
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
1. Fresh Farms: 2626 W. Devon Ave.
2. Devon Market: 1440 W. Devon Ave.
3. Patel Brothers: 2610 W. Devon Ave.
4. Nayab Mart: 2449 W. Devon Ave.
5. City Fresh Market: 3201 W. Devon Ave.
6. Diala Grocery: 1935 W. Foster Ave.
7. Chicago Food Pantry: 6525 N. Clark St.
1. CVS Pharmacy: 7179 N. Lincoln Ave.
2. Devon Discount Pharmacy:
1542 Devon Ave.
3. First Family Pharmacy: 2140 W Devon Ave.
4. CVS Pharmacy: 2825 W. Devon Ave.
5. Rosen Morseview: 2955 Devon Ave.
6. Walgreens: 6140 N. Western Ave.
7. Walgreens: 5440 N. Clark St. New Life Volunteering
Society Devon Clinic
2645 W. Peterson Ave., 60659
Please call: or visit us:
(773) 275-8630 Saturdays, 10 AM  2 PM
In partnership with:
Diet & Lifestyle Guidelines
u Whole grains:
 Use wheat flour for Roti Chapati bread
 Use Brown rice instead of white
Basmati rice
u Get more fiber:
 Peas, lentils, black beans, and broccoli
are great sources of fiber
 Avoid fruit juices high in sugar
 Instead, try raspberries, blackberries,
and avocados
u Manage fat intake:
 Vegetarian recipes, fish, lean chicken
are good low-fat choices
 Dairy: Consider using lower fat dairies
or substitutes like almond milk or tofu
 Replace butter, margarine, and ghee
with olive oil, or soya oil
u Healthy Eating Habits:
 Methi ke beej whole grain crackers
and low-fat cheese make good snacks
 Avoid excessive bread and rice side
dishes, as they add calories and sugar
u Exercise:
 Just 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a
week can greatly improve your health
 Walking, bicycling, dancing, jogging,
yoga, and swimming are all great
 Strength training can help increase
insulins beneficial effect
Friendly Reminders:
 Glucometers can be picked up at local
pharmacies listed below for, $20-$30 on
 As always, check with your physician
about your blood sugar goals:
 Fasting Goal: 70-130 mg/dL
 2 hours after meal goal: less than 180 mg/dL
Fitness Centers
1. Chicago Latin Fitness, 773-517-7201
3433 W. Peterson Ave.
2. River Park Running Track, 312-742-7516
5100 N. Francisco Ave.
3. Broadway Armory Park, 312-742-7502
5917 N. Broadway
Health Centers
1. Devon Family Health, 773-465-7889
1516 W. Devon Ave.
2. Heartland Health, 773-751-7850
1300 W. Devon Ave.
3. Oak Street Health, 773-250-5222
1541 W. Devon Ave.
Specialty Health Centers
0. Broadway Eye Institute: M. Rahman, DO, 773-409-4292
5457 N. Broadway St.
1. Devon Community Dental, 773-465-3500
6348 N. Western Ave.
2. Andersonville Dental, 773-334-4200
1700 W. Foster Ave.
3. Retinal Institute of Illinois, 773-784-9400
2326 W. Foster Ave.
4. Four Seasons Dental, 773-784-9400
2472 W. Foster Ave, Apt #101
5. Swedish Covenant Hospital, 773-878-8200
5145 N. California Ave.
6. NOVA Pain Management, 773-784-6682
1130 W. Granville Ave.
7. Andersonville PT, 773-907-3599
5414 N. Broadway
8. Handard Health Center, 773-465-4600
1542 W. Devon Ave.
9. Foot & Ankle, LLC: Joseph Kim, DPM, 773-989-1699
5140 N. California

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Devon Asset Map

  • 1. Groceries 1. Fresh Farms: 2626 W. Devon Ave. 2. Devon Market: 1440 W. Devon Ave. 3. Patel Brothers: 2610 W. Devon Ave. 4. Nayab Mart: 2449 W. Devon Ave. 5. City Fresh Market: 3201 W. Devon Ave. 6. Diala Grocery: 1935 W. Foster Ave. 7. Chicago Food Pantry: 6525 N. Clark St. Pharmacies 1. CVS Pharmacy: 7179 N. Lincoln Ave. 2. Devon Discount Pharmacy: 1542 Devon Ave. 3. First Family Pharmacy: 2140 W Devon Ave. 4. CVS Pharmacy: 2825 W. Devon Ave. 5. Rosen Morseview: 2955 Devon Ave. 6. Walgreens: 6140 N. Western Ave. 7. Walgreens: 5440 N. Clark St. New Life Volunteering Society Devon Clinic 2645 W. Peterson Ave., 60659 Please call: or visit us: (773) 275-8630 Saturdays, 10 AM 2 PM In partnership with: Diet & Lifestyle Guidelines u Whole grains: Use wheat flour for Roti Chapati bread Use Brown rice instead of white Basmati rice u Get more fiber: Peas, lentils, black beans, and broccoli are great sources of fiber Avoid fruit juices high in sugar Instead, try raspberries, blackberries, and avocados u Manage fat intake: Vegetarian recipes, fish, lean chicken are good low-fat choices Dairy: Consider using lower fat dairies or substitutes like almond milk or tofu Replace butter, margarine, and ghee with olive oil, or soya oil u Healthy Eating Habits: Methi ke beej whole grain crackers and low-fat cheese make good snacks Avoid excessive bread and rice side dishes, as they add calories and sugar u Exercise: Just 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week can greatly improve your health Walking, bicycling, dancing, jogging, yoga, and swimming are all great exercises Strength training can help increase insulins beneficial effect Friendly Reminders: Glucometers can be picked up at local pharmacies listed below for, $20-$30 on average. As always, check with your physician about your blood sugar goals: Fasting Goal: 70-130 mg/dL 2 hours after meal goal: less than 180 mg/dL
  • 2. Fitness Centers 1. Chicago Latin Fitness, 773-517-7201 3433 W. Peterson Ave. 2. River Park Running Track, 312-742-7516 5100 N. Francisco Ave. 3. Broadway Armory Park, 312-742-7502 5917 N. Broadway Health Centers 1. Devon Family Health, 773-465-7889 1516 W. Devon Ave. 2. Heartland Health, 773-751-7850 1300 W. Devon Ave. 3. Oak Street Health, 773-250-5222 1541 W. Devon Ave. Specialty Health Centers 0. Broadway Eye Institute: M. Rahman, DO, 773-409-4292 5457 N. Broadway St. 1. Devon Community Dental, 773-465-3500 6348 N. Western Ave. 2. Andersonville Dental, 773-334-4200 1700 W. Foster Ave. 3. Retinal Institute of Illinois, 773-784-9400 2326 W. Foster Ave. 4. Four Seasons Dental, 773-784-9400 2472 W. Foster Ave, Apt #101 5. Swedish Covenant Hospital, 773-878-8200 5145 N. California Ave. 6. NOVA Pain Management, 773-784-6682 1130 W. Granville Ave. 7. Andersonville PT, 773-907-3599 5414 N. Broadway 8. Handard Health Center, 773-465-4600 1542 W. Devon Ave. 9. Foot & Ankle, LLC: Joseph Kim, DPM, 773-989-1699 5140 N. California