Жирэмсний эрт үеийн хүндрэлийн хэт авиан оношилгоо.pptxBaldandorj KhavalkhaanUltrasound in early pregnancy is used to assess:
1. Normal aspects such as gestational sac size and viability by detecting a heartbeat.
2. Abnormalities including ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies, and hemorrhages.
3. Dating the pregnancy accurately in the first trimester by measuring the mean sac diameter or crown-rump length.
4. Detecting multiple pregnancies and diagnosing chorionicity and zygosity.
5. Screening for fetal abnormalities such as thickened nuchal translucency which is used to detect Down syndrome.
Ходоодны хавдар.pptxBaldandorj KhavalkhaanThe document discusses gastric neoplasms and adenocarcinoma. It begins by covering the histology, nomenclature, and characteristics of benign versus malignant tumors. It then discusses specific gastric tumors including adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, gastric lymphoma, and primary gastric malignant lymphoma. For adenocarcinoma, it covers the intestinal and diffuse types, noting the intestinal type is more common and associated with chronic gastritis from H. pylori infection. It concludes by discussing the decreasing incidence of gastric adenocarcinoma worldwide.
Гэр бүл төлөвлөлтBaldandorj KhavalkhaanThis document provides background context on family planning in Mongolia. It discusses how family planning is recognized as important for reproductive rights, maternal and child health, and economic development. Mongolia has made progress in reducing maternal and child mortality but challenges remain, including decreasing satisfaction with family planning services and high abortion rates. The document aims to analyze Mongolia's family planning situation to identify opportunities and gaps to improve services.
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