Carp were first bred for colour mutations in China more than a thousand years ago.
Yet by NATURE China’s Garden Art is coy [ modest and shy ]
- Electric and hybrid vehicles are often seen as environmentally friendly, but there are many issues with them beyond just the vehicles themselves.
- The production of the batteries used in these vehicles is complex, environmentally damaging, and energy intensive. It involves mining scarce materials, shipping components around the world, and producing radioactive waste.
- When the batteries reach the end of their lifespan after only a few years, there are few options for safe recycling and most must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
- Considering the full lifecycle from production to disposal, electric vehicles may not be as green as advertised and individual transportation may not be the most sustainable option overall.
This presentation is done by Joachim Limos as one of his projects on ITALIAN REGIONS in his Italian 11 class (AY 2013-2014) at the University of the Philippines under Prof. Emanuela Adesini.
if you are searching for marketing on youtube! here you will get some tools through which you can do marketing of your companies products and services on youtube
El documento resume brevemente la historia de los computadores, desde los primeros dispositivos mecánicos de conteo como el ábaco y la máquina de Pascal, hasta el desarrollo de los primeros computadores electrónicos como el ENIAC y la invención del chip a mediados del siglo XX, lo que permitió reducir drásticamente el tama?o de los ordenadores. Finalmente, explica que hoy en día existen cientos de modelos fabricados por docenas de empresas.
Sticky Story Marketing: Create Your Most Shareable Business StoryPhilippa Davies
How to tell your most sticky business story - what are the key elements you must have to give your business story impact, memorability and get it shared?
This document discusses two examples of using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to build user interfaces for large amounts of data: 1) a table of employees that allows searching, sorting, and paging of employee data; and 2) a suggest box for autocompleting employee names from a remote data source. It provides details on the client-side and server-side components needed to implement filtering, sorting, paging and querying of large data sets to display relevant results efficiently.
Whether you knew it or not, Mother's Day is right around the corner. Here's Carole Argo's guide to pampering your mom, wife, partner, or any other mother in your life this Sunday.
O documento descreve a história, cultura e símbolos nacionais do Uruguai. O país teve origem na disputa entre espanhóis e portugueses e conquistou independência em 1825, adotando a bandeira branca e azul com sol amarelo como símbolo nacional, junto com a bandeira de Artigas e dos Trinta e Três Orientais. O Uruguai também possui hino, bras?o e um sistema educacional público e gratuito.
This presentation is done by Sheena Sablan as one of her projects on ITALIAN REGIONS in her Italian 10 class (AY 2013-2014) at the University of the Philippines under Prof. Emanuela Adesini.
O documento fornece informa??es sobre a culinária, música, literatura, feriados, economia e política do Uruguai. A culinária é marcada pelo chivito e buseca. A música compartilha origens com a Argentina e a dan?a predominante é o tango. A literatura teve início com Bartolomé Hidalgo e os principais nomes do período rom?ntico foram Adolfo Berro e Juan Zorrilla de San Martín.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de electrodos utilizados en soldadura. Explica que los electrodos están compuestos de un núcleo metálico y un revestimiento químico. Luego describe varios electrodos populares como el INDURA 6010, INDURA 6011 e INDURA 7018-RH para soldar acero al carbono, e introduce los tres tipos básicos de aceros inoxidables (martensíticos, ferríticos y austeníticos) y consideraciones para soldar cada tipo.
For School management teams:
Are we ready for the new year?
This presentation will assist school managers to evaluate if they are ready for the new academic year.
Uruguay is a small country located on the eastern coast of South America between Argentina and Brazil. It has a temperate climate with rolling hills and plains and many rivers and beaches. Uruguay gained independence from Spain in the early 19th century and is now a democratic republic with a literacy rate among the highest in the world. Soccer is the most popular sport and tango the dominant musical tradition, along with candombe drumming and murgas street performances around Carnival time. Cuisine blends local beef with Italian influences like milanesa cutlets and chivitos sandwiches.
Montevideo es la capital y el principal puerto de Uruguay, un país ubicado en el sur de América del Sur entre Argentina y Brasil. La mayoría de la población de Uruguay son católicos romanos, y el presidente electo por voto popular gobierna por un mandato de cinco a?os. La música tradicional de Uruguay incluye el tango, murga y candombe, un tipo de música afro-uruguaya que se presenta durante el Carnaval.
Foreigners, understanding of Chinese gardens.John Jeffery
#外国人/游客 - 中国园林的理解和
#保存 - 平衡,人与自然之间。
# Foreigners / Tourists – understanding of Chinese gardens and# Preservation – the balance, between man and nature.
Chinese ancient culture should not be commercialized or superficially displayed. While some may feel the author's comments are drastic, an investigation would reveal the comments are made with pure motivations. People who truly care about others will tell them what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear. Following the truth is neither lucrative nor popular, but it is forthright and necessary if others fail to listen or take respectful action.
For over 7 years, the author has blamed themselves for being unable to convince a local Western authority to not use a Chinese garden's Scholar's Studio as an office for managers. The author suggests that Westerners may need to consider saving or giving face to others to enhance relationships.
This document outlines goals for advancing knowledge of Chinese garden art culture including conducting public outreach, developing institutional networks, establishing partnerships, fostering intercultural media relationships, fundraising, implementing evaluation frameworks, innovatively operating initiatives, providing online statistical updates and research, and gaining experience volunteering or working in Suzhou gardens.
China's latitude refers to its position north of the equator, not its scope of freedom. The author felt obliged to tell others about what was already happening in Vancouver as China began globalizing its garden art around the world. While China may have already considered this, only time will tell how things unfold further.
El documento resume brevemente la historia de los computadores, desde los primeros dispositivos mecánicos de conteo como el ábaco y la máquina de Pascal, hasta el desarrollo de los primeros computadores electrónicos como el ENIAC y la invención del chip a mediados del siglo XX, lo que permitió reducir drásticamente el tama?o de los ordenadores. Finalmente, explica que hoy en día existen cientos de modelos fabricados por docenas de empresas.
Sticky Story Marketing: Create Your Most Shareable Business StoryPhilippa Davies
How to tell your most sticky business story - what are the key elements you must have to give your business story impact, memorability and get it shared?
This document discusses two examples of using Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to build user interfaces for large amounts of data: 1) a table of employees that allows searching, sorting, and paging of employee data; and 2) a suggest box for autocompleting employee names from a remote data source. It provides details on the client-side and server-side components needed to implement filtering, sorting, paging and querying of large data sets to display relevant results efficiently.
Whether you knew it or not, Mother's Day is right around the corner. Here's Carole Argo's guide to pampering your mom, wife, partner, or any other mother in your life this Sunday.
O documento descreve a história, cultura e símbolos nacionais do Uruguai. O país teve origem na disputa entre espanhóis e portugueses e conquistou independência em 1825, adotando a bandeira branca e azul com sol amarelo como símbolo nacional, junto com a bandeira de Artigas e dos Trinta e Três Orientais. O Uruguai também possui hino, bras?o e um sistema educacional público e gratuito.
This presentation is done by Sheena Sablan as one of her projects on ITALIAN REGIONS in her Italian 10 class (AY 2013-2014) at the University of the Philippines under Prof. Emanuela Adesini.
O documento fornece informa??es sobre a culinária, música, literatura, feriados, economia e política do Uruguai. A culinária é marcada pelo chivito e buseca. A música compartilha origens com a Argentina e a dan?a predominante é o tango. A literatura teve início com Bartolomé Hidalgo e os principais nomes do período rom?ntico foram Adolfo Berro e Juan Zorrilla de San Martín.
El documento describe diferentes tipos de electrodos utilizados en soldadura. Explica que los electrodos están compuestos de un núcleo metálico y un revestimiento químico. Luego describe varios electrodos populares como el INDURA 6010, INDURA 6011 e INDURA 7018-RH para soldar acero al carbono, e introduce los tres tipos básicos de aceros inoxidables (martensíticos, ferríticos y austeníticos) y consideraciones para soldar cada tipo.
For School management teams:
Are we ready for the new year?
This presentation will assist school managers to evaluate if they are ready for the new academic year.
Uruguay is a small country located on the eastern coast of South America between Argentina and Brazil. It has a temperate climate with rolling hills and plains and many rivers and beaches. Uruguay gained independence from Spain in the early 19th century and is now a democratic republic with a literacy rate among the highest in the world. Soccer is the most popular sport and tango the dominant musical tradition, along with candombe drumming and murgas street performances around Carnival time. Cuisine blends local beef with Italian influences like milanesa cutlets and chivitos sandwiches.
Montevideo es la capital y el principal puerto de Uruguay, un país ubicado en el sur de América del Sur entre Argentina y Brasil. La mayoría de la población de Uruguay son católicos romanos, y el presidente electo por voto popular gobierna por un mandato de cinco a?os. La música tradicional de Uruguay incluye el tango, murga y candombe, un tipo de música afro-uruguaya que se presenta durante el Carnaval.
Foreigners, understanding of Chinese gardens.John Jeffery
#外国人/游客 - 中国园林的理解和
#保存 - 平衡,人与自然之间。
# Foreigners / Tourists – understanding of Chinese gardens and# Preservation – the balance, between man and nature.
Chinese ancient culture should not be commercialized or superficially displayed. While some may feel the author's comments are drastic, an investigation would reveal the comments are made with pure motivations. People who truly care about others will tell them what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear. Following the truth is neither lucrative nor popular, but it is forthright and necessary if others fail to listen or take respectful action.
For over 7 years, the author has blamed themselves for being unable to convince a local Western authority to not use a Chinese garden's Scholar's Studio as an office for managers. The author suggests that Westerners may need to consider saving or giving face to others to enhance relationships.
This document outlines goals for advancing knowledge of Chinese garden art culture including conducting public outreach, developing institutional networks, establishing partnerships, fostering intercultural media relationships, fundraising, implementing evaluation frameworks, innovatively operating initiatives, providing online statistical updates and research, and gaining experience volunteering or working in Suzhou gardens.
China's latitude refers to its position north of the equator, not its scope of freedom. The author felt obliged to tell others about what was already happening in Vancouver as China began globalizing its garden art around the world. While China may have already considered this, only time will tell how things unfold further.
How to change fascination into fasCHINAtionJohn Jeffery
The document discusses how to change a fascination with China into a deeper appreciation, or "fasCHINAtion". It suggests that people first try to see China for more than just its economic opportunities. Second, people should consider China as more than just a threat. Third, people could try comparing China's culture to their own. Seeing China's nature through its culture, like in Chinese gardens, may help people accept, appreciate and embrace China beyond simple fascination.
The document discusses branding the Dunedin Chinese Garden in New Zealand as a literati garden of China. It suggests Dunedin needs to show humility and acknowledge that it needs help from Shanghai to make improvements to the garden that will better represent Chinese culture and brand the garden accurately as a literati garden. Specifically, it recommends Dunedin ask Shanghai for assistance in adding realism and activities to the garden, such as a scholar's studio, in order to embody the essence of China's literati garden art tradition and strengthen the brand after seven years of establishing the garden.
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth 真相,全部的真相,而且全部是事实,所以...John Jeffery
This short document discusses concepts from the beginning through generations and being everlasting, with no myths but allowing mystery and translation without requiring interpretation.
This document discusses balancing the preservation of heritage with making spaces appealing to current generations. It notes that sacrificing conscience for ambition comes at a cost. While it is easy to ignore conscience, there are two important aspects to consider: sustaining Chinese garden construction and sustaining the original objectives of Chinese gardens. These objectives provide for both present and future generations through education, enjoyment, and leaving an everlasting heritage. The document advocates learning from nature and sustainability, stating that protecting the past and people requires behavioral changes and sustainable commitments to objectives.
Participants in the game of truth or dare must choose whether to answer embarrassing personal questions or perform difficult or ridiculous roles. While it seems like just a game, it reveals deeper truths about honesty and human nature as people are pushed outside their comfort zones. Ultimately, contentment comes from looking past surface appearances to find the real picture beneath.
5. “ In the morning sow your seed and until
evening do not let your hand rest;
for you are not knowing where this will
have success, either here or there, or
whether both of them will alike be good.”
Ecclesiastes 11:6