Bullying is a serious problem that can have lethal consequences, such as teen suicide. Bullying involves abusive behavior where one or more students physically or psychologically intimidate another student, causing the victim to feel isolated. Victims of bullying often experience depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety that affects their school performance and social development. Left unaddressed, bullying can even lead to suicide in some cases. Parents and teachers need to be aware of the signs of bullying and intervene to address the problem before it causes lasting harm to students.
Bullying takes many forms, from verbal insults and social exclusion to physical violence. It has serious negative consequences for victims' mental health and development. The document discusses different types of bullying, including cyberbullying, and provides statistics on bullying in Argentina. It advocates speaking out against bullying and breaking the "law of silence." The story of Amanda Todd, who took her own life after being bullied for years starting at age 13, illustrates the real harm caused by bullying.
The document discusses bullying prevention and provides definitions and statistics about bullying. It defines bullying as negative actions that a student experiences repeatedly over time from one or more students, where there is an imbalance of power. Bullying can be direct physical, verbal, or non-verbal aggression or indirect actions to isolate or harm others. The effects of bullying include short and long-term impacts on victims, bullies, and bystanders. Prevention requires addressing individual, family, peer, school, and community risk factors.
Bullying can take many forms including verbal, social, or physical behaviors intended to hurt others. It can range from threats and teasing to spreading rumors or physical acts like pushing. Victims of bullying are often affected for life, but some are motivated to overcome it. While counseling and support from parents and teachers can help children deal with bullying, in some extreme cases it leads to suicide. It is important for parents to be aware of signs of bullying and seek help immediately.
This document discusses physical bullying, which involves repeatedly harming or intimidating another person through physical means such as hitting, pushing, or destroying property. Physical bullying most often occurs in schools, where it takes advantage of power imbalances. A survey of 50 students found that most had been bullied, and many felt bullying was a common problem that parents and teachers did not adequately address. The results mirrored issues in a book about bullying, showing it to be a widespread issue requiring greater awareness and prevention efforts.
The Georgia bullying law requires schools to: 1) investigate all reports of bullying; 2) notify parents of both the victim and accused bully; and 3) discipline bullies with consequences ranging from counseling to alternative school placement. The law also mandates schools develop bullying prevention policies and provides a model policy for districts to follow.
To describe and explain Gen Z
To highlight the differences between Gen Z and Millennials
To explore the problems of Anxiety and Depression in this group
The Psychology of Bullying. Statistics & Societal Response Ireland. By There...Theresa Lowry-Lehnen
This document discusses the psychology of bullying in Ireland. It provides statistics on bullying in Irish schools, with over 200,000 children estimated to be at risk. Common forms of bullying are described as physical, verbal, social, and cyber. The document examines reasons why children bully, noting bullies often have low self-esteem or act out due to abuse. Victims are often socially isolated with long-term psychological impacts. Ireland launched an Action Plan in 2013 to address bullying through teacher training, anti-bullying programs and policy revisions.
The document discusses various topics related to bullying including statistics on bullying in schools, the effects of bullying on the brain, types of bullies, and strategies for bullying prevention. It notes that 30% of US students in grades 6-10 experience moderate or frequent bullying. It also outlines that Indiana receives a B+ rating for its anti-bullying laws and describes the grading scale. Furthermore, it discusses how bullying can negatively impact brain development and lead to issues like lower cognitive function and increased risk of depression.
- Bullying occurs in all schools and negatively impacts students' learning and ability to feel safe. It is important for teachers, administrators, parents and students to pay attention to bullying, get involved to address it, and never ignore it.
- Bullying includes unwanted behaviors like teasing, threats, violence and exclusion that are intended to harm or distress other students. It can occur in person or online. Bullying often involves an imbalance of power between the students.
- To prevent bullying, schools should create a safe learning environment, clear rules against bullying, train bystanders to support students being bullied, and intervene immediately when bullying occurs. Adults must take reports of bullying seriously and address both the bullies and targets
This document discusses different types of bullying including verbal, social, physical, and cyber bullying. It provides statistics on the prevalence of these behaviors, how they affect children and teens, and the risks of being targeted. Specific bullying tactics like gossiping, impersonating others online, and damaging property are outlined. The physical and psychological impacts of bullying are explored such as injuries, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. Causes of bullying like poor parenting, lack of supervision, and peer pressure are also summarized.
Hey guys! So for English class we had to get into groups and make a persuasive essay. My group and i decided to persuade against bullying. Along with out essay, we made a slide show for fun. This slide shows true facts that were researched. I really hope Lexi Saal can see this!
Think2xTwice.org offers free anti bullying workshops for parents, students and teachers. Visit the website www.think2xtwice.org for more info or contact Traci Fant CEO Think2xTwice.org directly at stopteenviolence@live.com
This document provides guidelines and strategies for intervening in bullying situations. It discusses the spectrum of aggressive behaviors that constitute bullying and the consequences for both victims and bullies. Recommended interventions include establishing a positive school culture with clear behavioral expectations, teaching social-emotional skills, and providing individualized support for both bullies and victims. Strategies target universal prevention, early intervention, and intensive one-on-one support. The goals are to stop all bullying immediately and help all students develop positive behaviors and relationships.
This document summarizes a student project investigating the causes and effects of bullying. It defines bullying according to the CDC and discusses where and when bullying occurs, who engages in bullying behaviors and who is typically victimized. It then examines the psychological impacts of bullying on victims, bullies, and bystanders, both short-term and long-lasting effects. Specific topics covered include the link between bullying and suicide, as well as common misconceptions about bullying.
This document discusses the psychology of bullying. It defines bullying as a pattern of deliberately harming and humiliating others. Bullies engage in this behavior to feel powerful by putting others down due to their own insecurities and inadequacies. There are different types of bullying, including physical, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying. Bullies target those they perceive as vulnerable in order to project their own flaws onto others. Both bullies and their victims can experience long-lasting negative consequences from bullying behaviors. It is important to tell others about bullying and take active steps to make it stop.
Im a young Pakistani Blogger, Academic Writer, Freelancer, Quaidian & MPhil Scholar, Quote Lover, Co-Founder at Essar Student Fund & Blueprism Academia, belonging from Mehdiabad, Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.
I am an academic writer & freelancer! I can work on Research Paper, Thesis Writing, Academic Research, Research Project, Proposals, Assignments, Business Plans, and Case study research.
Management Sciences, Business Management, Marketing, HRM, Banking, Business Marketing, Corporate Finance, International Business Management
For Order Online:
Whatsapp: +923452502478
Portfolio Link: https://blueprismacademia.wordpress.com/
Email: arguni.hasnain@gmail.com
Follow Me:
Linkedin: arguni_hasnain
Instagram : arguni.hasnain
Facebook: arguni.hasnain
Bass Anglers Against Bullying PresentationSteve Gibson
Bass Anglers Against Bullying was formed to raise awareness of bullying among youth and educate students and parents on alternatives to bullying, such as bass fishing. Its goal is to involve young people in bass fishing to teach them positive roles models and alternatives to bullying, with the hope of eventually ending bullying in the area. The document defines bullying, describes the different types including verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying. It outlines signs that someone is being bullied or bullying others, and provides information on the effects of bullying and percentages related to bullying. The document encourages speaking up if being bullied and provides advice for parents on recognizing signs and getting help.
This document provides information about bullying, including definitions, types, where and when it occurs, who is at risk, and the effects on those involved. It defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a real or perceived power imbalance that is repeated over time or has the potential to be repeated. There are three main types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Bullying can occur in school, on the way to/from school, and online. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are more likely to experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. It is important for adults to respond quickly and consistently to bullying to prevent its negative effects.
Bullying has negative effects on children's development, causing issues like depression, anxiety, poor academic performance, and increased risk of suicide. Verbal, physical, emotional, and cyber bullying can all negatively impact victims. Preventing bullying through programs and policies aims to support children's healthy social and emotional growth.
1. There are different types of bullying including physical, verbal, indirect, social alienation, intimidation, and cyberbullying.
2. Bullying statistics show that it is a widespread problem, with over 75% of students experiencing harassment and 20% admitting to bullying others.
3. Warning signs of being bullied include coming home with damaged belongings, injuries, losing interest in activities, and feelings of helplessness or wanting revenge.
The document discusses bullying, including definitions, types, how victims and bullies feel, and where it occurs. It defines bullying as repeated harmful behavior involving a power imbalance. Types include verbal, physical, social, and psychological bullying. Victims feel weak, suspicious, and have low self-esteem, while bullies abuse power to control others and may not feel empathy. Bullying can happen anywhere but is common in schools. Statistics on bullying in Spain show around 24% of children experience it, decreasing with age, and over half of bullied children also bully others at times. Solutions include family and school support and preventing unpunished attacks.
This month spotlights bullying behavior and what kids and parents can do to identify it and stop it. We thought this would be timely as the school year begins.
Today, bullying has become much more pervasive and has taken on new methods, tactics and impact that have led, in many cases, to serious physical and mental abuse and even suicide by traumatized victims. The latest bullying statistics should make every parent take notice and take appropriate action with their children and their schools
Please feel free to share with your colleagues, friends and family.
Chris Carney
Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a power imbalance that can cause physical and psychological harm. It includes verbal threats, spreading rumors, attacks, and social exclusion. Bullying occurs in different forms like verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are at risk for issues like depression, poor school performance, substance abuse, and in rare cases, suicide or violence. Recognizing the warning signs of bullying is important to address the problem and support victims.
Bullying is an ongoing physical or Verbal mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power and the油victim (target) is exposed repeatedly to油negative actions油on the part of one or more other students.
Bullying is a widespread problem in schools globally that involves violent behavior between classmates intended to cause harm. The number of children affected by bullying is increasing, and Greece ranks 4th out of 41 countries for bullying incidents in schools. There are four main types of bullying: social, verbal, physical, and cyber. Bullying can have serious psychological consequences for victims such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and social isolation. The presentation provides examples of different bullying behaviors and advises students who are being bullied to seek help by talking to teachers, parents, psychologists, or friends.
Bullying and Violence Prevention PresentationSafeAndCaring
The document discusses bullying, violence, and strategies for prevention. It defines bullying as a relationship problem involving an imbalance of power, deliberate and repeated harmful actions. Violence is defined as the actual or threatened use of power to harm others physically, psychologically or socially. The document outlines types of bullying such as physical, verbal, relational and cyberbullying. It also discusses the consequences of bullying and provides a SMART approach for victims and bystanders to address bullying situations safely and effectively. Finally, it introduces the Safe and Caring Schools program which takes a comprehensive, whole-school approach to building respect, self-esteem and preventing bullying through curriculum, teaching, and community engagement.
bullying and the effects it has on studentschris18
The document discusses bullying and its effects on students based on survey responses. Key findings include that 66.7% of students said some kids get bullied while others don't, 100% said bullying has led to student suicides, and bullying can occur both inside and outside of school. Cyberbullying is also discussed as a form of bullying that occurs through technology and allows anonymity. The document encourages students to not bully and instead be nice.
This document discusses yoga and its potential health benefits. It defines yoga as an ancient practice originating in India that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. The document reviews evidence that yoga may help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms from various health conditions like back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cancer. It also discusses how physicians can recommend yoga to patients as a complementary treatment and lifestyle practice to promote health and well-being.
This document discusses the difference between feeling down or sad and clinical depression. It notes that while everyone feels sad sometimes in response to life's difficulties, depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that persist for weeks and interfere with daily life. The document provides a checklist of symptoms of depression, including changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, and thoughts of death. It encourages anyone experiencing several depressive symptoms for more than two weeks to seek help from a doctor or counseling service.
- Bullying occurs in all schools and negatively impacts students' learning and ability to feel safe. It is important for teachers, administrators, parents and students to pay attention to bullying, get involved to address it, and never ignore it.
- Bullying includes unwanted behaviors like teasing, threats, violence and exclusion that are intended to harm or distress other students. It can occur in person or online. Bullying often involves an imbalance of power between the students.
- To prevent bullying, schools should create a safe learning environment, clear rules against bullying, train bystanders to support students being bullied, and intervene immediately when bullying occurs. Adults must take reports of bullying seriously and address both the bullies and targets
This document discusses different types of bullying including verbal, social, physical, and cyber bullying. It provides statistics on the prevalence of these behaviors, how they affect children and teens, and the risks of being targeted. Specific bullying tactics like gossiping, impersonating others online, and damaging property are outlined. The physical and psychological impacts of bullying are explored such as injuries, low self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts. Causes of bullying like poor parenting, lack of supervision, and peer pressure are also summarized.
Hey guys! So for English class we had to get into groups and make a persuasive essay. My group and i decided to persuade against bullying. Along with out essay, we made a slide show for fun. This slide shows true facts that were researched. I really hope Lexi Saal can see this!
Think2xTwice.org offers free anti bullying workshops for parents, students and teachers. Visit the website www.think2xtwice.org for more info or contact Traci Fant CEO Think2xTwice.org directly at stopteenviolence@live.com
This document provides guidelines and strategies for intervening in bullying situations. It discusses the spectrum of aggressive behaviors that constitute bullying and the consequences for both victims and bullies. Recommended interventions include establishing a positive school culture with clear behavioral expectations, teaching social-emotional skills, and providing individualized support for both bullies and victims. Strategies target universal prevention, early intervention, and intensive one-on-one support. The goals are to stop all bullying immediately and help all students develop positive behaviors and relationships.
This document summarizes a student project investigating the causes and effects of bullying. It defines bullying according to the CDC and discusses where and when bullying occurs, who engages in bullying behaviors and who is typically victimized. It then examines the psychological impacts of bullying on victims, bullies, and bystanders, both short-term and long-lasting effects. Specific topics covered include the link between bullying and suicide, as well as common misconceptions about bullying.
This document discusses the psychology of bullying. It defines bullying as a pattern of deliberately harming and humiliating others. Bullies engage in this behavior to feel powerful by putting others down due to their own insecurities and inadequacies. There are different types of bullying, including physical, verbal, relational, and cyberbullying. Bullies target those they perceive as vulnerable in order to project their own flaws onto others. Both bullies and their victims can experience long-lasting negative consequences from bullying behaviors. It is important to tell others about bullying and take active steps to make it stop.
Im a young Pakistani Blogger, Academic Writer, Freelancer, Quaidian & MPhil Scholar, Quote Lover, Co-Founder at Essar Student Fund & Blueprism Academia, belonging from Mehdiabad, Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan.
I am an academic writer & freelancer! I can work on Research Paper, Thesis Writing, Academic Research, Research Project, Proposals, Assignments, Business Plans, and Case study research.
Management Sciences, Business Management, Marketing, HRM, Banking, Business Marketing, Corporate Finance, International Business Management
For Order Online:
Whatsapp: +923452502478
Portfolio Link: https://blueprismacademia.wordpress.com/
Email: arguni.hasnain@gmail.com
Follow Me:
Linkedin: arguni_hasnain
Instagram : arguni.hasnain
Facebook: arguni.hasnain
Bass Anglers Against Bullying PresentationSteve Gibson
Bass Anglers Against Bullying was formed to raise awareness of bullying among youth and educate students and parents on alternatives to bullying, such as bass fishing. Its goal is to involve young people in bass fishing to teach them positive roles models and alternatives to bullying, with the hope of eventually ending bullying in the area. The document defines bullying, describes the different types including verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying. It outlines signs that someone is being bullied or bullying others, and provides information on the effects of bullying and percentages related to bullying. The document encourages speaking up if being bullied and provides advice for parents on recognizing signs and getting help.
This document provides information about bullying, including definitions, types, where and when it occurs, who is at risk, and the effects on those involved. It defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a real or perceived power imbalance that is repeated over time or has the potential to be repeated. There are three main types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Bullying can occur in school, on the way to/from school, and online. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are more likely to experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. It is important for adults to respond quickly and consistently to bullying to prevent its negative effects.
Bullying has negative effects on children's development, causing issues like depression, anxiety, poor academic performance, and increased risk of suicide. Verbal, physical, emotional, and cyber bullying can all negatively impact victims. Preventing bullying through programs and policies aims to support children's healthy social and emotional growth.
1. There are different types of bullying including physical, verbal, indirect, social alienation, intimidation, and cyberbullying.
2. Bullying statistics show that it is a widespread problem, with over 75% of students experiencing harassment and 20% admitting to bullying others.
3. Warning signs of being bullied include coming home with damaged belongings, injuries, losing interest in activities, and feelings of helplessness or wanting revenge.
The document discusses bullying, including definitions, types, how victims and bullies feel, and where it occurs. It defines bullying as repeated harmful behavior involving a power imbalance. Types include verbal, physical, social, and psychological bullying. Victims feel weak, suspicious, and have low self-esteem, while bullies abuse power to control others and may not feel empathy. Bullying can happen anywhere but is common in schools. Statistics on bullying in Spain show around 24% of children experience it, decreasing with age, and over half of bullied children also bully others at times. Solutions include family and school support and preventing unpunished attacks.
This month spotlights bullying behavior and what kids and parents can do to identify it and stop it. We thought this would be timely as the school year begins.
Today, bullying has become much more pervasive and has taken on new methods, tactics and impact that have led, in many cases, to serious physical and mental abuse and even suicide by traumatized victims. The latest bullying statistics should make every parent take notice and take appropriate action with their children and their schools
Please feel free to share with your colleagues, friends and family.
Chris Carney
Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a power imbalance that can cause physical and psychological harm. It includes verbal threats, spreading rumors, attacks, and social exclusion. Bullying occurs in different forms like verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are at risk for issues like depression, poor school performance, substance abuse, and in rare cases, suicide or violence. Recognizing the warning signs of bullying is important to address the problem and support victims.
Bullying is an ongoing physical or Verbal mistreatment where there is an imbalance of power and the油victim (target) is exposed repeatedly to油negative actions油on the part of one or more other students.
Bullying is a widespread problem in schools globally that involves violent behavior between classmates intended to cause harm. The number of children affected by bullying is increasing, and Greece ranks 4th out of 41 countries for bullying incidents in schools. There are four main types of bullying: social, verbal, physical, and cyber. Bullying can have serious psychological consequences for victims such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and social isolation. The presentation provides examples of different bullying behaviors and advises students who are being bullied to seek help by talking to teachers, parents, psychologists, or friends.
Bullying and Violence Prevention PresentationSafeAndCaring
The document discusses bullying, violence, and strategies for prevention. It defines bullying as a relationship problem involving an imbalance of power, deliberate and repeated harmful actions. Violence is defined as the actual or threatened use of power to harm others physically, psychologically or socially. The document outlines types of bullying such as physical, verbal, relational and cyberbullying. It also discusses the consequences of bullying and provides a SMART approach for victims and bystanders to address bullying situations safely and effectively. Finally, it introduces the Safe and Caring Schools program which takes a comprehensive, whole-school approach to building respect, self-esteem and preventing bullying through curriculum, teaching, and community engagement.
bullying and the effects it has on studentschris18
The document discusses bullying and its effects on students based on survey responses. Key findings include that 66.7% of students said some kids get bullied while others don't, 100% said bullying has led to student suicides, and bullying can occur both inside and outside of school. Cyberbullying is also discussed as a form of bullying that occurs through technology and allows anonymity. The document encourages students to not bully and instead be nice.
This document discusses yoga and its potential health benefits. It defines yoga as an ancient practice originating in India that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. The document reviews evidence that yoga may help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms from various health conditions like back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cancer. It also discusses how physicians can recommend yoga to patients as a complementary treatment and lifestyle practice to promote health and well-being.
This document discusses the difference between feeling down or sad and clinical depression. It notes that while everyone feels sad sometimes in response to life's difficulties, depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that persist for weeks and interfere with daily life. The document provides a checklist of symptoms of depression, including changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, and thoughts of death. It encourages anyone experiencing several depressive symptoms for more than two weeks to seek help from a doctor or counseling service.
El documento presenta 10 interpretaciones de refranes o aforismos en distintas lenguas. Abordan temas como la historia y el sacrificio, la transformaci坦n del ser humano por la tecnolog鱈a, el papel de los medios de comunicaci坦n, la perseverancia, el juicio est辿tico, la locura y la memoria, la filosof鱈a de los colores en Goethe, y la influencia entre artistas.
Msc-generator is a tool that draws message sequence charts from textual descriptions. It parses text descriptions of message sequence charts and produces graphical output in various formats. New features in version 4.4 include added support for hyperlinks, exporting label positioning information, and improvements to parallel blocks and the Windows GUI. The tool includes a text editor for editing chart descriptions and supports zooming, tracking mode, automatic splitting of charts, and collapsing/expanding of elements.
This document discusses the key aspects of 4G technology. 4G aims to provide high-speed wireless internet access and streaming multimedia services. It will offer data rates of 100 Mbps for mobile users and 1 Gbps for stationary users. 4G networks launched in 2010 and allow for end-to-end IP services and high quality streaming video. The document outlines the development of wireless technologies from 1G to 4G and highlights some applications and advantages of 4G such as high speeds, security, and global roaming capabilities.
- Adolf Hitler served in the German army during World War I and was promoted to corporal for his achievements but stopped at that rank due to his odd personality and inexperience in leadership.
- After the war, Hitler joined the Nazi party and became its leader in 1921. He was an engaging public speaker who attracted many followers to the party with his speeches expressing anti-Semitism.
- In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany and transformed the government into a dictatorship, allowing him to pass laws against Jews and consolidate his power. By 1939, Germany had invaded several countries using blitzkrieg tactics.
This document discusses the difference between feeling down or sad and clinical depression. It notes that while everyone feels sad sometimes, depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that persist for weeks and interfere with daily life. The document provides a checklist of symptoms of depression, including changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, and thoughts of death. It encourages anyone experiencing several depressive symptoms for more than two weeks to seek help from a doctor or counseling services.
This document discusses humanoid robotics, including a brief history from the 1920s term "robot" to recent developments. It provides examples of early humanoid robots from universities in Japan that could communicate and perform basic tasks. Advantages include looking and feeling more human for interaction, while disadvantages are the complexity and poor performance for tasks suited for wheeled robots. Recent examples show improvements in abilities like stairs, soccer, and carrying weight, but human-level capability is still a goal, as humanoid robotics continues advancing with corporate competitions.
This document discusses yoga and its potential health benefits. It defines yoga as an ancient practice originating in India that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. The document reviews evidence that yoga may help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms from various health conditions like back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and cancer. It also discusses how physicians can recommend yoga to patients as a complementary treatment and lifestyle practice to improve health outcomes.
4G networks are optimized for data and aim to provide speeds of 100Mbps for mobile users and 1Gbps for stationary users. 4G allows for lower powered radio signals, digital error checking, and the introduction of digital data services like SMS and email. However, 3G networks still face issues like high license fees and expensive phones. 4G is expected to offer faster, more reliable connections at lower costs using technologies like OFDM and potentially incorporating IEEE 802.11n standards.
The document discusses rape myths and identifies 18 common myths. It defines rape myths as prejudicial, stereotyped, or false beliefs about rape, rape victims, and rapists. Some examples of myths addressed include that women often make false reports of rape, that only "bad" women get raped, and that women encourage rape through their dress. The document aims to confront these myths by presenting facts and research that show they are untrue.
This document provides a summary of the history of gender discrimination and the women's rights movement in the United States. It discusses how biology and social norms were used to justify discrimination. Key events and legislation aimed to promote gender equality, including the Seneca Falls Convention, 19th Amendment, Title VII, Title IX, and the failed Equal Rights Amendment. The Supreme Court has applied intermediate scrutiny to gender discrimination cases under the 14th Amendment since the 1970s.
This document discusses the difference between feeling down or sad and clinical depression. It notes that while everyone feels sad sometimes, depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that persist for weeks and interfere with daily life. The document provides a checklist of symptoms of depression, including changes in sleep, appetite, concentration, and thoughts of death. It encourages anyone experiencing several depressive symptoms for more than two weeks to seek help from a doctor or counseling services.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang warnet sebagai bisnis yang menguntungkan. Warnet dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat bermain game dan mengakses internet serta media sosial secara online. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan peralatan dan spesifikasi komputer yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan bisnis warnet serta perhitungan biaya dan keuntungan usaha warnet.
The document provides tips for getting the new year off to a great start by focusing on self-care and maintaining a positive mindset. It recommends taking stock of your achievements from the past year, expressing gratitude, and setting realistic goals. It also suggests cleaning out unwanted items, planning relaxing activities, and celebrating on New Year's Eve in a way that feels right rather than following expectations. Seeking social support and professional help if needed are also presented as important ways to cope during this transition period and combat feelings of depression or stress.
The document discusses peer pressure and provides advice on how to manage it. Peer pressure is when one feels influenced by peers to do something they would not usually do or be prevented from doing something they want to do, in order to be accepted. Peer pressure can affect fashion choices, substance use, relationships, and academic performance. The document recommends finding people with shared interests, saying no confidently while sticking to one's beliefs, and talking to a trusted person like a parent or teacher if pressure becomes too difficult to handle alone. Knowing who to listen to and avoid is key to fighting unwanted peer pressure.
1) Social networking has become obsessive for many as they constantly check platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp to keep up with friends and compare their lives. This leads to stress and anxiety as people fear their lives are less interesting than others.
2) Adults also feel pressure to conform to social norms online and keep up appearances. What others like and own on social media acts as a gauge of social acceptance.
3) Some become so concerned with having more online friends and followers that their real-life relationships suffer. While social media allows feeling connected, it is not a substitute for meaningful human interaction, which is important for well-being.
Bullies are often acting on instructions from authority figures and should not solely be blamed for their harmful actions. Research shows that children are taught to obey authority even when instructions are morally wrong. Bullies frequently come from environments where violence is modeled and accepted as a way to get what you want. Rather than dehumanizing bullies, it is important to examine where their behaviors stem from and what can be done to help change their self-concept and relationship with the world. Both victims and bullies need guidance, as bullies are also victims in many cases and must be part of the solution through education on healthy coping mechanisms and being given real choices.
This document provides information about an individual with a diverse set of interests and skills. They describe themselves as curious, open-minded, intuitive, energetic, and empathetic. They have 20 years of experience in the NGO field and psychology, where they have taken on various roles and responsibilities. They aim to understand people and problems from multiple angles to develop effective solutions through communication and understanding human behavior and motivations.
The document discusses peer pressure and provides advice on how to manage it. Peer pressure occurs when one feels influenced by peers to do something they normally wouldn't do, or prevented from doing something they want, in order to be accepted. It can affect fashion choices, substance use, relationships and academics. While peer pressure may sometimes motivate, it can also lead one to act against their values. The document recommends finding people with shared interests, saying "no" confidently, and seeking help from trusted individuals if feeling unable to handle peer pressure situations.
This document provides information about Janine Shamos and her background and experience. She has over 20 years of experience in psychology and applies psychological insights to her work researching issues and developing strategies. Some of her key accomplishments include developing an award-winning health education tool called The Speaking Books for various clients, and running a transformational program for juvenile offenders. She is responsible for research, insights, and copywriting for The Speaking Books project.
1. Death in the schoolyard the lethal consequences of bullying
By Janine Shamos
It is known that depression is the cause of most teen suicide but what
causes depression in teens? Psychologists believe that some people
have a genetic tendency towards depression while others develop
depression due to external environmental factors. Bullying is one of
these factors. And its on the increase. More frightening is we tell our
children to expect it and accept it because boys will be boys.
Imagine sitting at work, minding your own business and suddenly
being hit over the head. Imagine sitting on your lunch hour, eating
your lunch quietly without warning you are knocked from your
chair, your lunch splatters as your head hits the ground, you feel blow
after blow raining down on your head, your face, your body. Imagine
being told if you say anything or complain you will be killed Hard to
imagine isnt it yet this is the reality for many of our children everyday
at school.
Bullying is abusive behaviour by one or more learners against a
victim. It can be a direct physical attack like teasing, taunting, hitting,
punching and stealing or it can be more subtle and malicious through
gossiping, spreading rumours and intentional exclusion. The result is
the victim becomes socially rejected and isolated. Physical or
psychological intimidation creates an ongoing pattern of harassment
and abuse - the vicious cycle of bullying.
Learners typically dont tell adults about being bullied as they feel that
intervention is infrequent and inconsistent and will only make matters
worse. Also many children feel that teachers and parents see bullying
as a harmless rite of passage that is best ignored, as it will pass
naturally. This is not so. It takes a special type of person to
intentionally cause pain to others. Bullying is not a problem that
sorts itself out naturally, says the South African Depression and
Anxiety Group. The line between boys being boys gets blurred when a
child is intentionally targeted, when a playground slap turns to a
punch, says Helen Rozkydal, a primary school educator and
counsellor. The effects of bullying can last a lifetime and cause a great
deal of pain and misery.
Children and teens who are bullied feel anxious, tense and afraid. It
affects their concentration at school and results in a drop in school
performance. Bullying affects the victims self-esteem and feelings of
self-worth, says Johannesburg-based psychologist Dr Colinda Linde,
Teens may start to withdraw socially and become depressed. Some
may take weapons to school for protection or consider suicide as the
only escape. Research has shown that even years after being bullied,
2. past victims have higher levels of depression and poorer self-esteem
that other adults.
Suicide caused by the effects of bullying has become such a problem
in Europe and the United States that there is now a word for it
bullycide. The reality is that others took Brandons life long before
he ended his pain, says Cathy whose son Brandon committed suicide
after being repeatedly bullied, Brandon fought a valiant battle,
enduring all these things - until he lost all hope. A mother whose 16-
year-old son committed suicide said, If only he could have spoken to
me, to a teacher, someone Your pain might be over but ours will
haunt us forever. We could have helped we would have helped.
Teen suicide is on the increase in South Africa with suicide
accounting for 9% of all teen deaths. We know that children and teens
are reluctant to approach adults for help so its up to teachers and
parents to speak to them first. Bullying is a covert underground
activity in a kids-only world. All too often adults are not aware of what
is happening under their very noses. Parents and teachers need to
ask their children how they are treated by peers and spread the word
that bullying is bad for bullies, says SADAGs Shamos. Dont expect
kids to work it out for themselves and never tell a victim to fight
back because they really usually are weaker and smaller.
The victims are generally quieter than other children and tend to be
socially incompetent loners. The victims avoid conflict at all costs and
have no practice in dealing with conflict so they panic, says Shamos.
Victims are submissive even before they are attacked, which may
increase their chances of victimization. While no-one likes a bully, no-
one likes a victim either. Victims make other children uncomfortable
and this further isolates them amongst their peers. This social
isolation may be more damaging that the physical bullying and these
children tend to become depressed, anxious and avoidant. Most
damaging is the fact that these whipping boys internalize the
negative views other children have of them. Rozkydal observes that
these children usually blame themselves for the bullying. Parents may
observe changes in their children like loss of appetite, changes in
sleeping habits, crying, stomachaches and not wanting to go to
school. These symptoms could be cause for concern in any child and
parents should contact the South African Depression and Anxiety
Group on (011) 262 6396.
SADAG, through its Teen Suicide Prevention Programme Suicide
Shouldnt be a Secret, has seen the effects of bullying in both victims
and perpetrators. There are huge costs for both sides, says Janine
Shamos of SADAG, Kids who are aggressive in childhood carry that
aggression into adulthood. SADAG has seen the proof, time and time
again, that bullies dont just harm others, they harm themselves.
3. The only difference between a terrorist and a bully is in the organised
planning or cause of the activity, and the scale of the terror, says
Cathy. To a bullied child, the terms are interchangeable. Bullying is
often a sign that these children are heading for serious trouble and
are at risk for violence and law breaking. Bullies are more likely to
engage in delinquent behaviour like vandalism, shoplifting and drug
use into adulthood and are four times more likely to be convicted of
crimes by the age of 24. 60% of bullies have at least one criminal
conviction. Bullies get what they want but not what they need.
Bullies are angry and have a need to be powerful and in control.
Controlling others makes them feel better about themselves, says
Shamos, They need to be shown constructive ways to deal with their
frustration. According to Bully Online, an anti-bullying site in the
United Kingdom, the purpose of bullying is to hide inadequacy and
childhood bullied often grow into adult bullies who are unable to
accept responsibility for their behaviour.
Many schools have anti-bullying policies in place find out about
them and act on them good intentions are not enough. SADAG also
offers workshops to educators, parents and learners about bullying
and what can be done. It takes a lot for a child to admit to being
bullied so take allegations seriously. Children who are bullied, as well
as the bullies themselves, experience real suffering that can interfere
with their social and emotional development as well as their school
performance, says Dr Linde, Its time for bullying to be brought into
the light. Too many children have been destroyed by bullying.
In the final words of one 13-year-old boy who hanged himself due to
incessant bullying: Monday: my money was taken; Tuesday: names
called; Wednesday: my uniform ripped; Thursday: my body pouring
with blood; Friday: its ended; Saturday: freedom. He was dead on
The bully:
Refusal (not inability) to think rationally
about themselves and others
Small scale terrorist
Behaviour mostly during school time
Enjoys enforcing power over others
Enjoys causing fear
Over-bearing person who tyrannises the
non-violent and physically weak
Rules by intimidation and terror
Threatens, or acts, violence
Calls assault a fight, disagreement,
Name-calling, teasing, racial remarks
Spreading rumours
Not letting child join in activities
Hitting, punching, tripping, kicking
Taking or ruining their belongings
Nasty looks, intimidating them
4. What parents can do:
Be open to the possibility that your child may be
being bullied
If you suspect something may be wrong - ask
Listen to your child
Take him/her seriously
Never blame the child it is not their fault
Reassure them they were right in telling you
Dont promise to keep it a secret
Discuss practical ways to solve the problem
Teach self-confidence, assertiveness and social
Enrol kids in extra mural activities to help them
widen their social circle
Encourage family discussion rather than just
watching tv
Never expect kids to work it out on their own
Talk to teachers and other parents if theres one
bullied kid, there will be others.