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Disability Representation in
Anime & Manga
Introduction: Who the hell do I think I am?
? Disabled Anime Fan (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia)
? Trade Union Representative with Equality Background
? General Nerd
? Twitter: @SailorCadia / https://twitter.com/SailorCadia
Introduction: Content Warning
? Sadly this panel will be discussing some distressing real life
events, such as hate crimes (including assault, and murder),
discrimination, and harassment.
? It will also be discussing anime and manga that touch on
these topics or may have distressing scenes.
? I feel it only fair to warn you as members of the audience of
what may come up as part of the nature of this panel.
The ‘Models’ of
The Medical Model and the Social Model
(…not the plastic models)
The ‘Models’ of Disability
? The Medical Model
The medical model of disability views disability as a ‘problem’ that belongs to the disabled
individual. It is not seen as an issue to concern anyone other than the individual affected.
? The Social Model
This model draws on the idea that it is society that disables people, through designing everything to
meet the needs of the majority of people who are not disabled. There is a recognition within the
social model that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce, and ultimately remove, some of
these disabling barriers, and that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the disabled
Definition Examples From University of Leicester
Identity First Language vs. Person First
? Identity First Language e.g.
Disabled Person, Deaf Person,
Autistic, Dyslexic
? Person First Language e.g.
Person with disabilities, Person
with hearing impairment, person
with autism, person with
This Presentation (Largely) Uses Identity
First Language
Whilst Person first language is well meaning many disabled people find it
dehumanising as their disability is often a fundamental part of who they are,
especially Deaf, Blind, and Autistic People.
We only tend to refer to ‘negative’ things like this for example “person who has the
measles”, “person with pneumonia”. We don’t do this for other identities like LGBT+
identities, or when describing races.
I am a white, cisgender, heterosexual woman, not a person with whiteness,
femaleness, heterosexuality and cisgenderedness… why would I say “with dyslexia”?
Some exceptions: Disabilities that people do wish to cure – e.g. cancer.
Accessibility and
Laws, and Social
A Quick Overview
What is considered a ‘Disability’ Legally?
United Kingdom Law
(Equality Act 2010, preceded by the Disability
Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995)
“A person has a disability if that person has a
physical or mental impairment, and the
impairment has a substantial and long-term
adverse effect on that persons ability to carry
out normal day-to-day activities”
- Does not cover Northern Ireland which is
still covered by the DDA
Japanese law
(The Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities,
1970 revised 2004)
“The term "persons with disabilities" in this
Law means individuals whose daily life or
social life is substantially and continuously
limited due to physical, intellectual or mental
Japanese Attitudes to Disability and
Impacts on Legislation
Academics, film makers, and disabled advocates have stated there
is still a social stigma against Disabled people in Japan. It has been
called a culture of shame” and it has been attributed with the
relatively slow progress of anti discrimination law in Japan.
? Japan, “Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with
Disabilities”, cleared the Diet in June 2013, but took effect only
in April 2016
? UK, “Disability Discrimination Act 1995” superseded by
“Equality Act 2010”
? USA, “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990”
? UK law means that private hospitality businesses must be
accessible to disabled users.
? Japanese law only mandates public services to be accessible to
disabled people. Under Japanese law private businesses only
need to strive to be accessible.
Perfect World – Rie Aruga (2014 - Present)
Japanese Attitudes to Disability
Japanese society has a concept “mendokusai” roughly
meaning “it’s troublesome” or “it’s a nuisance”. Not only does
the ‘shame’ surrounding disability impact on representation
in Japan but it also could be being held back by this attitude
in regards to disability representation.
It has been cited as a reason for why few Japanese works take
into consideration minorities within their target
demographics (in particular this has been pointed out as a
reason works featuring LGBT+ characters aren’t as heavily
scrutinised in Japan as in the west).
With the Light – Keiko Tobe (2000 – 2010)
Accessibility in Japan vs the UK
? Wheelchair / Mobility Scooter Accessibility in metropolitan areas
has been said to be better than the UK, with most train stations
having elevators and other access accommodations.
? Rural areas both in the UK and Japan struggle to keep up with
the cities, and are much harder to access.
? Only assistance dogs certified in Japan are recognised as being
allowed entry to restricted places, also under Japan law only
dogs trained to aid with physical disabilities are recognised. You
can apply for certification for dogs not trained in Japan.
? Certain medications that are common in the West are restricted
or banned in Japan, in particular Codeine and most Inhalers.
Travelers may bring certain limited amounts of medicine into to
Japan but should look into legal requirements before travel.
Information and top image courtesy Accessible Japan
When I visit the UK, people shout
‘benefit scrounger’ at me. I have
been physically attacked twice in the
last five years.
Uncovering The ‘Culture Of Shame’ Surrounding Disability In Japan, Priyanka Mogul,
International Press Foundation, 2016
Some families are positive and try to change the
world by being open about their disabled children.
But the ‘silent majority’ still has a negative view and
does not want it known that they have disabled
Noda received harassment from members of the Japanese public who have accused her of “wasting
taxpayers’ money” on medical care for her disabled son, some saying she should leave him to die.
Japan confronts disability stigma after silence over murder victims' names, Kwiyeon Ha, Linda Sieg, Reuters (2016)
Why is Japan Still Biased Against People with Disabilities?, Matthew Hernon, Tokyo Weekender, 2017
Increase in Disability Hate Crime in the UK since 2009
Data from the Crown Prosecution Service Hate Crime Data Report Ninth Edition (2017)
Visible Disabilities
e.g. wheelchair users, prosthetic
limbs, and other visible
Visible Disabilities
? Arguably the most common form of disability
representation in Japanese media, especially anime
as it is the most immediately visually obvious.
? Some contemporary set examples exist, as do
people in fantastic settings but who have only
modern day technologies available (e.g. Nunnally
in Code Geass has a typical wheelchair)
? However most examples of prosthetic limbs tend
to exist in sci-fi, fantasy, or steampunk inspired
shows which greatly increases their function to
sometimes super power levels.
? Also too many arm cannons / guns to list.
Franky from One Piece
Perfect World
Rie Aruga (2014 - Present)
? Romance manga. Story focuses on Kawana Tsugumi a 26 interior
designer who at a business party reunites with her high school
crush Itsuki Ayukawa who since she last met has had a spinal
cord injury and now uses a wheelchair.
? Itsuki is a promising architect and gets a lot of clients looking for
wheelchair accessible plans for houses. He is frustrated by
private business ignoring his accessibility recommendations.
? He is based on Kazuo Abe CEO of Abe Kensetsu Inc.
? Their romantic rivals include another former school mate who
likes Kawana, and Itsuki’s personal care assistant who feels she
understands his needs better than Kawana.
? Published by Kodansha Comics, also available on Kindle.
e.g. Blindness, Deafness
Sensory Impairments
? Not as commonly depicted in anime as
visible disabilities, but not wholly
? Typically, blind characters, or deaf characters.
Blindness appears to be more frequently
? Blind characters frequently have vision or eye
loss due to battle injuries, which given the
action based aspect of many anime is
probably to be expected.
? May or may not be cured.
? Japanese Sign Language (JSL) only rarely
A Silent Voice - Yoshitoki ?ima (2013 – 2014)
Conditions, Cognitive
Difficulties and Mental
e.g. Autism, AD(H)D, Dyslexia,
Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia
Depression, Anxiety
The “Neurodiversity” Paradigm
Portmanteau (“smush word”) of the tern
“Neurological Diversity”, the concepts that
different neurological conditions are simply
examples of different ‘brain wirings’ or
‘mental operating systems’ and are not
inherently ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’.
Largely pioneered by members of the
Autistic community, in particular Australian
Autistic Sociologist Judy Singer who named
the concept in 1996.
Neurodivergent Conditions
? Very rarely appear in anime with confirmed
? Possibly due to social stigma in Japan
surrounding cognitive differences and
learning disabilities
? Mostly in appear in autobiographic of
educational works if confirmed. Or are
largely misunderstood.
? However a lot of anime characters have been
fan interpreted as having neurodivergent
conditions – e.g. L from Death Note being
coded Autistic.
With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child
Keiko Tobe (2000 – 2010)
? Biographical manga, based on accounts given to
author by various parents of Autistic children
(typically with higher support needs)
? Follows the story of a family who’s eldest child,
Hikaru, is Autistic. Told mostly from the point of
view of Hikaru’s mother Sachiko as she has to fight
for him to gain access to education.
? Does sometimes use outdated terminology.
? Sadly unfinished as Keiko Tobe passed away due
to an undeclared illness in 2010.
? Published in English by Yen Press and still in print,
also available on Kindle.
Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health
? Actually shows up quiet frequently in anime in and manga.
? Some works directly make it a focus of the plot – e.g. Welcome to the N.H.K, or use anime to
lampoon and critique Japan’s approach to mental health – e.g. Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei.
? Others show have a fantastical setting but examine what impact situations like war, alien
invasion, or deep dive digital technology would have on it’s characters mental health – e.g.
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Digimon: Tamers.
? Japan’s approach to mental illness is very different from the west, Freudian and other methods
of early psychoanalysis never really became accepted in Japan so could not go on to be
eventually developed into todays techniques.
? Most medical insurance in Japan does not cover anti depressants or psychiatric care. Making
the cost of treatment quiet prohibitive.
? The Japanese Government currently does not regulate mental health provision in Japan, plans
were made in 2015 to regulate the sector but are still in the planning stages.
In Summary
? Anime appears to be quiet diverse and inclusive
in it’s depiction of disabled people at first.
? However it still reflects Japanese societal views in
many ways
? The most positive portrayals of disabled people
tend to be people who either have magic or sci-
fi enabled ways to supposedly ‘overcome’ their
? The most stigmatised are people with cognitive
disabilities or mental health issues. Though it
seems Japanese media creators try and use their
mediums to give these people a voice.
Suggested Further Reading
? Japan Law: About the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against
People with Disabilities (PDF), and Accessible Japan.
? UK Law: Equality Act 2010 (actual act, very long), or What is the
Equality Act? written by the Equality and Human Rights
? NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter
About People Who Think Differently – Steve Siblerman
? Autism Equality in the Workplace: Removing Barriers and
Challenging Discrimination – Janine Booth (also author of the TUC
guide to Autism in the Workplace)
? Don’t Mourn for Us – Essay by Jim Sinclair
Upload Note
Originally this presentation had several clips from various anime to show some examples of disability
representation. I have removed these from the uploaded version both to avoid copyright issues but also due to
web hosting limitations.
However for reference these were:
? Violet Evergarden – Netflix Dub – Episode 2 (Violet learning to use typewriter scene)
? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Aniplex / Funimation Dub – Episode 5 “Rain of Sorrows” (Ed Elric vs.
Scar fight, Scar destroys Ed’s automail arm) and Episode 6 “Road of Hope” (Winry is angry about Ed
breaking the automail she made him)
? Gundam SEED Destiny – Sub – “Episode 13” (Andrew Waltfeld’s shot gun arm)
? Yu-Gi-Oh! – 4 Kids Dub – “Friends 'Til the End, Part 4” (Serenity removes her eye surgery bandages and
rescues Joey)
? A Silent Voice – Film – Anime Ltd. / NYAV Post Dub – (“School attempts to teach the class some basic
Japanese Sign Language so Shoko can more easily communicate with them”)
? New law bans bias against people with disabilities, but shortcomings exist, say expert, Tomoko Otake, Japan Times,
? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Anime, Brian Ashcraft, Kotaku, 2014
? Uncovering The ‘Culture Of Shame’ Surrounding Disability In Japan, Priyanka Mogul, International Press Foundation,
? Japan confronts disability stigma after silence over murder victims' names, Kwiyeon Ha, Linda Sieg, Reuters (2016)
? Why is Japan Still Biased Against People with Disabilities?, Matthew Hernon, Tokyo Weekender, 2017
? An Interview With Dr. Michael Gillan Peckitt, Accessible Japan
? Equality law - Hotels, restaurants, cafés and pubs, The Equality and Human Rights Commission UK
? [Discourse] Catherine, Trans Identities, and Representation in Japan, Kazuma Hashimoto, Anime Feminist, 2018
? Answerman: Why Don’t Anime Characters Go To Therapy?, Justin Sevakis, Anime News Network, 2018
? Hate crime report 2016 - 2017, Crown Prosecution Service

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Disability Representation in Anime and Manga: AmeCon 2018

  • 2. Introduction: Who the hell do I think I am? ? Disabled Anime Fan (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia) ? Trade Union Representative with Equality Background ? General Nerd ? Twitter: @SailorCadia / https://twitter.com/SailorCadia
  • 3. Introduction: Content Warning ? Sadly this panel will be discussing some distressing real life events, such as hate crimes (including assault, and murder), discrimination, and harassment. ? It will also be discussing anime and manga that touch on these topics or may have distressing scenes. ? I feel it only fair to warn you as members of the audience of what may come up as part of the nature of this panel.
  • 4. The ‘Models’ of Disability The Medical Model and the Social Model (…not the plastic models)
  • 5. The ‘Models’ of Disability ? The Medical Model The medical model of disability views disability as a ‘problem’ that belongs to the disabled individual. It is not seen as an issue to concern anyone other than the individual affected. ? The Social Model This model draws on the idea that it is society that disables people, through designing everything to meet the needs of the majority of people who are not disabled. There is a recognition within the social model that there is a great deal that society can do to reduce, and ultimately remove, some of these disabling barriers, and that this task is the responsibility of society, rather than the disabled person. Definition Examples From University of Leicester https://www2.le.ac.uk/offices/accessability/staff/accessabilitytutors/information-for-accessability-tutors/the-social-and-medical-model-of-disability11
  • 6. Identity First Language vs. Person First Language ? Identity First Language e.g. Disabled Person, Deaf Person, Autistic, Dyslexic ? Person First Language e.g. Person with disabilities, Person with hearing impairment, person with autism, person with dyslexia
  • 7. This Presentation (Largely) Uses Identity First Language Whilst Person first language is well meaning many disabled people find it dehumanising as their disability is often a fundamental part of who they are, especially Deaf, Blind, and Autistic People. We only tend to refer to ‘negative’ things like this for example “person who has the measles”, “person with pneumonia”. We don’t do this for other identities like LGBT+ identities, or when describing races. I am a white, cisgender, heterosexual woman, not a person with whiteness, femaleness, heterosexuality and cisgenderedness… why would I say “with dyslexia”? Some exceptions: Disabilities that people do wish to cure – e.g. cancer.
  • 8. Accessibility and Anti-Discrimination Laws, and Social Attitudes A Quick Overview
  • 9. What is considered a ‘Disability’ Legally? United Kingdom Law (Equality Act 2010, preceded by the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995) “A person has a disability if that person has a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that persons ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities” - Does not cover Northern Ireland which is still covered by the DDA Japanese law (The Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities, 1970 revised 2004) “The term "persons with disabilities" in this Law means individuals whose daily life or social life is substantially and continuously limited due to physical, intellectual or mental disability.”
  • 10. Japanese Attitudes to Disability and Impacts on Legislation Academics, film makers, and disabled advocates have stated there is still a social stigma against Disabled people in Japan. It has been called a culture of shame” and it has been attributed with the relatively slow progress of anti discrimination law in Japan. ? Japan, “Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities”, cleared the Diet in June 2013, but took effect only in April 2016 ? UK, “Disability Discrimination Act 1995” superseded by “Equality Act 2010” ? USA, “Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990” ? UK law means that private hospitality businesses must be accessible to disabled users. ? Japanese law only mandates public services to be accessible to disabled people. Under Japanese law private businesses only need to strive to be accessible. Perfect World – Rie Aruga (2014 - Present)
  • 11. Japanese Attitudes to Disability Japanese society has a concept “mendokusai” roughly meaning “it’s troublesome” or “it’s a nuisance”. Not only does the ‘shame’ surrounding disability impact on representation in Japan but it also could be being held back by this attitude in regards to disability representation. It has been cited as a reason for why few Japanese works take into consideration minorities within their target demographics (in particular this has been pointed out as a reason works featuring LGBT+ characters aren’t as heavily scrutinised in Japan as in the west). With the Light – Keiko Tobe (2000 – 2010)
  • 12. Accessibility in Japan vs the UK ? Wheelchair / Mobility Scooter Accessibility in metropolitan areas has been said to be better than the UK, with most train stations having elevators and other access accommodations. ? Rural areas both in the UK and Japan struggle to keep up with the cities, and are much harder to access. ? Only assistance dogs certified in Japan are recognised as being allowed entry to restricted places, also under Japan law only dogs trained to aid with physical disabilities are recognised. You can apply for certification for dogs not trained in Japan. ? Certain medications that are common in the West are restricted or banned in Japan, in particular Codeine and most Inhalers. Travelers may bring certain limited amounts of medicine into to Japan but should look into legal requirements before travel. Information and top image courtesy Accessible Japan
  • 13. “ ” When I visit the UK, people shout ‘benefit scrounger’ at me. I have been physically attacked twice in the last five years. DR MICHAEL GILLAN PECKITT, LECTURER AT OSAKA UNIVERSITY, ORIGINALLY FROM SHEFFIELD Uncovering The ‘Culture Of Shame’ Surrounding Disability In Japan, Priyanka Mogul, International Press Foundation, 2016
  • 14. “ ” Some families are positive and try to change the world by being open about their disabled children. But the ‘silent majority’ still has a negative view and does not want it known that they have disabled children. SEIKO NODA, JAPANESE MINISTER FOR INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND COMMUNICATIONS, WHO’S SON HAS CEREBRAL PALSY Noda received harassment from members of the Japanese public who have accused her of “wasting taxpayers’ money” on medical care for her disabled son, some saying she should leave him to die. Japan confronts disability stigma after silence over murder victims' names, Kwiyeon Ha, Linda Sieg, Reuters (2016) Why is Japan Still Biased Against People with Disabilities?, Matthew Hernon, Tokyo Weekender, 2017
  • 15. Increase in Disability Hate Crime in the UK since 2009 Data from the Crown Prosecution Service Hate Crime Data Report Ninth Edition (2017) https://www.cps.gov.uk/publication/hate-crime-report-2016-2017
  • 16. Visible Disabilities e.g. wheelchair users, prosthetic limbs, and other visible accommodation
  • 17. Visible Disabilities ? Arguably the most common form of disability representation in Japanese media, especially anime as it is the most immediately visually obvious. ? Some contemporary set examples exist, as do people in fantastic settings but who have only modern day technologies available (e.g. Nunnally in Code Geass has a typical wheelchair) ? However most examples of prosthetic limbs tend to exist in sci-fi, fantasy, or steampunk inspired shows which greatly increases their function to sometimes super power levels. ? Also too many arm cannons / guns to list. Franky from One Piece
  • 18. Perfect World Rie Aruga (2014 - Present) ? Romance manga. Story focuses on Kawana Tsugumi a 26 interior designer who at a business party reunites with her high school crush Itsuki Ayukawa who since she last met has had a spinal cord injury and now uses a wheelchair. ? Itsuki is a promising architect and gets a lot of clients looking for wheelchair accessible plans for houses. He is frustrated by private business ignoring his accessibility recommendations. ? He is based on Kazuo Abe CEO of Abe Kensetsu Inc. ? Their romantic rivals include another former school mate who likes Kawana, and Itsuki’s personal care assistant who feels she understands his needs better than Kawana. ? Published by Kodansha Comics, also available on Kindle.
  • 20. Sensory Impairments ? Not as commonly depicted in anime as visible disabilities, but not wholly uncommon. ? Typically, blind characters, or deaf characters. Blindness appears to be more frequently depicted. ? Blind characters frequently have vision or eye loss due to battle injuries, which given the action based aspect of many anime is probably to be expected. ? May or may not be cured. ? Japanese Sign Language (JSL) only rarely appears. A Silent Voice - Yoshitoki ?ima (2013 – 2014)
  • 21. Neurodivergent Conditions, Cognitive Difficulties and Mental Illness e.g. Autism, AD(H)D, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia Depression, Anxiety
  • 22. The “Neurodiversity” Paradigm Portmanteau (“smush word”) of the tern “Neurological Diversity”, the concepts that different neurological conditions are simply examples of different ‘brain wirings’ or ‘mental operating systems’ and are not inherently ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’. Largely pioneered by members of the Autistic community, in particular Australian Autistic Sociologist Judy Singer who named the concept in 1996.
  • 23. Neurodivergent Conditions ? Very rarely appear in anime with confirmed diagnosis ? Possibly due to social stigma in Japan surrounding cognitive differences and learning disabilities ? Mostly in appear in autobiographic of educational works if confirmed. Or are largely misunderstood. ? However a lot of anime characters have been fan interpreted as having neurodivergent conditions – e.g. L from Death Note being coded Autistic.
  • 24. With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child Keiko Tobe (2000 – 2010) ? Biographical manga, based on accounts given to author by various parents of Autistic children (typically with higher support needs) ? Follows the story of a family who’s eldest child, Hikaru, is Autistic. Told mostly from the point of view of Hikaru’s mother Sachiko as she has to fight for him to gain access to education. ? Does sometimes use outdated terminology. ? Sadly unfinished as Keiko Tobe passed away due to an undeclared illness in 2010. ? Published in English by Yen Press and still in print, also available on Kindle.
  • 25. Depression, Anxiety, and Mental Health ? Actually shows up quiet frequently in anime in and manga. ? Some works directly make it a focus of the plot – e.g. Welcome to the N.H.K, or use anime to lampoon and critique Japan’s approach to mental health – e.g. Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei. ? Others show have a fantastical setting but examine what impact situations like war, alien invasion, or deep dive digital technology would have on it’s characters mental health – e.g. Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Digimon: Tamers. ? Japan’s approach to mental illness is very different from the west, Freudian and other methods of early psychoanalysis never really became accepted in Japan so could not go on to be eventually developed into todays techniques. ? Most medical insurance in Japan does not cover anti depressants or psychiatric care. Making the cost of treatment quiet prohibitive. ? The Japanese Government currently does not regulate mental health provision in Japan, plans were made in 2015 to regulate the sector but are still in the planning stages.
  • 26. In Summary ? Anime appears to be quiet diverse and inclusive in it’s depiction of disabled people at first. ? However it still reflects Japanese societal views in many ways ? The most positive portrayals of disabled people tend to be people who either have magic or sci- fi enabled ways to supposedly ‘overcome’ their disabilities. ? The most stigmatised are people with cognitive disabilities or mental health issues. Though it seems Japanese media creators try and use their mediums to give these people a voice.
  • 27. Suggested Further Reading General: ? Japan Law: About the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against People with Disabilities (PDF), and Accessible Japan. ? UK Law: Equality Act 2010 (actual act, very long), or What is the Equality Act? written by the Equality and Human Rights Commission Neurodiversity: ? NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and How to Think Smarter About People Who Think Differently – Steve Siblerman ? Autism Equality in the Workplace: Removing Barriers and Challenging Discrimination – Janine Booth (also author of the TUC guide to Autism in the Workplace) ? Don’t Mourn for Us – Essay by Jim Sinclair
  • 28. Upload Note Originally this presentation had several clips from various anime to show some examples of disability representation. I have removed these from the uploaded version both to avoid copyright issues but also due to web hosting limitations. However for reference these were: ? Violet Evergarden – Netflix Dub – Episode 2 (Violet learning to use typewriter scene) ? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Aniplex / Funimation Dub – Episode 5 “Rain of Sorrows” (Ed Elric vs. Scar fight, Scar destroys Ed’s automail arm) and Episode 6 “Road of Hope” (Winry is angry about Ed breaking the automail she made him) ? Gundam SEED Destiny – Sub – “Episode 13” (Andrew Waltfeld’s shot gun arm) ? Yu-Gi-Oh! – 4 Kids Dub – “Friends 'Til the End, Part 4” (Serenity removes her eye surgery bandages and rescues Joey) ? A Silent Voice – Film – Anime Ltd. / NYAV Post Dub – (“School attempts to teach the class some basic Japanese Sign Language so Shoko can more easily communicate with them”)
  • 29. References ? New law bans bias against people with disabilities, but shortcomings exist, say expert, Tomoko Otake, Japan Times, 2016 ? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Anime, Brian Ashcraft, Kotaku, 2014 ? Uncovering The ‘Culture Of Shame’ Surrounding Disability In Japan, Priyanka Mogul, International Press Foundation, 2016 ? Japan confronts disability stigma after silence over murder victims' names, Kwiyeon Ha, Linda Sieg, Reuters (2016) ? Why is Japan Still Biased Against People with Disabilities?, Matthew Hernon, Tokyo Weekender, 2017 ? An Interview With Dr. Michael Gillan Peckitt, Accessible Japan ? Equality law - Hotels, restaurants, cafés and pubs, The Equality and Human Rights Commission UK ? [Discourse] Catherine, Trans Identities, and Representation in Japan, Kazuma Hashimoto, Anime Feminist, 2018 ? Answerman: Why Don’t Anime Characters Go To Therapy?, Justin Sevakis, Anime News Network, 2018 ? Hate crime report 2016 - 2017, Crown Prosecution Service

Editor's Notes