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Developing Responsibility in our
courtesy trchristian.ac.ke
for whoever much is given much is
Developing Responsibility
Develop  Step by step process
Responsibility  Being accountable for ones
Developing Responsible Children
Whose role?
courtesy trchristian.ac.ke
Whose role?
Developing Responsibility in Our Children
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
And these words that I command you today
shall be on your heart. You shall teach them
diligently to your children, and shall talk of them
when you sit in your house, and when you walk
by the way, and when you lie down, and when
you rise.
Developing Responsible Children
courtesy trchristian.ac.ke
 Set clear rules and consequences
 Give tasks
 Build relationships  be a friend first then a
parent second
 Allow them to make some decisions and
 Teach by example  role model
 Give feedback
 Involve them in finding solutions to challenges
Required! Time, time and more time
What determines time available?
 Social life
 Personal development
 Household choresetc
 School, etc
Time Priority Matrix
Personalized Nurturing  Boarding School
Hours in a day 24
Sleeping time 8
Lessons time 8
Time available for personalized nurturing(assuming 12 hrs working day) 4
Average staff/students ratio 1:20
No of hours a year 4 hrs X 7 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 1176
Average no of hours available annually per child = 1176/20 = 58.8 hours
Others (preps, play, etc) 4
Personalized Nurturing  Day School
Hours in a day 24
Sleeping time 8
Lessons time 8
Time available for personalized nurturing by parents/guardians 2
Average no. of children per home 3
No of hours a year 2 hrs X 5 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 420
No of hours a year 4 hrs X 2 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 336
Others (homework, traffic jams, play, etc) 6
Weekends(assuming 4 hours a day)
Total number of hours available in a year 420+336 = 756
Average no of hours available annually per child = 756/3 = 252
An Opportunity ahead for Personalized
nurturing by parents
 Peer influence
courtesy trchristian.ac.ke
In developing responsible children time and
commitment are key
If we can plan for our finances we can plan for
our children and subsequently for the family.
It is a worthwhile course.
Your legacy will be largely defined by others. those that
you coached, mentored, taught, helped rather than
yourself.Brendon Cassidy

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Developing Responsibility in Our Children

  • 1. Developing Responsibility in our Children courtesy trchristian.ac.ke for whoever much is given much is expected.
  • 2. Developing Responsibility Develop Step by step process Responsibility Being accountable for ones actions
  • 3. Developing Responsible Children Whose role? courtesy trchristian.ac.ke Whose role?
  • 5. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
  • 7. Set clear rules and consequences Give tasks Build relationships be a friend first then a parent second Allow them to make some decisions and choices Teach by example role model Give feedback Involve them in finding solutions to challenges Required! Time, time and more time
  • 8. What determines time available? Priorities Careers Friends Social life Church Relatives Personal development Household choresetc School, etc
  • 10. Personalized Nurturing Boarding School Hours in a day 24 Sleeping time 8 Lessons time 8 Time available for personalized nurturing(assuming 12 hrs working day) 4 Average staff/students ratio 1:20 No of hours a year 4 hrs X 7 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 1176 Average no of hours available annually per child = 1176/20 = 58.8 hours Others (preps, play, etc) 4
  • 11. Personalized Nurturing Day School Hours in a day 24 Sleeping time 8 Lessons time 8 Time available for personalized nurturing by parents/guardians 2 Average no. of children per home 3 No of hours a year 2 hrs X 5 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 420 No of hours a year 4 hrs X 2 days X 14 weeks X 3 terms = 336 Others (homework, traffic jams, play, etc) 6 Weekdays Weekends(assuming 4 hours a day) Total number of hours available in a year 420+336 = 756 Average no of hours available annually per child = 756/3 = 252
  • 12. An Opportunity ahead for Personalized nurturing by parents Perceptions Prestige Peer influence courtesy trchristian.ac.ke
  • 13. In developing responsible children time and commitment are key If we can plan for our finances we can plan for our children and subsequently for the family. It is a worthwhile course.
  • 14. Your legacy will be largely defined by others. those that you coached, mentored, taught, helped rather than yourself.Brendon Cassidy

Editor's Notes

  • #12: We all want our children to grow up being God fearing