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Return my rights 
Part 1 
 Do you really feel that is wise to go out for a movie with this guy? asked Molly anxiously, looking 
at her younger sister Pinkie as she put on her shrug.  Nothing to dissuade you, Pinkie, but you 
know that it hasnt even been a month since you guys have met and that too online. Molly was not 
at all in favor of her whimsical sisters reckless lifestyle and innumerable chat and mobile friends, 
all presumably of the opposite sex. This one boy, who claimed to be called Rahul had sent Pinkie a 
friend request on Face Book . For the past month, Mollys dreamy sister had lived, breathed and 
sensed Rahul everywhere. Today was the day that she was meeting Rahul for the first time. They 
were going to a multiplex for a late night movie which had her more practical and responsible elder 
sister severely worried. 
Pinkie shot her sister an irritated glance as she donned an extremely short and sheer top which 
revealed her tanned midriff and was way too low in front:  Sis, I told you, Rahul isnt like that. Will 
you stop worrying? Molly eyed her sisters revealing outfit with consternation and sighed. 
 Pinkie, I am not saying that Rahul is a bad man. He may be a perfectly great guy but till you know 
that for sure, dont you think it is good to be cautious? Today is the first time that you are meeting 
and you can see it is evening. Why are going for a late night movie, on the very first day? Bring him 
to the coffee parlor near our place. It is a perfectly fun spot for hanging out. Also, Pinkie, please 
change out of that top and put on something else. Molly finished her long speech and waited for 
her sisters reaction, knowing that it would have the opposite effect on her impetuous younger 
Pinkie laughed and picked up her designer handbag.  Bye Molly, I have my set of the house keys. 
Will be back by one, perhaps later. She sprinted out the door and Molly heard her hailing a cab. She 
sat down on the sofa in despair as helpless tears coursed down her cheeks, hoping for her younger 
sisters safe return soon. 
Part 2 
 Awesome movie, wasnt it? said Rahul, eyeing Pinkies lavishly curvaceous figure longingly. After 
the movie, Rahul had insisted upon driving up to a secluded romantic hangout on the city outskirts. 
They were sitting in the backseat of his brand new car. Pinkie was looking at her wristwatch. It was 
after one in the morning already. 
 Yes but Rahul, I really should get home. She said.  It was fabulous meeting you but I promised 
my sister that I would be home by one. She was beginning to get unnerved by Rahuls leering look 
at her plunging neckline which was exposing her generous cleavage. For the first time in years, she 
saw the wisdom of her sisters caution in not meeting strangers. 
Rahul laughed.  Dont worry, I will drop you home, sweetheart. Now come on, I spent a fortune on 
the movie tickets, refreshments and my petrol mileage. Isnt it high time that you gave me my
moneys worth, my dear? Before the astonished girl had a chance to react, Rahul reached out and 
touched the above portion of her clingy top which she now regretted wearing. 
 Hey, what are you doing? Pinkie merely had time to gasp out a protest as the shrug she was 
wearing over her top came off in his hands.  Rahul, stop! she shrieked, panicked now. Things 
were getting out of hand. His breath was coming hot and fast on her face as she heard him 
unfastening his belt. 
Panic gripped her. Using every ounce of strength she possessed, she frantically tried to unlock the 
door on her side. Rahul roared with laughter at her tear stained face and futile attempts to get out 
of the car.  Darling, the door is locked and the key is with me. He showed it to her, as her face 
 Now quit playing around. I dont like it when time is wasted. With that, he grabbed her square by 
the shoulders. Pinkie heard rippings sounds of her sheer top which left her shoulders bare, as she 
looked at herself horrified in the front mirror.  Why are you doing this? she sobbed.  I thought 
that we are friends. 
 Of course, we are, dearie. That is why you should reciprocate the amount of money I have spent on 
you. Now come on, dont keep me waiting. With that he grabbed her mouth and tried to kiss her. 
Using all her strength Pinkie used her nails to jab at his eyes. Rahul shrieked out in pain and anger. 
Using this opportunity, Pinkie grabbed the car keys from his fingers, as he tried to soothe his 
bleeding eyes, unlocked the door on her side and stumbled out of the car. Her top was torn beyond 
redemption and face was bleeding where she had been scratched and bitten. There were scratches 
on her shoulders too. Pinkie started running blindly in the direction of home, tears running down 
her face. She wanted to go home to her sister Molly.  Why didnt I listen to you, Molly? Why dint 
you stop me by force if you had to? she sobbed, as she stumbled along the deserted road, not 
daring to look back. It was after two in the morning. 
Part 3 
Molly did not know what to do.  I should never have let her go. She was sitting down on the 
drawing room sofa with her head in her hands. It was almost three and Pinkie had not yet turned 
up. Molly had tried calling her sisters mobile repeatedly but it was switched off. Pinkie, although 
reckless she was, loved her sister and always stayed in touch, if she was outside home. That was 
the factor which was worrying Molly. She was extremely fond of her younger sister and the idea of 
anything happening to her was beyond thinking. Despite their differences, the sisters were 
extremely close to each other and had been so since their parents death ,several years back. 
Just was Molly was about to reach for the telephone to call the police, the doorbell rang. Running to 
open it, nothing could have prepared Molly for the horrifying scene that met her eyes. Her beloved 
younger sister stood outside in the pouring rain, with marks of horrifying injury on her face, neck
and shoulders, scratches and bite marks covering every inch of skin. Her top was now even briefer 
than it had been previously, shreds of which were just covering her modesty and that too barely. 
The shrug which she had worn over the top was nowhere in sight. 
 Pinkie! was all her sister could gasp in shock as Pinkie fell into Mollys arms and let out a heart 
rending howl. She would say nothing but cling to her sister and continue crying. Molly dragged her 
inside.  Pinkie, what happened? It is okay, whatever it is, its gone now. Stop crying. 
Hugging her sobbing younger sister, Mollys mind was racing. What could have happened? It was 
evident from her sisters traumatized condition that the entire episode of her meeting with Rahul 
had been far from pleasant. Shuddering, she let her sister cry for some more time and then shook 
her hard. It was not the time to tell I told you so but her sister was doing the job for her. She kept 
saying to herself:  I should have listened to you, Molly. I should have listened to you. Molly had to 
know what happened. It was fairly obvious that Pinkie had managed to escape with her honor 
intact, a fact for which Molly thanked God profusely. 
She shook her sister gently. Pinkie, dont worry. You are safe now. Just tell me what happened. We 
will need to take action and go to the police as soon as possible. Pinkie started crying harder than 
ever. She was convinced that whatever had happened was her fault, she had seduced Rahul, no one 
would believe that he had tried to rape her and she wanted to die. 
 Pinkie, listen to me. Your only fault was that you were foolish, extremely stupid but that does not 
mean you were wrong. You have learnt your lesson. But what Rahul tried to do to you was a crime 
and he needs to be punished. You cannot keep quiet about this. You did not listen to me then, listen 
to me now and tell me what happened. Somewhat encouraged by her elder sisters wise words, 
Pinkie gave a vivid account of the disastrous night. Molly grabbed her handbag and stood up. She 
grabbed a shawl and put it around her sister. 
 Come with me, we are going to the cops.she said, between gritted teeth.  I will have that man put 
behind bars if that is the last thing I ever do. The sisters drove to the police station 
Part 4 
 Hahahahaha, laughed the police office on duty, as he took a good look at Pinkie after Molly had 
removed her shawl and narrated the entire incident. Madam, are you sure that this is case of 
attempted rape? It looks more like some self induced melodrama to me. Dont mind madam, but 
you ladies are always up to some theatrics.
 What you do mean, sir? snapped Molly angrily, as she put an arm around her sister to comfort 
her.  Cant you see the horrible condition that my sister is in? That brute tried to rape her. What 
more proof do you need? How can you call it some melodrama? I will report you to the senior 
authorities for breach of duty if you dont write our report.  Beside her, Pinkie stiffened in her 
chair and resisted the urge to cry. 
She had known it would be like this. No one would believe her. It was her fault and now the entire 
episode would be out in the open. 
 Dont forget that you are speaking to an on duty police officer madam. Okay, I admit it was 
attempted rape. Still, there are many factors which need to be considered. What was your sister 
doing out so late and why had she gone to such a lonely spot in the first place, with a man she barely 
knew ? How can you be sure that it was not her suggestion, rather than the guys? The next thing to 
consider is her attire. Look at the top she is wearing. It is leaving nothing to the imagination, 
madam. You ladies wear revealing outfits, seduce men and then shout rape. I am sure things soured 
between them and your sister decided to get her revenge in this way. 
Pinkie clutched the table top to keep from fainting. Molly stood up and faced the officer squarely :  
With all due respect to your profession sir, I suggest you hand over you uniform and resign from 
the police department. The first thing which you did instead of writing a crime report was to laugh 
at and ridicule my sister who was a victim. I ask you, sir, imagine yourself in my place. How would 
you feel if your sister had been a victim of violence and no one believed you? 
You speak of my sister staying out late. Sir, you speak so confidently as if women perfectly safe , 
which they are not! You mentioned my sisters revealing attire. But then even traditional dresses 
can be worn suggestively, dont you think? The bottom line is sir, you are a man and that is why the 
word rape comes to your mind so easily. But let me assure you, I will not spare the bastard who 
destroyed my sister. I feel sorry for your family, sir, pardon my saying so. You are nothing but a 
spineless coward! The officer was left staring open mouthed at the bold young lady. Her last 
sentence had hit home and he was left bereft of words. 
With the last parting shot, Molly led her sister out to the car and drove her home. She put Pinkie to 
bed and stayed awake all night. Her sisters look of despair haunted her all night. 
Part 5 
The next day, Molly was up early. Pinkie was still sleeping when the door bell rang. Figuring it to be 
the milk man or newspaper man for the monthly bill, she answered the door and was surprised to 
find a tall, good-looking young man with his eyes partially bandaged. 
 Yes ? she asked , politely, wondering who he was. To her amazement, the man broke past her 
and entered the drawing room, taking a seat on the sofa.  Hey, where are you going? Who are 
She entered hastily after him, concerned about her sisters safety. The guy gave her a scornful look. 
 You still need my official introduction, didnt your darling sister give brief you about me?he 
sneered. Rahul! Now it dawned on her. 
Suppressing her emotions and resisting the urge to murder him, she spoke coolly:  I see, you are 
Rahul. Well since it gives neither of one us the pleasure to meet the other, what brings you here? 
Rahuls lips twisted in an evil smirk: You are smarter than your sister and prettier too. Well, if you 
want to know, that fat headed police officer wrote down your complaint against me about 
attempted rape on your holier than thou sister. He was apparently moved by your speech on 
morality and respect to women. The thing is I want you to withdraw the report. And if you are 
wondering how I know so much and your house location, I had gone to the police station before 
you. While you were there, I was sitting in the next room.  
Molly knew that she was up against a formidable opponent. Forcing herself to speak calmly, she 
said,  Consider yourself lucky that I am talking to you in a civilized manner after your behavior 
with my sister. The question of withdrawing the police complaint does not arise. I will not rest till I 
see you behind bars, Rahul. That is where you should be. 
 Look, let bygones be bygones. I admit I got a little carried away since Pinkie looked so pretty that 
day and dont you think I have paid for it too? Your savage little wildcat of a sister almost blinded 
me with her claw like nails. That is why I had gone to the police station but the fools did not pay any 
Molly stood up. It was time to end the interview. Pinkie would be waking up soon and Molly wanted 
Rahul to leave before that:  I heard whatever you had come to say, Rahul. Now if you have nothing 
further to add, I suggest that you leave. 
The villains face hardened: dont say that you were not warned, Molly. Pinkie was lucky, once. 
Your precious sister may not be able to escape the next time. He left as fast as he had come. 
Molly heard Pinkie calling her and ran to see what she wanted. Making her a cup of herbal tea, she 
sat beside her sister:  There is some good news. Our complaint has been written down. 
Pinkie sipped at her tea and looked quizzically at Molly:  Had anyone come? I thought I heard 
Quick as thought, Molly replied:  Oh, it was just the television. You take rest. We will need to visit 
the police station soon. 
Part 6 
 Why are you going into court hassles, madam? asked the police officer who had laughed at them 
the previous day. It had been three weeks since the incident . Molly had been busy consulting
lawyers on her sisters behalf. Today suddenly there was a call from the police station that Rahul 
was willing to compensate for the damage he had caused, in an out of court settlement. 
Molly smiled wryly, as she glanced at Rahul. He looked totally spic and span in blue jeans and a 
green shirt, almost like the friend her sister had been so in love with. It was hard to picture that he 
was the same guy who had attempted to rape his friend and then threatened her sister with dire 
consequences. Pinkie was almost back to normal by now. She still had nightmares sometimes but 
Molly had been taking her to trauma counseling with an expert therapist. 
Pinkie was sitting by her sisters side and she too looked Rahul straight in the eye. The dreadful 
night flashed before her eyes but there were numerous chat sessions and phone conversations 
before that when he had said how much he loved her. The movie date was also something to be 
cherished forever. If only those horrible scenes could be deleted! She thought. 
Rahul smiled at both sisters.  How much should I pay you? he took out his cheque book. Or 
should I write a blank cheque? I know what I did to you was unforgivable Pinkie and we can never 
be friends. But trust me, I honestly regret it now. I dont know what got into me. 
Molly was about to snap at him angrily when Pinkie put a restraining hand on her arm and looked 
directly at Rahul; I dont want your money, Rahul. 
 What? Rahul thought he had not heard her correctly. Molly was the one who was speechless. 
This time, she was staring at her younger sister, who seemed to have grown up at long last. 
Pinkie went on calmly,  You heard me right, Rahul. I dont want your money. Just give me one 
thing. Everyone in the room, her sister, the police officer and even Rahul were listening with rapt 
 Anything, Pinkie, I will give you anything at all. Just ask me. Rahul replied eagerly. You could see 
from his face that he truly regretted his previous diabolical deeds. For a moment, he looked just like 
the merry eyed boy Pinkie had fallen madly in love with. 
 Return my rights, Rahul. Spoke Pinkie calmly, as both the police officer and Rahul exchanged 
amazed glances and Molly smiled at her sister. 
 You heard me, Rahul. I want my rights back, from you. Ever since the police complaint, this 
episode has been out in the open. Newspaper reporters have hounded my sister and me at college, 
on the road and even there were calls at home. My life has become a living nightmare. Everyone 
wanted to know why I was out so late. What exactly happened to me, the difference between rape 
and attempted rape. I could not go out anywhere or even sleep in peace, Rahul. I have lost my 
rights as a civilized human being of the society the day you tried to ravish me. I have lost the right 
to go out on my own, I have lost the right to wear jeans, I dont even have the right to go to a movie 
late with friends. What is my fault I ask in all this, just the fact that I trusted and loved you?
Relatives express concern over my marriage which means that I have lost the right to be a wife as 
well. Placing my trust in you took away all my rights, Rahul. So I ask you, if you are truly sorry as 
you say, can you return my rights to live and laugh peacefully? This is what I want- for you to return 
my rights. 
The End 
Message : Never take something from someone which you cannot return. 
Riya Dutta 18th November Tuesday 2.28 IST

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Return my rights

  • 1. Return my rights Part 1 Do you really feel that is wise to go out for a movie with this guy? asked Molly anxiously, looking at her younger sister Pinkie as she put on her shrug. Nothing to dissuade you, Pinkie, but you know that it hasnt even been a month since you guys have met and that too online. Molly was not at all in favor of her whimsical sisters reckless lifestyle and innumerable chat and mobile friends, all presumably of the opposite sex. This one boy, who claimed to be called Rahul had sent Pinkie a friend request on Face Book . For the past month, Mollys dreamy sister had lived, breathed and sensed Rahul everywhere. Today was the day that she was meeting Rahul for the first time. They were going to a multiplex for a late night movie which had her more practical and responsible elder sister severely worried. Pinkie shot her sister an irritated glance as she donned an extremely short and sheer top which revealed her tanned midriff and was way too low in front: Sis, I told you, Rahul isnt like that. Will you stop worrying? Molly eyed her sisters revealing outfit with consternation and sighed. Pinkie, I am not saying that Rahul is a bad man. He may be a perfectly great guy but till you know that for sure, dont you think it is good to be cautious? Today is the first time that you are meeting and you can see it is evening. Why are going for a late night movie, on the very first day? Bring him to the coffee parlor near our place. It is a perfectly fun spot for hanging out. Also, Pinkie, please change out of that top and put on something else. Molly finished her long speech and waited for her sisters reaction, knowing that it would have the opposite effect on her impetuous younger sibling. Pinkie laughed and picked up her designer handbag. Bye Molly, I have my set of the house keys. Will be back by one, perhaps later. She sprinted out the door and Molly heard her hailing a cab. She sat down on the sofa in despair as helpless tears coursed down her cheeks, hoping for her younger sisters safe return soon. Part 2 Awesome movie, wasnt it? said Rahul, eyeing Pinkies lavishly curvaceous figure longingly. After the movie, Rahul had insisted upon driving up to a secluded romantic hangout on the city outskirts. They were sitting in the backseat of his brand new car. Pinkie was looking at her wristwatch. It was after one in the morning already. Yes but Rahul, I really should get home. She said. It was fabulous meeting you but I promised my sister that I would be home by one. She was beginning to get unnerved by Rahuls leering look at her plunging neckline which was exposing her generous cleavage. For the first time in years, she saw the wisdom of her sisters caution in not meeting strangers. Rahul laughed. Dont worry, I will drop you home, sweetheart. Now come on, I spent a fortune on the movie tickets, refreshments and my petrol mileage. Isnt it high time that you gave me my
  • 2. moneys worth, my dear? Before the astonished girl had a chance to react, Rahul reached out and touched the above portion of her clingy top which she now regretted wearing. Hey, what are you doing? Pinkie merely had time to gasp out a protest as the shrug she was wearing over her top came off in his hands. Rahul, stop! she shrieked, panicked now. Things were getting out of hand. His breath was coming hot and fast on her face as she heard him unfastening his belt. Panic gripped her. Using every ounce of strength she possessed, she frantically tried to unlock the door on her side. Rahul roared with laughter at her tear stained face and futile attempts to get out of the car. Darling, the door is locked and the key is with me. He showed it to her, as her face blanched. Now quit playing around. I dont like it when time is wasted. With that, he grabbed her square by the shoulders. Pinkie heard rippings sounds of her sheer top which left her shoulders bare, as she looked at herself horrified in the front mirror. Why are you doing this? she sobbed. I thought that we are friends. Of course, we are, dearie. That is why you should reciprocate the amount of money I have spent on you. Now come on, dont keep me waiting. With that he grabbed her mouth and tried to kiss her. Using all her strength Pinkie used her nails to jab at his eyes. Rahul shrieked out in pain and anger. Using this opportunity, Pinkie grabbed the car keys from his fingers, as he tried to soothe his bleeding eyes, unlocked the door on her side and stumbled out of the car. Her top was torn beyond redemption and face was bleeding where she had been scratched and bitten. There were scratches on her shoulders too. Pinkie started running blindly in the direction of home, tears running down her face. She wanted to go home to her sister Molly. Why didnt I listen to you, Molly? Why dint you stop me by force if you had to? she sobbed, as she stumbled along the deserted road, not daring to look back. It was after two in the morning. Part 3 Molly did not know what to do. I should never have let her go. She was sitting down on the drawing room sofa with her head in her hands. It was almost three and Pinkie had not yet turned up. Molly had tried calling her sisters mobile repeatedly but it was switched off. Pinkie, although reckless she was, loved her sister and always stayed in touch, if she was outside home. That was the factor which was worrying Molly. She was extremely fond of her younger sister and the idea of anything happening to her was beyond thinking. Despite their differences, the sisters were extremely close to each other and had been so since their parents death ,several years back. Just was Molly was about to reach for the telephone to call the police, the doorbell rang. Running to open it, nothing could have prepared Molly for the horrifying scene that met her eyes. Her beloved younger sister stood outside in the pouring rain, with marks of horrifying injury on her face, neck
  • 3. and shoulders, scratches and bite marks covering every inch of skin. Her top was now even briefer than it had been previously, shreds of which were just covering her modesty and that too barely. The shrug which she had worn over the top was nowhere in sight. Pinkie! was all her sister could gasp in shock as Pinkie fell into Mollys arms and let out a heart rending howl. She would say nothing but cling to her sister and continue crying. Molly dragged her inside. Pinkie, what happened? It is okay, whatever it is, its gone now. Stop crying. Hugging her sobbing younger sister, Mollys mind was racing. What could have happened? It was evident from her sisters traumatized condition that the entire episode of her meeting with Rahul had been far from pleasant. Shuddering, she let her sister cry for some more time and then shook her hard. It was not the time to tell I told you so but her sister was doing the job for her. She kept saying to herself: I should have listened to you, Molly. I should have listened to you. Molly had to know what happened. It was fairly obvious that Pinkie had managed to escape with her honor intact, a fact for which Molly thanked God profusely. She shook her sister gently. Pinkie, dont worry. You are safe now. Just tell me what happened. We will need to take action and go to the police as soon as possible. Pinkie started crying harder than ever. She was convinced that whatever had happened was her fault, she had seduced Rahul, no one would believe that he had tried to rape her and she wanted to die. Pinkie, listen to me. Your only fault was that you were foolish, extremely stupid but that does not mean you were wrong. You have learnt your lesson. But what Rahul tried to do to you was a crime and he needs to be punished. You cannot keep quiet about this. You did not listen to me then, listen to me now and tell me what happened. Somewhat encouraged by her elder sisters wise words, Pinkie gave a vivid account of the disastrous night. Molly grabbed her handbag and stood up. She grabbed a shawl and put it around her sister. Come with me, we are going to the cops.she said, between gritted teeth. I will have that man put behind bars if that is the last thing I ever do. The sisters drove to the police station Part 4 Hahahahaha, laughed the police office on duty, as he took a good look at Pinkie after Molly had removed her shawl and narrated the entire incident. Madam, are you sure that this is case of attempted rape? It looks more like some self induced melodrama to me. Dont mind madam, but you ladies are always up to some theatrics.
  • 4. What you do mean, sir? snapped Molly angrily, as she put an arm around her sister to comfort her. Cant you see the horrible condition that my sister is in? That brute tried to rape her. What more proof do you need? How can you call it some melodrama? I will report you to the senior authorities for breach of duty if you dont write our report. Beside her, Pinkie stiffened in her chair and resisted the urge to cry. She had known it would be like this. No one would believe her. It was her fault and now the entire episode would be out in the open. Dont forget that you are speaking to an on duty police officer madam. Okay, I admit it was attempted rape. Still, there are many factors which need to be considered. What was your sister doing out so late and why had she gone to such a lonely spot in the first place, with a man she barely knew ? How can you be sure that it was not her suggestion, rather than the guys? The next thing to consider is her attire. Look at the top she is wearing. It is leaving nothing to the imagination, madam. You ladies wear revealing outfits, seduce men and then shout rape. I am sure things soured between them and your sister decided to get her revenge in this way. Pinkie clutched the table top to keep from fainting. Molly stood up and faced the officer squarely : With all due respect to your profession sir, I suggest you hand over you uniform and resign from the police department. The first thing which you did instead of writing a crime report was to laugh at and ridicule my sister who was a victim. I ask you, sir, imagine yourself in my place. How would you feel if your sister had been a victim of violence and no one believed you? You speak of my sister staying out late. Sir, you speak so confidently as if women perfectly safe , which they are not! You mentioned my sisters revealing attire. But then even traditional dresses can be worn suggestively, dont you think? The bottom line is sir, you are a man and that is why the word rape comes to your mind so easily. But let me assure you, I will not spare the bastard who destroyed my sister. I feel sorry for your family, sir, pardon my saying so. You are nothing but a spineless coward! The officer was left staring open mouthed at the bold young lady. Her last sentence had hit home and he was left bereft of words. With the last parting shot, Molly led her sister out to the car and drove her home. She put Pinkie to bed and stayed awake all night. Her sisters look of despair haunted her all night. Part 5 The next day, Molly was up early. Pinkie was still sleeping when the door bell rang. Figuring it to be the milk man or newspaper man for the monthly bill, she answered the door and was surprised to find a tall, good-looking young man with his eyes partially bandaged. Yes ? she asked , politely, wondering who he was. To her amazement, the man broke past her and entered the drawing room, taking a seat on the sofa. Hey, where are you going? Who are you?
  • 5. She entered hastily after him, concerned about her sisters safety. The guy gave her a scornful look. You still need my official introduction, didnt your darling sister give brief you about me?he sneered. Rahul! Now it dawned on her. Suppressing her emotions and resisting the urge to murder him, she spoke coolly: I see, you are Rahul. Well since it gives neither of one us the pleasure to meet the other, what brings you here? Rahuls lips twisted in an evil smirk: You are smarter than your sister and prettier too. Well, if you want to know, that fat headed police officer wrote down your complaint against me about attempted rape on your holier than thou sister. He was apparently moved by your speech on morality and respect to women. The thing is I want you to withdraw the report. And if you are wondering how I know so much and your house location, I had gone to the police station before you. While you were there, I was sitting in the next room. Molly knew that she was up against a formidable opponent. Forcing herself to speak calmly, she said, Consider yourself lucky that I am talking to you in a civilized manner after your behavior with my sister. The question of withdrawing the police complaint does not arise. I will not rest till I see you behind bars, Rahul. That is where you should be. Look, let bygones be bygones. I admit I got a little carried away since Pinkie looked so pretty that day and dont you think I have paid for it too? Your savage little wildcat of a sister almost blinded me with her claw like nails. That is why I had gone to the police station but the fools did not pay any heed. Molly stood up. It was time to end the interview. Pinkie would be waking up soon and Molly wanted Rahul to leave before that: I heard whatever you had come to say, Rahul. Now if you have nothing further to add, I suggest that you leave. The villains face hardened: dont say that you were not warned, Molly. Pinkie was lucky, once. Your precious sister may not be able to escape the next time. He left as fast as he had come. Molly heard Pinkie calling her and ran to see what she wanted. Making her a cup of herbal tea, she sat beside her sister: There is some good news. Our complaint has been written down. Pinkie sipped at her tea and looked quizzically at Molly: Had anyone come? I thought I heard voices? Quick as thought, Molly replied: Oh, it was just the television. You take rest. We will need to visit the police station soon. Part 6 Why are you going into court hassles, madam? asked the police officer who had laughed at them the previous day. It had been three weeks since the incident . Molly had been busy consulting
  • 6. lawyers on her sisters behalf. Today suddenly there was a call from the police station that Rahul was willing to compensate for the damage he had caused, in an out of court settlement. Molly smiled wryly, as she glanced at Rahul. He looked totally spic and span in blue jeans and a green shirt, almost like the friend her sister had been so in love with. It was hard to picture that he was the same guy who had attempted to rape his friend and then threatened her sister with dire consequences. Pinkie was almost back to normal by now. She still had nightmares sometimes but Molly had been taking her to trauma counseling with an expert therapist. Pinkie was sitting by her sisters side and she too looked Rahul straight in the eye. The dreadful night flashed before her eyes but there were numerous chat sessions and phone conversations before that when he had said how much he loved her. The movie date was also something to be cherished forever. If only those horrible scenes could be deleted! She thought. Rahul smiled at both sisters. How much should I pay you? he took out his cheque book. Or should I write a blank cheque? I know what I did to you was unforgivable Pinkie and we can never be friends. But trust me, I honestly regret it now. I dont know what got into me. Molly was about to snap at him angrily when Pinkie put a restraining hand on her arm and looked directly at Rahul; I dont want your money, Rahul. What? Rahul thought he had not heard her correctly. Molly was the one who was speechless. This time, she was staring at her younger sister, who seemed to have grown up at long last. Pinkie went on calmly, You heard me right, Rahul. I dont want your money. Just give me one thing. Everyone in the room, her sister, the police officer and even Rahul were listening with rapt attention. Anything, Pinkie, I will give you anything at all. Just ask me. Rahul replied eagerly. You could see from his face that he truly regretted his previous diabolical deeds. For a moment, he looked just like the merry eyed boy Pinkie had fallen madly in love with. Return my rights, Rahul. Spoke Pinkie calmly, as both the police officer and Rahul exchanged amazed glances and Molly smiled at her sister. You heard me, Rahul. I want my rights back, from you. Ever since the police complaint, this episode has been out in the open. Newspaper reporters have hounded my sister and me at college, on the road and even there were calls at home. My life has become a living nightmare. Everyone wanted to know why I was out so late. What exactly happened to me, the difference between rape and attempted rape. I could not go out anywhere or even sleep in peace, Rahul. I have lost my rights as a civilized human being of the society the day you tried to ravish me. I have lost the right to go out on my own, I have lost the right to wear jeans, I dont even have the right to go to a movie late with friends. What is my fault I ask in all this, just the fact that I trusted and loved you?
  • 7. Relatives express concern over my marriage which means that I have lost the right to be a wife as well. Placing my trust in you took away all my rights, Rahul. So I ask you, if you are truly sorry as you say, can you return my rights to live and laugh peacefully? This is what I want- for you to return my rights. The End Message : Never take something from someone which you cannot return. Riya Dutta 18th November Tuesday 2.28 IST