntentLily Ray1. Core updates from Google periodically change how its algorithms assess and rank websites and pages. This can impact rankings through shifts in user intent, site quality issues being caught up to, world events influencing queries, and overhauls to search like the E-A-T framework.
2. There are many possible user intents beyond just transactional, navigational and informational. Identifying intent shifts is important during core updates. Sites may need to optimize for new intents through different content types and sections.
3. Responding effectively to core updates requires analyzing "before and after" data to understand changes, identifying new intents or page types, and ensuring content matches appropriate intents across video, images, knowledge graphs and more.
How to have difficult conversations Rajiv Jayarajah, MAppComm, ACCStop putting off having difficult conversations. Seven practical tips to ensure your next difficult conversation go smoothly.
Ekqvist Marko
DEA-analyysi¨a (Data Envelopmenti Analysis) on k¨aytetty varsin
laajasti kuntasektorin toiminnan tehokkuustarkasteluissa. T¨ass¨a
selvityksess¨a tarkastellaan SUHAT-hankkeen yhteydess¨a ker¨atty¨a
aineistoa ja siihen sovellettua DEA-analyysi¨a. T¨ass¨a tutkimuk-
sessa tarkastellaan vuosien 2005-2010 aineistoja siten, ett¨a aikasarja
on jaettu kahteen kolmen vuoden poikkileikkausjaksoon. Aineis-
tosta on laskettu panos- ja tuotosmuuttujien osalta kummankin
jakson summamuuttujat, joiden perusteella on toteutettu DEA-
analyysi. Aineiston aggregointi ajallisesti useamman vuoden
ajalta antaa luotettavamman tuloksen ja paremman l¨aht¨okohdan
tehokkuudessa(efficiency) ja vaikuttavuudessa(effectiveness, im-
pressiveness) tapahtuneisiin muutoksiin. Molemmille aikajaksoille
on laskettu DEA1(tuotannollinen tehokkuus) ja DEA2(tekninen
tehokkuus) tehokkuusindeksit. T¨ass¨a selvityksess¨a on my¨os tehty
vaikuttavuustarkastelu liitt¨am¨all¨a vaikuttavuutta kuvaava indeksi
yhdeksi DEA-mallin muuttujaksi.
Asiasanat: DEA, tuottavuus, tehokkuus, tehokkuusrintama, kus-
tannustehokkuus, vaikuttavuus, suun terveydenhuolto.
T¨ass¨a selvityksess¨a DEA analyysi toteutettiin kahdella eri tarkastelu-
n¨ak¨okulmalla. Ensimm¨aisess¨a tarkastelussa tuotosmuuttujina olivat
hoidossa k¨ayneet potilaat ik¨aryhmitt¨ain. Vastaavasti panosmuut-
tujana k¨aytettiin keskim¨a¨ar¨aisi¨a kokonaiskustannuksia. T¨am¨a ns.
sotu-tehokkuus (DEA1) tarkastelu antaa tulokseksi indeksiluvun,
joka kuvaa tuotannollista tehokkuutta tarkastelujakson aikana suh-
teessa muihin samassa tarkastelussa oleviin yksik¨oihin. Tuotannol-
lisesti tehokkaat yksik¨ot saavat indeksiarvon yksi (1).
Toinen tarkastelun¨ak¨okulma kuvaa ns. teknist¨a tehokkuutta
(DEA2), jossa tuotosmuuttujana ovat painotetut toimenpiteet ja
panosmuuttujina henkil¨okunnan lukum¨a¨ar¨at henkil¨ost¨oryhmitt¨ain.
Satunnaisvaihtelun eliminoimiseksi on panos- ja tuotosmuuttu-
jat laskettu kahden ajanjakson summamuuttujina, joissa kummankin
ajanjakson pituus on kolme vuotta.
T¨ass¨a tutkimuksessa on my¨os tarkasteltu vaikuttavuusmuuttu-
jan (impressiveness) vaikutusta tehokkuuslukuihin. Vaikuttavuus-
muuttujaksi on valitty DMF ja D-indeksien avulla laskettu muut-
tuja. Tulostauluissa vaikuttavuustarkastelussa mukana olevat mallit
on merkitty vastaavasti DEA1e ja DEA2e.
DEA-mallissa k¨aytetty aineisto on saatu summaamalla vuosien
2005-2007 ja 2008-2010 panos- ja tuotosmuuttujat yhteen. Mallei-
hin valitut muuttujat on esitetty taulukossa 1. Perusmalliajon lis¨aksi
on laskettu kummankin tehokkuusindeksit ottamalla huomioon eri
aikajaksojen vaikuttavuusmuuttujat. Vaikuttavuusindeksit laskettiin
yksikk¨okohtaisesti. DMF-summamuuttujassa k¨aytettiin SUHAT-
arkistotietokannan kokonaissummaa eri ik¨aryhmiss¨a 0-17 vuotiaat.
Kyseisen indeksin nimitt¨aj¨a¨an laskettiin kunkin ik¨aryhm¨an tuk-
timusten ja tarkastusten summat. DMF indeksi laskettiin kaavan (1)
DMFind =
(ΣEHLtutk + ΣHLtutk + ΣSHGtark + ΣHHtark)
miss¨a ΣEHLtutk erikoishammasl¨a¨ak¨aritutkimukset, ΣHLtutk
hammasl¨a¨ak¨aritutkimukset, ΣSHGtark suuhygienistien tarkistuk-
set ja ΣHHtark hammashoitajien tarkistukset.
Yli 18 vuotiaiden ik¨aryhmist¨a oli saatavilla D-indeksiarvot 25v,
35v, 50v ja 65v. N¨aist¨a ja edell¨a kuvatun DMFind -indeksin lukuar-
voista laskettiin yksikk¨okohtaiset keskiarvot. D-indeksiarvo lasket-
tiin kaavalla (2).
Dind =
Di =
(D1 + ... + Dn)
N¨ain saimme muodostettua vaikuttavuusindeksin, jonka avulla
voimme tarkastella kyseisess¨a muuttujassa tapahtuneita muutok-
sia eri tarkastelujaksoilla. Vaikuttavuusindeksi sy¨otettiin DEA-
malleihin samalla tavoin kuin teht¨aisiin haittamuuttujien suhteen eli
kyseisen lukuarvon k¨a¨anteisarvona. T¨ah¨an p¨a¨adyttiin, koska muuttu-
jan luonteesta johtuen pienin omainaisarvo tarkoittaa hoitoi-suuden
suhteen parempaa suunterveydentilaa. Taulukoissa on k¨aytetty
merkint¨a¨a DEAe, kun tarkoitetaan sellaista tehokkuusindeksi¨a,
jonka laskennassa on k¨aytetty vaikuttavuusindeksi¨a. Vaikuttavu-
usindeksi sy¨otettiin DEA-malliin kaavan (3) muodossa.
ei =
( n
i,j=1 DMFj + Di)
Tulostauluikoissa on esitetty DEA -laskennan tulokset siten, ett¨a
DEA1 -mallin tuotosmuuttujat on summattu yhdeksi muuttujaksi ja
vastaavasti DEA1 -mallin panosmuuttujina olevat henkil¨ost¨oresurssit
on yhdistetty samaan muuttujaan.
2. Table 1: DEA1-mallissa k¨aytetyt panos- ja tuotosmuuttujat
Σ Panokset Σ Tuotokset
K¨aytt¨okustannukset (eur) Sotut 0-5v
Sotut 6-17v
Sotut 18-45v
Sotut 46-64v
Sotut 65-74v
Sotut 75v-
Table 2: DEA2-mallissa k¨aytetyt panos- ja tuotosmuuttujat
Σ Panokset Σ Tuotokset
EHL (htv) Painotetut toimenpiteet (lkm)
HL (htv) Vaikuttavuusindeksi
SHG (htv)
HH (htv)
Muu henkil¨ost¨o (htv)
T¨ass¨a selvityksess¨a on k¨aytetty DEA-mallia (Data Envelopment
Analysis) [1]. DEA:n avulla voidaan m¨a¨aritt¨a¨a tarkasteluyksik¨oiden
(DMU Decision making Unit) suhteellinnen tehokkuus. DEA
malliin voidaan l¨ah¨otietoina sy¨ott¨a¨a eri yksik¨oiss¨a olevia muuttujia.
T¨at¨a voidaankin pit¨a¨a yhten¨a DEA laskennan etuna. Muunnoksia
ei tarvita, vaan riitt¨a¨a kun lukuarvot sy¨otet¨a¨an sellaisenaan mallin
k¨asitelt¨av¨aksi. DEA laskenta tuottaa tarkastelujakson yksik¨oist¨a
tehokkuusluvun. Ajanjakson tehokkaimmat yksik¨ot saavat lukuar-
von yksi.
DEA -malliajot tuotettiin R-ohjelmalla Benchmarking -ohjelmakirjaston
avulla. Kyseisen ohjelmakirjaston avulla voidaan tehokkuuslukujen
lis¨aksi tuottaa tarkasteltavasta aineistosta kuvaajat. Ohjelmakirjasto
tarjoaa my¨os mahdollisuuden analysoida tarkemmin vertailtavia
yksik¨oit¨a. Mallin avulla voidaan tarkastella erityisesti niiden yk-
sik¨oiden tuotosmuuttujia, jotka eiv¨at ylt¨aneet tehokkuusrintamalle.
Ohjelma laskee tuotosmuuttujille optimiarvot, jotka yksik¨oiden
tulisi toteuttaa saavuttaakseen tarkastelujakson aikana tehokkuus-
rintaman tai pyrki¨akseen tehokkaampaan tulokseen toiminnassaan.
4.1. DEA1 tehokkuusluvut
Vuosijakson 2005-07 keskim¨a¨ar¨aiseksi DEA1 tehokkuusluvuksi
saatiin 0.75. (N=38). Tehokkuusrintaman saavutti t¨ast¨a joukosta 8
yksikk¨o¨a. Tehokkuusrintama on esitetty kuvassa 1 Tehokkuusjakau-
mat on esitetty taulukossa 3. Vastaavasti tehokkuusjakaumakuvio
on esitetty kuvassa 2.
Vuosijakson 2008-10 keskim¨a¨ar¨aiseksi DEA1 tehokkuusluvuksi
saatiin 0.77. (N=40). Tehokkuusrintaman saavutti t¨ast¨a joukosta 8
yksikk¨o¨a. Tehokkuusrintamakuvio on esitetty kuvassa 3. Tehokku-
usjakaumat on esitetty taulukossa 4. Vastaavasti tehokkuusjakau-
makuvio on esitetty kuvassa 4.
4.2. DEA2 tehokkuusluvut
Vuosijakson 2005-07 keskim¨a¨ar¨aiseksi DEA2 tehokkuusluvuksi
(tekninen tehokkuus) saatiin 0.82. (N=39). Tehokkuusrintaman
Fig. 1: DEA1 Tehokkuusrintama vuosijaksolla 2005-07.
Fig. 2: DEA1 Tehokkuusjakauma vuosijaksolla 2005-07.
Fig. 3: DEA1 Tehokkuusrintama vuosijaksolla 2008-10.
saavutti t¨ast¨a joukosta 6 yksikk¨o¨a. Tehokkuusrintama on esitetty
kuvassa 5 Tehokkuusjakaumat on esitetty taulukossa 5. Vastaavasti
tehokkuusjakaumakuvio on esitetty kuvassa 6.
3. Table 3: DEA1-mallin tehokkuusjakaumat 2005-2007
Eff range count %
0.1≤ E <0.2 1 2.6
0.2≤ E <0.3 1 2.6
0.3≤ E <0.4 1 2.6
0.4≤ E <0.5 2 5.3
0.5≤ E <0.6 4 10.5
0.6≤ E <0.7 6 15.8
0.7≤ E <0.8 6 15.8
0.8≤ E <0.9 3 7.9
0.9≤ E <1 6 15.8
E = 1 8 21.1
38 100.0
Table 4: DEA1-mallin tehokkuusjakaumat 2008-2010
Eff range count %
0.5≤ E <0.6 9 22.0
0.6≤ E <0.7 10 25.0
0.7≤ E <0.8 4 10.0
0.8≤ E <0.9 5 12.0
0.9≤ E <1 4 10.0
E = 1 8 20.0
40 100.0
Table 5: DEA2-mallin tehokkuusjakaumat 2005-2007
Eff range count %
0.3≤ E <0.4 1 2.6
0.4≤ E <0.5 0 -
0.5≤ E <0.6 1 2.6
0.6≤ E <0.7 4 10.3
0.7≤ E <0.8 12 30.8
0.8≤ E <0.9 10 25.6
0.9≤ E <1 5 12.8
E = 1 6 15.4
39 100.0
Fig. 4: DEA1 Tehokkuusjakauma vuosijaksolla 2008-10.
Fig. 5: DEA2 Tehokkuusrintama vuosijaksolla 2005-07.
Fig. 6: DEA2 Tehokkuusjakauma vuosijaksolla 2005-07.
Vuosijakson 2008-10 keskim¨a¨ar¨aiseksi DEA2 tehokkuusluvuksi
saatiin 0.80. (N=41). Tehokkuusrintaman saavutti t¨ast¨a joukosta 8
yksikk¨o¨a. Tehokkuusrintamakuvio on esitetty kuvassa 7. Tehokku-
4. usjakaumat on esitetty taulukossa 6. Vastaavasti tehokkuusjakau-
makuvio on esitetty kuvassa 8.
Fig. 7: DEA2 Tehokkuusrintama vuosijaksolla 2008-10.
Fig. 8: DEA2 Tehokkuusjakauma vuosijaksolla 2008-10.
Taulukkoon 7 on koottu DEA1 -malliajon tulokset yksikk¨okohtaisesti.
Taulukon DEA1(1) ajo sis¨alt¨a¨a tuotosmuuttujina oman toiminnan
potilask¨aynnit kolmen vuoden summatietona (sotut) ik¨aryhmitt¨ain
kukin omana tuotosmuuttujanaan (0-5v, 6-17v, 18-45v, 46-64v,
65-74v ja yli 75v). Panosmuuttujana on yksikk¨okohtaiset k¨aytt¨o-
kustannukset summattuna kolmen vuoden ajalta (2005-2007).
DEA1(2) malliajo sis¨alt¨a¨a samat panos- ja tuotosmuuttujat kuin
ensinmainittu, mutta t¨ah¨an ajoon on tuotosmuuttujaan lis¨atty my¨os
vaikuttavuusmuuttuja ei, jonka laskenta on esitetty kaavassa (3).
DEA1(3) malliajossa on tuotosmuuttujat summattu yhteen siten, ett¨a
ik¨aryhm¨akohtaiset yksikk¨okohtaiset (DMU) muuttujat on laskettu
yhteen muuttujaan. T¨ass¨a malliajossa vaikuttavuusindeksi¨a ei on
k¨aytetty yhten¨a tuotosmuuttujana.
Table 6: DEA2-mallin tehokkuusjakaumat 2008-2010
Eff range count %
0.3≤ E <0.4 1 2.4
0.4≤ E <0.5 2 4.9
0.5≤ E <0.6 0 -
0.6≤ E <0.7 10 24.4
0.7≤ E <0.8 8 19.5
0.8≤ E <0.9 7 17.1
0.9≤ E <1 5 12.2
E = 1 8 19.5
41 100.0
Table 7: DEA1-malliajon tulostaulukko tarkastelujaksolla 2005-
id DMU DEA1(1) DEA1(2) DEA1(3)
1 Espoo 1,00 1,00 1,00
2 Helsinki 1,00 1,00 1,00
3 Hyvink¨a¨a 0,70 0,72 0,65
4 H¨ameenlinna 0,87 0,89 0,65
5 Imatra 0,69 0,69 0,64
6 Joensuu 0,75 0,83 0,75
7 Jyv¨askyl¨a 0,27 0,28 0,19
8 Kaarina-Piikki¨o 0,78 0,78 0,75
9 Suupohja 1.1.2009) 0,77 0,77 0,62
10 Kemi 1,00 1,00 1,00
11 Kerava 0,68 0,68 0,46
12 Kirkkonummi 1,00 1,00 1,00
13 Kotka 0,68 0,73 0,55
14 Kuopio 0,94 0,94 0,91
15 Lahti 1,00 1,00 1,00
16 Eksote 0,45 0,45 0,39
17 Lohja 0,88 0,89 0,75
18 Loimaa 1,00 1,00 0,87
19 Mikkeli 1,00 1,00 0,91
20 Oulu 0,88 0,92 0,86
21 Paimio-Sauvo 1,00 1,00 0,78
22 Oiva 0,95 0,95 0,61
23 Pori 0,87 0,87 0,80
24 P¨aij¨at-H¨ame 1,00 1,00 0,77
25 Raahe 0,61 0,62 0,55
26 Raisio 0,96 1,00 1,00
27 Rauma 0,35 0,35 0,29
28 Riihim¨aki 0,79 0,79 0,68
29 Salon seutu 0,77 0,77 0,56
30 Savonlinna 1,00 1,00 0,88
31 Sein¨ajoki 1,00 1,00 1,00
32 Tampere 1,00 1,00 1,00
33 Turku 0,96 1,00 0,95
34 Tuusula 0,64 0,64 0,58
35 Vantaa 0,98 1,00 0,92
36 Varkaus 0,71 0,71 0,48
37 YTHS 1,00 1,00 0,93
38 Yl¨oj¨arvi 1,00 1,00 1,00
5. Table 8: DEA1-malliajon tulostaulukko tarkastelujaksolla 2008-
id DMU DEA1(1) DEA1(2) DEA1(3)
1 Espoo 1,00 1,00 1,00
2 Heinola 0,92 0,92 0,78
3 Helsinki 1,00 1,00 1,00
4 Hyvink¨a¨a 0,72 0,72 0,61
5 H¨ameenli 0,84 0,84 0,56
6 Imatra 0,90 0,90 0,76
7 JIK ky 0,73 0,73 0,62
8 Jyv¨askyl¨a 0,92 0,92 0,82
9 Kaksineuvoinen 1,00 1,00 1,00
10 Kauhajoki 0,95 0,95 0,85
11 Kerava 0,69 0,69 0,60
12 Kirkkonummi 0,91 0,92 0,60
13 Kotka 0,84 0,84 0,74
14 Kuopio 1,00 1,00 1,00
15 Lahti 1,00 1,00 0,90
16 Lappeenranta 0,74 0,74 0,57
17 Lohja 0,77 0,77 0,68
18 Loimaa 0,84 0,84 0,67
19 Mikkeli 0,72 0,72 0,62
20 Nurmij¨arvi 0,87 0,92 0,74
21 Oulu 1,00 1,00 1,00
22 Paimio-Sauvo 1,00 1,00 1,00
23 Karviainen 1,00 1,00 1,00
24 Oiva 1,00 1,00 0,87
25 Pori 0,74 0,75 0,66
26 P¨aij¨at-H¨ame 1,00 1,00 0,69
27 Raahe 0,61 0,61 0,55
28 Raisio 0,66 0,66 0,56
29 Rauma 0,66 0,66 0,55
30 Riihim¨aki 0,88 0,89 0,66
31 Rovaniemi 0,73 0,73 0,68
32 Salon seutu 0,81 0,81 0,58
33 Sein¨ajoki 1,00 1,00 0,89
34 Tampere 1,00 1,00 1,00
35 Turku 0,97 0,97 0,92
36 Tuusula 0,61 0,62 0,56
37 Vantaa 1,00 1,00 0,99
38 Varkaus 0,73 0,73 0,55
39 YTHS 1,00 1,00 1,00
40 Yl¨oj¨arvi 0,99 0,99 0,90
Table 9: DEA1-malliajon tulostaulukko tarkastelujaksolla 2005-
DEA1 tehokkaat DEA1 seuraajat
1 35
2 35
10 5,7,8,9,11,16,18,21,22,27,30,34,36
12 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,25,27,28,29,30,3
26 7,8,11,13,16,18,20,24,30,33
31 3,4,6,14,15,17,19,23,25,28,29
32 14,15,19,20,23,24,33,35,37
38 3,4,6,13,17,19,20,24,25,28,29,33
5.1. DEA1(3) malliajon l¨ahemp¨a¨a tarkastelua
DEA mallilla voidaan tarkastella tehokkuusrintamalla olevien yk-
sik¨oiden lis¨aksi niit¨a yksik¨oit¨a, joiden toiminnassa on l¨aheisi¨a pi-
irteit¨a tehokkaisiin yksik¨oihin, mutta jotka eiv¨a jostain syyst¨a ole
ylt¨aneet viel¨a tehokkuusrintamalle. Taulukon 9 yksikk¨olistauksesta
voidaan tarkastella niit¨a yksik¨oit¨a, jotka mallilaskennan mukaan
voisivat hy¨oty¨a tehokkaaksi m¨a¨aritetyn yksik¨on toimintoja seu-
raamalla. Taulukkoon on koottu DEA1(3) malliajon tehokkaaksi
m¨a¨aritt¨am¨at yksik¨ot ja niiden seurantayksik¨ot. Taulukon antamia
tuloksia ei ole analysoitu viel¨a tarkemmin ja sen antamia tuloksia
voidaan pit¨a¨a vain suuntaa antavina.
5.2. DEA1(3) s¨a¨ast¨opotentiaali
DEA malli tarjoaa my¨os tarkasteluasetelman s¨a¨ast¨opotentiaalien
tutkintaan. Halutaan esimerkiksi tiet¨a¨a mill¨a panosten tai tuotosten
yhdistelm¨all¨a olisi p¨a¨asty tehokkuusrintamalle. DEA1 -mallin suh-
teen voidaan esimerkiksi laskea yksikk¨okohtaisesti, kuinka paljon
voitaisiin s¨a¨ast¨a¨a mik¨ali tuotannollinen tai tekninen tehokkuus olisi
ollut optimaallista.
5.3. DEA1(3) tuotosmuuttujien optimointi
Tehokkuusrintaman alapuolella olevien yksik¨oiden on mahdol-
lista p¨a¨ast¨a tehokkuusrintamalle kahdella eri mekanismilla. En-
simm¨ainen vaihtoehto on pit¨a¨a kustannukset samalla tasolla ja
tuottaa samaan aikaan enemm¨an tuotoksia. Toinen vaihtoehto on
v¨ahent¨a¨a panoksia (resursseja) ja tuottaa v¨ahint¨a¨an sama m¨a¨ar¨a tai
enemm¨an tuotoksia.
Taulukkoon 10 on koottu DEA2 -malliajon tulokset yksikk¨okohtaisesti.
Taulukon DEA2(1) ajo sis¨alt¨a¨a tuotosmuuttujana painotetut toimen-
piteet summattuna yksik¨oitt¨ain kolmen vuoden ajalta. Panosmuut-
tujana on yksikk¨okohtaiset henkil¨ost¨oresurssit henkil¨ost¨oryhmitt¨ain
summattuna kolmen vuoden ajalta (2005-2007). DEA1(2) malliajo
sis¨alt¨a¨a samat panos- ja tuotosmuuttujat kuin ensinmainittu, mutta
t¨ah¨an ajoon on tuotosmuuttujaan lis¨atty my¨os vaikuttavuusmuuttuja
ei, jonka laskenta on esitetty kaavassa (3). DEA1(3) malliajossa
on panosmuuttujat summattu yhteen siten, ett¨a yksikk¨okohtaiset
(DMU) henkil¨ost¨om¨a¨ar¨amuuttujat on laskettu yhteen muuttujaan.
T¨ass¨a malliajossa vaikuttavuusindeksi¨a ei on k¨aytetty yhten¨a tuoto-
Samoin kuin DEA1 ajossa on taulukon 10 muuttujaan DEA2(3)
laskennassa hy¨odynnetty vaikuttavuusindeksi¨a. Taulukkoon 11 on
koottu vuosijakson 2008-2010 DEA-malliajon tulokset.
DEA mallinnuksen avulla voidaan t¨aydent¨a¨a ja tutkia tarkemmin
eri ajanjaksojen tuotosten ja panosten vaikutusta tehokkuuteen.
T¨ass¨a ty¨oss¨a toteutettiin seurantajaksojen kesken tehokkuusver-
tailut koko aineistosta saatujen tunnuslukujen avulla. T¨am¨an lis¨aksi
tarkasteltiin yksik¨oitten tunnuslukuja eri malliasetelmilla. Vaikut-
tavuustarkastelua varten laskettiin hoitoisuusindeksi yksikk¨otasolla,
jonka perusteella saatiin DEA-laskentaan uusi vaikuttavuutta ku-
vaava tuotosmuuttuja.
DEA1 tehokkuustarkastelun vaikuttavuusindeksin huomioonot-
tavassa mallilaskennassa 17 yksikk¨o¨a (N=32) kasvatti tai piti ennal-
laan tehokkuuslukunsa. Tavanomaisessa mallitarkastelussa saman
tai paremman tuloksen saavutti yhteens¨a 20 yksikk¨o¨a.
Tarkastelujaksojen v¨alill¨a DEA1 tehokkuus, jossa oli huomioitu
vaikuttavuusmuuttuja kasvoi hienoisesti (0,75 ⇒ 0,77). DEA2 eli
tekninen ty¨ovoimapanoksen tehokkuus laski vastaavasti saman ver-
ran t¨ass¨a vaikuttavuustarkastelussa (0,82 ⇒ 0,80). Perinteisess¨a
DEA1 tarkastelussa (ilman vaikuttavuuskomponenttia) kasvua oli
kolme prosenttia (0,84⇒ 0,87)
Vaikuttavuusmuuttujan mukaanotto v¨ahensi kummassakin tapauk-
sessa tehokkuusrintaman saavuttaneita yksik¨oit¨a perinteiseen lasken-
tamalliin verrattuna.
Ty¨on aikana saadut DEA mallin tuottamat tulokset ovat jatkossa
vertailupohjana, kun DEA-mallia sovelletaan koko valtakunnan
aineistoon. T¨am¨an johdosta referenssilukujen tuottaminen t¨ast¨a
aineistosta on hyv¨a l¨aht¨okohta kun tarkastellaan ja tehd¨a¨an jatkossa
vertailuja my¨os muihin yksik¨oihin, kuin SUHAT-hankkeessa mukana
olevien toimintyksik¨oiden kesken.
[1] P. Bogetoft and L. Otto (2011), Benchmarking with DEA and SFA, R
package version 0.20.