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Design Thinking for the Self
Randy Gregory II
PHXDW 2016
v 1.2.1 (Phoenix Design Week Take Home Edition)
Design Thinking for the Self
Design is the intent
behind an outcome.
Design Thinking for the Self
The Goal:
Humans can utilize design thinking techniques
to develop empathy for themselves by allowing
themselves to be open and freely discover
opportunities for self-improvement in their
creative pursuits, school projects, and life
Design Thinking for the Self
1. I¨ve personally used this framework to treat
my own issues with self-confidence.

2. Some individuals within IBM Design have
been utilizing Design Thinking tools in order
to figure out their career progression, life
goals, relationships, et cetera.

3. Design Thinking is a framework for
problem solving and storytelling, utilizing
the power of empathy.
Design Thinking for the Self
Serious caveat:
Design thinking will not save your life.

If you are suicidal, or if you are spiraling, seek professional help. A therapist can do wonders.
Design Thinking for the Self
Why design
Design thinking allows you to contextualize the
problems & situations you find yourself in, which
can result in a variety of solutions.

This isn¨t just for building product or developing
design artifacts, it can help bring clarity to the
problems that are affecting us internally, and
enable solutions to present themselves.
Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking:
There are a ton of different design thinking
have probably been doing one of these your
entire life.
Design Thinking for the Self
IBM Design Thinking methodology: The Loop
Design Thinking for the Self
Observing is ?
about immersing
yourself in your
Meaningful outcomes come from an
understanding of the real problems that
Design Thinking for the Self
Reflecting is about
converging on a
point of view.
Good decisions begin with an understanding
of your situation, your purpose, and how you
can make a difference.?
If you dissect your problems, you can discover
the true source of them.
Design Thinking for the Self
Making is about
giving form to ideas.
You can¨t know everything but you do know
some things, so jump right in. The earlier you
make, the faster you¨ll learn.
Design Thinking for the Self
What design thinking can accomplish:
Build stronger empathy for yourself.

Assess the situations you¨re in from a non-biased point of view.

Discovering the root cause of emotionally troubling issues.

Develop big, creative solutions to resolve those issues.

Understand the feasibility to execute a solution.

Develop a roadmap to achieve the solution, and move on to the next.
Design Thinking for the Self
Tool Framework:
? Empathy Mapping

? As-is Scenario 

? Needs Statements

? Big Ideas

? Do-Ability Chart 

? Near Term/Long Term Goals

Additional tools:
Reflection moment
Design Thinking for the Self
To accomplish:
Post It Notes


Large pieces of paper

Flipchart markers

You can really use anything. Notebook, Laptop,
Tablet, stone slab´the possibilities are endless.
Design Thinking for the Self
Empathy Map
An empathy map is a simple tool designed to
allow someone to gain empathy either for a
user, or for themselves. 

In this case, you can use this to gain a better
understanding of yourself.

Use the four axis to plot stickies of what you,
feel, says, thinks, and does. 

Feel free to have a close friend do this for you,
instead of yourself. Choose someone you trust,
if you can¨t assess yourself without bias.
Design Thinking for the Self
As-Is Scenario
What is a situation where your 

triggers come out?

1) Outline the scenario

2) Fill in the steps, one per column

3) Annotate what you¨re doing,
corresponding thoughts, and the
emotions behind that.
4) Once the map is complete, go back through,
and group similar artifacts.
Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking for the Self
Needs Statements
Establish the problems, group them, redefine.

1) Review & Redefine the grouped issues

2) Develop positive outcomes from the issues

3) Write these down as ^needs statements ̄
Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking for the Self
______________ needs a way to ______________ so that ______________
do something
that addresses
their needThe user
the user ?
bene?ts ?
Traditional User Needs:
Design Thinking for the Self
______________ needs a way to ______________ so that ______________
Design Thinking for the Self
Needs Statements
Establish the problems, group them, redefine.

1) Review & Redefine the grouped issues

2) Develop positive outcomes from the issues

3) Write these down as ^needs statements ̄
Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking for the Self
Big Ideation
Now that you know the issues that face you,
you¨re open to ideate on ways to solve those

Draw out ideas & descriptions, as many as you
can. Share ideas, steal ideas (if you can). 

Do as many as possible. Do not let feasibility
scare you.
Design Thinking for the Self
Big ideas are broad and conceptual
and focused on high level needs.
Tactics are focused solutions to the
problem´they are too prescriptive.
Design Thinking for the Self
This is a
Design Thinking for the Self
This is a
big idea.
Design Thinking for the Self
Big Ideation
Now that you know the issues that face you,
you¨re open to ideate on ways to solve those

Draw out ideas & descriptions, as many as you
can. Share ideas, steal ideas (if you can). 

Do as many as possible. Do not let feasibility
scare you.
Design Thinking for the Self
Do-Ability Chart
You¨ve developed some fantastic ideas, but can
you actually do them??
What will it take to learn the skills necessary? 

How much time do you need to focus?
Is there a financial cost involved?
Do-Ability Chart
Considering these factors, plot your ideas on a
chart that looks like this:

The ^Learnability ̄ axis is strictly under your own
context. What is your bandwith? How much
time would you need?

Naturally, the best ideas will fall in the upper
right hand quadrant. 

These are called ^No Brainers. ̄

Design Thinking for the Self
Design Thinking for the Self
How will you achieve your goals?

Realistically planning them can lead you to
success´think about your goals, and break
them out into achievable steps.
Design Thinking for the Self
Remember to be reasonable. Think of the
timelines that you have to focus on their
goals´and if there is something extreme
going on, make sure it gets handled

And make time for life & love too.
Want a copy? Say Hello.
All images come from the Flickr Library of Congress archive or my own drawings
Additional Supplies
Design Thinking for the Self
Reflection Moment
Use this as a tool to ^playback ̄ the tool or
moment you just experienced. ?
Ask yourself questions like:
^What stood out in the previous exercise? ̄
^What have we learned so far? ̄
^What are we assuming? ̄

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Design Thinking for the Self

  • 1. Design Thinking for the Self Randy Gregory II PHXDW 2016 v 1.2.1 (Phoenix Design Week Take Home Edition)
  • 2. Design Thinking for the Self Design is the intent behind an outcome.
  • 3. Design Thinking for the Self The Goal: Humans can utilize design thinking techniques to develop empathy for themselves by allowing themselves to be open and freely discover opportunities for self-improvement in their creative pursuits, school projects, and life choices
  • 4. Design Thinking for the Self Basis: 1. I¨ve personally used this framework to treat my own issues with self-confidence. 2. Some individuals within IBM Design have been utilizing Design Thinking tools in order to figure out their career progression, life goals, relationships, et cetera. 3. Design Thinking is a framework for problem solving and storytelling, utilizing the power of empathy.
  • 5. Design Thinking for the Self Serious caveat: Design thinking will not save your life. If you are suicidal, or if you are spiraling, seek professional help. A therapist can do wonders.
  • 6. Design Thinking for the Self Why design thinking: Design thinking allows you to contextualize the problems & situations you find yourself in, which can result in a variety of solutions. This isn¨t just for building product or developing design artifacts, it can help bring clarity to the problems that are affecting us internally, and enable solutions to present themselves.
  • 7. Design Thinking for the Self Design Thinking: There are a ton of different design thinking frameworks/methodologies/ideologies´you have probably been doing one of these your entire life.
  • 8. Design Thinking for the Self Observe Reflect Make IBM Design Thinking methodology: The Loop
  • 9. Design Thinking for the Self Observing is ? about immersing yourself in your world. Meaningful outcomes come from an understanding of the real problems that exist.
  • 10. Design Thinking for the Self Reflecting is about converging on a point of view. Good decisions begin with an understanding of your situation, your purpose, and how you can make a difference.? ? If you dissect your problems, you can discover the true source of them.
  • 11. Design Thinking for the Self Making is about giving form to ideas. You can¨t know everything but you do know some things, so jump right in. The earlier you make, the faster you¨ll learn.
  • 12. Design Thinking for the Self What design thinking can accomplish: Build stronger empathy for yourself. Assess the situations you¨re in from a non-biased point of view. Discovering the root cause of emotionally troubling issues. Develop big, creative solutions to resolve those issues. Understand the feasibility to execute a solution. Develop a roadmap to achieve the solution, and move on to the next.
  • 13. Design Thinking for the Self Tool Framework: ? Empathy Mapping ? As-is Scenario ? Needs Statements ? Big Ideas ? Do-Ability Chart ? Near Term/Long Term Goals Additional tools: Reflection moment
  • 14. Design Thinking for the Self To accomplish: Post It Notes Sharpies Large pieces of paper Flipchart markers But: You can really use anything. Notebook, Laptop, Tablet, stone slab´the possibilities are endless.
  • 15. Design Thinking for the Self Empathy Map An empathy map is a simple tool designed to allow someone to gain empathy either for a user, or for themselves. In this case, you can use this to gain a better understanding of yourself. ? Use the four axis to plot stickies of what you, feel, says, thinks, and does. Feel free to have a close friend do this for you, instead of yourself. Choose someone you trust, if you can¨t assess yourself without bias.
  • 16. Design Thinking for the Self As-Is Scenario What is a situation where your triggers come out? 1) Outline the scenario 2) Fill in the steps, one per column 3) Annotate what you¨re doing, corresponding thoughts, and the emotions behind that. 4) Once the map is complete, go back through, and group similar artifacts.
  • 19. Design Thinking for the Self Needs Statements Establish the problems, group them, redefine. 1) Review & Redefine the grouped issues 2) Develop positive outcomes from the issues 3) Write these down as ^needs statements ̄ Design Thinking for the Self
  • 20. Design Thinking for the Self ______________ needs a way to ______________ so that ______________ do something that addresses their needThe user the user ? bene?ts ? directly. Traditional User Needs:
  • 21. Design Thinking for the Self ______________ needs a way to ______________ so that ______________
  • 22. Design Thinking for the Self Needs Statements Establish the problems, group them, redefine. 1) Review & Redefine the grouped issues 2) Develop positive outcomes from the issues 3) Write these down as ^needs statements ̄ Design Thinking for the Self
  • 23. Design Thinking for the Self Big Ideation Now that you know the issues that face you, you¨re open to ideate on ways to solve those issues. Draw out ideas & descriptions, as many as you can. Share ideas, steal ideas (if you can). Do as many as possible. Do not let feasibility scare you.
  • 24. Design Thinking for the Self Big ideas are broad and conceptual and focused on high level needs. Tactics are focused solutions to the problem´they are too prescriptive.
  • 25. Design Thinking for the Self This is a tactic.
  • 26. Design Thinking for the Self This is a big idea.
  • 27. Design Thinking for the Self Big Ideation Now that you know the issues that face you, you¨re open to ideate on ways to solve those issues. Draw out ideas & descriptions, as many as you can. Share ideas, steal ideas (if you can). Do as many as possible. Do not let feasibility scare you.
  • 28. Design Thinking for the Self Do-Ability Chart You¨ve developed some fantastic ideas, but can you actually do them?? ? What will it take to learn the skills necessary? How much time do you need to focus? Is there a financial cost involved?
  • 29. Do-Ability Chart Considering these factors, plot your ideas on a chart that looks like this: The ^Learnability ̄ axis is strictly under your own context. What is your bandwith? How much time would you need? Naturally, the best ideas will fall in the upper right hand quadrant. These are called ^No Brainers. ̄ Design Thinking for the Self
  • 30. Design Thinking for the Self Planning How will you achieve your goals? Realistically planning them can lead you to success´think about your goals, and break them out into achievable steps.
  • 31. Design Thinking for the Self Planning Remember to be reasonable. Think of the timelines that you have to focus on their goals´and if there is something extreme going on, make sure it gets handled immediately. And make time for life & love too.
  • 32. Thanks! Want a copy? Say Hello. rjgregor@us.ibm.com All images come from the Flickr Library of Congress archive or my own drawings
  • 34. Design Thinking for the Self Reflect Reflection Moment Use this as a tool to ^playback ̄ the tool or moment you just experienced. ? ? Ask yourself questions like: ^What stood out in the previous exercise? ̄ ^What have we learned so far? ̄ ^What are we assuming? ̄