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Danielle L. Jackson
4882 Sturbridge Crescent NE
Rosw ell, GA 30075
(678) 768-1027
Epic Proficient Circa 2011
Objective: To achieve a rew arding careerwithin EPIC that w illenhance my Informatics career and make room
for advancement.
Education: Strayer University
M. Ed Adult Education and Leadership
State University of West Georgia
BS Sociology
Certificates: Credentialed ClinDoc Trainer 2012
Credentialed CPOE Trainer 2013
Credentialed Stork Trainer 2013
Certified EpicCare Inpatient Analyst 2014
Well versed and experienced in ASAP, Ambulatory and Beacon training
Work Experience:
11/2015-11/2015 University of Maryland Medical Services-HCI
Shock Trauma Acute Care and Neuro Facilities
Epic Support Specialist
Epic ClinDoc CPOE
Responsibilities include providing direct end user support servicesto physicians and nurses in clinical
departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to Epic Care
computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and
troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface
issues to command center.
01/2015-2/2015 Sutter Health- Solano Medical Center (Sacramento)
Epic Support Specialist
Epic ClinDoc, CPOE
Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in clinical
departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration with effective use to Epic Care
computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and
troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface
issues to command center.
08/2014-07/2015 Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia
EPIC Jr. Application Coordinator
Primary resource dedicated to application design, validation, build, testing, and support.
Responsibilities include: Analyze new workflows / build or changes to existing workflows / build from
an inter-disciplinary perspective. Completes analysis, system build, testing, and support tasks
according to clinical / operational / revenue priorities; Meets timeline and quality expectations on tasks
assigned; provides application support and adheres to on-call support policy / procedures.
Troubleshoots problems identified by team members and end-users; Identifies potential system
enhancement needs or opportunities for end-user refresher training. Appropriately documents
w orkflows, decisions, issues / risks / resolutions, meeting minutes, and other items, as needed.
Coordinates and facilitates meetings as assigned; recording meeting minutes as assigned. Adheres to
Change Control procedures. Adheresto issue ticketing update procedures. Contributes to preparation
of testing scripts and materials and performs unit, integrated, and other testing tasks. Conducts testing
in a structured manner and documenting testing results Emphasizes intra- and interteam
communication and know ledge-sharing. Presents w orkflows / issues / resolutions, fields system or
w orkflow questions, and demoes key functionality, as needed. Collaborates w ith training on ensuring
curriculum is aligned w ith system build and w orkflows. Create and maintain regular status reports,
including updates on outstanding w ork, issues and risks; proactivelycommunicates if timeline or quality
expectations cannot be met, and proposes solutions / alternatives. Proactively escalates issues and /
or communicates the need for help or additional resources in advance. Appropriately escalates /
communicates immediate production support issues.
08/2014-08/2014 Novant Health, Forsyth Medical Center (North Carolina)
Epic Support Specialist
Epic ClinDoc Support, CPOE-Computerized Physician Order Entry
Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in clinical
departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration with effective use to Epic Care
computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and
troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface
issues to command center
06/2011-08/2014 Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia
EPIC ClinDoc Principal Trainer
Certified ClinDoc and CPOE Credentialed Trainer
Proficient in supporting the follow ing applications: EPIC Care Inpatient-Procedure Orders, eMAR-
Electronic Medication Administration Reporting (MAR), Clinical Documentation (ClinDoc), CPOEC
Physician Order Entry, and Ambulatory
Responsibilities include providing operational testing and support for ClinDoc and CPOE, contributing
in the correction of BusinessCommunity Access (BCA)and Paper Medication Administration Reporting
(pMar), using various methods of testing such as dow ntime and printing, troubleshooting and providing
timely issue resolution, assisting in the transition of know ledge to new team members and staff
members, include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in hospital
departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to Epic
computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and
troubleshooting, script w riting, and script testing, as w ellas assisting with lesson plan completion.
Oversee the implementation and training of ClinDoc and schedule trainings for new employees.
04/2014-04/2014 Wellstar Health System ,HcTec_Partners
EPIC Support Specialist:
Proficient in using the follow ing applications: ClinDoc, and CPOE
Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in
hospital departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to
EpicCare computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching
and troubleshooting.
10/2013-11/2013 Sutter Health CPMC, San Francisco California
Epic Support Specialist
Clinical Documentation, CPOE-Computerized Physician Order Entry, Optime
Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and
nurses in clinical departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective
use to Epic Care computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching,
teaching and troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues,
and interface issues to command center.

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  • 1. Danielle L. Jackson 4882 Sturbridge Crescent NE Rosw ell, GA 30075 (678) 768-1027 msdaneiellejackson@gmail.com Epic Proficient Circa 2011 Objective: To achieve a rew arding careerwithin EPIC that w illenhance my Informatics career and make room for advancement. Education: Strayer University M. Ed Adult Education and Leadership State University of West Georgia BS Sociology Certificates: Credentialed ClinDoc Trainer 2012 Credentialed CPOE Trainer 2013 Credentialed Stork Trainer 2013 Certified EpicCare Inpatient Analyst 2014 Well versed and experienced in ASAP, Ambulatory and Beacon training Work Experience: 11/2015-11/2015 University of Maryland Medical Services-HCI Shock Trauma Acute Care and Neuro Facilities Epic Support Specialist Epic ClinDoc CPOE Responsibilities include providing direct end user support servicesto physicians and nurses in clinical departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to Epic Care computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface issues to command center. 01/2015-2/2015 Sutter Health- Solano Medical Center (Sacramento) Epic Support Specialist Epic ClinDoc, CPOE Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in clinical departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration with effective use to Epic Care computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface issues to command center. 08/2014-07/2015 Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia EPIC Jr. Application Coordinator Primary resource dedicated to application design, validation, build, testing, and support. Responsibilities include: Analyze new workflows / build or changes to existing workflows / build from an inter-disciplinary perspective. Completes analysis, system build, testing, and support tasks according to clinical / operational / revenue priorities; Meets timeline and quality expectations on tasks assigned; provides application support and adheres to on-call support policy / procedures. Troubleshoots problems identified by team members and end-users; Identifies potential system enhancement needs or opportunities for end-user refresher training. Appropriately documents
  • 2. w orkflows, decisions, issues / risks / resolutions, meeting minutes, and other items, as needed. Coordinates and facilitates meetings as assigned; recording meeting minutes as assigned. Adheres to Change Control procedures. Adheresto issue ticketing update procedures. Contributes to preparation of testing scripts and materials and performs unit, integrated, and other testing tasks. Conducts testing in a structured manner and documenting testing results Emphasizes intra- and interteam communication and know ledge-sharing. Presents w orkflows / issues / resolutions, fields system or w orkflow questions, and demoes key functionality, as needed. Collaborates w ith training on ensuring curriculum is aligned w ith system build and w orkflows. Create and maintain regular status reports, including updates on outstanding w ork, issues and risks; proactivelycommunicates if timeline or quality expectations cannot be met, and proposes solutions / alternatives. Proactively escalates issues and / or communicates the need for help or additional resources in advance. Appropriately escalates / communicates immediate production support issues. 08/2014-08/2014 Novant Health, Forsyth Medical Center (North Carolina) Epic Support Specialist Epic ClinDoc Support, CPOE-Computerized Physician Order Entry Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in clinical departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration with effective use to Epic Care computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface issues to command center 06/2011-08/2014 Grady Health System, Atlanta, Georgia EPIC ClinDoc Principal Trainer Certified ClinDoc and CPOE Credentialed Trainer Proficient in supporting the follow ing applications: EPIC Care Inpatient-Procedure Orders, eMAR- Electronic Medication Administration Reporting (MAR), Clinical Documentation (ClinDoc), CPOEC Physician Order Entry, and Ambulatory Responsibilities include providing operational testing and support for ClinDoc and CPOE, contributing in the correction of BusinessCommunity Access (BCA)and Paper Medication Administration Reporting (pMar), using various methods of testing such as dow ntime and printing, troubleshooting and providing timely issue resolution, assisting in the transition of know ledge to new team members and staff members, include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in hospital departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to Epic computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting, script w riting, and script testing, as w ellas assisting with lesson plan completion. Oversee the implementation and training of ClinDoc and schedule trainings for new employees. 04/2014-04/2014 Wellstar Health System ,HcTec_Partners EPIC Support Specialist: Proficient in using the follow ing applications: ClinDoc, and CPOE Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in hospital departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to EpicCare computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting. 10/2013-11/2013 Sutter Health CPMC, San Francisco California Epic Support Specialist Clinical Documentation, CPOE-Computerized Physician Order Entry, Optime Responsibilities include providing direct end user support services to physicians and nurses in clinical departments to facilitate the introduction, acceptance and integration w ith effective use to Epic Care computer applications, facilitate end-user learning through one on one coaching, teaching and troubleshooting, and to identify and report w orkflow and/or systemconfiguration issues, and interface issues to command center.