The document discusses key elements of Elizabethan drama including characters, plot, and characterization where good is pitted against bad. It focuses on these core components that define dramas from this period.
This document provides background information on Dr. Faustus as a tragedy. It discusses Aristotle's definition of tragedy, including that it involves serious actions that arouse pity and fear. It also discusses the concept of "hamartia" or tragic flaw. The document then provides an introduction to Christopher Marlowe's play "Tragically History of Dr. Faustus" and discusses the legend that inspired it. It notes that Faustus seeks knowledge through necromancy and destroys himself. The document also discusses religious aspects of the play and how Faustus disobeys God by offering his soul to Lucifer for 24 years in exchange for power. It describes Faustus struggling with doubt and facing a tragic end
Doctor Faustus tells the story of the scholar Faustus who makes a pact with the devil, exchanging his soul for knowledge and power. In the prologue, the chorus introduces Faustus as an ambitious man who rejects his ordinary life and studies magic instead. In his study, Faustus conjures the devil Mephistophilis and agrees to sell his soul to Lucifer in exchange for 24 years of service. Throughout the play, Faustus struggles with doubt and repentance but ultimately refuses to turn back to God. In his final hour, Faustus is damned to hell for all eternity for his pride and rejection of faith.
This document discusses how Christopher Marlowe's play "Dr. Faustus" can be considered a morality play. It contains elements common to morality plays, such as Good and Bad Angels providing guidance to Faustus, the portrayal of the Seven Deadly Sins, the presence of the devil Mephistophilis, and a vision of Hell. These allegorical elements convey the moral lesson of the soul's struggle between good and evil and the consequences of giving in to temptation. The use of such symbols and allegories effectively positions "Dr. Faustus" as a morality play that warns against straying from righteousness.
Samuel Johnson wrote a preface to Shakespeare analyzing his works. He praised Shakespeare's ability to create universally understood characters despite differences in place and time. However, he also acknowledged Shakespeare's faults, such as neglecting moral lessons, weak plots, and stretching out stories too long. While Shakespeare disregarded the classical unities of time and place in drama, Johnson argued the unity of action was most important, and praised how Shakespeare's plots followed from consistent characters and affecting incidents.
Samuel Johnson wrote the preface to Shakespeare's plays in which he analyzed Shakespeare's style and characters. Johnson acknowledged Shakespeare's genius but also discussed three main faults: immoral plots, disregarding time and place unities, and loose plots. Johnson argued that critics should judge works based on their merits rather than following outdated conventions. He believed Shakespeare followed the unity of action but intentionally disregarded the unities of time and place, which was acceptable for history plays depicting events over long periods. Overall, Johnson provided a balanced analysis of Shakespeare's strengths and weaknesses through a classic critical lens.
Satan is the hero of John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. As the epic's central and dominating figure, Satan possesses extraordinary qualities of courage, leadership, intelligence, and determination. Though he fell from heaven due to his pride, Satan maintains an optimistic and defiant spirit in his struggle to regain status against God. These heroic traits make Satan a Hellenic rather than Hebraic hero, as he obtains glory through defiance rather than submission to morality.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge was an English poet, critic, and philosopher who was a leader of Romantic poetry. He divided imagination into primary and secondary forms. Primary imagination is a creative faculty possessed by all, while secondary imagination is the conscious, creative power of poets. Coleridge believed the purpose of poetry was to give pleasure, and defined a poem as having organic unity and seeking to produce immediate pleasure in readers through the willing suspension of disbelief. He saw imagination as the key distinguishing factor of a true poet.
Matthew Arnold viewed poetry as the "criticism of life" that is governed by poetic truth and beauty. He believed the best poetry has seriousness of substance combined with superior style and diction. Arnold analyzed poets using his "touchstone method" of comparison and advocated for disinterested criticism. However, critics argue he did not always practice disinterested criticism and overemphasized morality. Overall, Arnold made significant contributions to literary criticism through his analysis of poets and emphasis on poetry's relationship to interpreting life.
characteristics of metaphysical poetry.Parmar Milan
This document discusses the characteristics of metaphysical poetry from the 17th century. It notes that metaphysical poetry was written by poets like John Donne, George Herbert, and Andrew Marvell. Key characteristics included the use of conceits, far-fetched metaphors and similes drawn from science, history and other fields of knowledge. The imagery in metaphysical poetry was often intellectual rather than emotional. The metaphysical school declined after the restoration of King Charles II in 1660.
Alexander Pope was a Roman Catholic poet born in London in 1688 who was self-taught and inspired by classical Greek writers. His masterpiece, "The Rape of the Lock," was written in 1712 as a mock-heroic epic poem satirizing a trivial dispute between two aristocratic families after a lock of hair was cut from a woman without permission. The poem uses the conventions of an epic, such as supernatural machinery involving sylphs and other spirits, to dramatize the trivial conflict in a way that comments on vanity and the disproportionate values of aristocratic society.
Dr. Faustus is a Renaissance tragedy written by the Cambridge scholar Christopher Marlowe.
The full title of the play is The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus.
It was adopted from a German story Faust translated in English as The English Faust Book.
The name油Faustus is a reference to the Latin word for "favoured" or "auspicious.
The play is in油blank Verse and prose in thirteen scenes (1604) or twenty scenes (1616).
Blank verse is largely reserved for the main scenes while prose is used in the comic scenes.
This document provides a summary of Eugene O'Neill's play Long Day's Journey into Night. It introduces the playwright Eugene O'Neill and notes that the play, set in 1912, depicts a day in the life of the Tyrone family as they torment one another. It describes the father being angry with the mother's drug addiction, the mother angry with her sons, and the sons angry with their parents. By midnight, all four family members suffer frustration and wish to escape their harsh reality, as love gives way to hate over the course of the long day.
Metaphysical poetry and donne as metaphysical poetmali90145
The document discusses metaphysical poetry, which explores spiritual or philosophical themes through unconventional means. It was pioneered by John Donne in the 17th century. Key features included witty conceits, passionate reasoning, and unusual imagery. Donne combined thought and emotion through paradoxes, argumentative styles, and exaggerated metaphors. His poetry was intellectual yet used ordinary language. Overall, metaphysical poetry blended heart and mind through fantastical language and reasoning about life and the universe.
This document provides background information on Alexander Pope and analyzes his famous work "The Rape of Lock" as a social satire. It discusses how Pope satirizes aspects of 18th century society such as young aristocrats, gender roles, justice systems, fashion, and the concept of friendship. The document concludes that "The Rape of Lock" is a work of social satire that effectively portrayed and ridiculed the follies and vices of Pope's contemporary society.
Pope's poem "Rape of the Lock" is a social satire that ridicules the follies and vices of 18th century aristocratic society through humor and wit. It satirizes young aristocratic men and women, portraying their trivial pursuits of fashion, beauty, and romance. Through the character of Belinda, it represents women as being confined to superficial acts like sleeping, makeup, and attracting men. It also pokes fun at men's weakness for beauty, as well as husbands' distrust of wives and judges' hasty rulings. The poem uses delicate satire to reflect on and aim to reform the artificial lives of 18th century high society.
Satan is introduced as the villain who rebelled against God out of pride and a desire to be equal to God. He is thrown into Hell along with other rebel angels. Satan is described as huge, proud, and filled with vengeance against God. In Hell, Satan gives a speech to rally the other fallen angels, arguing they should continue their war against God rather than submit to their fate in Hell. He remains defiantly proud and committed to opposing God. Beelzebub responds with doubts but also resolve to follow Satan's lead. The summary establishes Satan as the central character and driving force behind continued conflict with God.
This document summarizes Longinus's treatise "On the Sublime", which analyzes the concept of sublimity in language and its ability to elevate discourse. It defines sublimity as consisting of lofty language that sways readers through grandeur of thought, treatment of passions, figures of speech and thought, dignified expression through word choice and metaphor, and majestic structure. While sublimity cannot be innate, it can be developed through instruction and reason. The document outlines Longinus's influential views on sublimity that shaped Romantic literature and criticism.
This document contains information about a student named Sejal N. Solanki's paper on Christopher Marlowe's play Dr. Faustus. It provides Solanki's name, paper topic on Dr. Faustus as a tragic hero, roll number, email, program details, and submission information. It also briefly outlines key details about Marlowe, the plot of Dr. Faustus, and how Faustus fits the mold of a tragic hero.
Satan and his followers build Pandemonium in Hell where they plan their next move. Satan decides to explore a new world and tricks the angel Uriel into showing him the way to Eden. There, he finds Adam and Eve and becomes jealous of them. Later, as a serpent, he tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She shares it with Adam, and their innocence is lost. God sends them out of the garden as punishment.
The document summarizes Aristotle's views on tragic heroes and the elements of tragedy. According to Aristotle, the ideal tragic hero is of high birth and essentially good, but makes an error in judgment that leads to their downfall, arousing pity and fear in the audience. The hero must also be appropriate to their station, true to life, and act consistently in character. Aristotle's views provided guidelines for later playwrights, though some elements like the hero's morality have been challenged.
Aristotle's Poetics is considered the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first systematic treatise on literary criticism. In it, Aristotle defines poetry as a means of mimesis or imitation through language, rhythm, and harmony. He discusses different types of poetry like tragedy, comedy, and epic poetry. For tragedy specifically, Aristotle says the objects imitated are serious actions, the manner is dramatic rather than narrative, and the medium is verse spoken in dialogue. He provides key terms used in tragedy like hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and katharsis. Aristotle also outlines critical elements of plot and structure for a successful tragedy, including unity of action, completeness, magnitude, and eliciting
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales between 1387-1400, inspired by Italian works and a pilgrimage he joined from London to Canterbury. The tales feature stories told by a group of pilgrims traveling together and told from the perspective of an innkeeper. It includes descriptions of three pilgrims - the Knight, an experienced soldier; the Squire, the Knight's son and traveling companion; and the Wife of Bath, a wealthy woman on her sixth marriage who is knowledgeable about romance.
This document provides an overview and analysis of Alexander Pope's 1711 poem "Essay on Criticism". It summarizes the poem's main ideas in three parts. First, it discusses the general qualities needed by a critic, including self-awareness, knowledge of nature, and imitation of ancient works. Second, it outlines the particular laws for criticism, such as considering a work as a total unit and seeking the author's aim. Third, it describes the ideal characteristics of good critics, including integrity, modesty, and using ancient critics like Aristotle and Horace as models.
Elizabethan Drama Presented by Nusrat Jahan Mim Monir Hossen
This document provides an overview of a presentation on Elizabethan drama. It introduces the presenter, Monir Hossen, and the student presenting, Nusrat Zahan Mim. The presentation covers the development of drama during the Elizabethan era, including miracle plays, the contributions of early dramatists like Marlowe and the University Wits, and genres like tragedy and comedy. It also highlights William Shakespeare as the greatest English dramatist of the period and discusses some of his most famous works.
This document contains a summary of the play Doctor Faustus. It discusses that Faustus is a brilliant scholar who is hungry to know everything but chooses the wrong path of magic and deals with the devil to gain knowledge and power. Despite warnings from the good angel, Faustus ignores the advice and meets a tragic end as his soul is taken to hell. The summary emphasizes that Faustus's curiosity and desire for knowledge led him to make a mistake by relying on evil instead of good.
The University Wits were a group of late 16th-century English playwrights and pamphleteers who attended Oxford or Cambridge universities and became popular secular writers, pioneering the development of English drama. The group included John Lyly, Christopher Marlowe, George Peele, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, and Thomas Kyd. They made important contributions to the rise of English Renaissance theatre through their plays and writings.
Man vs Nature in the Graphic Novel of Will Eisners A Contract with GodKaushal Desai
Literature has many concepts and genre to present and Ecology is no exception. Will Eisner's A Contract with God could more accurately be called a "graphic cycle" in that its narrative structure is based on four short interconnected stories, all linked by the common setting of a 1930s Bronx tenement house. The study takes the Graphic novel to many depth concepts and understanding. This work has short-story cycle than it does with the traditional novel. Through his composite structuring, Eisner links his Dropsie Avenue stories in such a way that the meaning of each individual story is largely contingent upon that of the others in the text. The study of A Contract with God explores the concept of man vs nature with the characters used in the work. The main character is a deeply religious Hasidic Jew named Frimme Hirsch who carves a contract with God on a stone tablet. When he wrote it, he was grieving the death of his daughter from leukemia. His argument with God and scolds him for the death of his daughter. This rage comes as man vs nature. One cant deny the supremacy of nature and natural happenings but he argues with almighty take it to the level that it happened because of him. Study also focuses man vs nature have the bridge and cultural perspectives from man vs man side.
A Critical Study of Art & Science in The Select Graphic Novels of Alan MooreKaushal Desai
Art and science in literary work makes an essence for the post-modern era reading with an impact. In this research paper, the study takes place with Alan Moores writing of Art and Science with selected novels as V for Vendetta, Watchman and Swamp Things. In seeking to control their constituents, the fascist government ruling Moore and Lloyds vision of England has eradicated many of the arts from society. In the select novels deals with how the use if Sci-fi changed the phenomena of reading of literature with pop art. The extent of this artistic suppression is evidenced in Vs Shadow Gallery, where he seeks to preserve much of the art that has been removed from society. Much of the science in V for Vendetta is eerily similar to that of the Nazis during World War II, using members of resettlement camps as subjects for inhumane experiments and this can be very well presented in the paper with the theory of New Historicism. In comics/graphic novels as resources for postmodern science education by focusing on representations of modern scientific concepts in Watchmen's narrative themes and the unique capability of the sequential art medium to represent key concepts in postmodern science. And Swamp Things can change the perception of how culture and science can happen drastically to the humanity. Though the art and science of wring and creates a kind of genre that can take writing of this with visualize technique as well.
characteristics of metaphysical poetry.Parmar Milan
This document discusses the characteristics of metaphysical poetry from the 17th century. It notes that metaphysical poetry was written by poets like John Donne, George Herbert, and Andrew Marvell. Key characteristics included the use of conceits, far-fetched metaphors and similes drawn from science, history and other fields of knowledge. The imagery in metaphysical poetry was often intellectual rather than emotional. The metaphysical school declined after the restoration of King Charles II in 1660.
Alexander Pope was a Roman Catholic poet born in London in 1688 who was self-taught and inspired by classical Greek writers. His masterpiece, "The Rape of the Lock," was written in 1712 as a mock-heroic epic poem satirizing a trivial dispute between two aristocratic families after a lock of hair was cut from a woman without permission. The poem uses the conventions of an epic, such as supernatural machinery involving sylphs and other spirits, to dramatize the trivial conflict in a way that comments on vanity and the disproportionate values of aristocratic society.
Dr. Faustus is a Renaissance tragedy written by the Cambridge scholar Christopher Marlowe.
The full title of the play is The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus.
It was adopted from a German story Faust translated in English as The English Faust Book.
The name油Faustus is a reference to the Latin word for "favoured" or "auspicious.
The play is in油blank Verse and prose in thirteen scenes (1604) or twenty scenes (1616).
Blank verse is largely reserved for the main scenes while prose is used in the comic scenes.
This document provides a summary of Eugene O'Neill's play Long Day's Journey into Night. It introduces the playwright Eugene O'Neill and notes that the play, set in 1912, depicts a day in the life of the Tyrone family as they torment one another. It describes the father being angry with the mother's drug addiction, the mother angry with her sons, and the sons angry with their parents. By midnight, all four family members suffer frustration and wish to escape their harsh reality, as love gives way to hate over the course of the long day.
Metaphysical poetry and donne as metaphysical poetmali90145
The document discusses metaphysical poetry, which explores spiritual or philosophical themes through unconventional means. It was pioneered by John Donne in the 17th century. Key features included witty conceits, passionate reasoning, and unusual imagery. Donne combined thought and emotion through paradoxes, argumentative styles, and exaggerated metaphors. His poetry was intellectual yet used ordinary language. Overall, metaphysical poetry blended heart and mind through fantastical language and reasoning about life and the universe.
This document provides background information on Alexander Pope and analyzes his famous work "The Rape of Lock" as a social satire. It discusses how Pope satirizes aspects of 18th century society such as young aristocrats, gender roles, justice systems, fashion, and the concept of friendship. The document concludes that "The Rape of Lock" is a work of social satire that effectively portrayed and ridiculed the follies and vices of Pope's contemporary society.
Pope's poem "Rape of the Lock" is a social satire that ridicules the follies and vices of 18th century aristocratic society through humor and wit. It satirizes young aristocratic men and women, portraying their trivial pursuits of fashion, beauty, and romance. Through the character of Belinda, it represents women as being confined to superficial acts like sleeping, makeup, and attracting men. It also pokes fun at men's weakness for beauty, as well as husbands' distrust of wives and judges' hasty rulings. The poem uses delicate satire to reflect on and aim to reform the artificial lives of 18th century high society.
Satan is introduced as the villain who rebelled against God out of pride and a desire to be equal to God. He is thrown into Hell along with other rebel angels. Satan is described as huge, proud, and filled with vengeance against God. In Hell, Satan gives a speech to rally the other fallen angels, arguing they should continue their war against God rather than submit to their fate in Hell. He remains defiantly proud and committed to opposing God. Beelzebub responds with doubts but also resolve to follow Satan's lead. The summary establishes Satan as the central character and driving force behind continued conflict with God.
This document summarizes Longinus's treatise "On the Sublime", which analyzes the concept of sublimity in language and its ability to elevate discourse. It defines sublimity as consisting of lofty language that sways readers through grandeur of thought, treatment of passions, figures of speech and thought, dignified expression through word choice and metaphor, and majestic structure. While sublimity cannot be innate, it can be developed through instruction and reason. The document outlines Longinus's influential views on sublimity that shaped Romantic literature and criticism.
This document contains information about a student named Sejal N. Solanki's paper on Christopher Marlowe's play Dr. Faustus. It provides Solanki's name, paper topic on Dr. Faustus as a tragic hero, roll number, email, program details, and submission information. It also briefly outlines key details about Marlowe, the plot of Dr. Faustus, and how Faustus fits the mold of a tragic hero.
Satan and his followers build Pandemonium in Hell where they plan their next move. Satan decides to explore a new world and tricks the angel Uriel into showing him the way to Eden. There, he finds Adam and Eve and becomes jealous of them. Later, as a serpent, he tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. She shares it with Adam, and their innocence is lost. God sends them out of the garden as punishment.
The document summarizes Aristotle's views on tragic heroes and the elements of tragedy. According to Aristotle, the ideal tragic hero is of high birth and essentially good, but makes an error in judgment that leads to their downfall, arousing pity and fear in the audience. The hero must also be appropriate to their station, true to life, and act consistently in character. Aristotle's views provided guidelines for later playwrights, though some elements like the hero's morality have been challenged.
Aristotle's Poetics is considered the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and first systematic treatise on literary criticism. In it, Aristotle defines poetry as a means of mimesis or imitation through language, rhythm, and harmony. He discusses different types of poetry like tragedy, comedy, and epic poetry. For tragedy specifically, Aristotle says the objects imitated are serious actions, the manner is dramatic rather than narrative, and the medium is verse spoken in dialogue. He provides key terms used in tragedy like hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and katharsis. Aristotle also outlines critical elements of plot and structure for a successful tragedy, including unity of action, completeness, magnitude, and eliciting
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales between 1387-1400, inspired by Italian works and a pilgrimage he joined from London to Canterbury. The tales feature stories told by a group of pilgrims traveling together and told from the perspective of an innkeeper. It includes descriptions of three pilgrims - the Knight, an experienced soldier; the Squire, the Knight's son and traveling companion; and the Wife of Bath, a wealthy woman on her sixth marriage who is knowledgeable about romance.
This document provides an overview and analysis of Alexander Pope's 1711 poem "Essay on Criticism". It summarizes the poem's main ideas in three parts. First, it discusses the general qualities needed by a critic, including self-awareness, knowledge of nature, and imitation of ancient works. Second, it outlines the particular laws for criticism, such as considering a work as a total unit and seeking the author's aim. Third, it describes the ideal characteristics of good critics, including integrity, modesty, and using ancient critics like Aristotle and Horace as models.
Elizabethan Drama Presented by Nusrat Jahan Mim Monir Hossen
This document provides an overview of a presentation on Elizabethan drama. It introduces the presenter, Monir Hossen, and the student presenting, Nusrat Zahan Mim. The presentation covers the development of drama during the Elizabethan era, including miracle plays, the contributions of early dramatists like Marlowe and the University Wits, and genres like tragedy and comedy. It also highlights William Shakespeare as the greatest English dramatist of the period and discusses some of his most famous works.
This document contains a summary of the play Doctor Faustus. It discusses that Faustus is a brilliant scholar who is hungry to know everything but chooses the wrong path of magic and deals with the devil to gain knowledge and power. Despite warnings from the good angel, Faustus ignores the advice and meets a tragic end as his soul is taken to hell. The summary emphasizes that Faustus's curiosity and desire for knowledge led him to make a mistake by relying on evil instead of good.
The University Wits were a group of late 16th-century English playwrights and pamphleteers who attended Oxford or Cambridge universities and became popular secular writers, pioneering the development of English drama. The group included John Lyly, Christopher Marlowe, George Peele, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, Thomas Lodge, and Thomas Kyd. They made important contributions to the rise of English Renaissance theatre through their plays and writings.
Man vs Nature in the Graphic Novel of Will Eisners A Contract with GodKaushal Desai
Literature has many concepts and genre to present and Ecology is no exception. Will Eisner's A Contract with God could more accurately be called a "graphic cycle" in that its narrative structure is based on four short interconnected stories, all linked by the common setting of a 1930s Bronx tenement house. The study takes the Graphic novel to many depth concepts and understanding. This work has short-story cycle than it does with the traditional novel. Through his composite structuring, Eisner links his Dropsie Avenue stories in such a way that the meaning of each individual story is largely contingent upon that of the others in the text. The study of A Contract with God explores the concept of man vs nature with the characters used in the work. The main character is a deeply religious Hasidic Jew named Frimme Hirsch who carves a contract with God on a stone tablet. When he wrote it, he was grieving the death of his daughter from leukemia. His argument with God and scolds him for the death of his daughter. This rage comes as man vs nature. One cant deny the supremacy of nature and natural happenings but he argues with almighty take it to the level that it happened because of him. Study also focuses man vs nature have the bridge and cultural perspectives from man vs man side.
A Critical Study of Art & Science in The Select Graphic Novels of Alan MooreKaushal Desai
Art and science in literary work makes an essence for the post-modern era reading with an impact. In this research paper, the study takes place with Alan Moores writing of Art and Science with selected novels as V for Vendetta, Watchman and Swamp Things. In seeking to control their constituents, the fascist government ruling Moore and Lloyds vision of England has eradicated many of the arts from society. In the select novels deals with how the use if Sci-fi changed the phenomena of reading of literature with pop art. The extent of this artistic suppression is evidenced in Vs Shadow Gallery, where he seeks to preserve much of the art that has been removed from society. Much of the science in V for Vendetta is eerily similar to that of the Nazis during World War II, using members of resettlement camps as subjects for inhumane experiments and this can be very well presented in the paper with the theory of New Historicism. In comics/graphic novels as resources for postmodern science education by focusing on representations of modern scientific concepts in Watchmen's narrative themes and the unique capability of the sequential art medium to represent key concepts in postmodern science. And Swamp Things can change the perception of how culture and science can happen drastically to the humanity. Though the art and science of wring and creates a kind of genre that can take writing of this with visualize technique as well.
A Study of Culture and Identity Issues in Will Eisners Graphic Novel: "A Con...Kaushal Desai
Will Eisners A Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories (1978) marked the beginning of a second phase in the writer-artists career. It has been called the first graphic novel and has been hailed as a central text in the emergence of the graphic novel as a cultural phenomenon. This paper presents the culture and identity issues in Will Eisners novel A Contract with God. The stories are thematically linked with motifs of frustration, disillusionment, violence, and issues of ethnic identity. Eisner uses large, monochromatic images in dramatic perspective, and emphasizes the caricatured characters' facial expressions; few panels or captions have traditional borders around them. Graphic art of A Contract with God is gigantically pictorial and described with social realistic conveys of new historicism and culturalism.
A Critical Study of Art Spiegelmans Maus: Graphic Art and The Holocaust ppt ...Kaushal Desai
This presentation is presented by Kaushal Desai in International Virtual Conference on 'Humanities through Literature, Film and Media' Organized by School of Social Sciences and Languages Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai. October 19-20, 2021
Literature has verity of genres and sub genres to explore and the one is Graphic novels. In recent time this field has many concepts to look out for and to explore. It has depth which is presented in many of the works by many of the graphic writers. Art Spiegelman, an American cartoonist, editor, and comics advocate best known for his graphic novel Maus. The novel has the historical concepts which presented in pictorial way as Graphic novel. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1992 for his masterful Holocaust narrative Maus, which portrayed Jews as mice and Nazis as cats. It could be argued that 1986 was the year of the graphic novel. This year included the publication of the first volume of Maus. Holocaust Wounds and Trauma which is explored in Art Spiegelmans Graphic Novel Maus: A Survivors Tale will be devoted to the study of Art Spiegelmans account of his parents holocaust survival story. The research will take into account of authors personal trauma due to his mothers suicide; his fathers post-holocaust eccentricities and his difficulty in internalising holocaust trauma transmitted through family. As research also present new historicism and culturalism of the time of this Graphic novel Maus. It also take related issues like Jewish diaspora and exile; scientific racism, biological determinism and eugenics; anti-Semitic canards; Nazi regime as state of exception; Aryanisation and dehumanisation will all come under this research work.
Keywords: Graphic Art, Graphic novels, Holocaust, New Historicism, Culturalism
PhD Research Proposal of Kaushal Desai (PPT)Kaushal Desai
My PhD research proposal entitled Manifestation of New Historicism in Select Graphic Novels of Art Spiegelman, Will Eisner and Alan Moore. Right now I am pursuing my PhD from Department of English, Shri Govind Guru University, Godhra. I have joined PhD in the faculty of Arts and in English subject. My guide is Dr. Anuragsinh D. Puvar. My PhD Registration No is 2010681.
Friendship by Henry David Thoreau - Kaushal Desai presentationKaushal Desai
爐項爐迦 (Holi), the color of festival is one of the most important festival of India. To cherish this festival, here, presenting a very fine poem "Friendship" by Henry David Thoreau.
I Want to Know Why by Sherwood Anderson - Kaushal Desai presentationKaushal Desai
With every minute detail, the present short story gives you the convention of how the child psychology works with far-fetched images. And the reaction of it may led it to unwanted path.
The presentation of "Mourning becomes Electra" presented at MKBU Department of English for M.A external guidance lectures. The presentation contains every aspects which play explores. It will be fruitful to grasp the concepts of the play by this presentation.
"The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe Prepared by Kaushal DesaiKaushal Desai
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. ~Edgar Allan Poe.
Edgar Allan Poe, the noted American Author, Poet, Editor, and Literary Critic. He considered as major part of observing the paranormal literature. Who gave a new way of establishing the work in sense of thinking of horror, which is now a days this genre is so popular. In other sense his tales of mystery and imagination is conveys the mind of something that is beyond something and not a normal person can think in the way that Edgar Allan Poe thinks. Its interesting to study Edgar Allan Poe with going through his short stories and Poems. He observed Fantasy and defectiveness in America for that his way of writing based his invention of this. In which it gives the idea of how his mind reflects and as beyond thinker, he himself what wants to convey is so connective to this study of him.
The Complete Edgar Allan Poe油油(English, Paperback, Poe Edgar Allan)
LItCharts, Gradesaver
The Black Cat (short story)
Psychological Study of Edger Allan Poe (
Various concepts in the play "The Hairy Ape"Kaushal Desai
There are many things and concepts one can come across while reading of the play "The Hairy Ape". Here, I have tried to take major concepts in consideration with explanation through the play.
Chetan Bhagats The Girl in Room 105: Critically Appreciate Kaushal Desai
Like any other book, The Girl in Room 105 title also contains a number likes 2 States, Five Points Someone, Revolution 2020 etc. Having a number in the title has become the trademarked style for Bhagat. The book also has a lot of comedies for laugh and witty one-liners that you will enjoy.
However, something is different in the book. The book cover is not cartoonish like Bhagats other books. There is a photo of a real girl in the cover. The first impression from the cover is clear. This is also a romance book but with elements of mystery and tragic. There is no happy ending in the book this time.
The story follows the Gessler brothers, German shoemakers known for their high-quality handcrafted shoes. As big firms rise, the brothers face increasing competition but refuse to compromise on quality. When one brother dies, the surviving brother continues their craft but ultimately starves as the money goes to materials and rent. The narrator is shocked to discover the shop closed after the second brother's death, symbolizing the defeat of human values against growing materialism. The brothers' tragic deaths highlight the themes of sacrificing quality for quantity and whether machine production can replace artisanal skill.
~Human being has a predicament in every known things and that is how human senses are working.
~Writer is coming with humorous aspects. How it is to be dignify with the sarcasm and humorous sentiments of person is presently observed in the story.
An Inspector Calls by J B Priestley Prepared by Kaushal DesaiKaushal Desai
1) The Inspector questions the Birling family and their guest Gerald about their interactions with a woman named Eva Smith who recently committed suicide.
2) Through his questioning, it is revealed that each family member contributed to Eva's downward spiral - Arthur fired her, Sheila got her fired from a department store, Gerald had an affair with her and cut her off, Sybil denied her charity assistance when she was pregnant and destitute, and Eric had gotten her pregnant.
3) The Inspector's questioning is meant to show the family that their individual actions have wider consequences and that they are responsible for one another in society.
Activity Plan for BE sem 2 PresentationKaushal Desai
It describe various tasks and plan for BE Sem 2 students to accomplish and enhance their skills and make their mind sharp in other fields also.
From MLA handbook edition 7 I have given expanding thought about Format of Research paper that examine your research skill and methodology of research work.
New Historicism A Historical Aanalysis of LiteratureKaushal Desai
New Historicism acknowledges that any criticism of a work is influenced by the critic's own background and beliefs. New Historicists examine both the text and their own perspectives. This approach considers elements outside the text, unlike New Criticism which focuses only on analyzing the text itself. New Historicism emerged in response to New Criticism's failure to account for the social and historical context that influenced literary works. It uses techniques from history and anthropology to provide thick descriptions of texts and elucidate them within their broader cultural context.
My Grandmother by Elizabeth Jennings Prepared by Kaushal DesaiKaushal Desai
The document provides an analysis of the poem "My Grandmother" by Elizabeth Jennings. It summarizes each stanza and discusses key themes such as the poet's complex feelings of guilt over refusing to go out with her grandmother once and the grandmother's close attachment to her antique shop and possessions. The analysis examines how the poet explores dealing with memories and relationships after her grandmother's death when she feels no grief but lingering guilt. It concludes by stating the poem elaborates on the poet's emotional life and memories with her grandmother.
Mate, a short story by Kate Grenvile.pptxLiny Jenifer
A powerpoint presentation on the short story Mate by Kate Greenville. This presentation provides information on Kate Greenville, a character list, plot summary and critical analysis of the short story.
Finals of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.