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Dennis Kim, CPA, CMA
40 Catherwood Court  Toronto, ON M1W 1S1  (416) 417-2446  dennis.kim17@rotman.utoronto.ca
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
M.B.A. Candidate, 2017
 3.84 GPA, GMAT 720, Consulting major
 Elected as Sports Director for the Graduate Business Council (GBC)
 Acted as the Rotman coordinator for over 15 teams in the University of Toronto Intramurals 2015/2016 session
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
B. Comm, 2007
 Specialization in Commerce with a Major in Economics
 President, Organizational Development Alliance, organized LSAT/GMAT competition & consulting industry seminars
Senior Analyst, Business Planning, Jan 2015-Present
 Awarded the Annual Directors Challenge 2015 for the Planning & Coordination Dept. (Customer Experience Org.)
 Recognized by a vote from the VP and Directors in the Planning & Coordination Dept.
 Developed a prioritization methodology for competing business initiatives in the Customer Experience Org.
 Assisted in the development and coordination of the Rogers Net Promoter Score (NPS) forecasting program
 Assists with the coordination and development of monthly and quarter business reviews for C-level executives
 Assists leads in preparing their initiative submissions through the stage gate review process
PARSONS, Markham, ON
Senior Financial Analyst, 20132015
 Developed a follow up process to reduce unbilled revenue and track progress with contract change requests
 Developed and coordinated the monthly Project Status Reporting to monitor project risk from cost overruns by
monitoring unbilled revenue, accounts receivable and earned revenue
Capacity Planning Analyst, 20102013
 Forecasted call centre volume, AHT, load factor within +/- 5% at the 7-90 day level for the Customer Service queues
 Acted as team lead in providing reporting and variance analysis for the weekly Executive Dashboard Report
 Acted as team lead in providing service level risk analysis and staffing capacity for front-line agent training
Marketing Analyst, 20072009
 Forecasted, reported and reviewed four major food promotions to mitigate impact from the 2008 recession
 Developed and coordinated the first system-wide quarterly competitor pricing review, to analyze opportunities to
revise pricing based on geographic regions
 Coordinated, analyzed and reported on the first system-wide mystery shopper program  provided linkages to
upselling tactics and led to an overhaul of the customer service training process
 Completed the Chartered Financial Analyst exams: level 1 in Dec 2010, level II in Jun 2011 and level III in Jun 2012
 Finance Lead, New Hope Fellowship: signing authority; collect, count and deposit donations; organize tax receipts
 Softball Coordinator, New Hope Fellowship: coaches three teams in the Korean Christian Softball Association
 2009 US Open Haidong Gumdo Black Belt Champion: 3rd
Degree Black Belt in a Korean Martial Art

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  • 1. Dennis Kim, CPA, CMA 40 Catherwood Court Toronto, ON M1W 1S1 (416) 417-2446 dennis.kim17@rotman.utoronto.ca EDUCATION Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M.B.A. Candidate, 2017 3.84 GPA, GMAT 720, Consulting major Elected as Sports Director for the Graduate Business Council (GBC) Acted as the Rotman coordinator for over 15 teams in the University of Toronto Intramurals 2015/2016 session University of Toronto, Toronto, ON B. Comm, 2007 Specialization in Commerce with a Major in Economics President, Organizational Development Alliance, organized LSAT/GMAT competition & consulting industry seminars EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS, Toronto, ON Senior Analyst, Business Planning, Jan 2015-Present Awarded the Annual Directors Challenge 2015 for the Planning & Coordination Dept. (Customer Experience Org.) Recognized by a vote from the VP and Directors in the Planning & Coordination Dept. Developed a prioritization methodology for competing business initiatives in the Customer Experience Org. Assisted in the development and coordination of the Rogers Net Promoter Score (NPS) forecasting program Assists with the coordination and development of monthly and quarter business reviews for C-level executives Assists leads in preparing their initiative submissions through the stage gate review process PARSONS, Markham, ON Senior Financial Analyst, 20132015 Developed a follow up process to reduce unbilled revenue and track progress with contract change requests Developed and coordinated the monthly Project Status Reporting to monitor project risk from cost overruns by monitoring unbilled revenue, accounts receivable and earned revenue ROGERS COMMUNICATIONS, Toronto, ON Capacity Planning Analyst, 20102013 Forecasted call centre volume, AHT, load factor within +/- 5% at the 7-90 day level for the Customer Service queues Acted as team lead in providing reporting and variance analysis for the weekly Executive Dashboard Report Acted as team lead in providing service level risk analysis and staffing capacity for front-line agent training MANCHU WOK INC, Markham, ON Marketing Analyst, 20072009 Forecasted, reported and reviewed four major food promotions to mitigate impact from the 2008 recession Developed and coordinated the first system-wide quarterly competitor pricing review, to analyze opportunities to revise pricing based on geographic regions Coordinated, analyzed and reported on the first system-wide mystery shopper program provided linkages to upselling tactics and led to an overhaul of the customer service training process ADDITIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS & INTERESTS Completed the Chartered Financial Analyst exams: level 1 in Dec 2010, level II in Jun 2011 and level III in Jun 2012 Finance Lead, New Hope Fellowship: signing authority; collect, count and deposit donations; organize tax receipts Softball Coordinator, New Hope Fellowship: coaches three teams in the Korean Christian Softball Association 2009 US Open Haidong Gumdo Black Belt Champion: 3rd Degree Black Belt in a Korean Martial Art