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CHINA living waters
Found in CHINA’S

Ji Cheng [计成] 1582 - c. 1642
was a Ming Dynasty Landscape Painter & Garden
he designed numerous private gardens in Southern
是明代的风景画家及园林设计师; 他设计了众多的私家园

In his late years, he summarized his lifetime
experience, into the first monograph, dedicated to
landscape design and garden architecture:

Yuan Ye [园冶] 1631 :
English translation - The Craft of Gardens.
CHINA living waters
his text:
“ Chinese landscapes [ Shan Shui ] or mountains & waters.”

“ In Nature, mountains form the earth’s skeleton
and streams, it’s arteries.”
“在自然界中,山形成地球的骨架 和溪流,它的动脉。“

“ Making a garden – digging ponds and piling mountains.”
“花园 - 挖池塘和打桩山。”

“ In a Chinese Garden, rocks, the bony structure;
water, it’s living pulse.”
Described by Chinese Characters
                                                                   Ancient Chinese

        Chinese Garden Characters

earth/rocks – pond/water – plant/green – wall/buildings - spaces
Consider water features
in Chinese Gardens - how
many ?

考虑在中国园林中的水功能 -
Rain drops on banana   Waterfalls from rock
       leaves              mountains
   香蕉叶上的雨滴              水,瀑布从岩石山
Ji Cheng

“ Night rain patters on the
plantain leaves, like a mermaid’s

季承“ 雨落在芭蕉叶,像一条美人鱼
Enhanced by snow   Reflected in ripples

  增强被大雪               反映在涟漪
Life source for Carp &   Life source for plants

鲤鱼及其他的生命之源                  植物的生命之源
Medium for transport between   Medium for Fire protection

之间的亭台楼阁运输方式为                            水灭火
Served as Chinese Tea or water
Ji Cheng
“ Let the water flow free, as if it
has no end.”
吉承 “让水流自由,仿佛没有尽头。”

Wang Wei
“ The river flows beyond the edge
of the world.”

    Another ChineseGardensDotBiz Presentation
      另一个 ChineseGardensDotBiz 简报

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CHINA living waters

  • 3. Ji Cheng [计成] 1582 - c. 1642 was a Ming Dynasty Landscape Painter & Garden Designer; he designed numerous private gardens in Southern China. 是明代的风景画家及园林设计师; 他设计了众多的私家园 林,在中国南方。 In his late years, he summarized his lifetime experience, into the first monograph, dedicated to landscape design and garden architecture: 在晚年,他总结了他一生的经历,到的第一本专着,致力 于景观设计和园林建筑: Yuan Ye [园冶] 1631 : English translation - The Craft of Gardens.
  • 5. his text: 请注意,他在他的文字使用的表达 式: “ Chinese landscapes [ Shan Shui ] or mountains & waters.” “中国山水画[山水]或山区和水域。” “ In Nature, mountains form the earth’s skeleton and streams, it’s arteries.” “在自然界中,山形成地球的骨架 和溪流,它的动脉。“ “ Making a garden – digging ponds and piling mountains.” “花园 - 挖池塘和打桩山。” “ In a Chinese Garden, rocks, the bony structure; water, it’s living pulse.” “在一个中国花园,岩石,骨结构;水,它是生活的脉搏。“
  • 6. Described by Chinese Characters 中国文字描述 Ancient Chinese Characters Chinese Garden Characters earth/rocks – pond/water – plant/green – wall/buildings - spaces
  • 7. Consider water features in Chinese Gardens - how many ? 考虑在中国园林中的水功能 - 多少
  • 8. Rain drops on banana Waterfalls from rock leaves mountains 香蕉叶上的雨滴 水,瀑布从岩石山
  • 9. Ji Cheng “ Night rain patters on the plantain leaves, like a mermaid’s tears.” 季承“ 雨落在芭蕉叶,像一条美人鱼 的眼泪。”
  • 10. Enhanced by snow Reflected in ripples 增强被大雪 反映在涟漪
  • 11. Life source for Carp & Life source for plants others 鲤鱼及其他的生命之源 植物的生命之源
  • 12. Medium for transport between Medium for Fire protection pavilions 之间的亭台楼阁运输方式为 水灭火
  • 13. Served as Chinese Tea or water 担任中国茶或水
  • 14. Ji Cheng “ Let the water flow free, as if it has no end.” 吉承 “让水流自由,仿佛没有尽头。” Wang Wei “ The river flows beyond the edge of the world.” 王伟“的河流,超出了世界的边缘。” Another ChineseGardensDotBiz Presentation 另一个 ChineseGardensDotBiz 简报