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Investing in Education for a Stronger, Safer Community
During the past four years, the Duval County Public Schools graduation rate has increased by 11 percentage
points. Mayor Brown appointed the first education commissioner in city history through a public-private
partnership costing taxpayers just $1 a year. Working with the private sector, nonprofits and the faith
community, the mayor has expanded the ranks of volunteer mentors, increased opportunities for positive
youth experiences and brightened the path for hopeful students who dream of one day going to college.
Over the next four years, it will remain a top priority to support quality education that fosters character
development, reduces crime, closes achievement gaps and promotes positive outcomes for future economic
growth. Mayor Brown is committed to working with the schools, nonprofits and other community stakeholders
to ensure the graduation rate continues to rise. The mayor is committed to increasing capacity for the
Learn2Earn college immersion program and cultivating new resources to increase the number of safe,
supervised activities for youth during the afterschool and summertime hours.
 A new generation to lead Jacksonville: Mayor Brown launched the Young Leaders Advisory Council,
selecting 55 juniors and seniors from 30 high schools in 23 ZIP codes to serve the city by advising public
officials on youth issues and organizing annual public service projects. The Council hosted a college and
career fair where nearly 400 youth spoke to more than 30 representatives from companies, colleges
and the military about how to meet their future goals.
 Unlocking students potential: Working with nonprofits and the faith community, the Mayors
Mentors partnership has placed 600 new caring volunteers with Jacksonville youths. The mayor also is
working on expanding Learn2Earn with hope of inspiring more prospective first-generation college
students to follow through on their dreams of earning a degree.
 Replacing idle time by building job skills: Mayor Brown has worked with the private sector to expand
summer employment opportunities that build job skills and keep kids off the streets. The first year of
the Mayors Summer Jobs program included opportunities for 600 youths with many from the
distressed 32209 area of Northwest Jacksonville. The mayor is committed to working with more
partners to expand this critical investment for both economic improvement and public safety.
 Safe spaces for youth: Mayor Brown reopened five community centers and extended hours to serve
an average of 165 Jacksonville youths daily in at-risk neighborhoods. Using private funding, the mayor
launched the Rec N Roll, which has since expanded to 18 city parks, and expanded the popular
Summer Night Lights program, giving young people safe and supervised places to be during the
summer break from school.
 Putting kids on the right track: Under Mayor Brown, the city acquired grant funding to confront
mental health and substance abuse issues for teenagers, and expanded diversionary programs such as
Neighborhood Accountability Boards to ensure kids receive proper guidance and do not go on to make
future mistakes.
 Cradle to career learning: Mayor Brown believes that education is an issue that goes beyond K-12
and public schools. Hes helped spearhead programs like the annual Wi$e Money Week, where a
number of partners from financial institutions, nonprofits and educational organizations team up to
host a series of free community workshops on financial literacy, with topics ranging from basic savings
to estate planning and retirement.

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  • 1. Investing in Education for a Stronger, Safer Community During the past four years, the Duval County Public Schools graduation rate has increased by 11 percentage points. Mayor Brown appointed the first education commissioner in city history through a public-private partnership costing taxpayers just $1 a year. Working with the private sector, nonprofits and the faith community, the mayor has expanded the ranks of volunteer mentors, increased opportunities for positive youth experiences and brightened the path for hopeful students who dream of one day going to college. Over the next four years, it will remain a top priority to support quality education that fosters character development, reduces crime, closes achievement gaps and promotes positive outcomes for future economic growth. Mayor Brown is committed to working with the schools, nonprofits and other community stakeholders to ensure the graduation rate continues to rise. The mayor is committed to increasing capacity for the Learn2Earn college immersion program and cultivating new resources to increase the number of safe, supervised activities for youth during the afterschool and summertime hours. A new generation to lead Jacksonville: Mayor Brown launched the Young Leaders Advisory Council, selecting 55 juniors and seniors from 30 high schools in 23 ZIP codes to serve the city by advising public officials on youth issues and organizing annual public service projects. The Council hosted a college and career fair where nearly 400 youth spoke to more than 30 representatives from companies, colleges and the military about how to meet their future goals. Unlocking students potential: Working with nonprofits and the faith community, the Mayors Mentors partnership has placed 600 new caring volunteers with Jacksonville youths. The mayor also is working on expanding Learn2Earn with hope of inspiring more prospective first-generation college students to follow through on their dreams of earning a degree. Replacing idle time by building job skills: Mayor Brown has worked with the private sector to expand summer employment opportunities that build job skills and keep kids off the streets. The first year of the Mayors Summer Jobs program included opportunities for 600 youths with many from the distressed 32209 area of Northwest Jacksonville. The mayor is committed to working with more partners to expand this critical investment for both economic improvement and public safety. Safe spaces for youth: Mayor Brown reopened five community centers and extended hours to serve an average of 165 Jacksonville youths daily in at-risk neighborhoods. Using private funding, the mayor launched the Rec N Roll, which has since expanded to 18 city parks, and expanded the popular Summer Night Lights program, giving young people safe and supervised places to be during the summer break from school. Putting kids on the right track: Under Mayor Brown, the city acquired grant funding to confront mental health and substance abuse issues for teenagers, and expanded diversionary programs such as Neighborhood Accountability Boards to ensure kids receive proper guidance and do not go on to make future mistakes. Cradle to career learning: Mayor Brown believes that education is an issue that goes beyond K-12 and public schools. Hes helped spearhead programs like the annual Wi$e Money Week, where a
  • 2. number of partners from financial institutions, nonprofits and educational organizations team up to host a series of free community workshops on financial literacy, with topics ranging from basic savings to estate planning and retirement.