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DFW Recruiter Training: 
Beginner Tips 
presented by Jim Durbin 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Todays Agenda 
Writing job descriptions 
 Read a resume like a headhunter 
 Candidate contact 
 Search Engines 
 LinkedIn tips 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Job Descriptions 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Be Interesting 
 How much leeway do you have? 
 Who has already posted the job? 
 Cut the junk 
 Start by asking a question 
 Focus on whats cool 
Give them a hint of personality 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Resume Models 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
What does a resume 
tell you? 
 Scan quickly 
 Flash practice 
 The candidate in 3D 
 Typical red flags 
 Find hidden information 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
You Are The Expert 
 Phone tips and scripts 
 Email introductions 
 Business versus personal addresses 
 Social contact 
 Cell phones and texting 
 A note on metrics 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Google Fu 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Who Are They Really? 
 Basic search techniques 
 Common mistakes 
 Bing versus google comparisons 
 Ethics of searching 
 Boolean Basics 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Start, Not A Finish 
 Your profile 
 Hidden 3rd degree contacts 
 LinkedIn as hub 
 How to connect 
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Tuesday, August 26, 14
Connection Tips 
 Dont assume familiarity 
 Connection brings expectations. Set them 
 Advance notice solves all problems 
 Introductions should have a point 
 Classmates, colleagues, and group connections 
 OpenLink symbol 
 Inbox Archives 
Tuesday, August 26, 14

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