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Quarterly Meeting
Department- Account & Finance
Name- Rakesh Kumar Jha
Date: 18th Oct 2022
Learning Sharing for the Quarter (Q2)
 Developing The Leadership Within You This books enlighten us with 10 Vital
Lesson or Essential for Developing the leadership quality.
 Why Leader require : + Effectiveness of Team
 - Weakness of Team
 / Divide the workload of Team
 X Multiply Team Impact
1.INFLUENCE The definition of Leadership
1. Best investment you made for future, is to develop your influence.
2. Influence is beginning of TRUE Leadership.
3. Leadership is the ability to obtain FOLLOWER.Not POSITION
4. If we ignored Moral Issue in Influence then ..Hitler (Man of the Year 1938), Osamabin laden,
Winston Churchill, Martin Luther Etc
5. So Leadership -------is--------Influence ~~~~Thats it Noting more or Nothing Less.
6. Insight about Influence ..every one influence some one. As per Sociologist Estimation a
person influence 10,000 people in his life. That means no one excludes .every one either a
Leader or a Follower
7. Wrong assumption about leadership
 I am Not Born Leader.
 Title AND Seniority will make me leader
 Work Experience Automatically make me leader
Levels of Leadership to Achieve
2. The Key of Leadership - PRIORITIES
Discipline use of time give you edge while everybody else waste it.
Time Cannot manage  But it depends on your choice to use it.
Priorities out your work as a leader ==== Because it impact lot of people
Priorities Principal to become proactive :
 Work smarter has higher return then work harder (Find better way to work & making most of it).
 You cant have it all (story of young man climbing HillCarry only what is necessary for Climbing)
 Good is enemy of Great (some time scarifies some good purpose . to achieve Great Goal.)
 Proactive (Have clear priorities with hard deadlineas your mind are before going for vacation)
Beats Reactive (losing your goal)
 80: 20 Rules
 3 Rs  Requirement for which company hired me
 - Return (Productivity ---Result Oriented not only active)
 -Reward (can be monetary or mental, emotional, prritiual satisfaction)
 Make Room for margin (Rethinking)
3. The Foundation of Leadership - CHARACTER
1. For developing Character we have to focus on => valuing people, practice self leadership,
encourage good value (with Honesty)
2. Good character does not ensure you for success but bad character ensure derail (Personally or
3. Good Character Build Strong Trust (Walk match their Trust)  People Quit People Not the
Company (Turnover is less where Trust is High), Lack of Trust Cost => Time & Money
4. It is important what leader DO..What they say have NO value
5. I thought Trust was nice to have  it is not luxury Rather it is critical
6. As a Leader one must trust other as well as trustworthily for other
7. Good Leader often gift to the world & charter protect that gift.
8. Successful leader use 4 dimension in their character :-
 Leader should share his Success as well as failure Part (Not only his success part to impress)
 Self Management Build strong character- SM all about making Right Choice
 Leader must be very humble (i.e. Not thinking only about his Own Benefits)
 Courage is must for leader to lead.
1. Self Managed
4. Ultimately test of Leadership  Creating Positive Change
Who want changes = Every Body
Who Wants to Charge = No Body (as it give PAIN)
# Change is not an Event -----It is Process
# We Overestimate the Result of change But Underestimate the process of Change
Being A Leader : How far you travel isnt the point it is how far you able to take your people.
 Predetermine the change that is needed.
 Lay out yours steps
 Adjust your priorities
 Notify your key people
 Allow time for acceptance
 Head into action
 Except Problem
 Always point to the success
 Daily Review your progress
5. Quick way to Gain Leadership  Problem Solving
Life id not easy ..filled with problem (For Leader it is Multiply Huge)
As Leader think  We  instead of  I 
Problem Introduced with Our self:
Our decision are often impact by our closeness to the problem
Leader should take Responsibility to solve it
handling Problem make us better learner
Problem Introduced us to Others:
Example of one hand gasoline or one hand with water
Gasoline for making problem worse and Water toward solving
Problem Introduced us to Opportunity: Steps: Identify and always come up with more
than 1 solution
Team Leader always look for opportunity as well as lesson in each and every proble.
6. The Extra Plus in Leadership - ATTITUDE
1. Just Pose for a while!!!!! - Why You Admire Some Body .it is ATTITUDE
2. People with a good attitude lift us up and inspire us  for Leaders even it is more important
3. life is 10 %...of what happens to me, and 90%... how I react to
4. we are in charge of our Attitude
5. leadership has less to do with position than it does with Disposition
6. Leader must have possessing a WHATEVER IT-TAKES MINSET.
 Positive Vision during tough Time (This mine set not hard to understand..But tough to live)
 Leader must possessed an exceptionally positive and proactive attitude (Teacher & student )
 Make up your mind and take action (Take the Bull By The Horns.)
 Dont be Whiner (be express Gratitude to them).
 Help other to Get things done  (build relationship to build organization)
 Leaders Delivering on their Promises.
 Leaders passionate about their Goal could create VISION.
 Never be Satisfied peruse for more creativity
After all Quality Time at office  THAT COUNT
Quality Time with Family  THAT MATTER
7. The Heart of Leadership  SERVING PEOPLE
 We you help other to achieve their Goalthey help to achieve yours
 To Become Servant Leaders :
 Dont Rely on Position or Title
 Choose to Believe in People and Their Potential
 Try to See Things from the Perspective of Others
 Work to Create an Environment of Encouragement
 Measure My Success by How Much Value I Add to Others
 Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, George Washington
Nelson Mandela
 Vision like having a Road Map.. ahead
 Vision Enable you to see what other cant. As per Vision 4 kind of people:
 1. People who never see itthey are Wanderers.
 2. People who see it but never pursue it on their ownthey are Followers.
 3. People who see it and pursue itthey are Achievers.
 4. People who see it, pursue it, and help others see and pursue itthey are leaders.
 A Story of Milton Wright & his 2 Children Orville and Wilbur Wright (father Belive
only angel can Fly).but at the same sky & horizon 
 Vision of Sons are greatest (Wright brother have invented aircraft)
9. Price Tag of Leadership  SELF DISCIPLINE
 Good leaders practice self- Discipline before they try to engage others
 Thats critical because I need to get a grip on me first before I try to get a handle on leading
 Self-discipline moves you from good intentions to good actions
 Poor self-discipline had the potential to be yours downfall
 Story of Bobby Jones.was a legend golf player
at a age of 12 achieve golf master..he has temper lost problem
One Day a Old Man give advice that Bobby, you are good enough to win that tournament, but youll
never win until you can control that temper of yours. You miss a shotyou get upsetand then
you lose ..Jones listened to the older mans advice and began working to discipline his
emotions. At age 21 Y, Jones blossomed and went on to be one of the greatest golfers in history. He
retired after winning the grand slam of golf. He was only 28 Y
He master the game 21 Y But he master himself at 21 Y
1. Read in your field at least 1 hrs. daily
2. Take Course & attend Seminar related
to your Field (CA CP Hours System)
3. Make your Car audio system  a learning Tools
Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field..So never stop learning.
10.The Expansion of Leadership  PERSONAL GROWTH
Age make you older ..not make you Grow
Grow make you tomorrow (Good to Great)
PG is seed of hope and strength to you.
When you grow ---you become Change Person
And further you can change surrounding which create positive environment around you
where Hope Grow & Hope provide strength to Grow
Cost of Growth (Big difference between successful and unsuccessful people is cost of
Developing the leadership within you

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Developing the leadership within you

  • 1. Quarterly Meeting Department- Account & Finance Name- Rakesh Kumar Jha Date: 18th Oct 2022
  • 2. Learning Sharing for the Quarter (Q2) Developing The Leadership Within You This books enlighten us with 10 Vital Lesson or Essential for Developing the leadership quality. Why Leader require : + Effectiveness of Team - Weakness of Team / Divide the workload of Team X Multiply Team Impact
  • 3. 1.INFLUENCE The definition of Leadership 1. Best investment you made for future, is to develop your influence. 2. Influence is beginning of TRUE Leadership. 3. Leadership is the ability to obtain FOLLOWER.Not POSITION 4. If we ignored Moral Issue in Influence then ..Hitler (Man of the Year 1938), Osamabin laden, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther Etc 5. So Leadership -------is--------Influence ~~~~Thats it Noting more or Nothing Less. 6. Insight about Influence ..every one influence some one. As per Sociologist Estimation a person influence 10,000 people in his life. That means no one excludes .every one either a Leader or a Follower 7. Wrong assumption about leadership I am Not Born Leader. Title AND Seniority will make me leader Work Experience Automatically make me leader
  • 4. Levels of Leadership to Achieve
  • 5. 2. The Key of Leadership - PRIORITIES Discipline use of time give you edge while everybody else waste it. Time Cannot manage But it depends on your choice to use it. Priorities out your work as a leader ==== Because it impact lot of people Priorities Principal to become proactive : Work smarter has higher return then work harder (Find better way to work & making most of it). You cant have it all (story of young man climbing HillCarry only what is necessary for Climbing) Good is enemy of Great (some time scarifies some good purpose . to achieve Great Goal.) Proactive (Have clear priorities with hard deadlineas your mind are before going for vacation) Beats Reactive (losing your goal) 80: 20 Rules 3 Rs Requirement for which company hired me - Return (Productivity ---Result Oriented not only active) -Reward (can be monetary or mental, emotional, prritiual satisfaction) Make Room for margin (Rethinking)
  • 6. 3. The Foundation of Leadership - CHARACTER 1. For developing Character we have to focus on => valuing people, practice self leadership, encourage good value (with Honesty) 2. Good character does not ensure you for success but bad character ensure derail (Personally or professionally) 3. Good Character Build Strong Trust (Walk match their Trust) People Quit People Not the Company (Turnover is less where Trust is High), Lack of Trust Cost => Time & Money 4. It is important what leader DO..What they say have NO value 5. I thought Trust was nice to have it is not luxury Rather it is critical 6. As a Leader one must trust other as well as trustworthily for other 7. Good Leader often gift to the world & charter protect that gift. 8. Successful leader use 4 dimension in their character :- Leader should share his Success as well as failure Part (Not only his success part to impress) Self Management Build strong character- SM all about making Right Choice Leader must be very humble (i.e. Not thinking only about his Own Benefits) Courage is must for leader to lead. 1. Self Managed
  • 7. 4. Ultimately test of Leadership Creating Positive Change Who want changes = Every Body Who Wants to Charge = No Body (as it give PAIN) # Change is not an Event -----It is Process # We Overestimate the Result of change But Underestimate the process of Change Being A Leader : How far you travel isnt the point it is how far you able to take your people. TO TAKE PLAN INTO ACTION: Predetermine the change that is needed. Lay out yours steps Adjust your priorities Notify your key people Allow time for acceptance Head into action Except Problem Always point to the success Daily Review your progress
  • 8. 5. Quick way to Gain Leadership Problem Solving Life id not easy ..filled with problem (For Leader it is Multiply Huge) As Leader think We instead of I Problem Introduced with Our self: Our decision are often impact by our closeness to the problem Leader should take Responsibility to solve it handling Problem make us better learner Problem Introduced us to Others: Example of one hand gasoline or one hand with water Gasoline for making problem worse and Water toward solving Problem Introduced us to Opportunity: Steps: Identify and always come up with more than 1 solution Team Leader always look for opportunity as well as lesson in each and every proble.
  • 9. 6. The Extra Plus in Leadership - ATTITUDE 1. Just Pose for a while!!!!! - Why You Admire Some Body .it is ATTITUDE 2. People with a good attitude lift us up and inspire us for Leaders even it is more important 3. life is 10 %...of what happens to me, and 90%... how I react to 4. we are in charge of our Attitude 5. leadership has less to do with position than it does with Disposition 6. Leader must have possessing a WHATEVER IT-TAKES MINSET. Positive Vision during tough Time (This mine set not hard to understand..But tough to live) Leader must possessed an exceptionally positive and proactive attitude (Teacher & student ) Make up your mind and take action (Take the Bull By The Horns.) Dont be Whiner (be express Gratitude to them). Help other to Get things done (build relationship to build organization) Leaders Delivering on their Promises. Leaders passionate about their Goal could create VISION. Never be Satisfied peruse for more creativity After all Quality Time at office THAT COUNT Quality Time with Family THAT MATTER
  • 10. 7. The Heart of Leadership SERVING PEOPLE THE TRUE LEADER SERVES.. SERVES PEOPLE.. SERVES in THEIR BEST INTERESTS We you help other to achieve their Goalthey help to achieve yours THE HEART OF LEADERSHIP IS BASED ON SERVING OTHERS,NOT OURSELVES. To Become Servant Leaders : Dont Rely on Position or Title Choose to Believe in People and Their Potential Try to See Things from the Perspective of Others Work to Create an Environment of Encouragement Measure My Success by How Much Value I Add to Others Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, George Washington Nelson Mandela
  • 11. 8. VISION Vision like having a Road Map.. ahead Vision Enable you to see what other cant. As per Vision 4 kind of people: 1. People who never see itthey are Wanderers. 2. People who see it but never pursue it on their ownthey are Followers. 3. People who see it and pursue itthey are Achievers. 4. People who see it, pursue it, and help others see and pursue itthey are leaders. A Story of Milton Wright & his 2 Children Orville and Wilbur Wright (father Belive only angel can Fly).but at the same sky & horizon Vision of Sons are greatest (Wright brother have invented aircraft)
  • 12. 9. Price Tag of Leadership SELF DISCIPLINE Good leaders practice self- Discipline before they try to engage others Thats critical because I need to get a grip on me first before I try to get a handle on leading Self-discipline moves you from good intentions to good actions Poor self-discipline had the potential to be yours downfall Story of Bobby Jones.was a legend golf player at a age of 12 achieve golf master..he has temper lost problem One Day a Old Man give advice that Bobby, you are good enough to win that tournament, but youll never win until you can control that temper of yours. You miss a shotyou get upsetand then you lose ..Jones listened to the older mans advice and began working to discipline his emotions. At age 21 Y, Jones blossomed and went on to be one of the greatest golfers in history. He retired after winning the grand slam of golf. He was only 28 Y He master the game 21 Y But he master himself at 21 Y 1. Read in your field at least 1 hrs. daily 2. Take Course & attend Seminar related to your Field (CA CP Hours System) 3. Make your Car audio system a learning Tools Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field..So never stop learning.
  • 13. 10.The Expansion of Leadership PERSONAL GROWTH Age make you older ..not make you Grow Grow make you tomorrow (Good to Great) PG is seed of hope and strength to you. When you grow ---you become Change Person And further you can change surrounding which create positive environment around you where Hope Grow & Hope provide strength to Grow Cost of Growth (Big difference between successful and unsuccessful people is cost of Growth)