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A tale of developers and operations

barcamb3 24th April 2010

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net   http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/29903995/

Gareth Rushgrove

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
We Have A Problem

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net   http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344569/
It works on my machine!
        Every developer ever


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
Development builds an application, the new hotness
         which promises customers all the whizz-bang features
         and will make the company millions...

          Parable from http://www.kartar.net/2010/02/what-devops-means-to-me/


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
...It is built using cutting edge technology and a brand
         new platform and it has got to be delivered right now.?
         Development cuts code like crazy and gets the
         product ready for market ahead of schedule and dash
         off to the pub for the wrap party


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
     The wonder application wont run on our infrastructure
        because {its too old, it doesnt have capacity, we dont
        support that version}
        The sysadmin


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
     The architecture of the application doesnt match our
        { storage, network, deployment, security } model
        The sysadmin


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
     We werent consulted about the { reporting, security,
        monitoring, backup, provisioning } and it cant be
        The sysadmin


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
- Metrics collection
       - Monitoring and thresholds
       - Load-feedback behaviour
       - Instrumentation
       - Fault tolerance


Not just deployment

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
Do We Have A Solution?

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net   http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344571/
     Dev/Ops is what some people are calling the renewed
        cross-interest in development and operations collaboration
        John Allspaw


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
Tools, lots of tools

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net   http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344572/

Server Provisioning with Puppet

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
class baseclass {
                $packagelist = ["sudo", "openssh-server""]
                package { $packagelist: ensure => installed }
                service { sshd:
                    name => "ssh",
                    enable => true,
                    ensure => running

Puppet Class Example

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
node 'example.com' inherits basenode {
                $packagelist = ["nginx"]
                package { $packagelist: ensure => installed }
                service { "nginx":
                    ensure => running,
                    require => Package["nginx"]

Puppet Node Example

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net

Cucumber Nagios

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
Feature: google.co.uk
                To broaden their knowledge
                A user should be able
                To search for things

                     Scenario: Searching for things
                         Given I visit "http://www.google.co.uk"
                         When I fill in "q" with "wikipedia"
                         And I press "Google Search"
                         Then I should see "www.wikipedia.org"

Cucumber DSL Example

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
Feature: google.co.uk
                To broaden their knowledge
                A user should be able
                To search for things

                     Scenario: Searching for things
                         Given I visit "http://www.google.co.uk"
                         When I fill in "q" with "wikipedia"
                         And I press "Google Search"
                         Then I should see "www.wikipedia.org"

            1 scenario (1 failed)
            4 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 1 passed)

Cucumber Results Example

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
- Processes
       - Communications
       - Automation

Not just tools

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
     Devs who are Ops, who like Ops to be Devs, that do Ops
        like they're Devs, that Dev like they're Ops, always should
        be people you really love
        Jesse Robins

In Summary
Lots of reading

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
- Patrick Debois - http://www.jedi.be/
       - Damon Edwards - http://dev2ops.org/
       - James Turnbull - http://www.kartar.net
       - John Allspaw - http://www.kitchensoap.com/


gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net

gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net   http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/33464729/

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  • 1. Devops A tale of developers and operations barcamb3 24th April 2010 gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/29903995/
  • 3. We Have A Problem gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344569/
  • 4. It works on my machine! Every developer ever Developers gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 5. Sysadmins gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 6. Development builds an application, the new hotness which promises customers all the whizz-bang features and will make the company millions... Parable from http://www.kartar.net/2010/02/what-devops-means-to-me/ Deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 7. ...It is built using cutting edge technology and a brand new platform and it has got to be delivered right now.? Development cuts code like crazy and gets the product ready for market ahead of schedule and dash off to the pub for the wrap party Deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 8. The wonder application wont run on our infrastructure because {its too old, it doesnt have capacity, we dont support that version} The sysadmin Deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 9. The architecture of the application doesnt match our { storage, network, deployment, security } model The sysadmin Deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 10. We werent consulted about the { reporting, security, monitoring, backup, provisioning } and it cant be productionised. The sysadmin Deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 11. - Metrics collection - Monitoring and thresholds - Load-feedback behaviour - Instrumentation - Fault tolerance http://www.kitchensoap.com/2009/12/12/devops-cooperation-doesnt-just-happen-with-deployment/ Not just deployment gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 12. Do We Have A Solution? gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344571/
  • 13. Dev/Ops is what some people are calling the renewed cross-interest in development and operations collaboration John Allspaw Devops gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 14. Tools, lots of tools gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/30344572/
  • 15. puppetlabs.com Server Provisioning with Puppet gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 16. class baseclass { $packagelist = ["sudo", "openssh-server""] package { $packagelist: ensure => installed } service { sshd: name => "ssh", enable => true, ensure => running } } Puppet Class Example gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 17. node 'example.com' inherits basenode { $packagelist = ["nginx"] package { $packagelist: ensure => installed } service { "nginx": ensure => running, require => Package["nginx"] } } Puppet Node Example gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 19. Feature: google.co.uk To broaden their knowledge A user should be able To search for things Scenario: Searching for things Given I visit "http://www.google.co.uk" When I fill in "q" with "wikipedia" And I press "Google Search" Then I should see "www.wikipedia.org" Cucumber DSL Example gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 20. Feature: google.co.uk To broaden their knowledge A user should be able To search for things Scenario: Searching for things Given I visit "http://www.google.co.uk" When I fill in "q" with "wikipedia" And I press "Google Search" Then I should see "www.wikipedia.org" 1 scenario (1 failed) 4 steps (1 failed, 2 skipped, 1 passed) 0m0.332s Cucumber Results Example gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 21. - Processes - Communications - Automation Not just tools gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 22. Devs who are Ops, who like Ops to be Devs, that do Ops like they're Devs, that Dev like they're Ops, always should be people you really love Jesse Robins http://twitter.com/jesserobbins/status/11169019112 In Summary Lots of reading gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 23. - Patrick Debois - http://www.jedi.be/ - Damon Edwards - http://dev2ops.org/ - James Turnbull - http://www.kartar.net - John Allspaw - http://www.kitchensoap.com/ Reading gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net
  • 24. Questions? gareth rushgrove | morethanseven.net http://www.?ickr.com/photos/estherase/33464729/