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Alex Dickinson alexdickinson@creighton.edu 725 Turtle Beach Marquette,NE 68854(605) 840-4622
Creighton University,College of Nursing - Omaha, Nebraska May 2017
Bachelor of Science in Nursing GPA: 3.46
Summer Externship
Pediatric Nurse Extern, Catholic Health Initiatives St. Francis, Grand Island, NE May 2016-July 2016
 Assisted with fetal monitoring, APGAR scores,hearing tests,Vitamin K shots, and gave the first bath to an infant
 Monitored patients age 30 weeks-18 years in the neonatal intensive care unit and the pediatric medical surgical
 Collaborated with physicians, respiratory therapy, and social work to provide appropriate nursing care and
education for pediatric patients and their families
 Worked under a registered nurse to safely administer medication and adhere to safety protocols of hospital
Clinical Rotations
Pediatrics: Omaha ChildrensHospital, Ambassador Health, Omaha,Nebraska January 2016
 Demonstrated respect for the dignity, worth and spiritual uniqueness of pediatric patients and their family
 Established efficient and effective use of resources when providing health care for children and their family
 Evaluated personal safety performance while caring for children
 Remained positive while caring for children with critical illnesses
 Adhered to professional, legal, and ethical standards as they apply to caring for children
Obstetrics: Bergen Mercy Medical Center,Omaha Nebraska November 2015
 Completed standard assessments to maintain and promote the well-being of the healthy mother and fetus
experiencing healthy pregnancy, labor and birth.
 Utilized common assessment tools that provide the basis for care management of the newborn
 Provided health promotion teaching for the woman experiencing a healthy pregnancy and for new parents outing
newborn and self-care
School Health-Well Child: Omaha Catholic Schools,Omaha,Nebraska September 2015
 Screened vision, hearing, blood pressure,oral care,height, and weight in three Omaha grade schools
 Identified abnormal results and completed referralletters to notify parents
Work Experience
Student Employee, James R. RussellChild Development Center, Omaha, NE August 2016-present
 Engage in play with pediatric population to encourage imagination, enhance learning, and encourage verbalization
of feelings
 Work along full-time staff at the center to best meet needs of children in their learning environment
Nurse Aid, York GeneralHospital, York, NE June 2012-December 2012
 Assist in patients personal hygiene activities of daily living
 Report abnormal changes or patterns to nursing staff
 Record and chart patient actions
 Act as advocate for patients and maintain confidentiality
Volunteer Experience
Camp Barnabas Purdee,MO August 2016
 Serve as a missionary for camper with special needs, allowing camper to experience and enjoy camp as a kid
Camp Quality Heartland,Omaha,NE August 2015
 Serve as companion to camper with cancer; campers friend,cheerleader,and mentor
CampYouCan, Omaha,NE June 2015
 Camp Counselor for 7-11 year-old girls with epilepsy
Childrens Hospital and Medical Center March 2015-May 2016
Headbands of Hope  Campus Representative August 2014-January 2016
Asera Care Hospice,Omaha Nebraska March 2014-May 2015
Girls Incorporated, Omaha,Nebraska February 2014-August 2015
Girl Scouts,Omaha,Nebraska January 2014-May 2015
Alex Dickinson Page 2
Hope Centerfor Kids,Omaha,Nebraska August 2013-May 2014
Gamma Phi Beta  Womens Fraternity January 2014-Present
Nursing Student Senate September 2013-Present
 Elected representative for the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior nursing class
 Vice President 2016  organize service events, plan fundraising projects, coordinate 2017 Nightingala event,
delegation to class representatives
College Against Cancer  Gamma Phi Beta team captain; committee chair August 2013-Present
Nursing Leadership Scholars August 2013- Present
 Develop and practice leadership, communication, and collaboration skills through involvement, mentoring,
relationship development, and self-reflection
 Justice Walking  hospice volunteer and reflection program March 2014-May 2015
Cortina Community January 2014-May 2015
 Active in service site for three hours weekly
 Involvement in weekly discussions and forums over service and justice
 Participation in Cortina specific philosophy class and reflection class sophomore year
College ofNursing Spirituality Collective September 2013-May 2015
Creighton University Students Nursing Association (CUSNA) August 2013-May 2014
Nursing Retreat  retreat leader September 2014
Dorothy Vossen Scholarship, Creighton University 2014-2017
Order of Omega,Creighton University December 2014-Present
Deans List, Creighton University Fall 2013, Spring 2016
Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Zeta ofthe Year Creighton University 2014
Basic Life Support Certification: American Heart Association,Omaha,Nebraska Expires April 2018
Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring February 28, 2016
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) Certification: Alegent Creighton Health, Omaha,Nebraska October 2015
Certified Nurse Aide SE Community College-Lincoln-Area Office-75hrs May 2012-December 2014

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  • 1. Alex Dickinson alexdickinson@creighton.edu 725 Turtle Beach Marquette,NE 68854(605) 840-4622 EDUCATION: Creighton University,College of Nursing - Omaha, Nebraska May 2017 Bachelor of Science in Nursing GPA: 3.46 HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCE: Summer Externship Pediatric Nurse Extern, Catholic Health Initiatives St. Francis, Grand Island, NE May 2016-July 2016 Assisted with fetal monitoring, APGAR scores,hearing tests,Vitamin K shots, and gave the first bath to an infant Monitored patients age 30 weeks-18 years in the neonatal intensive care unit and the pediatric medical surgical unit Collaborated with physicians, respiratory therapy, and social work to provide appropriate nursing care and education for pediatric patients and their families Worked under a registered nurse to safely administer medication and adhere to safety protocols of hospital Clinical Rotations Pediatrics: Omaha ChildrensHospital, Ambassador Health, Omaha,Nebraska January 2016 Demonstrated respect for the dignity, worth and spiritual uniqueness of pediatric patients and their family Established efficient and effective use of resources when providing health care for children and their family Evaluated personal safety performance while caring for children Remained positive while caring for children with critical illnesses Adhered to professional, legal, and ethical standards as they apply to caring for children Obstetrics: Bergen Mercy Medical Center,Omaha Nebraska November 2015 Completed standard assessments to maintain and promote the well-being of the healthy mother and fetus experiencing healthy pregnancy, labor and birth. Utilized common assessment tools that provide the basis for care management of the newborn Provided health promotion teaching for the woman experiencing a healthy pregnancy and for new parents outing newborn and self-care School Health-Well Child: Omaha Catholic Schools,Omaha,Nebraska September 2015 Screened vision, hearing, blood pressure,oral care,height, and weight in three Omaha grade schools Identified abnormal results and completed referralletters to notify parents Work Experience Student Employee, James R. RussellChild Development Center, Omaha, NE August 2016-present Engage in play with pediatric population to encourage imagination, enhance learning, and encourage verbalization of feelings Work along full-time staff at the center to best meet needs of children in their learning environment Nurse Aid, York GeneralHospital, York, NE June 2012-December 2012 Assist in patients personal hygiene activities of daily living Report abnormal changes or patterns to nursing staff Record and chart patient actions Act as advocate for patients and maintain confidentiality Volunteer Experience Camp Barnabas Purdee,MO August 2016 Serve as a missionary for camper with special needs, allowing camper to experience and enjoy camp as a kid Camp Quality Heartland,Omaha,NE August 2015 Serve as companion to camper with cancer; campers friend,cheerleader,and mentor CampYouCan, Omaha,NE June 2015 Camp Counselor for 7-11 year-old girls with epilepsy Childrens Hospital and Medical Center March 2015-May 2016 Headbands of Hope Campus Representative August 2014-January 2016 Asera Care Hospice,Omaha Nebraska March 2014-May 2015 Girls Incorporated, Omaha,Nebraska February 2014-August 2015 Girl Scouts,Omaha,Nebraska January 2014-May 2015
  • 2. Alex Dickinson Page 2 Hope Centerfor Kids,Omaha,Nebraska August 2013-May 2014 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS & ACTIVITES: Gamma Phi Beta Womens Fraternity January 2014-Present Historian Nursing Student Senate September 2013-Present Elected representative for the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior nursing class Vice President 2016 organize service events, plan fundraising projects, coordinate 2017 Nightingala event, delegation to class representatives College Against Cancer Gamma Phi Beta team captain; committee chair August 2013-Present Nursing Leadership Scholars August 2013- Present Develop and practice leadership, communication, and collaboration skills through involvement, mentoring, relationship development, and self-reflection Justice Walking hospice volunteer and reflection program March 2014-May 2015 Cortina Community January 2014-May 2015 Active in service site for three hours weekly Involvement in weekly discussions and forums over service and justice Participation in Cortina specific philosophy class and reflection class sophomore year College ofNursing Spirituality Collective September 2013-May 2015 Creighton University Students Nursing Association (CUSNA) August 2013-May 2014 Nursing Retreat retreat leader September 2014 HONORS & AWARDS: Dorothy Vossen Scholarship, Creighton University 2014-2017 Order of Omega,Creighton University December 2014-Present Deans List, Creighton University Fall 2013, Spring 2016 Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Zeta ofthe Year Creighton University 2014 CERTIFICATIONS: Basic Life Support Certification: American Heart Association,Omaha,Nebraska Expires April 2018 Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring February 28, 2016 Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) Certification: Alegent Creighton Health, Omaha,Nebraska October 2015 Certified Nurse Aide SE Community College-Lincoln-Area Office-75hrs May 2012-December 2014