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>>Deutsche Post AG Case Study.Queensland University of TechnologyITN201 Enterprise Architecture PreparedByTalal Almalki & Ahmed AlrabiyahSubervisedByDr.Peter Birbeck
>>AgendaDeutsche Post Profile (Group Overview).Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA (The Business Problem).How the SOA has been implemented at Deutsche Post (The ICT Processes Undertaken).What Deutsche Post gained afterwards (The Business Result).Crituqe of the approach been adapted (Based on The 4- Domains Model).Reference List.
>>Deutsche Post ProfileDeutsche Post is universal provider of postal services and the leader in Europe.Deutsche Post provides its service to more than 39 million households through 81,000 employees and around 3,500 retail offices.Deutsche Post is part of the world's largest logistics Group Deutsche Post World Net.Deutsche Post World Net  is a multinational group comprising the brands DHL and Postbank as well, forming more than 275,000 employees worldwide.Reference (Deutsche Post Web Site, Krafzig et al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA (The Business Problem).>>Introducing SOA in Deutsche in 1999 was not a reason of one problem, The business was struggling from many dilemmas, some of which are:The IT infrastructure was  getting huge and complex and hard to maintain.IT applications were totally isolated, missing the business holistic view and yielded inconsistent information.The functions executed by those applications had no boundaries, led to redundant at work and left no room for improvement.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA Cont.>>The maintenance of those legacy systems consumed most of the overall IT budget.Those application were unable to provide accurate business information about revenues, cost and competitors information.In 2000, Deutsche Post started the real implementation of its business-driven SOA , initiating some concepts about Service Backbone(SBB) and Business Domain Model(BDM).Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
What Deutsche Post gained afterwards (The Business Result).>>In two years of time, the SOA and SBB were up and running. Several direct and indirect benefits are gained, some of which are:One single consistent and centralized system provides on-time synchronization between the data storage and the application.Standardized business-driven holistic solution resulting measurable services, useful information and meeting the busniess demand sufficiently. Well-integrated infrastructure enables the business to maintain them easily, more reliable and extendable.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
What Deutsche Post gained afterwards Cont.>>Customer-oriented solution, provide the necessary services in todays dynamic busniess environment. Not only this, it provides additional functionalities such as registering customers contacts automatically rather than entering them manually as it used to be.Deutsche Posts Top Management is now able to take important and future decisions effectively, based on integrated executable busniess processes.Registering the methodologies been adapted as a reference model, which will be reused in some other companies belong to the group such as DHL.  Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
How the SOA has been implemnted at  Deutsche Post (The ICT Processes Undertaken).>>Deutsche Post realized at that point in time that the IT landscape was going from worse to worse. Several processes have been initiated in sequence to overcome the situation and come up with a business-oriented IT solution with one specific goal standardize access to functionality and ensure reusability.Design Business Domain Model (BDM)Redesign Business ProcessesDerive IT RequirementsDesign (BDM)Setup Implementation PortfolioThis diagram show s a sequence how the SOA has been implemented in Deutsche Post. Each step is explained in details in the next two slides.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
How the SOA has been implemnted at  Deutsche Post Cont.>>Setting up a dedicated business unit with the same authority level as other business units. The main objective from this unit was planning the project, developing the strategies and guidelines, governing the implementation, supporting other business units and eliminating the social barriers.Running a business requirement evaluation which led to redesign most of the potential business processes in order to understand their relationships to each other easily before the real implementing starts. Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
How the SOA has been implemnted at  Deutsche Post Cont.>>Representing all the services (business functions & data) should be provided by the new SOA from business perspective point of view, by designing a clear business domain model (BDM).BillingProductsFulfillmentCustomerA service must be executed from and to a customer. The current average workload is 0.5 million executed services per month.4 loosely coupled business domains: Products, Relationship, Billing, Fulfillment and Customer. Relationship
How the SOA has been implemnted at  Deutsche Post Cont.>>Building the business-driven SOA,  derived services from BDM, defined boundaries though Service Provider and Service Consumer and finally the Service Backbone(SBB) its main function is to execute and transform validated data within service channels.Service RepositoryMessage QueuingService participant (A)AsServiceConsumerService participant (B)AsServiceProviderFirst service call: seekCustomer (4711)SBB interfaceSBB interfaceResponse :  Customer (4711)Second service call: seekCustomer (0815)Response :  Customer (0815)
StandardizationReusabilityConsistencyBusiness Architecture Application Architecture Information ArchitectureTechnology Architecture Crituqe of the approach been adapted (Based on The 4-Domains Model).>>Success MeasuresGeneral Overview<<The implementation of the SOA has  took a Top-Down approach. Starting from analyzing business requirements and reengineering  the potential processes, building the entire solution and ending with setting up the infrastructure.If you compare Deutsche approach with 4-domains approach, you will notice both Information Architecture and Technology Architecture have been encapsulated somehow in the Application Architecture.Satisfactioninnovative Extendibility
Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Business Architecture  <<During the implementation, there was some innovative initiatives like the establishment of a dedicated IT strategy unit to control the project. Another innovative step was using insightful metaphor to promote the SOA internally (City, Area, Park and Airport).  The weakest point in this implementation happened in this stage, it is very much obvious that Deutsche Post didnt evaluate any former business cases or scenarios, they preferred to start from the scratch which sometimes can be vital.We would suggest Deutsche Post make sure their Business Domain Model(BDM) has identified all the existing processes and information and all the processes and information needed over time which will give them a clear picture where they are heading. Likewise, the SOA model should describe all the current  services and the future possible service which defiantly will add some value.
Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Application Architecture  <<The SOA derived its services from the five predefined business domains (Customer, Billing, Products, Relationship and Fulfillment) enables the application to support the business needs and assure information-flow consistency.The design of the SOA framework was highly-integrated. The SOA has Service Provider and Service Consumer and the Service Backbone (SBB) execute and deliver the messages in between. Moreover, the mapping between those executed services and the business domain were highly maintained.The implemented SOA was highly-customized, The purchased out-of-he-box packages were encapsulated within other frames, which may lead eventually to some maintenance issues. We would suggest Deutsche Post to pay more attention to the security issues. All new versions of the SOA solutions have their own firewall and encryption methods.
Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Technology Architecture  <<Several technology tools have been used to build up the platformsuch as  JMS(Java Messaging Service). Web Services also were in use such as HTTP and XML.We would suggest Deutsche Post to provide both messaging schemes - synchronous and asynchronous depending on the business need and dont limit themselves with only one scheme.We would suggest Deutsche Post as well to start considering the new concepts in SOA world nowadays, for example Single Sign On (SSO) concept, Continuity Management and Privilege Management. As mentioned earlier, Deutsche Post highly customized solution will show some difficulties in the future like if they want to adapt new technology concepts for example SSO or AJAX etc..
Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Information Architecture  <<Deutsche Post approach in this regard is figuring out what kind of information the business units need and then start to highlight the main business components and produce the tables (BusinessComponents and their associated attributes e.g. Customers and their names and contacts). These final  tables mapped to each other and checked for any update regularly.We would suggest Deutsche Post that they define each component in their BDM or SOA model. This will assure there is no room for ambiguity first and second will assure information (Instances) have been classified correctly under their business components.Not only the naming of the main components, Deutsche Post should make sure they clearly specify what each service does and how it's supposed to be used.
>>Reference ListDeutsche Post. (2008). Retrieved September 03, 2008, from http://www.deutschepost.de/dpag?lang=de_ENKrafzig, Dirk., 油Banke, Karl., & Slama , Dirk油. (2004). Deutsche Post AG Case Study . In Enterprise SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices.  (pp. 311-324). Indianapolis, United States of America:  Prentice Hall PTR .

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Deutsche Post

  • 1. >>Deutsche Post AG Case Study.Queensland University of TechnologyITN201 Enterprise Architecture PreparedByTalal Almalki & Ahmed AlrabiyahSubervisedByDr.Peter Birbeck
  • 2. >>AgendaDeutsche Post Profile (Group Overview).Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA (The Business Problem).How the SOA has been implemented at Deutsche Post (The ICT Processes Undertaken).What Deutsche Post gained afterwards (The Business Result).Crituqe of the approach been adapted (Based on The 4- Domains Model).Reference List.
  • 3. >>Deutsche Post ProfileDeutsche Post is universal provider of postal services and the leader in Europe.Deutsche Post provides its service to more than 39 million households through 81,000 employees and around 3,500 retail offices.Deutsche Post is part of the world's largest logistics Group Deutsche Post World Net.Deutsche Post World Net is a multinational group comprising the brands DHL and Postbank as well, forming more than 275,000 employees worldwide.Reference (Deutsche Post Web Site, Krafzig et al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 4. Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA (The Business Problem).>>Introducing SOA in Deutsche in 1999 was not a reason of one problem, The business was struggling from many dilemmas, some of which are:The IT infrastructure was getting huge and complex and hard to maintain.IT applications were totally isolated, missing the business holistic view and yielded inconsistent information.The functions executed by those applications had no boundaries, led to redundant at work and left no room for improvement.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 5. Why Deutsche Post decide to implement a SOA Cont.>>The maintenance of those legacy systems consumed most of the overall IT budget.Those application were unable to provide accurate business information about revenues, cost and competitors information.In 2000, Deutsche Post started the real implementation of its business-driven SOA , initiating some concepts about Service Backbone(SBB) and Business Domain Model(BDM).Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 6. What Deutsche Post gained afterwards (The Business Result).>>In two years of time, the SOA and SBB were up and running. Several direct and indirect benefits are gained, some of which are:One single consistent and centralized system provides on-time synchronization between the data storage and the application.Standardized business-driven holistic solution resulting measurable services, useful information and meeting the busniess demand sufficiently. Well-integrated infrastructure enables the business to maintain them easily, more reliable and extendable.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 7. What Deutsche Post gained afterwards Cont.>>Customer-oriented solution, provide the necessary services in todays dynamic busniess environment. Not only this, it provides additional functionalities such as registering customers contacts automatically rather than entering them manually as it used to be.Deutsche Posts Top Management is now able to take important and future decisions effectively, based on integrated executable busniess processes.Registering the methodologies been adapted as a reference model, which will be reused in some other companies belong to the group such as DHL. Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 8. How the SOA has been implemnted at Deutsche Post (The ICT Processes Undertaken).>>Deutsche Post realized at that point in time that the IT landscape was going from worse to worse. Several processes have been initiated in sequence to overcome the situation and come up with a business-oriented IT solution with one specific goal standardize access to functionality and ensure reusability.Design Business Domain Model (BDM)Redesign Business ProcessesDerive IT RequirementsDesign (BDM)Setup Implementation PortfolioThis diagram show s a sequence how the SOA has been implemented in Deutsche Post. Each step is explained in details in the next two slides.Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 9. How the SOA has been implemnted at Deutsche Post Cont.>>Setting up a dedicated business unit with the same authority level as other business units. The main objective from this unit was planning the project, developing the strategies and guidelines, governing the implementation, supporting other business units and eliminating the social barriers.Running a business requirement evaluation which led to redesign most of the potential business processes in order to understand their relationships to each other easily before the real implementing starts. Reference (Krafziget al., 2004, pp. 311-324).
  • 10. How the SOA has been implemnted at Deutsche Post Cont.>>Representing all the services (business functions & data) should be provided by the new SOA from business perspective point of view, by designing a clear business domain model (BDM).BillingProductsFulfillmentCustomerA service must be executed from and to a customer. The current average workload is 0.5 million executed services per month.4 loosely coupled business domains: Products, Relationship, Billing, Fulfillment and Customer. Relationship
  • 11. How the SOA has been implemnted at Deutsche Post Cont.>>Building the business-driven SOA, derived services from BDM, defined boundaries though Service Provider and Service Consumer and finally the Service Backbone(SBB) its main function is to execute and transform validated data within service channels.Service RepositoryMessage QueuingService participant (A)AsServiceConsumerService participant (B)AsServiceProviderFirst service call: seekCustomer (4711)SBB interfaceSBB interfaceResponse : Customer (4711)Second service call: seekCustomer (0815)Response : Customer (0815)
  • 12. StandardizationReusabilityConsistencyBusiness Architecture Application Architecture Information ArchitectureTechnology Architecture Crituqe of the approach been adapted (Based on The 4-Domains Model).>>Success MeasuresGeneral Overview<<The implementation of the SOA has took a Top-Down approach. Starting from analyzing business requirements and reengineering the potential processes, building the entire solution and ending with setting up the infrastructure.If you compare Deutsche approach with 4-domains approach, you will notice both Information Architecture and Technology Architecture have been encapsulated somehow in the Application Architecture.Satisfactioninnovative Extendibility
  • 13. Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Business Architecture <<During the implementation, there was some innovative initiatives like the establishment of a dedicated IT strategy unit to control the project. Another innovative step was using insightful metaphor to promote the SOA internally (City, Area, Park and Airport). The weakest point in this implementation happened in this stage, it is very much obvious that Deutsche Post didnt evaluate any former business cases or scenarios, they preferred to start from the scratch which sometimes can be vital.We would suggest Deutsche Post make sure their Business Domain Model(BDM) has identified all the existing processes and information and all the processes and information needed over time which will give them a clear picture where they are heading. Likewise, the SOA model should describe all the current services and the future possible service which defiantly will add some value.
  • 14. Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Application Architecture <<The SOA derived its services from the five predefined business domains (Customer, Billing, Products, Relationship and Fulfillment) enables the application to support the business needs and assure information-flow consistency.The design of the SOA framework was highly-integrated. The SOA has Service Provider and Service Consumer and the Service Backbone (SBB) execute and deliver the messages in between. Moreover, the mapping between those executed services and the business domain were highly maintained.The implemented SOA was highly-customized, The purchased out-of-he-box packages were encapsulated within other frames, which may lead eventually to some maintenance issues. We would suggest Deutsche Post to pay more attention to the security issues. All new versions of the SOA solutions have their own firewall and encryption methods.
  • 15. Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Technology Architecture <<Several technology tools have been used to build up the platformsuch as JMS(Java Messaging Service). Web Services also were in use such as HTTP and XML.We would suggest Deutsche Post to provide both messaging schemes - synchronous and asynchronous depending on the business need and dont limit themselves with only one scheme.We would suggest Deutsche Post as well to start considering the new concepts in SOA world nowadays, for example Single Sign On (SSO) concept, Continuity Management and Privilege Management. As mentioned earlier, Deutsche Post highly customized solution will show some difficulties in the future like if they want to adapt new technology concepts for example SSO or AJAX etc..
  • 16. Crituqe of the approach been adapted Cont.>>Information Architecture <<Deutsche Post approach in this regard is figuring out what kind of information the business units need and then start to highlight the main business components and produce the tables (BusinessComponents and their associated attributes e.g. Customers and their names and contacts). These final tables mapped to each other and checked for any update regularly.We would suggest Deutsche Post that they define each component in their BDM or SOA model. This will assure there is no room for ambiguity first and second will assure information (Instances) have been classified correctly under their business components.Not only the naming of the main components, Deutsche Post should make sure they clearly specify what each service does and how it's supposed to be used.
  • 17. >>Reference ListDeutsche Post. (2008). Retrieved September 03, 2008, from http://www.deutschepost.de/dpag?lang=de_ENKrafzig, Dirk., 油Banke, Karl., & Slama , Dirk油. (2004). Deutsche Post AG Case Study . In Enterprise SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices. (pp. 311-324). Indianapolis, United States of America: Prentice Hall PTR .