The document discusses laser welding and process monitoring of medical devices. It notes that laser welding is used for dissimilar materials in medical applications like biopsy probes, batteries, and surgical tools. It emphasizes that process monitoring is vital to ensure consistent laser power delivery and the correct laser pulse duration, frequency, and assist gas parameters are used depending on the metal types and thicknesses being welded to achieve high quality welds. Vision and motion systems can also help with precision part placement and inspection for micro-welding applications.
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4. Power & Energy Monitoring
Power Management
Weld quality dependent on
consistent delivery of laser intensity
Manual monitoring vs. direct
Automation and system integration
ensures high throughput and quality
Ophir Gentec
5. Pulse Verification
Pulse Management
Pulse duration and frequency
directly influence weld quality
We now have three knobs to turn:
laser power, pulse duration and
pulse frequency
Process monitoring is vital to ensure
the correct parameters are used
dependent on metal types and
Innovative Laser Technologies (ILT)
6. Gas Flow
AssistGas Considerations
A Fourth Knob: Assist gas can be
used to cool the surrounding weld
area, remove oxidation and/or keep
the laser beam delivery optics clean
Pressure and flow sensors are
required to ensure a proper assist
gas for the task.
Multiple assist gases will require
multiple sensors
Laser Mech
7. Vision Tools
MachineVisionas an aide
For many applications it is a
requirement particularly for micro-
Increasingly small spot sizes and
miniature components, precise
placement is vital for high yield
Vision systems are also used for part
inspection during QC
Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques
8. Motion Tools
Part PlacementAccuracy
Directing the laser spot on target
can require micron scale accuracy
As the number of axis increase,
tolerance becomes additive.
Part placement to beam welding
spot must be considered.
Courtesy Aerotech