Dream light show projectAlexОгненное, светодиодное, пиротехническое шоу.
Участие на :
• Свадьбах,
• корпоративах,
• open-air мероприятиях
• и любых торжествах.
Наше шоу проводится на профессиональном уровне и именно благодаря нам, гости не могут отвести восхищенных глаз от завораживающего танца с огнем и светом, который показывает почти неограниченную свободу и ловкость человеческого тела.
Наши выступления не имеют аналогов в Казахстане, что обусловлено использованием эксклюзивных светодиодных костюмов и реквизита.
Цены договорные, и зависят от :
места проведения (удалённости от города) и продолжительности участия,
сценария (является ли программа готовой или разрабатывается специально под мероприятие) количества номеров в программе, дополнительных пожеланий заказчика.
Мы знаем, чем удивить самого искушённого зрителя!
mob.tel.: +7 701 733 94 23
+7 707 35 000 76
e-mail: dream_lights@mail.ru
Imexpharm proposal 2009 s3090014Imexpharm is launching a new product called Andol Fort in Vietnam and is organizing several launch events across the country from November to December 2009. The events will include welcoming guests, an opening speech, a dance performance unveiling the product, a presentation from an opinion leader, information about Andol Fort, a singer performance, comedy, lucky draws, and door gifts. The events are aimed at doctors and pharmacists and will take place in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Can Tho, Dong Thap, Nha Trang, and Vung Tau with 650 to 600 guests expected at each event.
Speech veneziacamp 10Andrea Casadeipresentazione "live" fatta al volo usando l'iPad ( che era uscito sul mercato italiano proprio in quei giorni) per dimostrare dopo 3 giorni di veneziacampo non me lo portavo in giro come la "copertina di linus"
Ivan Ortenzi speach at event INNOVARE PER COMPETERE Ivan OrtenziIl mio intervento all'evento presso il Museo Ferrari "INNOVARE PER COMPETERE" sulla differenza tra strategia e innovazione.
Zonauno presentazione conventionKeyMoveUna veloce presentazione delle case history legate al mondo delle convention ed eventi di cui abbiamo fatto la regia, la direzione creativa e in alcuni casi anche il team building
Programma "Estatè dei ragazzi"Comune di BariIl cartellone de "L'EstatÈ dei Ragazzi", da oggi, lunedì 11 giugno, e fino al 9 settembre prossimo, coinvolgerà tutte le circoscrizioni cittadine attraverso un ricco programma di attività gratuite per i ragazzi.
Attraverso la rete dei C.A.P. - Centri aperti polivalenti per minori e dei C.A.F. - Centri di ascolto per le famiglie comunali e grazie all'impegno condiviso delle cooperative e delle imprese sociali del terzo settore, tanti saranno gli eventi rivolti ai bambini, agli adolescenti e alle loro famiglie nel periodo di chiusura delle scuole.
"Si tratta di un calendario programmato nei minimi dettagli con le realtà del terzo settore - ha dichiarato Ludovico Abbaticchio - costruito in modo tale che i minori possano trovare risposte qualificate ai loro bisogni durante la stagione estiva. Spero che l'impegno continuo di questa Amministrazione nei confronti delle fasce più deboli della cittadinanza possa essere confermato anche il prossimo anno, data l'entità dei tagli che il Governo ci impone. Noi continueremo certamente a fare la nostra parte, ma è necessario l'impegno di tutti".
Molte, dunque, le iniziative de "L'EstatÈ dei Ragazzi": dai Centri estivi, proposti durante le ore mattutine, ai Campi scuola con laboratori e attività tematiche, dagli Spazi Giovani, rivolti agli adolescenti, all'Estate in famiglia, grazie alla quale genitori e figli potranno incontrarsi, giocare insieme e partecipare a gite e soggiorni vacanza.
Numerosi anche gli eventi come feste, spettacoli e attività ludiche di ogni genere, aperti a tutta la cittadinanza e rivolti, in particolare, ai residenti di ciascuna delle nove circoscrizioni.
"Durante questa lunga estate - ha detto Andrea Mori - la città diverrà, di fatto, dei ragazzi. Attraverso il lavoro di squadra delle cooperative e delle imprese sociali che gestiscono i servizi affidati dal Comune, saremo in grado di offrire ai più piccoli innumerevoli spunti per divertirsi e socializzare garantendo un importante sostegno ai più grandi".
Ad aprire e chiudere la programmazione due eventi speciali: la nuova edizione di "Parchi Aperti", che a partire da oggi e per tutti i pomeriggi estivi proporrà diverse attività di animazione nei parchi 2 Giugno e Don Tonino Bello; e le "Olimpiadi dei quartieri", che sabato 8 settembre vedrà sfidarsi minori e adulti di tutti i quartieri della città in diverse discipline legate ai giochi tradizionali e a quelli di strada, per una chiusura col botto.
Il programma delle attività è stato definito dalle cooperative sociali affidatarie dei servizi - Progetto Città, Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II, Gea, Operamica, Occupazione e Solidarietà, Esedra, Itaca, Caps,
Rossa e LaFlûte - eventi in FranciacortaRossa D-Thinking AgencyEventi fino a 50 persone in inverno, fino a 100 in estate, grazie alla fruibilità degli spazi esterni (loggia e giardino).
"Il Paradiso della Brugola" a cura di Luca CallegariTarget ResearchA cura di Luca Callegari
Il caso “Il Paradiso della Brugola” è una simulazione la quale ha lo scopo di evidenziare le potenzialità delle tecniche di Market Basket Analysis. Queste tecniche hanno l’obiettivo di identificare le abitudini d’acquisto dei consumatori per evidenziare affinità esistenti tra prodotti o gruppi di prodotti venduti.
2015 TedXBend sponsorship deckSteve BarhamThis document is a 2015 partnership proposal from TEDxBend. It outlines various partnership levels ranging from $2,500 to $20,000. Higher partnership levels include more tickets to the event, invitations to special events, prominent logo placement, and opportunities to have a booth at the event. TEDxBend aims to build partnerships that surface and support great ideas by bringing together leaders from different fields in Bend, Oregon. The event will be held on April 18, 2015 at Bend High School Auditorium for 1,400 attendees.
Jans portfolio invitations 2013Jan StreitburgerThis document is an invitation and program for the inauguration of Alane Karen Shanks as the tenth president of Pine Manor College. The inauguration will take place on October 14, 2011. The invitation provides details about the inauguration ceremony and reception, as well as contact information for directions, transportation, and hotels. The program outlines seminars and events taking place on October 13th and 14th leading up to the inauguration ceremony, including panels, readings, and a student poster session. Biographies of the new president and past presidents of Pine Manor College are also included to provide context and history.
The event experienceMervyn Maico AldanaThe document discusses the key elements that an event manager must plan for a successful event experience. It outlines five main elements: invitation, registration, atmosphere, program, and treats. For each element, it provides guidance on aspects to consider such as invitation design, registration process, site layout, activity sequencing, and amenities. The overall aim is to create an engaging and memorable multi-sensory experience for attendees through an integrated planning of these different elements.
Sunsilk Activation Case StudyVũ Văn HiểnTuy nội dung đã cũ (từ 2006), case study này của Sunsilk vẫn là một mẫu chuẩn về quy trình planning, lên kế hoạch thực hiện một chương trình kích hoạt thương hiệu (activation).
Từ sơ lược background, vấn đề & mục tiêu của nhãn hàng, đến khám phá insight (sự thật ngầm hiểu), để từ đó đưa ra activation concept và kế hoạch 4-bước kích hoạt thương hiệu: pre-launch (trước khi tung), invitation (giới thiệu / mời gọi), experience (trải nghiệm), amplification (lan toả), tất cả đều rất chuẩn mực, chuyên nghiệp và sáng tạo theo đúng phong cách Unilever.
Một slides đáng để các marketers và brand builders học hỏi.
Event planning guidelines_final_version_4_april_2009Ramess DussoyeThe document provides guidelines for event planning at the University of Oxford. It discusses developing an event proposal and idea, creating an event plan and timeline, and key areas to consider when planning an event, including budgeting, timing, working with VIPs, choosing a venue, managing guest lists, invitations, catering, audio/visual needs, staffing, transportation, publicity, insurance, and name tags/seating charts. The document emphasizes starting planning well in advance, communicating regularly with those involved, and evaluating events after completion. It includes templates for proposals, plans/timelines, budgets, and evaluations.
Christian Community: The Foundation of Discipleship (Building A Better Discip...Jonathan SullivanThis document summarizes Jonathan F. Sullivan's presentation on Christian community. It discusses how the Holy Trinity exemplifies community as three persons in one God, united in perfect love. It provides quotes on how all people form one community and how the Christian community supports catechumens. It also addresses the domestic church, with families modeling Christ's union with the Church and educating children. The document then discusses parishes as places where disciples come together to worship, grow, and serve others. It concludes by addressing affirmative orthodoxy and presenting the Christian faith in a positive light.
Onboarding & Orientation - How to on-board new employees. A Manual for HR and...HRM ToolshopIs the on-boarding of new hires in your Company left to the Hiring Managers’ inspiration of the day? Do you want to help one of your clients in professionalizing their on-boarding process by offering them practical and effective on-boarding & orientation tools? Are you looking for best practices to ensure a successful integration of new employees in your company?
Step by step, this Guide describes how to thoroughly prepare the start of a new employee, organize an On-boarding Day, help the employee to get acclimatized in the new work environment, take care of the relevant post-arrival actions.
For each step in the Guide, you will be introduced to the relevant tools and templates and how to complete them: a Manual to help the Line Manager with the on-boarding process, an On-boarding Checklist, an Orientation Brochure, a Template for a First Impression Interview, and so much more.
Five Steps to a world class onboarding program presentationEmilyBenningtonOnboarding is gaining a lot of traction in business lately – and for good reason. When implemented effectively, onboarding programs have been proven to dramatically reduce expenses by helping your new staff assimilate faster, stay longer, and deliver better. For mid-to-senior level managers who want to learn how it works - including best practices from companies that are getting it right – this presentation is a must-attend. Emily Bennington, coauthor of Effective Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job, will show you how to design and implement a successful onboarding program for your intern and new grad hires that will address both YOUR organizational goals and THEIR career planning needs. You’ve made a significant investment recruiting top talent, right? So keep the promise you’ve made during the hiring cycle and give them the best possible chance to succeed in your organization FROM BEFORE DAY ONE.
Gapingvoid: How To Supercharge Your EventGapingvoid Culture Design GroupCartoons and visual communications are a great way to make an event awesome - before, during and after the event. For more info contact events@gapingvoid.com.
Using Events As Content MarketingJeff HurtIt's the power of story. Discover how to transform your event into a storytelling factory, engaging your prospects and customers in all the right channels with the right messages. A recent report showed that 9 out of 10 organizations market with content regardless of their size or industry. 62 percent of those B2B marketers use events as an important tactic in their marketing strategy. In fact, face-to-face events is the third most popular form of content marketing behind social media and articles. Discover how to position your event as a memorable content marketing experience.
How Hotels Can Use Social Media to Attract Event PlannersJulius SolarisA presentation from a popular post I made on www.eventmanagererblog.com - you can access full notes here -> http://www.eventmanagerblog.com/marketing/hotels-social-media-meeting-planners
Zonauno presentazione conventionKeyMoveUna veloce presentazione delle case history legate al mondo delle convention ed eventi di cui abbiamo fatto la regia, la direzione creativa e in alcuni casi anche il team building
Programma "Estatè dei ragazzi"Comune di BariIl cartellone de "L'EstatÈ dei Ragazzi", da oggi, lunedì 11 giugno, e fino al 9 settembre prossimo, coinvolgerà tutte le circoscrizioni cittadine attraverso un ricco programma di attività gratuite per i ragazzi.
Attraverso la rete dei C.A.P. - Centri aperti polivalenti per minori e dei C.A.F. - Centri di ascolto per le famiglie comunali e grazie all'impegno condiviso delle cooperative e delle imprese sociali del terzo settore, tanti saranno gli eventi rivolti ai bambini, agli adolescenti e alle loro famiglie nel periodo di chiusura delle scuole.
"Si tratta di un calendario programmato nei minimi dettagli con le realtà del terzo settore - ha dichiarato Ludovico Abbaticchio - costruito in modo tale che i minori possano trovare risposte qualificate ai loro bisogni durante la stagione estiva. Spero che l'impegno continuo di questa Amministrazione nei confronti delle fasce più deboli della cittadinanza possa essere confermato anche il prossimo anno, data l'entità dei tagli che il Governo ci impone. Noi continueremo certamente a fare la nostra parte, ma è necessario l'impegno di tutti".
Molte, dunque, le iniziative de "L'EstatÈ dei Ragazzi": dai Centri estivi, proposti durante le ore mattutine, ai Campi scuola con laboratori e attività tematiche, dagli Spazi Giovani, rivolti agli adolescenti, all'Estate in famiglia, grazie alla quale genitori e figli potranno incontrarsi, giocare insieme e partecipare a gite e soggiorni vacanza.
Numerosi anche gli eventi come feste, spettacoli e attività ludiche di ogni genere, aperti a tutta la cittadinanza e rivolti, in particolare, ai residenti di ciascuna delle nove circoscrizioni.
"Durante questa lunga estate - ha detto Andrea Mori - la città diverrà, di fatto, dei ragazzi. Attraverso il lavoro di squadra delle cooperative e delle imprese sociali che gestiscono i servizi affidati dal Comune, saremo in grado di offrire ai più piccoli innumerevoli spunti per divertirsi e socializzare garantendo un importante sostegno ai più grandi".
Ad aprire e chiudere la programmazione due eventi speciali: la nuova edizione di "Parchi Aperti", che a partire da oggi e per tutti i pomeriggi estivi proporrà diverse attività di animazione nei parchi 2 Giugno e Don Tonino Bello; e le "Olimpiadi dei quartieri", che sabato 8 settembre vedrà sfidarsi minori e adulti di tutti i quartieri della città in diverse discipline legate ai giochi tradizionali e a quelli di strada, per una chiusura col botto.
Il programma delle attività è stato definito dalle cooperative sociali affidatarie dei servizi - Progetto Città, Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II, Gea, Operamica, Occupazione e Solidarietà, Esedra, Itaca, Caps,
Rossa e LaFlûte - eventi in FranciacortaRossa D-Thinking AgencyEventi fino a 50 persone in inverno, fino a 100 in estate, grazie alla fruibilità degli spazi esterni (loggia e giardino).
"Il Paradiso della Brugola" a cura di Luca CallegariTarget ResearchA cura di Luca Callegari
Il caso “Il Paradiso della Brugola” è una simulazione la quale ha lo scopo di evidenziare le potenzialità delle tecniche di Market Basket Analysis. Queste tecniche hanno l’obiettivo di identificare le abitudini d’acquisto dei consumatori per evidenziare affinità esistenti tra prodotti o gruppi di prodotti venduti.
2015 TedXBend sponsorship deckSteve BarhamThis document is a 2015 partnership proposal from TEDxBend. It outlines various partnership levels ranging from $2,500 to $20,000. Higher partnership levels include more tickets to the event, invitations to special events, prominent logo placement, and opportunities to have a booth at the event. TEDxBend aims to build partnerships that surface and support great ideas by bringing together leaders from different fields in Bend, Oregon. The event will be held on April 18, 2015 at Bend High School Auditorium for 1,400 attendees.
Jans portfolio invitations 2013Jan StreitburgerThis document is an invitation and program for the inauguration of Alane Karen Shanks as the tenth president of Pine Manor College. The inauguration will take place on October 14, 2011. The invitation provides details about the inauguration ceremony and reception, as well as contact information for directions, transportation, and hotels. The program outlines seminars and events taking place on October 13th and 14th leading up to the inauguration ceremony, including panels, readings, and a student poster session. Biographies of the new president and past presidents of Pine Manor College are also included to provide context and history.
The event experienceMervyn Maico AldanaThe document discusses the key elements that an event manager must plan for a successful event experience. It outlines five main elements: invitation, registration, atmosphere, program, and treats. For each element, it provides guidance on aspects to consider such as invitation design, registration process, site layout, activity sequencing, and amenities. The overall aim is to create an engaging and memorable multi-sensory experience for attendees through an integrated planning of these different elements.
Sunsilk Activation Case StudyVũ Văn HiểnTuy nội dung đã cũ (từ 2006), case study này của Sunsilk vẫn là một mẫu chuẩn về quy trình planning, lên kế hoạch thực hiện một chương trình kích hoạt thương hiệu (activation).
Từ sơ lược background, vấn đề & mục tiêu của nhãn hàng, đến khám phá insight (sự thật ngầm hiểu), để từ đó đưa ra activation concept và kế hoạch 4-bước kích hoạt thương hiệu: pre-launch (trước khi tung), invitation (giới thiệu / mời gọi), experience (trải nghiệm), amplification (lan toả), tất cả đều rất chuẩn mực, chuyên nghiệp và sáng tạo theo đúng phong cách Unilever.
Một slides đáng để các marketers và brand builders học hỏi.
Event planning guidelines_final_version_4_april_2009Ramess DussoyeThe document provides guidelines for event planning at the University of Oxford. It discusses developing an event proposal and idea, creating an event plan and timeline, and key areas to consider when planning an event, including budgeting, timing, working with VIPs, choosing a venue, managing guest lists, invitations, catering, audio/visual needs, staffing, transportation, publicity, insurance, and name tags/seating charts. The document emphasizes starting planning well in advance, communicating regularly with those involved, and evaluating events after completion. It includes templates for proposals, plans/timelines, budgets, and evaluations.
Christian Community: The Foundation of Discipleship (Building A Better Discip...Jonathan SullivanThis document summarizes Jonathan F. Sullivan's presentation on Christian community. It discusses how the Holy Trinity exemplifies community as three persons in one God, united in perfect love. It provides quotes on how all people form one community and how the Christian community supports catechumens. It also addresses the domestic church, with families modeling Christ's union with the Church and educating children. The document then discusses parishes as places where disciples come together to worship, grow, and serve others. It concludes by addressing affirmative orthodoxy and presenting the Christian faith in a positive light.
Onboarding & Orientation - How to on-board new employees. A Manual for HR and...HRM ToolshopIs the on-boarding of new hires in your Company left to the Hiring Managers’ inspiration of the day? Do you want to help one of your clients in professionalizing their on-boarding process by offering them practical and effective on-boarding & orientation tools? Are you looking for best practices to ensure a successful integration of new employees in your company?
Step by step, this Guide describes how to thoroughly prepare the start of a new employee, organize an On-boarding Day, help the employee to get acclimatized in the new work environment, take care of the relevant post-arrival actions.
For each step in the Guide, you will be introduced to the relevant tools and templates and how to complete them: a Manual to help the Line Manager with the on-boarding process, an On-boarding Checklist, an Orientation Brochure, a Template for a First Impression Interview, and so much more.
Five Steps to a world class onboarding program presentationEmilyBenningtonOnboarding is gaining a lot of traction in business lately – and for good reason. When implemented effectively, onboarding programs have been proven to dramatically reduce expenses by helping your new staff assimilate faster, stay longer, and deliver better. For mid-to-senior level managers who want to learn how it works - including best practices from companies that are getting it right – this presentation is a must-attend. Emily Bennington, coauthor of Effective Immediately: How to Fit In, Stand Out, and Move Up at Your First Real Job, will show you how to design and implement a successful onboarding program for your intern and new grad hires that will address both YOUR organizational goals and THEIR career planning needs. You’ve made a significant investment recruiting top talent, right? So keep the promise you’ve made during the hiring cycle and give them the best possible chance to succeed in your organization FROM BEFORE DAY ONE.
Gapingvoid: How To Supercharge Your EventGapingvoid Culture Design GroupCartoons and visual communications are a great way to make an event awesome - before, during and after the event. For more info contact events@gapingvoid.com.
Using Events As Content MarketingJeff HurtIt's the power of story. Discover how to transform your event into a storytelling factory, engaging your prospects and customers in all the right channels with the right messages. A recent report showed that 9 out of 10 organizations market with content regardless of their size or industry. 62 percent of those B2B marketers use events as an important tactic in their marketing strategy. In fact, face-to-face events is the third most popular form of content marketing behind social media and articles. Discover how to position your event as a memorable content marketing experience.
How Hotels Can Use Social Media to Attract Event PlannersJulius SolarisA presentation from a popular post I made on www.eventmanagererblog.com - you can access full notes here -> http://www.eventmanagerblog.com/marketing/hotels-social-media-meeting-planners
Dream Light Show 2013Alexey IvanykinШоу проект «Dream Lights» - это огненное, светодиодное, пиротехническое шоу на любое торжество!
Для каждой аудитории мы подберём подходящую шоу программу из большого многообразия наших номеров.
О шоу много говорить не стоит, лучше один раз посмотреть, что мы и предлагаем сделать на страницах нашего сайта, а лучше в живую, на Вашем мероприятии!
Мы знаем, чем удивить самого искушённого зрителя!
Наши контакты:
mob.tel.: +7 701 733 94 23
BOOKING alex.ivanykin@gmail.com
Официальный канал: http://www.youtube.com/user/DreamLightsShow
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DreamLightsShow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/DreamLightsShow
Официальный сайт: www.dl-show.kz
2. Шоу проект «Dream Lights»Наше шоу проводится на профессиональном уровне и именно благодаря нам, гости не могут отвести восхищенных глаз от завораживающего танца с огнем и светом, который показывает почти неограниченную свободу и ловкость человеческого тела.
3. Шоу проект «Dream Lights»Наши выступления не имеют аналогов в Казахстане, что обусловлено использованием эксклюзивных светодиодных костюмов и реквизита.
4. FIRE SHOW или Огненное Шоу - одно из разновидностей циркового искусства, заключающееся в исполнении акробатических приемов с реквизитом, увенчанным одним или несколькими горящими фитилями.
5. Огонь – символ страсти Огненное шоу - интерактивная программа. Экспрессивный танец приковывает взгляд, захватывает дыхание, завораживает.
18. Одним из важных составляющих аспектов нашей работы, является безопасность. Мы используем реквизит, сделанный по специальному заказу из высококачественных несгораемых материалов. Перед выступлением каждый раз тщательно проверяем площадку и осматриваем реквизит.
19. УслугиУчастие на :Свадьбах, корпоративах, open-air мероприятиях и любых торжествах. Праздники, дни рождения, торжества, будь то свадьба или корпоративные мероприятия, что требует самого ответственного отношения к своей организации. Как говорится, отдых – дело серьезное. Хорошая организация предусматривает наполнение атмосферы чувством радостного ожидания праздника, чего – то необычного, невиданного и сказочного.
20. Примеры выступленийУчастие в Mega Dance Festival «Ibiza»Участие в Vip Open-Air Marina Club,зона отдыха «Esperanza»Участие в Open-Air клуба«Крыша», зона отдыха «Gavana» г. КопчагайУчастие вшоу программе на закрытие X Спартакиады Национальной Атомной Компании «Казатомпром»Открытие ночного клуба «Рояль»Проект «Rap Star. KZ»Black Helloween Party, Almaty Towers Ивент «Unights»презентация ТМ «Sobranie Prestige»в клубе «Гоголь»Открытие ночного клуба «Friday»Презентация «Love Radio»в г. Алматы, клуб «Гоголь»Новогодний корпоратив компании «Petro Kazakhstan», г. КызылордаУчастие в крупномасштабном мероприятии праздника «Наурыз», площадь «Астана» г. АлматыУчастие в проекте Народные гуляния «Кайырлыкеш» Центральная площадь, Байтерек, г. АстанаДень рождения ТРЦ "GLOBUS"
21. Клиенты и партнёрыТеатр трапезы и развлечений «Гоголь» Ночной клуб «Крыша» Ночной клуб «My Town»Ночной клуб «Склад»Ночной клуб «Рояль»Ночной клуб «Friday»Ночной клуб «Black city»Ресторан «Bellagio»Ресторан «Гакку»Ресторан «Арайлым»Агентство «Гротеск»Агентство «EventDiscovery»Агентство «La Joie»Агентство «Каталина»Агентство «Tutsy»Свадебный портал www.yanevesta.kzВедущая Яна БобрыкаВедущий Роман АльманскийАгентство «Овация»Студия «Fly»Студия «Партизан»Проект «Rap Star.kz»
48. Наши цены:Цены договорные, и зависят от :места проведения (удалённости от города) и времени проведения программы, сценария программы (является ли программа готовой или разрабатывается специально под мероприятие)количества номеров в программе,дополнительных пожеланий заказчика.
49. Жизнь огня и света– это вечное движение, распространение и поглощение. Это триумф и победоносный танец. Ночь, музыка, ритм и огонь – вот что подарит вам коллектив «Dream Lights».
51. Мы знаем, чем удивить самого искушённого зрителя!Контакты:+7 701 733 94 23, +7 707 35 000 76e-mail: alex.ivanykin@gmail.com dream_lights@mail.ruSkype: alex.ivanykinwww.dreamlights.kz