This document provides guidance on feeding children ages 2-6 years old. It discusses important milestones in development during these years including rapid growth. Nutritional needs like calories, protein, calcium and iron increase to support development. The recommended daily allowances for key nutrients per age group are provided. Factors that could cause a child to reject food are listed, as well as tips for making mealtimes pleasant and encouraging healthy eating habits like variety and trying new foods.
2. Introduction to 2-6 years
This is the year of growth and development of
child initially slower then increases gradually.
Activity and child mobility also increases.
Child may gain in wt. 50-200 g /month.
Full dentition development also happen at age
of 2 years.
Increased need for all nutrients in relation to
their role in growth of specific tissues.
15. nutrient amount 1-3 years 4-6 years importance
kg 12.9 18.0 To access the growth
Energy Kcal 1060 1350 For growth and activity.
Insufficient can lead to protein deficiency
Protein g 16.7 20.1 Muscle mass
->bone growth, nutrient in blood
Visible fat g 27 25 For calories purpose (25%)
calcium mg 600 600 *calcium accretion
Promotes Bone growth
Iron mg 9 13 Physical and mental development and
energy requirement
Vitamin A ug 50ug/kg - Eye health
Vitamin D Synthesis in body via exposure of sun.
Act as pro hormone.
18. Sickness
Worm infestation
Psychologically disturbed
Diverted to play
Nutritional deficiency
Unattractively served
No variety
Unfavorable comment
Food not acc. To liking
Food not palatable
Snack taken before meal
Insufficient time for eating
20. Diet should contain variety of food.
Make food interesting and attractive.
Food should be slightly seasoned
Never force to eat more.
Know about their likes and dislikes.
Make regularity in meal
Adopt diff cooking method and attractive
Make pleasant, peaceful and less distracted
22. accepts only limited number of food choices
Is unwilling to try new food
Avoid some food group such as vegetables
Exhibit strong food preference including
presentation and preparation style.