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D a v i d J . L e e I I
729 Duke Dr.  Desoto, TX 75115
972.955.1737  mrdavidjlee2@gmail.com
To secure a position in a professional working environment, in which my experience, personal and professional skills
can assist in the growth of the company.
 Micro Soft Office  Excel, Word, Power Point
 Micro Soft Axapta Dynamics A/X
(Accounting Program)
 SAP 4.0, SAP/SYNC, People Soft
 Dunn & Bradstreet
 Bank of America-Global Treasury Portal
 Corporate Communication & Motivation
 Organizing, Planning, Strategic Planning
 Intrinsically Motivated
 Cooperate Accounting (emphasis in
reducing Aged Receivables and
Increasing of Average Daily Sales
Outstanding, Cash Receipts)
 Corporate Collections
 Program & Assessment Development &
Implementation for Human Resources
Bachelor of Science in Business Finance (1996)  Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA
KPMG LLP Dallas, TX Accounts Receivable Manager Foreign Billed Member Firms 09/201403/2015
 Managed all non-client related foreign billed invoicing and A/R totaling $950 million yearly
 Managed A/R team of 6 in Bangalore India and co-manage 1 A/R analyst in U.S.
 Developed and implemented standard operating procedures for foreign billed A/R
 Placed daily collection calls and emails to foreign billed accounts for past due invoices
 Developed and implemented A/R process maps to better improve the collection efforts
 Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection
 Reduced A/R and DSO over 60 day balance from $63 million to less than $31 million in 70 days
 Utilize Google software to communicate with non-English speaking accounts to increase collection efforts
 Approved all deduction/chargeback write offs and cash discounts
 Provided monthly A/R updates to senior and executive management with emphasis on the reduction of the DSO
 Worked closely with cash posting team to ensure cash received is posted correctly to clear past due receivables
 Developed and maintained internal and external relationships to aide in collection efforts
 Created departmental objectives and reports to aide in reduction of total A/R
 Communicate with internal and external staff to acquire feedback on collections policies and practices to foster
departmental efficiency and effectiveness
 Develop staff through mentorship and training
Master Halco Irving, TX Sr. Credit Manager  National & Contractor Accounts 01/2012-09/2014
 Developed Standard Operating Procedure for U.S. Retail and Contractor accounts
 Developed and implemented company collections strategy to reduce company DSO
 Created departmental collection objectives and reports to aide in reduction of A/R
 Developed and implemented A/R process maps to better improve the collection efforts
 Reduced Retail over 60 day balance from $1.2 million to less than $250 thousand in 120 days
 Placed daily collection calls and emails to top 10 accounts with large over 60 balances
 Worked closely with internal distribution centers to aide in resolution of disputes related to collection efforts
 Work closely with National Sales Manager, cash posting, EDI and accounting teams to aide in reduction of DSO
 Manage Retail AR portfolio 170 million and Contractor portfolio of $225 million
 Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection
 Managed staff of 6 credit analysts, 1 sr. deduction analyst and 1 clerk
 Approved all deductions, chargeback, write offs, rebate allowances and cash discounts for retail accounts
 Reviewed and approved credit applications credit limit increases up to $30 million and credit limit decreases
 Provide weekly A/R, write off and rebate reports to CFO, SVP of Sales and VP of Operations
 Reviewed all vendor agreements with National Sales Manager and company counsel yearly
 Developed and maintained internal and external relationships to aide in collection efforts
 Worked with outside collection agency(s) and corporate counsel on closed accounts and those pending litigation
 Communicated with internal and external staff to acquire feedback on collection policies and practices to foster
departmental efficiency and effectiveness
Dallas Cowboys Football  Dallas Cowboys Wholesale Merchandising, Blue Star Graphics & Design Irving, TX
Credit Manager 11/2004-01/2012
 Reduced average D.S.O. from 54 to 37 days
 Reduced over 60 day balance from more than $4 million to less than $90 thousand within 12 months
 Reduced write offs to less than 1% of $500 million in sales over a 5 year period
 Developed and implemented credit and collection policy and procedures to aide in the reduction of the A/R
 Created departmental objectives and reports to aide in reduction of total A/R
 Managed annual wholesale and retail invoicing volume of $110 million plus yearly
 Managed collections for all shipped and billed merchandise and issue credits as needed
 Reviewed, researched and disputed all compliance chargebacks
 Negotiated large balance collection settlements for disputed deductions in an effort to reduce the A/R
 Approved all write-offs, account closures, credit term changes and credit limits up to $50 million
 Reviewed and approved credit applications (new and existing customers) credit limits yearly
 Reviewed and negotiated new and existing vendor agreements with top tier clients
 Managed staff of 2 credit and collections analyst, 1 inventory accountant, 1 accountant, 1 analyst and 1 clerk
 Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection
 Worked EDI and business system analysts to develop reporting to improve with collection process
 Worked closely with multiple internal departments to aide in reduction of deductions, chargebacks and ensure
better efficiency for collections and billing
 Provided departmental goals and objectives as well as assessing departmental progress during previous week
 Placed daily calls and emails to top tier accounts regarding past due balances
 Worked within our top tier customers vendor website portal to aide in collection efforts
 Worked with outside collection agency, attorneys for accounts pending legal litigation and or bankruptcy
 Oversaw all cash received by customers, application of credit memos, and write offs to customer accounts daily
 Provided weekly A/R analysis report to senior and executive management
 Provided monthly collections cash forecasting report to non-football controller and senior management
 Assisted with month end, quarter end and year end close
 Develop and maintain relationships with internal and external customers and sales staff to ensure billing
accuracy and collection efforts are maximized
Vendor Portals Used - Wal-mart  Retail Link, JC Penny  Supplier Access, Kmart  MyKmart, Kohls  Kohls
Connection, Target  Partners Online (POL)
Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath Dallas, Texas Credit Analyst 04/2004  11/2004
 Responsible for southeast region collections and A/R approximately $25 million yearly
 Placed daily calls and emails to accounts in southeast region for past due balances
 Worked closely with southeast region sales team and customer service order entry department
 Worked closely with credit manager and national sales manager to develop and implement revisions to the
collections policy and procedures
 Worked closely with cash applications teams to ensure cash received was applied correctly
 Provided weekly AR collection report to southeast regional sales manager and company credit manager
 Researched customer deductions and chargebacks
 Provided supporting documentation to customers in southeast region to dispute invalid deductions and
 Provided supporting documentation to credit manager for potential write-offs
Southwestern Bell Telecom Pioneers Dallas, Texas Account Analyst 08/2003  04/2004
 Responsible for northeast region account analysis and account reconciliation of approximately $250 thousand
 Worked closely with retired Southwestern Bell employees to ensure fundraising monies were distributed to
charitable organizations correctly
 Traveled every 6 months to meet with northeast region Pioneer team to discuss improving efficiency and any
reconciling items
Century Fox Films Century City, California Sr. Credit Analyst 12/1997  07/2003
 Responsible for all collections, credit, billing, cash applications and A/R for studio lot of approximately $200
million yearly
 Placed daily collection calls and emails to customer accounts for payment of past due balances
 Worked closely with multiple internal company departments to ensure accurate billing for better collections
 Updated, developed and implemented collections, credit and billing procedures and policies
 Researched customer deductions and chargebacks
 Provided supporting documentation to customers to dispute invalid deductions and chargebacks
 Provided supporting documentation to Sr. Vice President of Studio Finance for potential write-offs
 Provided weekly A/R and collections report to Sr. Vice President of Studio Finance
 Assisted in monthly, quarterly and year end accounting close
Available Upon Request

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  • 1. D a v i d J . L e e I I 729 Duke Dr. Desoto, TX 75115 972.955.1737 mrdavidjlee2@gmail.com OBJECTIVE & QUALIFICATION HIGHLIGHTS To secure a position in a professional working environment, in which my experience, personal and professional skills can assist in the growth of the company. Micro Soft Office Excel, Word, Power Point Micro Soft Axapta Dynamics A/X (Accounting Program) SAP 4.0, SAP/SYNC, People Soft Dunn & Bradstreet Bank of America-Global Treasury Portal Corporate Communication & Motivation Organizing, Planning, Strategic Planning Intrinsically Motivated Cooperate Accounting (emphasis in reducing Aged Receivables and Increasing of Average Daily Sales Outstanding, Cash Receipts) Corporate Collections Program & Assessment Development & Implementation for Human Resources EDUCATION AND CERTIFICATIONS Bachelor of Science in Business Finance (1996) Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA EMPLOYMENT HISTORY KPMG LLP Dallas, TX Accounts Receivable Manager Foreign Billed Member Firms 09/201403/2015 Managed all non-client related foreign billed invoicing and A/R totaling $950 million yearly Managed A/R team of 6 in Bangalore India and co-manage 1 A/R analyst in U.S. Developed and implemented standard operating procedures for foreign billed A/R Placed daily collection calls and emails to foreign billed accounts for past due invoices Developed and implemented A/R process maps to better improve the collection efforts Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection success Reduced A/R and DSO over 60 day balance from $63 million to less than $31 million in 70 days Utilize Google software to communicate with non-English speaking accounts to increase collection efforts Approved all deduction/chargeback write offs and cash discounts Provided monthly A/R updates to senior and executive management with emphasis on the reduction of the DSO Worked closely with cash posting team to ensure cash received is posted correctly to clear past due receivables Developed and maintained internal and external relationships to aide in collection efforts Created departmental objectives and reports to aide in reduction of total A/R Communicate with internal and external staff to acquire feedback on collections policies and practices to foster departmental efficiency and effectiveness Develop staff through mentorship and training Master Halco Irving, TX Sr. Credit Manager National & Contractor Accounts 01/2012-09/2014 Developed Standard Operating Procedure for U.S. Retail and Contractor accounts Developed and implemented company collections strategy to reduce company DSO Created departmental collection objectives and reports to aide in reduction of A/R Developed and implemented A/R process maps to better improve the collection efforts Reduced Retail over 60 day balance from $1.2 million to less than $250 thousand in 120 days Placed daily collection calls and emails to top 10 accounts with large over 60 balances Worked closely with internal distribution centers to aide in resolution of disputes related to collection efforts Work closely with National Sales Manager, cash posting, EDI and accounting teams to aide in reduction of DSO Manage Retail AR portfolio 170 million and Contractor portfolio of $225 million
  • 2. Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection success Managed staff of 6 credit analysts, 1 sr. deduction analyst and 1 clerk Approved all deductions, chargeback, write offs, rebate allowances and cash discounts for retail accounts Reviewed and approved credit applications credit limit increases up to $30 million and credit limit decreases Provide weekly A/R, write off and rebate reports to CFO, SVP of Sales and VP of Operations Reviewed all vendor agreements with National Sales Manager and company counsel yearly Developed and maintained internal and external relationships to aide in collection efforts Worked with outside collection agency(s) and corporate counsel on closed accounts and those pending litigation Communicated with internal and external staff to acquire feedback on collection policies and practices to foster departmental efficiency and effectiveness Dallas Cowboys Football Dallas Cowboys Wholesale Merchandising, Blue Star Graphics & Design Irving, TX Credit Manager 11/2004-01/2012 Reduced average D.S.O. from 54 to 37 days Reduced over 60 day balance from more than $4 million to less than $90 thousand within 12 months Reduced write offs to less than 1% of $500 million in sales over a 5 year period Developed and implemented credit and collection policy and procedures to aide in the reduction of the A/R Created departmental objectives and reports to aide in reduction of total A/R Managed annual wholesale and retail invoicing volume of $110 million plus yearly Managed collections for all shipped and billed merchandise and issue credits as needed Reviewed, researched and disputed all compliance chargebacks Negotiated large balance collection settlements for disputed deductions in an effort to reduce the A/R Approved all write-offs, account closures, credit term changes and credit limits up to $50 million Reviewed and approved credit applications (new and existing customers) credit limits yearly Reviewed and negotiated new and existing vendor agreements with top tier clients Managed staff of 2 credit and collections analyst, 1 inventory accountant, 1 accountant, 1 analyst and 1 clerk Conducted weekly staff meetings to discuss collection efforts and better methods in which to achieve collection success Worked EDI and business system analysts to develop reporting to improve with collection process Worked closely with multiple internal departments to aide in reduction of deductions, chargebacks and ensure better efficiency for collections and billing Provided departmental goals and objectives as well as assessing departmental progress during previous week Placed daily calls and emails to top tier accounts regarding past due balances Worked within our top tier customers vendor website portal to aide in collection efforts Worked with outside collection agency, attorneys for accounts pending legal litigation and or bankruptcy Oversaw all cash received by customers, application of credit memos, and write offs to customer accounts daily Provided weekly A/R analysis report to senior and executive management Provided monthly collections cash forecasting report to non-football controller and senior management Assisted with month end, quarter end and year end close Develop and maintain relationships with internal and external customers and sales staff to ensure billing accuracy and collection efforts are maximized Vendor Portals Used - Wal-mart Retail Link, JC Penny Supplier Access, Kmart MyKmart, Kohls Kohls Connection, Target Partners Online (POL) Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath Dallas, Texas Credit Analyst 04/2004 11/2004 Responsible for southeast region collections and A/R approximately $25 million yearly Placed daily calls and emails to accounts in southeast region for past due balances Worked closely with southeast region sales team and customer service order entry department Worked closely with credit manager and national sales manager to develop and implement revisions to the collections policy and procedures
  • 3. Worked closely with cash applications teams to ensure cash received was applied correctly Provided weekly AR collection report to southeast regional sales manager and company credit manager Researched customer deductions and chargebacks Provided supporting documentation to customers in southeast region to dispute invalid deductions and chargebacks Provided supporting documentation to credit manager for potential write-offs Southwestern Bell Telecom Pioneers Dallas, Texas Account Analyst 08/2003 04/2004 Responsible for northeast region account analysis and account reconciliation of approximately $250 thousand yearly Worked closely with retired Southwestern Bell employees to ensure fundraising monies were distributed to charitable organizations correctly Traveled every 6 months to meet with northeast region Pioneer team to discuss improving efficiency and any reconciling items 20th Century Fox Films Century City, California Sr. Credit Analyst 12/1997 07/2003 Responsible for all collections, credit, billing, cash applications and A/R for studio lot of approximately $200 million yearly Placed daily collection calls and emails to customer accounts for payment of past due balances Worked closely with multiple internal company departments to ensure accurate billing for better collections efficiency Updated, developed and implemented collections, credit and billing procedures and policies Researched customer deductions and chargebacks Provided supporting documentation to customers to dispute invalid deductions and chargebacks Provided supporting documentation to Sr. Vice President of Studio Finance for potential write-offs Provided weekly A/R and collections report to Sr. Vice President of Studio Finance Assisted in monthly, quarterly and year end accounting close REFERENCES Available Upon Request