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I still looked at him and smiled. He had just returned to the highway bar for a beer and get cool in 
AC. He was fit for the last four hours and was tired and very hot. 
Bar was a typical small town in the middle of nowhere, country redneck bar with a combination of 
farmers and cyclists and all around low-rent types. Bar was built in the type of horse shoe shape 
against one side, and a few small booths and tables filled the rest of the site. There was a small 
dance floor and several pool tables in the back. He sat at the end of the rod, which is furthest from 
the door. Never liked his back to the door, just in case. Trucker he was riding to let him on the road 
4 and 21 bit crossroads when trucker began to turn to the east. Drifter headed for California. 
Someday. Eventually. At the time. 
She sat directly across from the bar it just below a large flat-screen TV showing the latest ESPN 
news. He saw her several times she got up from her seat at the bar and walked past him toward the 
back. She was about 25, maybe 26th Hard to say. She was wearing a short blue denim skirt that 
showed off some good legs. She had a small blouse that she tried to keep her large breasts in place. 
It was a typical, Mid-western corn fed farm girl with wide hips and big boned. She was an attractive, 
blond, dumb, too preoccupied with themselves, and they want to cause any trouble. 
At the time, he was sitting there nursing his beer and cooling in AC, she has come and gone 
backwards, but always returned to her bar stool and smiled at him with a coy, come hither look. 
There were many people in the bar. It was still only about 5 in the afternoon. It would still be light 
for a few hours, at this time of summer. He had no where to go and what to do, so maybe it would be 
worth running. In the worst case, it could let him sleep on your floor if you play your cards right. 
He thought it upon themselves to once again walked away from him backwards. He focused on the 
TV because some sprayed sportscaster blabbed about the Yanks and Red Sox. Thinking about buying 
another beer when he noticed her go back around the bar. He noticed how her short skirt flipped 
back as her hips swayed and her big breasts moved in his short top. She sat on a stool, and lifted her 
glass. When he raised his glass to her bright bubble-gum pink lips, she looked at him over the rim of 
the glass with a mischievous look in his eyes. 
He did not like that look. She's up to something, and felt the danger coming at him. He was going to 
throw your money at the bar and leave, but it was too late. 
"Hey, asshole, what are you looking at?" 
The tramp turned and looked over his shoulder at the two men standing behind him with anger in 
his eyes. 
"Do you mean me?" 
"Yeah asshole, I mean you, what the hell are you doing?" 
"Nothing man, what's the problem?" 
"You are my wife's eyes, and it will stop immediately."
"Hey, I'm just sitting here drinking my beer and trying to stay cool." 
"No, sir cool man, I saw that he looked at her. Saw her smile at you. To play here." 
"Hey, man, I'm sorry! No offense, I do not want no problems, ok." 
"Too late, you bastard! Problem is here!" 
Drifter slowly turned his chair and looked at the two men. A friend was stocky, muscular man of 5'11 
". Looked strong, but also looked fat and drunk. Guy behind him was tall and thin, but it does cue in 
hand. How few people that were in the bar looked in their direction. Room in There was silence, 
except for George Jones croaking on the jukebox. 
"Hey Ron, back. I do not fight here!" barmaid said a rogue. 
"Shutup, bitch! Kick your ass guy," friend yelled at the bartender. 
"Look, sir, we do not do it," said the tramp slowly. 
"Oh, my," said the friend. 
Hobo noticed friend move his weight to get more balance. He was about to strike. Tall guy took a 
step back to her boyfriend of more space. A friend telegraphed his shot long before they actually 
threw it. The punch was a wild, wide swing repetitions, a drifter fit easily into her and blocked her 
left arm. At the same time, he brought his open right hand directly into the boy's nose. He felt the 
nose cartilage crumble and break under his hand like a friend's nose exploded in a shower of blood 
and mucus. Once landed right hobo has dropped his left shoulder and brought his fist up somewhere 
around the knee. In the upper left section boyfriend caught square on the chin with a hard pop, and 
his head snapped back. Good night! A friend was out on his feet, and he fell to the ground in a pile. 
Tall guy was caught completely by surprise, but trying to keep the pool cue to swing at it. Drifter 
kicked his right foot landed on a tall man in the stomach. The tall man went flying backwards and hit 
the table behind him. He fell back on the table and landed on command by the pool, which snapped 
in half. The tall man slowly climbed to his feet and turned around. He was shocked and a little 
stunned, but he still had one end of a broken pool cue in his right hand. He began to sway back and 
forth as he approached the rogue. Tramp quickly made a round house kick that caught the tall guy 
right in the face and sent him crashing to the ground again. He quickly grabbed his arm with a pool 
cue, and he delivered three quick jabs to the tall guy's face and was gone. 
The entire fight lasted about 30 seconds at most, and the two men lay broken on the ground. The 
room was still except for George Jones singing. No one moved or said anything. Drifter turned and 
looked at the bartender, and she just looked at him with fear in her eyes. It was time to go and fast. 
He reached under his chair and picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He put five down at 
the bar and headed for the door. He walked out into the late afternoon heat and headed across the 
gravel parking lot. He was about to head down the road toward the Interstate, hoping to ride before 
the police arrived, and the two guys woke up and went to look for him. He was halfway across the 
parking lot, when a voice called to him. 
"Hey, where are you going?" 
He looked over his shoulder and saw a girl running after him. Her big tits bouncing with every step
she took. She stopped about ten feet from him. She ran her fingers through his hair, moving her 
eyes. Her eyes were very bright blue. 
"Where are you going?" she asked again. 
"I'm getting out of here. When they come, too, that to kill me." 
"You from around here?" 
"No, I'm headed for the Interstate. Currently browsing." 
"I'll drive. This is my car over there," she said, pointing to a late model Ford pick-up parked in front 
of the bar. 
"I thought you were with dumbasses." 
"I am, but what there was so hot Wow! I've never seen anything like this!. Where'd you learn that?" 
"Marines. So you're going to give me a ride on the highway?" 
"Yeah. Course. Come." 
She turned and started to pick up. He watched her move her ass and her tits bounce as he ran for 
the truck. Well, it could be much worse and had to drop out now. So ... He followed her to the car, 
threw the backpack on his back and climbed in. She put the key and turned it. Big V-8 roared to life 
and threw it into reverse. Truck fired back in a gravel parking lot and skidded to a stop. Then she 
tossed it into the drive and hit the gas, and the truck went screaming from the parking lot and the 
highway, narrowly missing an oncoming car. 
He quickly looked at her to see what other horrific automobile trick that will try and his eyes stayed 
there. She smiled a huge smile as hot dry air blew through her hair. Her large chest rose and fell in 
excitement and her nipples were pushing through the thin fabric of her halter as two pencil points. 
She was turned on everything. He rode with a nut job! 
"So what's your name?" she shouted over the roaring engine when he flew down the highway. 
"Hank. How is it with you?" 
"Linda," she said as she turned her head and smiled at him. It was actually pretty with her blond 
hair, blue eyes and white smile. Quite trailer park in any way. "So, Hank, where are you?" 
"Well, if you're here. Funneled Just on my way west." 
"Where are you going, too?" 
"California, eventually., But now only with my time, I saw the earth." 
"I want to go to California someday. Look at the beach and movie stars." 
"Who were those guys there?"
"One of them is my husband and the other is his best friend, Tom." 
"One of those guys is your husband," Hank said incredulously, "and I kicked his ass, and you gave 
me a ride and why?" 
"He deserved it. This SOB, cheap prick." 
Tramp at her amazed just stared. Her body was highlighted by the setting sun. Wind blowing 
through her hair, her big tits straining against her small top and short skirt riding up on those sexy 
thighs. He knew he was going to fuck her. No doubt about it. But the fact that she would fuck him 
after beating her husband when he only floor. No, its not a problem. 
They flew along state road 21 to 80 mph headed north on Interstate 70 and the small town of 
Grainfield, Kansas. They were about 60 km away, and he wondered if he really wanted her to go all 
the way there. He sat back and enjoyed the view and the breeze blowing through the window pulled. 
Vista in every direction was flat and dusty in the late summer sun. They were in farmland - a large 
farm and there were a few houses anywhere. She reached out and slid the disk into the CD player, 
and Nirvana came blasting out of the speakers. Again she smiled at him and he just watched as her 
breasts bounced up and down every time I hit a bump in the road. After he was driving about 20 
minutes, the truck started to slow down, and she reached over and turned the music down. 
"Hey, you mind if I stop and take a loo? There are no gas station for miles." 
"Sure, you have to do." Hank offered. 
"Great. There is a place in the front, which is a bit of privacy." 
She slowed and turned onto a small dirt road. Truck bounced and jerked as he hit every pot hole in 
the road, and her breasts do the same. They were jumping so much that he wondered if he ever hurt 
when he flew around the chest. After about a mile, is pulled onto a dirt road to a small stand of trees 
and killed the engine. It suddenly became very quiet. In a few moments he just sat quietly and 
listened. All you could hear was the wind blowing through the trees and the sound of running water. 
"If the sound of water coming from?" he asked. 
"Oh, that's Smoky Hill River. This is on the other side of those trees. Love it here. This is the only 
place I know here, it gives you the feeling that you're somewhere else and not in Kansas anymore." 
They sat there some more and the silence grew. He knew that he wanted to make the first move, but 
he will wait for her. He had all the time in the world. She looked at him and licked her glossy pink 
lips with the tip of his tongue. 
"Do you need to pee?" he asked. 
She smiled and blushed. "So how did you learn all combat stuff? That was amazing!" 
"Have you ever heard about Army Rangers?" She shook her head yes. "I was in the naval version of 
that. We learned a lot of things, including fighting hand to hand." 
"You were in Iraq?"
"No, I was in Afghanistan. For a little while. Kicked me out of the Marines." 
"Why?" she asked, hanging on his every word. 
"My friend and I are caught in a fire fight outside of Kabul. We were sent to a shit-for-brains captain. 
He sent us without adequate protection or backup, and several people died unnecessarily. Friend of 
mine died and I got hurt.'ve Been in the hospital for several weeks. I was really happy., but when I 
got released from the hospital, I was sent back to his unit. First thing I did was to find that the 
captain and kick his ass., I was thrown into prison and given a dishonorable discharge. " 
"Wow. Scars you have?" 
"Can I see them?" 
He pulled the shirt over his head and turned away from her body. On its left side, could clearly see 
three circular scars grouped a long jagged scar running down his side. Scar tissue was pale color 
that stood against almost bronze color of his sun-baked skin. With his fingertips, he easily follow the 
contour of each scar. After a few moments he leaned back in his seat. She could not help but notice 
his hard pecks and washboard flat stomach. Fingers continue to monitor your body drifting over his 
flat stomach and up to his well developed chest. He took her hand and pulled her to him. His mouth 
hungrily sought her, and pushed his tongue deep into her mouth. Tightly hugged him, and he felt her 
big tits mashed chest. She moaned deep in her throat when she kissed him back fiercely. It tasted 
like whiskey and cigarettes and chewing gum all rolled together. Their tongues dueled with each 
other, their passion grew. Finally he thrust violation kiss. Her eyes were wild with passion as her 
hands went for the snap and zipper of his jeans. When they were open, reached inside his pants 
looking penis. What is inside his pants surprised the hell out of it. 
She quickly found a hard dense muscle meat, and she smile to think that Hank's penis was 
considerable, it will be very nice fuck. But when he tried to pull his pants snake out, it's still only on 
"What have you got there?" she asked as she struggled with pants. 
Hank is a thumbs hooked in his belt has shifted his pants down his thighs while lifted butt on the 
seat. His giant hard thick muscular penis came out of hiding and jumped almost hit her in the face. 
"Holy Jesus!" Linda muttered as she looked in awe at the giant phallic front of her. Hank's penis was 
huge. It was over 11 inches long and as thick as his wrist. It was topped with a large mushroom-shaped 
head, which was already leaking pre-cum from the piss slit. 
"Good God! This is the biggest cock I've ever seen," she marveled as she began gently stroking both 
hands. Hank was just sitting there enjoying the feel of her soft hands and the respect of his penis. 
Gently placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her down to his penis. She did not resist 
at all, while her mouth came into contact with his massive cock. Her tongue darted out and licked 
the pre-cum from his giant head. Then slowly started to run his tongue around the head, licking and 
licking covering the top of his dick with her hot saliva. When the head was completely coated and 
wet, she brought him to her lips and sucked into the mouth. The sheer breadth of his penis lips 
stretched so wide that hardly his penis into her mouth. Slowly, she worked on his cock head moves 
back and forth. Little by little, she managed to work more and more of his giant penis into her
mouth. Hank sat back, watching as horny, over-sexed woman and is trying to suck his giant cock into 
her hot little mouth. It was good. No doubt about it. He sighed and closed his eyes, how she 
managed to get 4-5 inches steel hard penis into her mouth. Her saliva drooling from the mouth and 
ran down the sides of his penis where her hands were continued stroking his massive penis up and 
down. Finally, after a few minutes he jaw pain from his towering dick and take a deep breath. 
"God, you're so fat I do not know if I can get you into my pussy," she gasped as she looked at the 
column of male flesh swing before your eyes. 
"We'll see. Bet it will go." Drifter said as she pushed back toward the driver's side. She leaned 
against the door and brought her feet on the seat. When he looked into his face, he reached under 
her short skirt, found the passport of her panties and pulled them down. He threw them on the floor 
of the car and lifted the hem of her skirt. Slowly, very pink and very wet pussy come into view. She 
was a natural blonde with small landing strip of hair just above her clit. When, where else was as 
smooth as silk. He took her legs and put them on both sides. This caused her pussy lips to divide and 
expand, and saw how wet and warm she was. It seemed like there was steam rising from her cunt, 
and suddenly it was very hot in the cab of the truck. He put his finger in her mouth and covered it 
with his saliva. Then slowly slid his finger into her hot wet channel. She tilted her head back and 
moaned softly as his fingers pushed deep into her burning cunt. 
"God, you are completely wet. This will not be hard at all. I'm going to fuck her tight little pussy," 
said the tramp as pulled his finger out of her hot cunt licking cream from her. He moved forward on 
the seat between his legs. She stared in amazement as thick column of flesh waved and hopped over 
the seat looking for the warmth of her nice pussy. The sheer size of it was overwhelming. 
"But go slow!" she pleaded. 
"I do not want to hurt you, I promise." 
Hank with his giant dick in her hand and started rubbing big head up and down the wet, smooth lips 
of her hot pussy coating on the head with her juices. He rubbed his head up and down her juicy slit 
several times always with great attention to her rock hard clit. He nudged her and rubbed it on 
every stroke his penis, her cry of protest. 
"Oh Fuck, put it in! But I want you to do wrong. Come FUCK ME!" 
He put his giant head between her wet cunt lips and slowly pushed forward. Big head slowly moved 
forward pushing her tight mouth burning cunt. She felt the pressure build as large head pressed 
against her hot fuck hole. The head seemed too big to fit inside her hungry cunt when suddenly, the 
muscles in the mouth of her cunt subsided, and three inches thick hard cock buried in her hot 
buttery cunt. 
"UUUNNNHHHHH!" She moaned at the sudden intrusion. Pressure on their internal was amazing. 
Even with only three inches of his rising penis inside her, she felt stuffed. As she gets more of him 
inside her pussy? 
Hank was the expert on that little cunt open to his giant penis. It just took a little time and patience, 
and soon it will be like a bitch in heat beg for his huge pussy pleaser. He let his head rest penis, 
where it was a few moments until her pussy adjusted to his district. Then slowly began to sway your 
hips forward and backward. She watched in fascination as he slowly, inch by inch Hank's long thick 
penis disappeared into her steaming pussy. Her tight pussy tight around his big cock and her cunt
muscles seemed to be trying to pull more of his prick into her. Drifter fucked her nice and slow, 
feeding another inch into her pussy every few strokes and began to cum almost at once. She was so 
stretched his massive dick inside the folds of her pussy seem to be completely eliminated. He 
touched her in places we did not know had. Initially, her orgasm seemed mild, but pushed more and 
more into the penis to orgasm has more. The angle of his thrusts caused his penis to rub her 
throbbing clit with each stroke inside or out. The combination of the clitoris and vagina stimulation 
drove her mad with lust. His penis met with resistance to eight inches and stopped moving his hips. 
He was not lying on top of her; he was still between her thighs about 3 inches. She was sweating and 
breathing hard, but she looked like she was in heaven.

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Story To Reflect Upon 15,16


  • 1. Drifter I still looked at him and smiled. He had just returned to the highway bar for a beer and get cool in AC. He was fit for the last four hours and was tired and very hot. Bar was a typical small town in the middle of nowhere, country redneck bar with a combination of farmers and cyclists and all around low-rent types. Bar was built in the type of horse shoe shape against one side, and a few small booths and tables filled the rest of the site. There was a small dance floor and several pool tables in the back. He sat at the end of the rod, which is furthest from the door. Never liked his back to the door, just in case. Trucker he was riding to let him on the road 4 and 21 bit crossroads when trucker began to turn to the east. Drifter headed for California. Someday. Eventually. At the time. She sat directly across from the bar it just below a large flat-screen TV showing the latest ESPN news. He saw her several times she got up from her seat at the bar and walked past him toward the back. She was about 25, maybe 26th Hard to say. She was wearing a short blue denim skirt that showed off some good legs. She had a small blouse that she tried to keep her large breasts in place. It was a typical, Mid-western corn fed farm girl with wide hips and big boned. She was an attractive, blond, dumb, too preoccupied with themselves, and they want to cause any trouble. At the time, he was sitting there nursing his beer and cooling in AC, she has come and gone backwards, but always returned to her bar stool and smiled at him with a coy, come hither look. There were many people in the bar. It was still only about 5 in the afternoon. It would still be light for a few hours, at this time of summer. He had no where to go and what to do, so maybe it would be worth running. In the worst case, it could let him sleep on your floor if you play your cards right. He thought it upon themselves to once again walked away from him backwards. He focused on the TV because some sprayed sportscaster blabbed about the Yanks and Red Sox. Thinking about buying another beer when he noticed her go back around the bar. He noticed how her short skirt flipped back as her hips swayed and her big breasts moved in his short top. She sat on a stool, and lifted her glass. When he raised his glass to her bright bubble-gum pink lips, she looked at him over the rim of the glass with a mischievous look in his eyes. He did not like that look. She's up to something, and felt the danger coming at him. He was going to throw your money at the bar and leave, but it was too late. "Hey, asshole, what are you looking at?" The tramp turned and looked over his shoulder at the two men standing behind him with anger in his eyes. "Do you mean me?" "Yeah asshole, I mean you, what the hell are you doing?" "Nothing man, what's the problem?" "You are my wife's eyes, and it will stop immediately."
  • 2. "Hey, I'm just sitting here drinking my beer and trying to stay cool." "No, sir cool man, I saw that he looked at her. Saw her smile at you. To play here." "Hey, man, I'm sorry! No offense, I do not want no problems, ok." "Too late, you bastard! Problem is here!" Drifter slowly turned his chair and looked at the two men. A friend was stocky, muscular man of 5'11 ". Looked strong, but also looked fat and drunk. Guy behind him was tall and thin, but it does cue in hand. How few people that were in the bar looked in their direction. Room in There was silence, except for George Jones croaking on the jukebox. "Hey Ron, back. I do not fight here!" barmaid said a rogue. "Shutup, bitch! Kick your ass guy," friend yelled at the bartender. "Look, sir, we do not do it," said the tramp slowly. "Oh, my," said the friend. Hobo noticed friend move his weight to get more balance. He was about to strike. Tall guy took a step back to her boyfriend of more space. A friend telegraphed his shot long before they actually threw it. The punch was a wild, wide swing repetitions, a drifter fit easily into her and blocked her left arm. At the same time, he brought his open right hand directly into the boy's nose. He felt the nose cartilage crumble and break under his hand like a friend's nose exploded in a shower of blood and mucus. Once landed right hobo has dropped his left shoulder and brought his fist up somewhere around the knee. In the upper left section boyfriend caught square on the chin with a hard pop, and his head snapped back. Good night! A friend was out on his feet, and he fell to the ground in a pile. Tall guy was caught completely by surprise, but trying to keep the pool cue to swing at it. Drifter kicked his right foot landed on a tall man in the stomach. The tall man went flying backwards and hit the table behind him. He fell back on the table and landed on command by the pool, which snapped in half. The tall man slowly climbed to his feet and turned around. He was shocked and a little stunned, but he still had one end of a broken pool cue in his right hand. He began to sway back and forth as he approached the rogue. Tramp quickly made a round house kick that caught the tall guy right in the face and sent him crashing to the ground again. He quickly grabbed his arm with a pool cue, and he delivered three quick jabs to the tall guy's face and was gone. The entire fight lasted about 30 seconds at most, and the two men lay broken on the ground. The room was still except for George Jones singing. No one moved or said anything. Drifter turned and looked at the bartender, and she just looked at him with fear in her eyes. It was time to go and fast. He reached under his chair and picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He put five down at the bar and headed for the door. He walked out into the late afternoon heat and headed across the gravel parking lot. He was about to head down the road toward the Interstate, hoping to ride before the police arrived, and the two guys woke up and went to look for him. He was halfway across the parking lot, when a voice called to him. "Hey, where are you going?" He looked over his shoulder and saw a girl running after him. Her big tits bouncing with every step
  • 3. she took. She stopped about ten feet from him. She ran her fingers through his hair, moving her eyes. Her eyes were very bright blue. "Where are you going?" she asked again. "I'm getting out of here. When they come, too, that to kill me." "You from around here?" "No, I'm headed for the Interstate. Currently browsing." "I'll drive. This is my car over there," she said, pointing to a late model Ford pick-up parked in front of the bar. "I thought you were with dumbasses." "I am, but what there was so hot Wow! I've never seen anything like this!. Where'd you learn that?" "Marines. So you're going to give me a ride on the highway?" "Yeah. Course. Come." She turned and started to pick up. He watched her move her ass and her tits bounce as he ran for the truck. Well, it could be much worse and had to drop out now. So ... He followed her to the car, threw the backpack on his back and climbed in. She put the key and turned it. Big V-8 roared to life and threw it into reverse. Truck fired back in a gravel parking lot and skidded to a stop. Then she tossed it into the drive and hit the gas, and the truck went screaming from the parking lot and the highway, narrowly missing an oncoming car. He quickly looked at her to see what other horrific automobile trick that will try and his eyes stayed there. She smiled a huge smile as hot dry air blew through her hair. Her large chest rose and fell in excitement and her nipples were pushing through the thin fabric of her halter as two pencil points. She was turned on everything. He rode with a nut job! "So what's your name?" she shouted over the roaring engine when he flew down the highway. "Hank. How is it with you?" "Linda," she said as she turned her head and smiled at him. It was actually pretty with her blond hair, blue eyes and white smile. Quite trailer park in any way. "So, Hank, where are you?" "Well, if you're here. Funneled Just on my way west." "Where are you going, too?" "California, eventually., But now only with my time, I saw the earth." "I want to go to California someday. Look at the beach and movie stars." "Who were those guys there?"
  • 4. "One of them is my husband and the other is his best friend, Tom." "One of those guys is your husband," Hank said incredulously, "and I kicked his ass, and you gave me a ride and why?" "He deserved it. This SOB, cheap prick." Tramp at her amazed just stared. Her body was highlighted by the setting sun. Wind blowing through her hair, her big tits straining against her small top and short skirt riding up on those sexy thighs. He knew he was going to fuck her. No doubt about it. But the fact that she would fuck him after beating her husband when he only floor. No, its not a problem. They flew along state road 21 to 80 mph headed north on Interstate 70 and the small town of Grainfield, Kansas. They were about 60 km away, and he wondered if he really wanted her to go all the way there. He sat back and enjoyed the view and the breeze blowing through the window pulled. Vista in every direction was flat and dusty in the late summer sun. They were in farmland - a large farm and there were a few houses anywhere. She reached out and slid the disk into the CD player, and Nirvana came blasting out of the speakers. Again she smiled at him and he just watched as her breasts bounced up and down every time I hit a bump in the road. After he was driving about 20 minutes, the truck started to slow down, and she reached over and turned the music down. "Hey, you mind if I stop and take a loo? There are no gas station for miles." "Sure, you have to do." Hank offered. "Great. There is a place in the front, which is a bit of privacy." She slowed and turned onto a small dirt road. Truck bounced and jerked as he hit every pot hole in the road, and her breasts do the same. They were jumping so much that he wondered if he ever hurt when he flew around the chest. After about a mile, is pulled onto a dirt road to a small stand of trees and killed the engine. It suddenly became very quiet. In a few moments he just sat quietly and listened. All you could hear was the wind blowing through the trees and the sound of running water. "If the sound of water coming from?" he asked. "Oh, that's Smoky Hill River. This is on the other side of those trees. Love it here. This is the only place I know here, it gives you the feeling that you're somewhere else and not in Kansas anymore." They sat there some more and the silence grew. He knew that he wanted to make the first move, but he will wait for her. He had all the time in the world. She looked at him and licked her glossy pink lips with the tip of his tongue. "Do you need to pee?" he asked. She smiled and blushed. "So how did you learn all combat stuff? That was amazing!" "Have you ever heard about Army Rangers?" She shook her head yes. "I was in the naval version of that. We learned a lot of things, including fighting hand to hand." "You were in Iraq?"
  • 5. "No, I was in Afghanistan. For a little while. Kicked me out of the Marines." "Why?" she asked, hanging on his every word. "My friend and I are caught in a fire fight outside of Kabul. We were sent to a shit-for-brains captain. He sent us without adequate protection or backup, and several people died unnecessarily. Friend of mine died and I got hurt.'ve Been in the hospital for several weeks. I was really happy., but when I got released from the hospital, I was sent back to his unit. First thing I did was to find that the captain and kick his ass., I was thrown into prison and given a dishonorable discharge. " "Wow. Scars you have?" "Yeah." "Can I see them?" He pulled the shirt over his head and turned away from her body. On its left side, could clearly see three circular scars grouped a long jagged scar running down his side. Scar tissue was pale color that stood against almost bronze color of his sun-baked skin. With his fingertips, he easily follow the contour of each scar. After a few moments he leaned back in his seat. She could not help but notice his hard pecks and washboard flat stomach. Fingers continue to monitor your body drifting over his flat stomach and up to his well developed chest. He took her hand and pulled her to him. His mouth hungrily sought her, and pushed his tongue deep into her mouth. Tightly hugged him, and he felt her big tits mashed chest. She moaned deep in her throat when she kissed him back fiercely. It tasted like whiskey and cigarettes and chewing gum all rolled together. Their tongues dueled with each other, their passion grew. Finally he thrust violation kiss. Her eyes were wild with passion as her hands went for the snap and zipper of his jeans. When they were open, reached inside his pants looking penis. What is inside his pants surprised the hell out of it. She quickly found a hard dense muscle meat, and she smile to think that Hank's penis was considerable, it will be very nice fuck. But when he tried to pull his pants snake out, it's still only on arrival. "What have you got there?" she asked as she struggled with pants. Hank is a thumbs hooked in his belt has shifted his pants down his thighs while lifted butt on the seat. His giant hard thick muscular penis came out of hiding and jumped almost hit her in the face. "Holy Jesus!" Linda muttered as she looked in awe at the giant phallic front of her. Hank's penis was huge. It was over 11 inches long and as thick as his wrist. It was topped with a large mushroom-shaped head, which was already leaking pre-cum from the piss slit. "Good God! This is the biggest cock I've ever seen," she marveled as she began gently stroking both hands. Hank was just sitting there enjoying the feel of her soft hands and the respect of his penis. Gently placed his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her down to his penis. She did not resist at all, while her mouth came into contact with his massive cock. Her tongue darted out and licked the pre-cum from his giant head. Then slowly started to run his tongue around the head, licking and licking covering the top of his dick with her hot saliva. When the head was completely coated and wet, she brought him to her lips and sucked into the mouth. The sheer breadth of his penis lips stretched so wide that hardly his penis into her mouth. Slowly, she worked on his cock head moves back and forth. Little by little, she managed to work more and more of his giant penis into her
  • 6. mouth. Hank sat back, watching as horny, over-sexed woman and is trying to suck his giant cock into her hot little mouth. It was good. No doubt about it. He sighed and closed his eyes, how she managed to get 4-5 inches steel hard penis into her mouth. Her saliva drooling from the mouth and ran down the sides of his penis where her hands were continued stroking his massive penis up and down. Finally, after a few minutes he jaw pain from his towering dick and take a deep breath. "God, you're so fat I do not know if I can get you into my pussy," she gasped as she looked at the column of male flesh swing before your eyes. "We'll see. Bet it will go." Drifter said as she pushed back toward the driver's side. She leaned against the door and brought her feet on the seat. When he looked into his face, he reached under her short skirt, found the passport of her panties and pulled them down. He threw them on the floor of the car and lifted the hem of her skirt. Slowly, very pink and very wet pussy come into view. She was a natural blonde with small landing strip of hair just above her clit. When, where else was as smooth as silk. He took her legs and put them on both sides. This caused her pussy lips to divide and expand, and saw how wet and warm she was. It seemed like there was steam rising from her cunt, and suddenly it was very hot in the cab of the truck. He put his finger in her mouth and covered it with his saliva. Then slowly slid his finger into her hot wet channel. She tilted her head back and moaned softly as his fingers pushed deep into her burning cunt. "God, you are completely wet. This will not be hard at all. I'm going to fuck her tight little pussy," said the tramp as pulled his finger out of her hot cunt licking cream from her. He moved forward on the seat between his legs. She stared in amazement as thick column of flesh waved and hopped over the seat looking for the warmth of her nice pussy. The sheer size of it was overwhelming. "But go slow!" she pleaded. "I do not want to hurt you, I promise." Hank with his giant dick in her hand and started rubbing big head up and down the wet, smooth lips of her hot pussy coating on the head with her juices. He rubbed his head up and down her juicy slit several times always with great attention to her rock hard clit. He nudged her and rubbed it on every stroke his penis, her cry of protest. "Oh Fuck, put it in! But I want you to do wrong. Come FUCK ME!" He put his giant head between her wet cunt lips and slowly pushed forward. Big head slowly moved forward pushing her tight mouth burning cunt. She felt the pressure build as large head pressed against her hot fuck hole. The head seemed too big to fit inside her hungry cunt when suddenly, the muscles in the mouth of her cunt subsided, and three inches thick hard cock buried in her hot buttery cunt. "UUUNNNHHHHH!" She moaned at the sudden intrusion. Pressure on their internal was amazing. Even with only three inches of his rising penis inside her, she felt stuffed. As she gets more of him inside her pussy? Hank was the expert on that little cunt open to his giant penis. It just took a little time and patience, and soon it will be like a bitch in heat beg for his huge pussy pleaser. He let his head rest penis, where it was a few moments until her pussy adjusted to his district. Then slowly began to sway your hips forward and backward. She watched in fascination as he slowly, inch by inch Hank's long thick penis disappeared into her steaming pussy. Her tight pussy tight around his big cock and her cunt
  • 7. muscles seemed to be trying to pull more of his prick into her. Drifter fucked her nice and slow, feeding another inch into her pussy every few strokes and began to cum almost at once. She was so stretched his massive dick inside the folds of her pussy seem to be completely eliminated. He touched her in places we did not know had. Initially, her orgasm seemed mild, but pushed more and more into the penis to orgasm has more. The angle of his thrusts caused his penis to rub her throbbing clit with each stroke inside or out. The combination of the clitoris and vagina stimulation drove her mad with lust. His penis met with resistance to eight inches and stopped moving his hips. He was not lying on top of her; he was still between her thighs about 3 inches. She was sweating and breathing hard, but she looked like she was in heaven.