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Like a Bos: Bringing your Best
Audrey Rowland
 Talk about our mentors
 Harvest some wisdom from the field of ECE
 Define our teaching philosophies
 Learn from one another
 Set some goals
Identify your mentors/models
 Who has influenced your teaching practice?
 What have you learned from co-teachers?
 Which of your own teachers do you remember positively?
 What resource do you most often turn to for ideas or assistance?
 Is there a philosophy or theory of early childhood that you feel
influences your practice?
 Who inspires you?
Like a Bos: Bringing Your Best
Maria Montessori
 Child-centered environments
 Real tools
 Beauty and order
 Competence and responsibility
 Children are allowed responsibilities
 Large blocks of open-ended time
 Follow the child
Principles of Montessori
 Respect for the child
As a rule, however, we do not respect children. We try to force them to follow us without
regard to their special needs. We are overbearing with them, and above all, rude; and then
we expect them to be submissive and well-behaved, knowing all the time how strong is
their instinct of imitation and how touching their faith in and admiration of us. They will
imitate us in any case. Let us treat them, therefore, with all the kindness which we would
wish to help to develop in them (Montessori, 1965).
What is respect?
How do we show it to others?
The Teachers Role - Montessori
 Make children the center of learning because, as Montessori said, The
teachers task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for
cultural activity in a special environment made for the child (Dr. Montessori's
Own Handbook).
 Encourage children to learn by providing freedom for them in the prepared
 Observe children so as to prepare the best possible environment, recognizing
sensitive periods and diverting inappropriate behavior to meaningful tasks.
 Prepare the learning environment by ensuring that learning materials are
provided in an orderly format and the materials provide for appropriate
experiences for all the children.
 Respect each child and model ongoing respect for all children and their work.
 Introduce learning materials, demonstrate learning materials, and support
childrens learning. The teacher introduces learning materials after observing
each child.
Pause and Reflect
Jim Greenman
The Childs Job The Teachers Job
Make Sense of the World Provide a sensory-rich and orderly environment, real life and natural
materials, interesting, and with cause/effect
Learn to Communicate fully Offer physical contact, eye contact, modeling, verbal and non verbal
communication, real conversations, time to socialize uninterrupted
Discover bodily powers Places and space to move, heavy and interesting work, autonomy and
time to do it themselves
Understand how everything works Environment conducive to experimentation and action, tools for
dramatic play, real work, open-ended exploration, access to resources
Deeply connect with people Prime times, high-touch environment for infants/toddlers, encourage
peer connection, set up activities for cooperative, small group or single
Jim Greenman  Environments
Pause and Reflect
Lilian Katz
 The Project Approach: Constructivism
 Research effort focused on finding answers to questions
 Chosen by interest of the children, the teacher, or both
 Goal is to learn more, rather than find right answers to teacher-driven
 Complementary to the set curriculum
 Not a subject (like mathematics) but opportunities for application of subjects
Like a Bos: Bringing Your Best
Like a Bos: Bringing Your Best
Pause and Reflect
Bev Bos
Bev Bos
Loose environments rich
in raw materials and the
illusion of risk
Pause and Reflect
Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy
 Examine the practices of others
 Your own teachers
 Leaders in the field
 What characteristics do you admire?
Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy
 Determine your ideal self
 Define the role of a teacher
 What is your favorite part of the day?
 What would you like to do more of?
 Clarify your aptitudes
 What are your talents/skills/strenths?
Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy
 Consider your legacy
 Determine a purpose
 Define specific goals
 Craft and Refine
Teaching Philosophy
 Define a preschool teachers role
 Discuss the childs role as a learner
 Address special needs, different learning styles and diversity in the
 Define your curricular orientation
 Describe classroom and conflict management
 Address family inclusion in the classroom
Like a Bos: Bringing Your Best

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Like a Bos: Bringing Your Best

  • 1. Like a Bos: Bringing your Best Audrey Rowland www.greenspacetx.com
  • 2. Plan Talk about our mentors Harvest some wisdom from the field of ECE Define our teaching philosophies Learn from one another Set some goals
  • 3. Identify your mentors/models Who has influenced your teaching practice? What have you learned from co-teachers? Which of your own teachers do you remember positively? What resource do you most often turn to for ideas or assistance? Is there a philosophy or theory of early childhood that you feel influences your practice? Who inspires you?
  • 5. Maria Montessori Child-centered environments Real tools Accessibility Beauty and order Competence and responsibility Children are allowed responsibilities Large blocks of open-ended time Observation Follow the child
  • 6. Principles of Montessori Respect for the child As a rule, however, we do not respect children. We try to force them to follow us without regard to their special needs. We are overbearing with them, and above all, rude; and then we expect them to be submissive and well-behaved, knowing all the time how strong is their instinct of imitation and how touching their faith in and admiration of us. They will imitate us in any case. Let us treat them, therefore, with all the kindness which we would wish to help to develop in them (Montessori, 1965). What is respect? How do we show it to others?
  • 7. The Teachers Role - Montessori Make children the center of learning because, as Montessori said, The teachers task is not to talk, but to prepare and arrange a series of motives for cultural activity in a special environment made for the child (Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook). Encourage children to learn by providing freedom for them in the prepared environment. Observe children so as to prepare the best possible environment, recognizing sensitive periods and diverting inappropriate behavior to meaningful tasks. Prepare the learning environment by ensuring that learning materials are provided in an orderly format and the materials provide for appropriate experiences for all the children. Respect each child and model ongoing respect for all children and their work. Introduce learning materials, demonstrate learning materials, and support childrens learning. The teacher introduces learning materials after observing each child.
  • 9. Jim Greenman The Childs Job The Teachers Job Make Sense of the World Provide a sensory-rich and orderly environment, real life and natural materials, interesting, and with cause/effect Learn to Communicate fully Offer physical contact, eye contact, modeling, verbal and non verbal communication, real conversations, time to socialize uninterrupted Discover bodily powers Places and space to move, heavy and interesting work, autonomy and time to do it themselves Understand how everything works Environment conducive to experimentation and action, tools for dramatic play, real work, open-ended exploration, access to resources Deeply connect with people Prime times, high-touch environment for infants/toddlers, encourage peer connection, set up activities for cooperative, small group or single play
  • 10. Jim Greenman Environments
  • 12. Lilian Katz The Project Approach: Constructivism Research effort focused on finding answers to questions Chosen by interest of the children, the teacher, or both Goal is to learn more, rather than find right answers to teacher-driven questions Complementary to the set curriculum Not a subject (like mathematics) but opportunities for application of subjects https://vimeo.com/84735541
  • 17. Bev Bos Wonder Discovery Experience Loose environments rich in raw materials and the illusion of risk
  • 19. Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy Examine the practices of others Mentors Co-teachers Your own teachers Leaders in the field What characteristics do you admire?
  • 20. Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy Determine your ideal self Define the role of a teacher What is your favorite part of the day? What would you like to do more of? Clarify your aptitudes What are your talents/skills/strenths?
  • 21. Mission Statement/Teaching Philosophy Consider your legacy Determine a purpose Define specific goals Craft and Refine
  • 22. Teaching Philosophy Define a preschool teachers role Discuss the childs role as a learner Address special needs, different learning styles and diversity in the classroom Define your curricular orientation Describe classroom and conflict management Address family inclusion in the classroom