This document discusses how digital tools help modern mothers achieve efficiency, validation, and social momentum for their families. It notes that 89% of mothers are regular internet users and 61% consider themselves the "Chief Technology Officer" of their household. Mothers use their smartphones and the internet to multi-task and accomplish tasks like paying bills, planning meals, communicating with friends and family, and documenting family memories efficiently. Online forums and social media provide validation and reassurance that their parenting efforts are normal. Mothers also build social momentum for their children by promoting them and their activities online. The document advocates that digital brands should fill in the "cracks" by supporting these goals of efficiency, validation, and social momentum for time-strapped
Moms and Facebook in 2014. A relationship full of nice numbers and odds. moms love facebook and most of the time they build their life around it. A guide to understand it, say the right story to the right people and engage moms with the brand.
Andy Duran's Keynote on Effective Use of Social Media for Substance Use Preve...LEAD
Presentation slides from Andy Duran's Keynote on Effective Use of Social Media for Substance Use Prevention for the 2016 Drug Free America Foundation Summit.
The document summarizes the findings of a survey conducted by Redemptive Enterprises for Scripture Union USA about their SuperKids program. The survey assessed aspects of the program by interviewing 101 children participants and 42 volunteers. Key findings include: 100% of children believed Jesus loved them and would forgive their sins, over 90% of children and volunteers said they participated to learn about the Bible and Jesus, and 100% of volunteers planned to return next year. The survey provided feedback on improving Bible reading and connecting children's interest in the Bible to daily reading.
Findings from the recent Mumstock 2015 conference. How to drive an emotional connection with mum to deliver sales - and why big brands keep getting it wrong. Vista PR adds some executional ideas to bring these new strategies to life.
[WEBINAR] 7 Nonprofit Email Mistakes You Can Fix TodayWeDidIt
The document discusses 7 common mistakes nonprofits make with email and provides tips to improve email performance. The mistakes covered include bad subject lines, emails being too long, distracting designs, sending at bad times, weak calls to action, not growing or segmenting the email list, and over-relying on emails for fundraising. The tips encourage focusing on open, read and response rates, using concise subject lines, short emails, simple designs, optimized send times, strong calls to action, growing and segmenting lists, and adding value beyond fundraising asks.
The Teen Mommy is a nonprofit organization for teen parents. We focus on issues related to teen pregnancy, teen parenting and continuing your education.
Visit us at for more information. Like us on Facebook at
IBM Design Thinking & the Bluemix Garage Method Dev_Events
The document describes IBM's Design Thinking and Bluemix Garage Method for developing solutions. It involves a multi-day process including understanding users, exploring ideas, and defining goals. For a case study on helping users make environmentally-friendly grocery choices, the process included: creating a persona named Marie; mapping her current shopping process and pain points; brainstorming solutions; selecting the highest priority idea of providing carbon footprint information; outlining assumptions, risks, and hypotheses to test; and defining initial goals and non-goals for the solution.
The IBM Bluemix Garage Method document describes IBM's approach for collaborating with clients to build cloud applications. It involves co-locating interdisciplinary teams at client sites or partner locations for 2 week iterations. Each iteration involves understanding users, exploring ideas, and defining requirements and hypotheses to test. Activities include creating personas, as-is maps, storyboards, assumptions/risks, and goals/non-goals. The goal is to quickly build and deploy minimum viable products to validate ideas.
This document contains Nguyen Khoa Nam's resume, outlining his participation in social activities from 2013-2014 including organizing a Halloween party and charity work. It also lists his work experience as the team leader for Eastern International University's ambassador team from 2013 to present, and as a waiter in 2013. His education is included, with a major in marketing from Eastern International University graduating in 2018. Relevant skills and languages are also provided.
The document discusses segmentation in marketing. Segmentation involves dividing customers into groups based on common attributes. This allows targeting marketing more effectively. The author advocates segmenting leads and contacts when they are captured or interact, such as by answering questions on a web form. This places them into lists that can be marketed to separately. Segmenting an existing list involves sending an email with links that apply tags to contacts based on their interactions, like survey responses. This improves targeting of communications and helps gain insights into the business.
Women Entrepreneurs and Social Entrepreneurs (of Nepal)Smriti Shrestha
List out some of Nepali Social Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurs, Social Enterprises and Entrepreneurial journey of Laxmi Sharma(1st Tempo Driver of Nepal).
This document summarizes an empirical study on entrepreneurs in Nepal. It defines entrepreneurs and their roles in economic development. Entrepreneurs in Nepal face many barriers including limited access to capital, low confidence, and unstable policies. To motivate more entrepreneurship, the study recommends increasing access to finance, creating a supportive environment, and expanding training opportunities. Overall, the document analyzes the importance of entrepreneurs for Nepal's economy and identifies ways to encourage their activities.
Digital moms are active users of many emerging technologies:
1) Over half use social networks, text messaging, and gaming.
2) About a third use online video, consumer reviews, blogs, and DVR.
3) Under a quarter use RSS, podcasts, and mobile browsing.
Usage varies based on factors like the mom's age and her child's age. Younger moms tend to use newer channels more while older moms favor informational tools. Marketers need to engage digital moms across the many channels they use.
(youthlab indo) Indonesian millenal moms: The Indonesian young mother market ...youth laboratory indonesia
Young moms in urban cities have change their daily social gathering due to technological adoption. Find out what changes and what stay the same for the indonesian young mother market
*kata kunci: pemasaran, tren anak muda,riset anak muda, riset pemasaran, strategi pemasaran anak muda, jasa riset, jasa riset pemasaran, biro riset pemasaran, konsultan pemasaran, youth culture asia,youth culture report,youth data,youth indonesia,youth insights,youth marketing indonesia,youth marketing reports,youth research,youthlab, indonesian youth, data anak muda, penelitian tentang anak muda, hasil survei tentang anak muda, jasa penelitian, anak muda indonesia, studi anak muda
This document provides stories and examples of successful women entrepreneurs in India. It begins by providing context on the history of women's entrepreneurship in India, which began gaining momentum in the 1970s. It then outlines some of the common categories of women entrepreneurs and discusses challenges they often face such as balancing work and family responsibilities. The document concludes with specific stories highlighting the successes of women like Radha Rajakrishnan, Patricia Narayan, and Revathi Krishna who have built successful businesses despite facing obstacles.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill the cracks in their busy lives by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how mothers use their smartphones and social media to multi-task and accomplish tasks faster. Online forums and social networks give mothers anonymity to ask questions and feel less judged, helping them feel validated in their parenting. Mothers also use digital tools to help their children gain social traction and advance socially. The document argues brands should learn from how mothers use technology to make their families' lives better and be the digital glue that fills the cracks in their days.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill the cracks in their busy lives by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how mothers use their smartphones and social media to multi-task and accomplish tasks faster. Online forums and social networks give mothers anonymity to ask questions and feel less judged, helping them feel validated in their parenting. Mothers also use digital tools to help their children gain social traction and advance socially. The document argues brands should learn from how mothers use technology to make their families' lives better and be the digital glue that fills the cracks in their days.
The document discusses how digital technology helps fill in the cracks for busy moms by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how 89% of moms are regular internet users and use their smartphones as personal assistants. Moms are task-oriented online to efficiently accomplish their to-do lists. Digital also provides validation as moms seek reassurance they are good parents by connecting with other moms. Finally, moms use social media to build social momentum for their kids and stay connected as their lives change. The key is for brands to determine how they can be the digital glue that helps moms in these important ways.
This document provides an agenda and overview of research conducted with UK mums to understand their key needs. Comfort was identified as the top need, with mums defining it as feeling relaxed, secure, and content. Other important needs included seeking challenges to progress and awaken their potential, sharing thoughts and receiving information to feel in control. Advertisers are not fully meeting mum's needs and portray limited representations of their realities. The recommendations encourage brands to facilitate relaxation for mums, celebrate their individuality beyond parenting roles, provide safe sharing environments, offer challenges for learning, deliver bite-sized informative content, and prioritize mobile communications.
The document discusses truths about modern motherhood that resonate with today's moms based on insights from a community of over 7,000 moms. Some key truths include: motherhood is both fulfilling and difficult; moms reject stereotypes of the "perfect mom" and develop their own measures of success; being a mom means someone else always comes first and moms are constantly exhausted; moms crave breaks from their daily routine and will go to great lengths to get time away from mom duties. The document advocates understanding moms' real experiences beyond stereotypes to better connect with them.
The document discusses mother's guilt and provides tips to help deal with it. It explains that mother's guilt is common and stems from feeling like one's best efforts aren't good enough. It then lists rules for silencing mother's guilt, such as getting real about perfection not being possible, stopping judgments of oneself, focusing on positives, and creating a supportive community. The document concludes by emphasizing that mother's guilt is natural but should not be weighed down by and that with love, children will not feel wanting.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill in the cracks, seek validation, and give their families social momentum. It notes that most mothers are regularly online and use their smartphones and social media to multi-task, find information, stay connected to friends and family, and support their children's activities and development. The document suggests technology companies should focus on being a helpful resource that mothers feel comfortable engaging with to help promote efficiency and togetherness for their families.
Essay on Appreciating Mom
Motherhood and Pregnancy
Essay about Mother-daughter Relationships
Characteristics Of My Mother
Essay on Working Mothers
Mothers & Daughters Essay
Becoming a Teenage Mother Essay
Narrative Essay : My Mom
The aims of Wisdom are to improve the wellbeing of young carers through communication, bring young carers together within one virtual space and provide young carers with the tools to help them take back some control of their own lives.
Want to increase safe, ethical and responsible use of technology in your school and community? Discover free, Common-Core-aligned resources to promote digital citizenship.
Purpose & objective
Educators will develop awareness by
protecting private information
respecting themselves and others
staying safe online
standing up to cyberbullying
balancing the time online and offline
The importance of teaching digital citizenship in our schools to our teachers and students.
The necessity of getting parents involved in the teaching, modeling, and monitoring of safe, responsible, and ethical technology use.
Digital Citizenship resources for parents, teachers, and students using sites such as Common Sense Media - and other nationally recognized work.
After the session, educators will continue to collaborate through social media to share resources, strategies, and best practices.
Standards addressed:
All resources and lessons provided in the session will be linked to Common Core State Standards.
Welcoming Girls from All Families (Camp Bonnie Brae 2007)Morganne Ray
This document discusses creating a supportive environment for girls from all types of families. It notes that families come in many shapes and sizes, and girls may not all come from families that live together, have one mom and one dad, or are biologically related. The document provides suggestions for supporting girls, such as allowing them to describe their own families, asking open-ended questions, and encouraging girls to share their own family stories. It also discusses how spaces can become unsupportive through overt and intentional harmful actions/words, as well as more subtle covert and unintentional ways. The document aims to help create an inclusive space and address issues proactively.
@NgocPhuoc @NgocTran @Tien Khai prepared this deck. I leanred that 3C in creating big idea is needed to create consistency and problemsolver. Otherwise, it is just a nonsense propoganda
10 things you may not know about BULLYINGRon Graham
This document provides information about bullying and cyberbullying. It discusses how defining problems incorrectly can prevent solutions. It introduces an approach called NSTAAB that focuses on changing language, perceptions, and moving from control to collaboration. The document outlines signs that a child may be bullying, being bullied, or experiencing depression. It discusses the link between bullying and suicide. It also covers topics like cyberbullying, sexting, grooming and provides statistics. Throughout it emphasizes the importance of monitoring children's technology use, open communication, and educating students and parents on these issues.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a branding campaign focused on preventing and stopping child sexual abuse in Vietnam. The campaign's target audience is mothers aged 23-40 with children aged 6-13. It will launch on the Afamily platform, which provides parenting information. The campaign's key message is that loving mothers means teaching children about sexual abuse prevention. It will use viral clips, touchscreens, and events to raise awareness and encourage open discussion between mothers and children on this uncomfortable topic. The goal is to empower mothers and make Afamily a trusted resource for parenting advice and support.
This document contains Nguyen Khoa Nam's resume, outlining his participation in social activities from 2013-2014 including organizing a Halloween party and charity work. It also lists his work experience as the team leader for Eastern International University's ambassador team from 2013 to present, and as a waiter in 2013. His education is included, with a major in marketing from Eastern International University graduating in 2018. Relevant skills and languages are also provided.
The document discusses segmentation in marketing. Segmentation involves dividing customers into groups based on common attributes. This allows targeting marketing more effectively. The author advocates segmenting leads and contacts when they are captured or interact, such as by answering questions on a web form. This places them into lists that can be marketed to separately. Segmenting an existing list involves sending an email with links that apply tags to contacts based on their interactions, like survey responses. This improves targeting of communications and helps gain insights into the business.
Women Entrepreneurs and Social Entrepreneurs (of Nepal)Smriti Shrestha
List out some of Nepali Social Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurs, Social Enterprises and Entrepreneurial journey of Laxmi Sharma(1st Tempo Driver of Nepal).
This document summarizes an empirical study on entrepreneurs in Nepal. It defines entrepreneurs and their roles in economic development. Entrepreneurs in Nepal face many barriers including limited access to capital, low confidence, and unstable policies. To motivate more entrepreneurship, the study recommends increasing access to finance, creating a supportive environment, and expanding training opportunities. Overall, the document analyzes the importance of entrepreneurs for Nepal's economy and identifies ways to encourage their activities.
Digital moms are active users of many emerging technologies:
1) Over half use social networks, text messaging, and gaming.
2) About a third use online video, consumer reviews, blogs, and DVR.
3) Under a quarter use RSS, podcasts, and mobile browsing.
Usage varies based on factors like the mom's age and her child's age. Younger moms tend to use newer channels more while older moms favor informational tools. Marketers need to engage digital moms across the many channels they use.
(youthlab indo) Indonesian millenal moms: The Indonesian young mother market ...youth laboratory indonesia
Young moms in urban cities have change their daily social gathering due to technological adoption. Find out what changes and what stay the same for the indonesian young mother market
*kata kunci: pemasaran, tren anak muda,riset anak muda, riset pemasaran, strategi pemasaran anak muda, jasa riset, jasa riset pemasaran, biro riset pemasaran, konsultan pemasaran, youth culture asia,youth culture report,youth data,youth indonesia,youth insights,youth marketing indonesia,youth marketing reports,youth research,youthlab, indonesian youth, data anak muda, penelitian tentang anak muda, hasil survei tentang anak muda, jasa penelitian, anak muda indonesia, studi anak muda
This document provides stories and examples of successful women entrepreneurs in India. It begins by providing context on the history of women's entrepreneurship in India, which began gaining momentum in the 1970s. It then outlines some of the common categories of women entrepreneurs and discusses challenges they often face such as balancing work and family responsibilities. The document concludes with specific stories highlighting the successes of women like Radha Rajakrishnan, Patricia Narayan, and Revathi Krishna who have built successful businesses despite facing obstacles.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill the cracks in their busy lives by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how mothers use their smartphones and social media to multi-task and accomplish tasks faster. Online forums and social networks give mothers anonymity to ask questions and feel less judged, helping them feel validated in their parenting. Mothers also use digital tools to help their children gain social traction and advance socially. The document argues brands should learn from how mothers use technology to make their families' lives better and be the digital glue that fills the cracks in their days.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill the cracks in their busy lives by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how mothers use their smartphones and social media to multi-task and accomplish tasks faster. Online forums and social networks give mothers anonymity to ask questions and feel less judged, helping them feel validated in their parenting. Mothers also use digital tools to help their children gain social traction and advance socially. The document argues brands should learn from how mothers use technology to make their families' lives better and be the digital glue that fills the cracks in their days.
The document discusses how digital technology helps fill in the cracks for busy moms by providing efficiency, validation, and social momentum. It describes how 89% of moms are regular internet users and use their smartphones as personal assistants. Moms are task-oriented online to efficiently accomplish their to-do lists. Digital also provides validation as moms seek reassurance they are good parents by connecting with other moms. Finally, moms use social media to build social momentum for their kids and stay connected as their lives change. The key is for brands to determine how they can be the digital glue that helps moms in these important ways.
This document provides an agenda and overview of research conducted with UK mums to understand their key needs. Comfort was identified as the top need, with mums defining it as feeling relaxed, secure, and content. Other important needs included seeking challenges to progress and awaken their potential, sharing thoughts and receiving information to feel in control. Advertisers are not fully meeting mum's needs and portray limited representations of their realities. The recommendations encourage brands to facilitate relaxation for mums, celebrate their individuality beyond parenting roles, provide safe sharing environments, offer challenges for learning, deliver bite-sized informative content, and prioritize mobile communications.
The document discusses truths about modern motherhood that resonate with today's moms based on insights from a community of over 7,000 moms. Some key truths include: motherhood is both fulfilling and difficult; moms reject stereotypes of the "perfect mom" and develop their own measures of success; being a mom means someone else always comes first and moms are constantly exhausted; moms crave breaks from their daily routine and will go to great lengths to get time away from mom duties. The document advocates understanding moms' real experiences beyond stereotypes to better connect with them.
The document discusses mother's guilt and provides tips to help deal with it. It explains that mother's guilt is common and stems from feeling like one's best efforts aren't good enough. It then lists rules for silencing mother's guilt, such as getting real about perfection not being possible, stopping judgments of oneself, focusing on positives, and creating a supportive community. The document concludes by emphasizing that mother's guilt is natural but should not be weighed down by and that with love, children will not feel wanting.
This document discusses how digital technology helps mothers fill in the cracks, seek validation, and give their families social momentum. It notes that most mothers are regularly online and use their smartphones and social media to multi-task, find information, stay connected to friends and family, and support their children's activities and development. The document suggests technology companies should focus on being a helpful resource that mothers feel comfortable engaging with to help promote efficiency and togetherness for their families.
Essay on Appreciating Mom
Motherhood and Pregnancy
Essay about Mother-daughter Relationships
Characteristics Of My Mother
Essay on Working Mothers
Mothers & Daughters Essay
Becoming a Teenage Mother Essay
Narrative Essay : My Mom
The aims of Wisdom are to improve the wellbeing of young carers through communication, bring young carers together within one virtual space and provide young carers with the tools to help them take back some control of their own lives.
Want to increase safe, ethical and responsible use of technology in your school and community? Discover free, Common-Core-aligned resources to promote digital citizenship.
Purpose & objective
Educators will develop awareness by
protecting private information
respecting themselves and others
staying safe online
standing up to cyberbullying
balancing the time online and offline
The importance of teaching digital citizenship in our schools to our teachers and students.
The necessity of getting parents involved in the teaching, modeling, and monitoring of safe, responsible, and ethical technology use.
Digital Citizenship resources for parents, teachers, and students using sites such as Common Sense Media - and other nationally recognized work.
After the session, educators will continue to collaborate through social media to share resources, strategies, and best practices.
Standards addressed:
All resources and lessons provided in the session will be linked to Common Core State Standards.
Welcoming Girls from All Families (Camp Bonnie Brae 2007)Morganne Ray
This document discusses creating a supportive environment for girls from all types of families. It notes that families come in many shapes and sizes, and girls may not all come from families that live together, have one mom and one dad, or are biologically related. The document provides suggestions for supporting girls, such as allowing them to describe their own families, asking open-ended questions, and encouraging girls to share their own family stories. It also discusses how spaces can become unsupportive through overt and intentional harmful actions/words, as well as more subtle covert and unintentional ways. The document aims to help create an inclusive space and address issues proactively.
@NgocPhuoc @NgocTran @Tien Khai prepared this deck. I leanred that 3C in creating big idea is needed to create consistency and problemsolver. Otherwise, it is just a nonsense propoganda
10 things you may not know about BULLYINGRon Graham
This document provides information about bullying and cyberbullying. It discusses how defining problems incorrectly can prevent solutions. It introduces an approach called NSTAAB that focuses on changing language, perceptions, and moving from control to collaboration. The document outlines signs that a child may be bullying, being bullied, or experiencing depression. It discusses the link between bullying and suicide. It also covers topics like cyberbullying, sexting, grooming and provides statistics. Throughout it emphasizes the importance of monitoring children's technology use, open communication, and educating students and parents on these issues.
This document provides an agenda and overview for a branding campaign focused on preventing and stopping child sexual abuse in Vietnam. The campaign's target audience is mothers aged 23-40 with children aged 6-13. It will launch on the Afamily platform, which provides parenting information. The campaign's key message is that loving mothers means teaching children about sexual abuse prevention. It will use viral clips, touchscreens, and events to raise awareness and encourage open discussion between mothers and children on this uncomfortable topic. The goal is to empower mothers and make Afamily a trusted resource for parenting advice and support.
The document discusses Love Our Children USA, a nonprofit organization fighting violence and neglect against children. It provides programs like public education seminars for parents, children, and the community to raise awareness and teach effective parenting solutions. The goal is to prevent violence against children and strengthen families by empowering positive changes. One success story describes how they helped a family access parenting classes and therapy after the mother was continuing a cycle of abuse she experienced as a child. The critical needs in communities are addressed through outreach, seminars, and individual assistance.
The document discusses preventing violence against children through education and community outreach programs. It provides seminars and parenting classes to teach effective parenting solutions and empower families. One outcome example given is of a father who contacted them about his daughter being afraid of her mother, and through the organization's help, the mother received therapy and parenting classes and improved her relationship with her child. The goal is to reach communities and help families address issues to keep children safe.
Upgrade your kitchen with affordable RTA cabinets that combine style, durability, and budget-friendly pricing. These ready-to-assemble cabinets offer easy installation without compromising on quality. Choose from modern, shaker, and European-style designs to match your space. Perfect for homeowners, contractors, and remodelers seeking wholesale savings. Enjoy high-quality materials and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices. Get the best RTA cabinets for your kitchen today.
Learning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
Master Data Science Course in Kerala and How to face an interviewbenjaminoseth
Cracking a data science interview requires a strategic approach, strong domain knowledge, and hands-on expertise. This PPT is designed to help aspiring data scientists prepare effectively by understanding the core interview topics, real-world problem-solving techniques, and communication strategies. Whether you are new to data science or an experienced professional, this guide covers must-know topics like machine learning, statistics, data wrangling, and coding. With expert insights from a Data Science Course in Kerala, this presentation highlights industry-specific interview patterns, key questions, and problem-solving frameworks. Get ready to excel in your data science interviews with practical tips, real-world case studies, and best practices to land your dream job!
14. Her Digital Family
89% of moms are online regularly
61% of moms call themselves the
Chief Technology Of鍖cer
50% of moms used a social
networking site on the day their
child was born
24. 90% of moms describe themselves as
task-oriented internet users. When
shes online, she has a purpose.
Shes a mom on
an online mission.
25. 90% of moms describe themselves as
task-oriented internet users. When
shes online, she has a purpose.
Shes a mom on
an online mission.
I barely have enough
time to do much else, so
Im very focused about
my internet use.
27. Shes actually on
10 missions.
54% of moms say they always have
multiple windows open at once.
Theyve mastered the art of writing
emails while looking up recipes.
28. Shes actually on
10 missions.
54% of moms say they always have
multiple windows open at once.
Theyve mastered the art of writing
emails while looking up recipes.
If I werent a mom I
wouldnt feel so compelled
to multi-task. Id have fewer
immediate demands.
46. Litmus Test
Are you making her accomplish more?
Are you helping her accomplish it faster?
Are you streamlining her to-do list?
47. Litmus Test
Are you making her accomplish more?
Are you helping her accomplish it faster?
Are you streamlining her to-do list?
Dont be a distraction.
Help mom have more time and
more energy for the things
that really matter.
49. Moms are looking for reassurance that
they are helping their kids and that
theyre on the right track. They want to
know theyre normal.
What is Mom Validation?
51. This is Kristin.
Before Kristin was born, her mom
had nothing in her life more important
than herself.
52. A Moms Over 30 message
board allowed her to share
the birth of her child, fears and
frustrations and her TMI only a
mom would get it moments.
53. When Kristin was born 2 lbs lighter
than her twin her mother posted a
photo to RAMOM.
54. When Kristin was born 2 lbs lighter
than her twin her mother posted a
photo to RAMOM.
One of the members
immediately sent her an
email saying:
Dont worry about one
being smaller than the other.
My twins were like that too.
56. She was able to reassure
another mother in return.
Kristins mom received an email about
colic from a friend.
57. Kristin went through a Mean Girls
Phase in school. She stopped
receiving invites to parties.
58. Kristin went through a Mean Girls
Phase in school. She stopped
receiving invites to parties.
Her mother used the
internet to try to
understand bullying.
59. When Kristin started hanging out with
the fast crowd, Mom used Facebook
to make sure Kristin was doing ok.
60. When Kristin started hanging out with
the fast crowd, Mom used Facebook
to make sure Kristin was doing ok.
Keeping tabs on Kristin
can help her validate her
efforts as a mom.
61. When Kristin left for college, her mom
knew where to 鍖nd support.
She a
65. Digital Validation
Anonymity leaves her
Physical Validation
Your friends might give
you answers, but they
know your dirty laundry
66. Digital Validation
Anonymity leaves her
Physical Validation
Your friends might give
you answers, but they
know your dirty laundry
She doesnt have to
wait for Google to call
her back
Friends, family and
doctors arent on call
67. Litmus Test
Are you allowing her to be open and honest?
Are you making her feel comfortable
asking questions?
Are you making her more nervous?
68. Litmus Test
Are you allowing her to be open and honest?
Are you making her feel comfortable
asking questions?
Are you making her more nervous?
Engage her in a straightforward
& non-judgmental dialogue. Let
her know its okay to have
76. Litmus Test
Are you helping her promote
her family & herself?
Its not just her pro鍖le, its
Johnnys Moms Facebook
pro鍖le. Dont assume her
social presence is self-