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Building a Vibrant Downtown
During the past four years, Mayor Alvin Brown has prioritized Downtown revitalization and as a result there
have been major increases in economic, recreational and entertainment opportunities. The mayor created and
funded the Downtown Investment Authority for comprehensive strategy for economic improvement and
revitalization of the urban core. The first competitive bid of the facilities management contract in 20 years is
saving taxpayers millions and drawing new events Downtown. A long-anticipated deal for economic
improvement in Brooklyn is rejuvenating dormant land with high-end housing and new economic opportunity.
Over the next four years, the mayor is committed to moving Downtown forward by acting on well-vetted
plans for The Shipyards and The Landing that create favorable return on taxpayer investment. The city also will
draw more entertainment and sporting events while creating a positive impact on Downtown assessments
that benefits the entire city by strengthening city revenue streams.
 A stronger center of commerce: EverBank, Mass Mutual, Citizens Property Insurance, C2C Solutions
and SunGard AvantGard have together placed nearly 3,000 jobs Downtown throughout the past four
years. Mayor Brown is committed to increasing this momentum to support more good-paying careers
for Jacksonville residents.
 An exciting place to be: Mayor Brown carried out the first competitive bid of the citys facilities
management contract in 20 years, a move that is saving taxpayers nearly $1 million annually while
creating a special events fund and accountability metrics for new events. Annual visitors Downtown
are up by 200,000 and new events are bringing new wealth. The Florida Country Superfest, for
example, had a $23 million economic impact. The mayor is committed to working with the community
to launch more events and support others, like the One Spark entrepreneurship festival, that already
have been successful.
 Accountable, responsible return on investment: Mayor Brown launched and funded the Downtown
Investment Authority to review major economic development projects, such as Shipyards and the
Landing, to apply accountability metrics and incorporate in an overall strategy for urban renewal.
 Enhancing vibrancy: Over the past four years under Mayor Browns leadership, the Southbank
Riverwalk was rebuilt after years of neglect. Hemming Plaza is being reactivated with family activities
and special events under a joint vision of the city, the Downtown Investment Authority and the Friends
of Hemming Park. The city has broken ground to revitalize the historic Bostwick Building with new
ownership for a modern, upscale restaurant. Groundwork USA, a prominent national organization
focused on revitalizing neighborhoods and urban natural environment, has partnered the City and
National Parks Service to clean up Hogans Creek in Springfield.
 Productively answering the homeless question: The citys long-awaited Day Resource Center opened
through a series of beneficial partnerships among the city, private sector and faith community,
providing a key opportunity for the less fortunate to work their way out of homelessness.
 Filling the gaps: Mayor Browns administration closed a long-awaited deal to revitalize a dormant
section of Riverside Avenue with more than 600 new housing units as well as recreation space, retail, a
Fresh Market and Corner Bakery.

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  • 1. Building a Vibrant Downtown During the past four years, Mayor Alvin Brown has prioritized Downtown revitalization and as a result there have been major increases in economic, recreational and entertainment opportunities. The mayor created and funded the Downtown Investment Authority for comprehensive strategy for economic improvement and revitalization of the urban core. The first competitive bid of the facilities management contract in 20 years is saving taxpayers millions and drawing new events Downtown. A long-anticipated deal for economic improvement in Brooklyn is rejuvenating dormant land with high-end housing and new economic opportunity. Over the next four years, the mayor is committed to moving Downtown forward by acting on well-vetted plans for The Shipyards and The Landing that create favorable return on taxpayer investment. The city also will draw more entertainment and sporting events while creating a positive impact on Downtown assessments that benefits the entire city by strengthening city revenue streams. A stronger center of commerce: EverBank, Mass Mutual, Citizens Property Insurance, C2C Solutions and SunGard AvantGard have together placed nearly 3,000 jobs Downtown throughout the past four years. Mayor Brown is committed to increasing this momentum to support more good-paying careers for Jacksonville residents. An exciting place to be: Mayor Brown carried out the first competitive bid of the citys facilities management contract in 20 years, a move that is saving taxpayers nearly $1 million annually while creating a special events fund and accountability metrics for new events. Annual visitors Downtown are up by 200,000 and new events are bringing new wealth. The Florida Country Superfest, for example, had a $23 million economic impact. The mayor is committed to working with the community to launch more events and support others, like the One Spark entrepreneurship festival, that already have been successful. Accountable, responsible return on investment: Mayor Brown launched and funded the Downtown Investment Authority to review major economic development projects, such as Shipyards and the Landing, to apply accountability metrics and incorporate in an overall strategy for urban renewal. Enhancing vibrancy: Over the past four years under Mayor Browns leadership, the Southbank Riverwalk was rebuilt after years of neglect. Hemming Plaza is being reactivated with family activities and special events under a joint vision of the city, the Downtown Investment Authority and the Friends of Hemming Park. The city has broken ground to revitalize the historic Bostwick Building with new ownership for a modern, upscale restaurant. Groundwork USA, a prominent national organization focused on revitalizing neighborhoods and urban natural environment, has partnered the City and National Parks Service to clean up Hogans Creek in Springfield. Productively answering the homeless question: The citys long-awaited Day Resource Center opened through a series of beneficial partnerships among the city, private sector and faith community, providing a key opportunity for the less fortunate to work their way out of homelessness. Filling the gaps: Mayor Browns administration closed a long-awaited deal to revitalize a dormant section of Riverside Avenue with more than 600 new housing units as well as recreation space, retail, a Fresh Market and Corner Bakery.