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To infuse Aboriginal peoples
histories, knowledges, and
pedagogies into all levels
of education in Canada
Located on the lands of Onkwehonwe and Anishinaabe peoples, the Ontario
Institute for Studies in Education (OISE, 2013) is a leader in promoting Aboriginal
education. OISEs Deepening Knowledge Project (DKP) team is working to infuse
Aboriginal peoples histories, knowledges, and pedagogies into all levels of
education in Canada (OISE, 2013). Led by Professor Jean-Paul Restoule, the DKP
team has developed a website, which provides links to a wealth of online resources
and offers lists of books and videos, which currently link to Amazon.
To support the DKP team, the OISE Library sponsored the DKP - Library Resources project, which I completed as a practicum student. The project had 鍖ve major deliverables:
Arvaarluk, M., & Krykorka, V. (1992). Hide and sneak. Toronto: Annick Press. Retrieved from
http://www.annickpress.com/modules/books /512/ Hide_and_Sneak
Bedard, R. (2013, February 15). Resources for your practicum - Aboriginal education [Web log
post]. Retrieved from http://wordpress.oise.utoronto.ca/librarynews/2013/02/15/
Bedard, R. (in press). Education: Aboriginal Resources [LibGuide]. Retrieved from
Bastedo, J. (2006). On thin ice. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved from
Bouchard, D., & Sapp, A. (2006). Nokum is my teacher. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved
from http://www.鍖tzhenry.ca/detail.aspx?ID=9931
Bushey, J., & Krykorka, V. L. (2005). Orphans in the sky. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved
from http://www.鍖tzhenry.ca/detail.aspx?ID=8884
Campbell, N. I., & La Fave, K. (2005). Shi-shi-etko. Toronto: Groundwood Books. Retrieved
from http://www.houseofanansi.com/Shi-shi-etko-P199.aspx
Christopher, N., Ed. (2010). Uumajut: Learn about Arctic wildlife. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media.
Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/books.html
Churchill, J. (Director), & Lynch, T. (Producer). (2005). I can make art like Andrew Qappik.
Montreal: National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved from
King, T. (2003). The truth about stories: A native narrative. Toronto: House of Anansi.
Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/The-Truth-About-Stories-P675.aspx
Loyie, L., Brissenden, C., & Holmund, H. D. (2002). As long as the rivers 鍖ow: A last summer before
residential school. Toronto: Groundwood Books. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com
McCallum, M., & Beaty, M. T. (2002). George Johnsons war. Toronto: Groundwood Books.
Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/George-Johnsons-War-P67.aspx
Mikkigak, Q., Schwartz, J., & Christopher, D. (2011). The legend of the fog. Iqaluit: Inhabit
Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/books.html
Niutaq Cultural Institute. (2011). Ilagiiniq: Interviews on Inuit family values
from the Qikiqtani region. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media. Retrieved from
OISE. (2013). Deepening knowledge. Retrieved from
OISE Library. (2013, February 17). Resources for your practicum  Aboriginal education
[Twitter post]. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/OISELibrary
Pendziwol, J. E., & Debon, N. (2005). The red sash. Toronto: House of Anansi. Retrieved from
http://www.houseofanansi.com/Search.aspx?k= the%20red%20sash
Tinsley, S. A., Qitsualik, R. A., & Trabbold, A. (2011). Aijjit: Dark dreams of the Artic. Iqaluit:
Inhabit Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/ books.html
Note: All book covers have been reprinted with permission from the publishers.
Aboriginal Education at OISE
ACCESS: The library catalogue links and LibGuide are helping OISE students,
faculty, and researchers to access freely available Aboriginal education materials.
COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: The list of Recommended Materials is strengthening
the OISE Librarys collection of materials related to Aboriginal education.
COLLABORATION: The project is deepening the relationship between the OISE Library
and the DKP research team.
PROMOTION: By raising awareness of Aboriginal education resources, the project is
helping the DKP team to achieve its broader mission: to infuse Aboriginal
perspectives into Canadian education (OISE, 2013).
This project exempli鍖es the OISE Librarys vital role in supporting teaching, learning,
and research. The DKP team is thrilled by the Librarys support. For OISE faculty,
students, and researchers, the library matters deeply.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thank you to everyone who made this exciting project
possible. A special thanks to Jenaya Webb, Michael Meth, Monique Flaccavento,
Patricia Serra鍖ni, Mariana Jardim, and the DKP research team.
Why it Matters
Improving Access to Aboriginal
Education Resources at OISE
Library Links for
Materials on the
DKP Website
 A Google spreadsheet
with catalogue links.
 Work-study students
are adding the links to
the DKP site this
1 Social Media
 Postings on the OISE
Librarys blog and
Twitter feed that
promote Aboriginal
education resources,
and direct students to
the DKP website.
4 Aboriginal
Education LibGuide
 A guide designed to help
initial teacher education
students 鍖nd Aboriginal
education resources,
such as books, videos,
kits, games, and lesson
 A Google spreadsheet
of Aboriginal materials
at the OISE Library.
 The DKP team is using
the list to add further
materials to their site.
Additional OISE
Library Materials
for the DKP Team
 A Google spreadsheet of
items on the DKP site
that are not yet at the
 OISE Librarians are using
the list to collaboratively
select materials.
Materials for OISE
The OISE Librarys Response

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Deepening KnowledgePoster

  • 1. DEEPENING KNOWLEDGE PROJECT MISSION DEEPENING KNOWLEDGE To infuse Aboriginal peoples histories, knowledges, and pedagogies into all levels of education in Canada REBEKAH BEDARD Located on the lands of Onkwehonwe and Anishinaabe peoples, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE, 2013) is a leader in promoting Aboriginal education. OISEs Deepening Knowledge Project (DKP) team is working to infuse Aboriginal peoples histories, knowledges, and pedagogies into all levels of education in Canada (OISE, 2013). Led by Professor Jean-Paul Restoule, the DKP team has developed a website, which provides links to a wealth of online resources and offers lists of books and videos, which currently link to Amazon. To support the DKP team, the OISE Library sponsored the DKP - Library Resources project, which I completed as a practicum student. The project had 鍖ve major deliverables: Arvaarluk, M., & Krykorka, V. (1992). Hide and sneak. Toronto: Annick Press. Retrieved from http://www.annickpress.com/modules/books /512/ Hide_and_Sneak Bedard, R. (2013, February 15). Resources for your practicum - Aboriginal education [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://wordpress.oise.utoronto.ca/librarynews/2013/02/15/ resources-for-your-practicum-aboriginal-education/ Bedard, R. (in press). Education: Aboriginal Resources [LibGuide]. Retrieved from http://guides.library.utoronto.ca/content.php?pid=447416&sid= 3666447&preview=ccdb09ece17b10c4e81cab5b6a703502 Bastedo, J. (2006). On thin ice. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved from http://www.鍖tzhenry.ca/detail.aspx?ID=8916 Bouchard, D., & Sapp, A. (2006). Nokum is my teacher. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved from http://www.鍖tzhenry.ca/detail.aspx?ID=9931 Bushey, J., & Krykorka, V. L. (2005). Orphans in the sky. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Retrieved from http://www.鍖tzhenry.ca/detail.aspx?ID=8884 Campbell, N. I., & La Fave, K. (2005). Shi-shi-etko. Toronto: Groundwood Books. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/Shi-shi-etko-P199.aspx Christopher, N., Ed. (2010). Uumajut: Learn about Arctic wildlife. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/books.html Churchill, J. (Director), & Lynch, T. (Producer). (2005). I can make art like Andrew Qappik. Montreal: National Film Board of Canada. Retrieved from http://www.nfb.ca/鍖lm/i_can_make_art_like_andrew_qappik/download/ King, T. (2003). The truth about stories: A native narrative. Toronto: House of Anansi. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/The-Truth-About-Stories-P675.aspx Loyie, L., Brissenden, C., & Holmund, H. D. (2002). As long as the rivers 鍖ow: A last summer before residential school. Toronto: Groundwood Books. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com /Search.aspx?k=as%20long%20as%20the%20rivers%20鍖ow McCallum, M., & Beaty, M. T. (2002). George Johnsons war. Toronto: Groundwood Books. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/George-Johnsons-War-P67.aspx Mikkigak, Q., Schwartz, J., & Christopher, D. (2011). The legend of the fog. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/books.html Niutaq Cultural Institute. (2011). Ilagiiniq: Interviews on Inuit family values from the Qikiqtani region. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/books.html OISE. (2013). Deepening knowledge. Retrieved from http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/deepeningknowledge/ OISE Library. (2013, February 17). Resources for your practicum Aboriginal education [Twitter post]. Retrieved from https://twitter.com/OISELibrary Pendziwol, J. E., & Debon, N. (2005). The red sash. Toronto: House of Anansi. Retrieved from http://www.houseofanansi.com/Search.aspx?k= the%20red%20sash Tinsley, S. A., Qitsualik, R. A., & Trabbold, A. (2011). Aijjit: Dark dreams of the Artic. Iqaluit: Inhabit Media. Retrieved from http://www.inhabitmedia.com/ books.html Note: All book covers have been reprinted with permission from the publishers. Aboriginal Education at OISE ACCESS: The library catalogue links and LibGuide are helping OISE students, faculty, and researchers to access freely available Aboriginal education materials. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: The list of Recommended Materials is strengthening the OISE Librarys collection of materials related to Aboriginal education. COLLABORATION: The project is deepening the relationship between the OISE Library and the DKP research team. PROMOTION: By raising awareness of Aboriginal education resources, the project is helping the DKP team to achieve its broader mission: to infuse Aboriginal perspectives into Canadian education (OISE, 2013). This project exempli鍖es the OISE Librarys vital role in supporting teaching, learning, and research. The DKP team is thrilled by the Librarys support. For OISE faculty, students, and researchers, the library matters deeply. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thank you to everyone who made this exciting project possible. A special thanks to Jenaya Webb, Michael Meth, Monique Flaccavento, Patricia Serra鍖ni, Mariana Jardim, and the DKP research team. Why it Matters Conclusion REFERENCES FEATURED TITLES Improving Access to Aboriginal Education Resources at OISE Library Links for Materials on the DKP Website A Google spreadsheet with catalogue links. Work-study students are adding the links to the DKP site this summer. 1 Social Media Postings Postings on the OISE Librarys blog and Twitter feed that promote Aboriginal education resources, and direct students to the DKP website. 4 Aboriginal Education LibGuide A guide designed to help initial teacher education students 鍖nd Aboriginal education resources, such as books, videos, kits, games, and lesson plans. 52 A Google spreadsheet of Aboriginal materials at the OISE Library. The DKP team is using the list to add further materials to their site. Additional OISE Library Materials for the DKP Team 3 A Google spreadsheet of items on the DKP site that are not yet at the library. OISE Librarians are using the list to collaboratively select materials. Recommended Materials for OISE Selectors The OISE Librarys Response