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We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   1
We make products that give a leg up to the little guy
+ Nathan Miller!
DECIDE             DECIDE             DECIDE              DECISIONS

1. PITCH            2. HACK            3. MAKE            4. SHIFT
DECIDE             DECIDE             DECIDE              DECISIONS

1. PITCH            2. HACK            3. MAKE            4. SHIFT
Little big ideas
Small, useful, real
                       Something big
product we can hack
                        and valuable
  together quickly
Small, useful, real
                       Something big
product we can hack
                        and valuable
  together quickly
Something big
   and valuable
    that gives a
 massive leg up
to the little guy
Sell the digital things you make to
            the people in your networks
We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   10
The fairest, most useful and most
elegant e-commerce solution for
             independent digital makers

We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   11
Trends were hoping to exploit
   Rise of the independent digital maker
   Rise of very big (global) but very specialist communities
   Social media-isation of all marketing
   Mobile-isation of all commerce
   Digital by default for all media = End of ripping = end of
    stealing being acceptable

           We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   12
We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   13
Seller proposition
   Add digital / physical products or services in a few clicks
   Free tools to support relevant social media marketing
   Embed Bitsy checkout on your own website with one line of code
   Incredibly simple, mobile friendly checkout
   Low fees - 5% + 25p of all transactions or 10% + 50p for transactions
    referred from veri鍖ed partners

          We make products that give a leg up to the little guy             14
Developer / partner proposition
   Powerful API - the same one we use:
       Allow your users to create Bitsy accounts
       Create and modify items
       Associate items with other IDs
   Apply for partner status to get 5% + 25p of all items generated from your
    service - same as we get

         We make products that give a leg up to the little guy                  15
1. Ship vanilla
product and iron out

          We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   16
2. Launch a series of   Film?   Blog courses?   Radio plays?

                                                                        campaigns targeting
                                                                        speci鍖c verticals to
                                                                        learn about what
                                                                        matters to end users
Sound 鍖les?   3D shapes?                   Short stories?

                We make products that give a leg up to the little guy                                                             17
3. Do deals with web
                                                        properties with
                                                        poorly monetized
                                                        digital inventory to
                                                        become partners

We make products that give a leg up to the little guy                          18
One more thing...

  We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   19
The simplest way to create,
manage and share lists of people
We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   20
We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   21
Challenge: Who is it for?

Small companies that rely on freelancers?
Freelancers that rely on small companies?
People who organise smaller events?
Who else?

         We make products that give a leg up to the little guy   22
Makeshift Demo 1

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Makeshift Demo 1

  • 1. We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 1
  • 2. We make products that give a leg up to the little guy
  • 7. Small, useful, real Something big product we can hack and valuable together quickly
  • 8. Small, useful, real Something big product we can hack and valuable together quickly
  • 9. Something big and valuable that gives a massive leg up to the little guy
  • 10. Sell the digital things you make to the people in your networks We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 10
  • 11. The fairest, most useful and most elegant e-commerce solution for independent digital makers We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 11
  • 12. Trends were hoping to exploit Rise of the independent digital maker Rise of very big (global) but very specialist communities Social media-isation of all marketing Mobile-isation of all commerce Digital by default for all media = End of ripping = end of stealing being acceptable We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 12
  • 13. Demo We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 13
  • 14. Seller proposition Add digital / physical products or services in a few clicks Free tools to support relevant social media marketing Embed Bitsy checkout on your own website with one line of code Incredibly simple, mobile friendly checkout Low fees - 5% + 25p of all transactions or 10% + 50p for transactions referred from veri鍖ed partners We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 14
  • 15. Developer / partner proposition Powerful API - the same one we use: Allow your users to create Bitsy accounts Create and modify items Associate items with other IDs Apply for partner status to get 5% + 25p of all items generated from your service - same as we get We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 15
  • 16. 1. Ship vanilla product and iron out bugs We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 16
  • 17. 2. Launch a series of Film? Blog courses? Radio plays? campaigns targeting speci鍖c verticals to learn about what matters to end users Sound 鍖les? 3D shapes? Short stories? We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 17
  • 18. 3. Do deals with web properties with poorly monetized digital inventory to become partners We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 18
  • 19. One more thing... We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 19
  • 20. The simplest way to create, manage and share lists of people We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 20
  • 21. Demo We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 21
  • 22. Challenge: Who is it for? Small companies that rely on freelancers? Freelancers that rely on small companies? People who organise smaller events? Recruiters? Who else? We make products that give a leg up to the little guy 22