舒 亳ミ姿 2016 亞仂亟舒 舒亟亳仂亳瓿Facebook油仂舒于亳仍舒 1,71 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟舒 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶油
2015 Canadian Social Media Usage Statistics
59% of survey respondents use Facebook.
Canadians visit Facebook about nine times each week.
75% of those earning $80K-$100K use Facebook.
70% of Mothers of children under 18 are on Facebook.
舒 亳ミ姿 2016 亞仂亟舒 舒亟亳仂亳瓿Facebook油仂舒于亳仍舒 1,71 仄亳仍仍亳舒亟舒 仗仂仍亰仂于舒亠仍亠亶油
2015 Canadian Social Media Usage Statistics
59% of survey respondents use Facebook.
Canadians visit Facebook about nine times each week.
75% of those earning $80K-$100K use Facebook.
70% of Mothers of children under 18 are on Facebook.
Presentation created for international VPs of an IT consulting firm, for their introductive training program.
"Illegible fonts, cheesy visuals, obscure charts : everyday, we all suffer from "Death by Powerpoint" syndrome.
But there's only a few tips and tools to know to overcome those setbacks, and to dazzle the audience with your next presentation.
Join us on the quest for the Holy 際際滷 and you will discover the secrets of presentation design."