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Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Biotechnology,
Dept of Biotechnology, Genetics & Bioinformatics,
Vidyamandal (CVM ) Affiliated to SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY (SPU)
(NAAC A Accredited, ISO9001:2008 Certified)
Recognized by UGC 2f (12B) Act
02692-235500(O), 234111 (Fax) +91-9426543818(Mo)
Date of Birth- October 7th 1975.
1. Academic Degree- Throughout First Class From10th
to PostGraduate
M.Sc Biotechnology- First class (2nd
rank in University Merit List)
L.N.M.U Darbhanga (Bihar) with 74.6 percentile ( 2000).
Ph.D Biotechnology -With course work entitled VALIDATION OF FIBER
COTTON IN DIPLOID COTTON (Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium herbaceum)
from Department of Agricultural Biotechnology Centre of Excellance in
Biotechnology, Anand Agricultural University (AAU) Anand (Gujarat) with 6.75
CGPA (2012).
Summary of Academic Qualification-
Year Name of
with ( %)
1 Matric(10th ) 1990 B.S.E.B First (69.8) Science, Arts, Commerce,
English,Eco etc
2 I.Sc(12th ) 1992 B.I.E.C First (66.7) Botany,Zoology,Phy,Chem,
Eng,Hindi etc
3 B.Sc (Hons) 1997 L.N.M.U First (65.0) Zoology,Botany,Chem.Eng etc
4 M.Sc (BT) 2000 L.N.M.U First (74.6) G.E,MB,Immuno,PT,ABT,PBT
CB, MI IBT etc
5 NET 2002 (ASRB) ICAR BT Plant Biotechnology
6 Ph.D 2012 A.A.U First (6.75) G.E,BNF,PBG, MT, MB,
Genome Analysis etc.
2. Book Published:
1.Kundan K. Mishra, Amit Ballani and Urvish Chhaya A Career Guide for
Biotechnology and Life sciences Entrance Examinations- ISBN:978-93-8255943-6
Published by Nirav & Roopal Prakashan, Ahmedabad ( 2008 1st edition and 2014
second edition).
2. Kundan K. Mishra, Urvish Chhaya and Amit Ballani Concept in Elementary
Biotechnology- ISBN 938128629-9, Published by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh
Vidyanagar ( 2014), funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM)
,Gandhinagar, Govt. of Gujarat.
3. Madhumati Bora Kundan K. Mishra, Amit Ballani and Urvish Chhaya
Coauthored a Booklet Life Sciences Entrance Examination at a Glance
Published by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh Vidyanagar (2011) funded by Gujarat
State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) ,Gandhinagar , Govt. of Gujarat.
4. Kundan K. Mishra and Amit Ballani Tools and technique in Molecular Biology and
Bioinformatics  work book advance bioinformatics modules wet-lab modules, Published
by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh Vidyanagar ( 2009) funded by NVPAS,V.V.Nagar.
3. Awards/ Fellowships/Recognition: 06
1. ICAR (ASRB) NET Exam (June 2002) Qualified for Lecturership/Assistant
2. Selected as Research Associate in National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) all
India Co-ordinated Project on Animal Health Information system through Disease
Monitoring and Surveillance (AHIS-DMS) Department of Microbiology, Bihar
Veterinary College (BVC) Patna (Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU) Pusa Samatipur.
3.Received Award for Excellent Performance from Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) for
achieving ISO 9001:2000 for Management and Administration and Human Resource
4. Received Award for Excellent Performance from Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) for
achieving A grade in NAAC accreditation process (2009) for Leadership and Governance
5. Received Ph.D guideship in Biotechnology from Sardar Patel University (2015).
4. Research Experience: 7 years
a.Two year eight months as Research Associate in all India coordinated research project
NATP(ICAR) Sponsored project entitled Animal Health Information System through
Disease Monitoring and Surveillance (AHIS-DMS) from Department of Microbiology
Bihar Veterinary College Patna 800014 (Rajendra Agricultural University Pusa
b. Two months as summer trainee from national institute of pharmaceutical education and
Research (NIPER) from the Department of Biotechnology project entitledAnalysis and
Expression of Human Cloned (GST) Genes
c. Four years and six months as a Ph.D scholar from Centre of Excellance in
Biotechnology, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, B. A. College of Agriculture,
Anand Agricultural University(AAU) Anand  388 110, Gujarat, India.
5. Teaching Experience: More 12 years at undergraduates and post graduates level.
6. ResearchPaperPresented-05
1.Presented two paper entitled Seroprevalence and diagnosis of Infectious Bovine
Rhinotraeichitis in Bihar and
2. Seroprevalence and diagnosis of Bovine Brucellosis in Bihar in All Asia Buffalo
Congress New Delhi, 25-28 Feb 2003.
3.Presented a Paper entitled Global Profiling of C3435T Mutation in exon 26 of MDR1
Drug Transporter and awarded with 3rd Prize in National Seminar on New Frontiers in
Life sciences Organized by NVPAS on 19th December,2009.
4. Carrer and capacity building of students by institutional initiatives-a case examples
of entrance exam preparation cell of NVPAS. UGC and NAAC sponsored national
seminar-6th Dec 2013 at NVPAS, V.V.Nagar
5. Genetic diversity and molecular analysis among cotton genotypes by EST-SSR
markers. GSBTM sponsored national seminar entitled Trends in microbial
biotechnology on 26th Feb 2014 at N.V.P.A.S V.V.Nagar
7. Research Paper published
1. Molecular characterization of Asiatic cotton G. herbaceum and G. arboreum
genotypes using SSR markers Linked for fiber quality traits. Mishra Kundan K孫,
R.S.Fougat. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Fields (IJBAF), May,
2013, 1(5): 319-332 ISSN: 2320  0774.(Impact Factor-0.421)
2. Genetic relationship among different (species of cotton as revealed by SSR markers
for fibre quality traits. Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族. Internatinal Journal of Pure
and Applied Biosciences. 1 (3): 81-93 (2013) ISSN: 2320  7051. (Impact factor-2.636)
3.Transferability of fibre quality linked SSR markers derived from allotetraploid
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in diploid cotton (Gossypium herbaceum and
Gossypium arboreum). Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族 Journal of Scientific
Research in Pharmacy 2013, 2(2) 9-14. ISSN: 2277-9469.(SJ impact factor-3.656,
Impact factor 1.0441)
4.Validation of Fiber Quality Linked SSR Markers Derived from Allotetraploid
(Gossypium hirsutum) in Diploid (Gossypium arboreum). Kundan K. Mishra1, Ranbir
Singh Fougat1 International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge (IJSRK) 1(9),
pp.349-358, 2013. ISSN: 2322  4541.
5.Carrer and capacity building of students by institutional initiatives-a case examples of
entrance exam preparation cell of NVPAS. Ballani Amit, Mishra Kundan Kumar and
Chhaya Urvish International Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research,Volume
1/Issue 5(part II) Dec2013 pp.87-89/ISSN 2321-7073.
6. Potential and application of molecular markers techniques for plant genome analysis
Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat孫,Ballani A族. Internatinal Journal of Pure and Applied
Biosciences IJAB 2(1): 169-188 (2014) ISSN: 2320  7051.(Impact factor2.636)
7. Genetic diversity and molecular analysis among cotton genotypes by EST-SSR
markers. Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族. International Jornal of Agricultural
Science, Environment and Biotechnology IJAEB 7(2):39-50 (2014) ISSN:0974-
1712.(NAAS Rating-4.10) Impact factor-under evaluation)
8. Potential and application of Stem cell in advance medical science. Kundan K.
Mishra孫, Urvish D.Chhaya . Journal of V-Vidyanagar, 3(3): 31-34(March 2014) ISSN:
7.Ongoing Research Project (01)
Identification of QTL linked SSR Markers for Fiber Quality Traits in Asiatic Cotton
(Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium herbaceum) funded by University Grants
Commission (UGC) Rs- 2800000.
8. Seminar/ ConferencesWorkshops Organized:
Worked as organizing secretary for 3 days national level workshopTools and technique in
Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics 
Organized  Crash Workshops & One Invited lecture series on Entrance Exam Preparation:
(i) PRAYAAS 2009-I: Four day Crash program organized by EEPC from 4th
to 7th
May 2009.
(ii) PRAYAAS 2009-II: Three day Crash program organized by EEPC from 31st
October to 2nd
November 2009.
CRASH WORKSHOP 2010: Six Days Crash program Organized by
EEPC & GSBTM from 5th
May to 10th
May 2010.
CRASH WORKSHOP 2010: Six Days Crash program Organized by
EEPC & GSBTM from 13th
November to 18th
November 2010.
(v) GSBTM SPONSORED INVITED LECTURE SERIES-2011: Two Days event for preparing
students for National competitive exams on 9th
& 16th
January 2011, jointly organized by GSBTM &
CRASH WORKSHOP: Four Days Crash program Organized by
EEPC & GSBTM from 12th
May to 15th
May 2011.
(A) CRASH WORKSHOP: Three Days Crash program Organized
by EEPC & GSBTM from 19th
October to 21st
October 2011.
(B) CRASH WORKSHOP: Three Days Crash program Organized
by EEPC & GSBTM from 20th
December to 22nd
December 2011.
CRASH WORKSHOP 2012: Six Days Crash program Organized by
EEPC & GSBTM from 7th
may to 12th
may 2012.
(A) CRASH WORKSHOP: three Days Crash program Organized
by EEPC & GSBTM from 5th
febuary to 7th
Febuary 2013.
(A) CRASH WORKSHOP: three Days Crash program Organized
by NBT-CBC of NVPAS& GSBTM from 17th
febuary to 22nd
Febuary 2014.
9. Seminar/ Conferences/Workshops Attended:
1.State level workshop on Patent Awareness camp organized by Science College Patna in
collaboration with TIFAC, DST, NEW Delhi 2002.
2. Attended One Day National Seminar on 50 Years of DNA on September 2003 at MSU
of Baroda, Vadodara.
3.A Two day Meet of Biotechnologists at V.V.Nagar on June 25th and 26th 2004
organized by ISTAR (CVM) V.V.Nagar.
4. One Day International Seminar on Emerging Trends in Molecular Biology, Medicine
and Diagnostics On 18th September,2004 Organized by MSU of Baroda,Vadodara.
5. Attended Three days marine camp on Importance and conservation of marine life on
25th-27 th January,2005 at Beyt Dwarika organized by Centre for Environment
Education(CEE), Ahmedabad..
6. Participated in Ninth Gujarat Science Congress on Recent Advances in Science and
Technology at V.V.Nagar Organized by S.P.University and Gujarat Science Academy2005.
7. Attended Two days International Seminar on Modern Biology-Facets and Prospects
on 10th-11th October,2005 Organized by MSU of Baroda,Vadodara and TIFR, Mumbai.
8.UGC sponsored one day National Level Seminar on Bioinformatics-Emerging Trends
on 1st January, 2006 organized by M & N Virani Science College, Rajkot.
9.One Day Seminar on Humanitys heritage: Our Genome and stem cells organized on
1st October, 2006 at Prof. C.C. Mehta Auditorium, M.S. Univeristy of Baroda, Vadodara
10.Attend 3rd BRSI Convention of International Conference on Exploring Horizons in
Biotechnology: A Global Venture jointly organized by the BRD School of Biosciences,
Sardar Patel University and Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) V.V. Nagar , Gujarat, India from
November 2nd to 4th , 2006.
11.Attended 3 day Sci-Tech Utsav from 1st December 2006 to 3rd December 2006 and One
day National level seminar on Radiology in service of mankind organized by M & N
Virani Science College, Rajkot.
12.Attended and served as steering committee member of National level seminar on New
horizons in Biological Sciences Jointly Organised by Natubhai V Patel College of Pure and
Applied Sciences,V.V.Nagar and Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
(GSBTM),Gandhinagar On 23rd September 2007.
13.Participated in One Day Faculty Development Program on 13th December 2007
Organised by ICFAI University.
14.Two days National level conference on characterization and Applications of Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants Organized by MAPAI and DMAPR.12 and 13th December 2010.
15.Attended and served as Steering committee member of National Level seminar on
Passion to Mission in Molecular Biology Organized by NVPAS and GSBTM on 28th
November 2008.
16.MICROBIAL COLLOQUIM at NVPAS, 7th January 2011
17.NEW HORIZONS IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Organized by Dept. of Biosciences,
Sardar Patel University, V.V.Nagar 23rd January 2011.
18.One day seminar on Bioinformatics tool for genome analysis organized by Dept. of
Animal Biotechnology Anand Agricultural University December 2012.
19.Two days National level conference on characterization and Applications of Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants Organized by MAPAI and DMAPR January 2013.
20.Research 2 Rupees two days workshop organized by GSBTM Gandhinagar and
SKYquest Ahemadabad March 2013.
21. One day seminar on intellectual property right on 27th August 2013 organized by
Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology Anand Agricultural University,Anand Gujarat.
22.Two day NAAC sponsored national seminar on Empowering educational system
through quality enhancement and capacity building of teachers and students 6-7 Dec
2013.Organised by IQAC, NVPAS V.V.Nagar
23. One day GSBTM sponsored national seminar entitled Trends in microbial
biotechnology on 26th Feb 2014 at N.V.P.A.S V.V.Nagar.
24.One day GSBTM and NCCSD sponsored seminar on Role of Bio-technology in
Developing Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agricultureon 1st March 2014 at Anand
Agricultural University,Anand Gujarat.
25.Two days workshop on communication skill for science through technology on 28th-
29th april organized by H.M.Patel Carrer Development centre V.V.Nagar Anand Gujarat.
10. Orientation, RefresherCourses andTraining
I. One week International workshop on Agricultural and Environmental
Biotechnology At L.N.M.U Darbhanga with collaboration of GSF Munich, Germany.
II. One week hands on training on immunotechnique( Computor based ELISA)
from PD-ADMAS Immunology Laboratory IAH and VB Hebbal Bangalore.
III. Successfully completed the one month Orientation Program from 25th May to 19th
June 2010 organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, V.V.Nagar.
IV. Two week Hands on training on molecular tools and technique sponsored by UGC
and conducted by MLSU Udaipur Rajasthan.
11. Other Worthwhile Activities :
a.Coordinator of Entrance Exam Preparation Cell (EEPC)- Target oriented Activities of
EEPC has played a pivotal role in increasing the number of students being selected at
National level institutes like IIT, JNU-CEEB, TIFR, MSU, BHU and further NET and GATE
Preparation. This unique and career oriented activity has been highly appreciated by Students,
Parents and External agencies.
b.Serving as visiting faculty in Biotechnology of different colleges across Gujarat for
Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching programme in Biotechnology
c.Resource person for Capacity Building Cell (CBC) in different science college and PG
department across Gujarat state governed by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
(GSBTM) Gandhinagar Govt. of Gujarat.
d. Process owner for Human Resource Development (HRD) Management and
Administration for ISO:9001:2008.
e. Criteria owner for Leadership and Governance for NAAC Accreditation.
f. Appointed as Member of syllabus revision committee by Sardar Patel University (SPU)
for Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Genetics courses.
g. Appointed as Paper setter and Examiner by Sardar Patel University (SPU) in
Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Genetics for conducting PG and UG Examination every
semester since 2003.
h.Appointed as Dept. coordinator of NBTCBC of NVPAS of Anand Varodara region by
GSBTM Govt. of Gujarat Gandhinagar.
i.Appointed as member of board of studies for Biosciences by Vice-Chancellor Sardar
Patel University (SPU)
1. Founder & Coordinator, EEPC (Entrance Examination Preparation Cell): 2005
Onwards: An initiative to make students competent to pass various entrance exams at PG
level by generating Information about Various universities ,their admission process by
organizing lectures and practice/mock tests.
2. Resource Person and Co-cordinator GSBTM (Deptartment of Science and
Technology) N-BT-CBC of Anand-Vadodara region: (Gujarat State Biotechnology
Mission- Network of Biotechnology Capacity Building Cell): A Unique initiative of
Government of Gujarat to provide support and training to Undergraduate students to clear
national level competitive exams and to join the mainstream of Nations best Institutes and
organizations, by conducting Crash Workshops, Invited lecture series and other student
oriented activities.
3. GSBTM Online Exam Team Member: Successfully conducted Six online screening tests
for the selection of students for GSBTM Crash workshops at V V Nagar, Ahmedabad, Surat,
Junagarh, Kadi & Patan in technical collaboration with Eternal Software solutions.
4. Appointed as Coordinator by Gujarat Pharma Care Society for Biotechnology Apitude
Test (BAT) online exam since 2010.
5. Resource person for BISEC Gandhinagar, Govt. of Gujarat.
13. Area of interest for teaching and Research- Molecular biology, Genetic
Engineering, Molecular technique, Molecular markers technology, Transgenic technology,
Genomics, Differential gene expression studies, Industrial biotechnology, Plant and animal
biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology and Stem Cell Biology etc.
14. Present status: Serving as Assistant professor (senior grade) Dept. of
Biotechnology, Genetics and Bioinformatics of Natubhai V Patel college of Pure and
Applied Sciences (Sardar Patel University) V.V.Nagar from 16th June 2003 till date.
15. Present Pay scale- 15600-7000-39100 (DA as per rule)
16. Declaration:
I hereby declare that all above information made by me in this resume are true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
1. Dr.K.B.Kathiria
Director Research
Anand Agricultural University(AAU), Anand-388110,Gujarat,India
Telefax: 02692-263600,(M):+919998009961
2. Dr. R.S.Fougat
Professor and Head, Centre of Excellance in Biotechnology
Anand Agricultural University (AAU) Anand-388110,Gujarat India.
Telefax: -02692-261134, (M)+919898642618
Email: rsfougat@ yahoo.co.in,Website:www.aau.in
3.Dr.Basudev Bakshi
Principal, N.V.Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences
Vallabh Vidyanagar 388120, Anand,Gujarat, India
Telefax: -02692-234111, 235500
bbakshi25@gmail.com,nvpascollege@yahoo.co.in Website-www.nvpas.edu.in

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  • 1. 1 DR. KUNDAN KUMAR MISHRA Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Biotechnology, Dept of Biotechnology, Genetics & Bioinformatics, N.V.PATEL COLLEGE OF PURE & APPLIED SCIENCES, Managed by Charutar Vidyamandal (CVM ) Affiliated to SARDAR PATEL UNIVERSITY (SPU) (NAAC A Accredited, ISO9001:2008 Certified) Recognized by UGC 2f (12B) Act VALLABH VIDYANAGAR-388120 kkmbt@yahoo.co.in kkmishra71075@gmail.com 02692-235500(O), 234111 (Fax) +91-9426543818(Mo) Date of Birth- October 7th 1975. 1. Academic Degree- Throughout First Class From10th to PostGraduate (Ph.D). M.Sc Biotechnology- First class (2nd rank in University Merit List) L.N.M.U Darbhanga (Bihar) with 74.6 percentile ( 2000). Ph.D Biotechnology -With course work entitled VALIDATION OF FIBER QUALITY LINKED SSR MARKERS DERIVED FROM ALLOTETRAPLOID COTTON IN DIPLOID COTTON (Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium herbaceum) from Department of Agricultural Biotechnology Centre of Excellance in Biotechnology, Anand Agricultural University (AAU) Anand (Gujarat) with 6.75 CGPA (2012). Summary of Academic Qualification- Sl. No Examination Passed Year Name of Board/University Division/Class with ( %) Subject/Specialization 1 Matric(10th ) 1990 B.S.E.B First (69.8) Science, Arts, Commerce, English,Eco etc 2 I.Sc(12th ) 1992 B.I.E.C First (66.7) Botany,Zoology,Phy,Chem, Eng,Hindi etc 3 B.Sc (Hons) 1997 L.N.M.U First (65.0) Zoology,Botany,Chem.Eng etc 4 M.Sc (BT) 2000 L.N.M.U First (74.6) G.E,MB,Immuno,PT,ABT,PBT CB, MI IBT etc 5 NET 2002 (ASRB) ICAR BT Plant Biotechnology 6 Ph.D 2012 A.A.U First (6.75) G.E,BNF,PBG, MT, MB, Genome Analysis etc.
  • 2. 2 2. Book Published: 1.Kundan K. Mishra, Amit Ballani and Urvish Chhaya A Career Guide for Biotechnology and Life sciences Entrance Examinations- ISBN:978-93-8255943-6 Published by Nirav & Roopal Prakashan, Ahmedabad ( 2008 1st edition and 2014 second edition). 2. Kundan K. Mishra, Urvish Chhaya and Amit Ballani Concept in Elementary Biotechnology- ISBN 938128629-9, Published by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh Vidyanagar ( 2014), funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) ,Gandhinagar, Govt. of Gujarat. 3. Madhumati Bora Kundan K. Mishra, Amit Ballani and Urvish Chhaya Coauthored a Booklet Life Sciences Entrance Examination at a Glance Published by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh Vidyanagar (2011) funded by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) ,Gandhinagar , Govt. of Gujarat. 4. Kundan K. Mishra and Amit Ballani Tools and technique in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics work book advance bioinformatics modules wet-lab modules, Published by Lajja Prakashan, Vallabh Vidyanagar ( 2009) funded by NVPAS,V.V.Nagar. 3. Awards/ Fellowships/Recognition: 06 1. ICAR (ASRB) NET Exam (June 2002) Qualified for Lecturership/Assistant Professorship. 2. Selected as Research Associate in National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) all India Co-ordinated Project on Animal Health Information system through Disease Monitoring and Surveillance (AHIS-DMS) Department of Microbiology, Bihar Veterinary College (BVC) Patna (Rajendra Agricultural University (RAU) Pusa Samatipur. 3.Received Award for Excellent Performance from Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) for achieving ISO 9001:2000 for Management and Administration and Human Resource Development(HRD) 4. Received Award for Excellent Performance from Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) for achieving A grade in NAAC accreditation process (2009) for Leadership and Governance criteria. 5. Received Ph.D guideship in Biotechnology from Sardar Patel University (2015). 4. Research Experience: 7 years a.Two year eight months as Research Associate in all India coordinated research project NATP(ICAR) Sponsored project entitled Animal Health Information System through Disease Monitoring and Surveillance (AHIS-DMS) from Department of Microbiology
  • 3. 3 Bihar Veterinary College Patna 800014 (Rajendra Agricultural University Pusa Samastipur). b. Two months as summer trainee from national institute of pharmaceutical education and Research (NIPER) from the Department of Biotechnology project entitledAnalysis and Expression of Human Cloned (GST) Genes c. Four years and six months as a Ph.D scholar from Centre of Excellance in Biotechnology, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University(AAU) Anand 388 110, Gujarat, India. 5. Teaching Experience: More 12 years at undergraduates and post graduates level. 6. ResearchPaperPresented-05 1.Presented two paper entitled Seroprevalence and diagnosis of Infectious Bovine Rhinotraeichitis in Bihar and 2. Seroprevalence and diagnosis of Bovine Brucellosis in Bihar in All Asia Buffalo Congress New Delhi, 25-28 Feb 2003. 3.Presented a Paper entitled Global Profiling of C3435T Mutation in exon 26 of MDR1 Drug Transporter and awarded with 3rd Prize in National Seminar on New Frontiers in Life sciences Organized by NVPAS on 19th December,2009. 4. Carrer and capacity building of students by institutional initiatives-a case examples of entrance exam preparation cell of NVPAS. UGC and NAAC sponsored national seminar-6th Dec 2013 at NVPAS, V.V.Nagar 5. Genetic diversity and molecular analysis among cotton genotypes by EST-SSR markers. GSBTM sponsored national seminar entitled Trends in microbial biotechnology on 26th Feb 2014 at N.V.P.A.S V.V.Nagar 7. Research Paper published 1. Molecular characterization of Asiatic cotton G. herbaceum and G. arboreum genotypes using SSR markers Linked for fiber quality traits. Mishra Kundan K孫, R.S.Fougat. International Journal of Biotechnology and Allied Fields (IJBAF), May, 2013, 1(5): 319-332 ISSN: 2320 0774.(Impact Factor-0.421) 2. Genetic relationship among different (species of cotton as revealed by SSR markers for fibre quality traits. Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族. Internatinal Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences. 1 (3): 81-93 (2013) ISSN: 2320 7051. (Impact factor-2.636) 3.Transferability of fibre quality linked SSR markers derived from allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in diploid cotton (Gossypium herbaceum and Gossypium arboreum). Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族 Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy 2013, 2(2) 9-14. ISSN: 2277-9469.(SJ impact factor-3.656, Impact factor 1.0441)
  • 4. 4 4.Validation of Fiber Quality Linked SSR Markers Derived from Allotetraploid (Gossypium hirsutum) in Diploid (Gossypium arboreum). Kundan K. Mishra1, Ranbir Singh Fougat1 International Journal of Scientific Research in Knowledge (IJSRK) 1(9), pp.349-358, 2013. ISSN: 2322 4541. 5.Carrer and capacity building of students by institutional initiatives-a case examples of entrance exam preparation cell of NVPAS. Ballani Amit, Mishra Kundan Kumar and Chhaya Urvish International Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research,Volume 1/Issue 5(part II) Dec2013 pp.87-89/ISSN 2321-7073. 6. Potential and application of molecular markers techniques for plant genome analysis Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat孫,Ballani A族. Internatinal Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences IJAB 2(1): 169-188 (2014) ISSN: 2320 7051.(Impact factor2.636) 7. Genetic diversity and molecular analysis among cotton genotypes by EST-SSR markers. Kundan K. Mishra孫, R.S.Fougat族. International Jornal of Agricultural Science, Environment and Biotechnology IJAEB 7(2):39-50 (2014) ISSN:0974- 1712.(NAAS Rating-4.10) Impact factor-under evaluation) 8. Potential and application of Stem cell in advance medical science. Kundan K. Mishra孫, Urvish D.Chhaya . Journal of V-Vidyanagar, 3(3): 31-34(March 2014) ISSN: 0976-9809. 7.Ongoing Research Project (01) Identification of QTL linked SSR Markers for Fiber Quality Traits in Asiatic Cotton (Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium herbaceum) funded by University Grants Commission (UGC) Rs- 2800000. 8. Seminar/ ConferencesWorkshops Organized: Worked as organizing secretary for 3 days national level workshopTools and technique in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Organized Crash Workshops & One Invited lecture series on Entrance Exam Preparation: (i) PRAYAAS 2009-I: Four day Crash program organized by EEPC from 4th to 7th May 2009. (ii) PRAYAAS 2009-II: Three day Crash program organized by EEPC from 31st October to 2nd November 2009. (iii) GSBTM SPONSORED Ist CRASH WORKSHOP 2010: Six Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 5th May to 10th May 2010. (iv) GSBTM SPONSORED IInd CRASH WORKSHOP 2010: Six Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 13th November to 18th November 2010. (v) GSBTM SPONSORED INVITED LECTURE SERIES-2011: Two Days event for preparing students for National competitive exams on 9th & 16th January 2011, jointly organized by GSBTM & EEPC. (vi) GSBTM SPONSORED IIIrd CRASH WORKSHOP: Four Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 12th May to 15th May 2011. (vii) GSBTM SPONSORED IVth (A) CRASH WORKSHOP: Three Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 19th October to 21st October 2011.
  • 5. 5 (viii) GSBTM SPONSORED IVth (B) CRASH WORKSHOP: Three Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 20th December to 22nd December 2011. (v) GSBTM SPONSORED 5th CRASH WORKSHOP 2012: Six Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 7th may to 12th may 2012. (vii) GSBTM SPONSORED VIth (A) CRASH WORKSHOP: three Days Crash program Organized by EEPC & GSBTM from 5th febuary to 7th Febuary 2013. Viii GSBTM SPONSORED VIth (A) CRASH WORKSHOP: three Days Crash program Organized by NBT-CBC of NVPAS& GSBTM from 17th febuary to 22nd Febuary 2014. 9. Seminar/ Conferences/Workshops Attended: 1.State level workshop on Patent Awareness camp organized by Science College Patna in collaboration with TIFAC, DST, NEW Delhi 2002. 2. Attended One Day National Seminar on 50 Years of DNA on September 2003 at MSU of Baroda, Vadodara. 3.A Two day Meet of Biotechnologists at V.V.Nagar on June 25th and 26th 2004 organized by ISTAR (CVM) V.V.Nagar. 4. One Day International Seminar on Emerging Trends in Molecular Biology, Medicine and Diagnostics On 18th September,2004 Organized by MSU of Baroda,Vadodara. 5. Attended Three days marine camp on Importance and conservation of marine life on 25th-27 th January,2005 at Beyt Dwarika organized by Centre for Environment Education(CEE), Ahmedabad.. 6. Participated in Ninth Gujarat Science Congress on Recent Advances in Science and Technology at V.V.Nagar Organized by S.P.University and Gujarat Science Academy2005. 7. Attended Two days International Seminar on Modern Biology-Facets and Prospects on 10th-11th October,2005 Organized by MSU of Baroda,Vadodara and TIFR, Mumbai. 8.UGC sponsored one day National Level Seminar on Bioinformatics-Emerging Trends on 1st January, 2006 organized by M & N Virani Science College, Rajkot. 9.One Day Seminar on Humanitys heritage: Our Genome and stem cells organized on 1st October, 2006 at Prof. C.C. Mehta Auditorium, M.S. Univeristy of Baroda, Vadodara 10.Attend 3rd BRSI Convention of International Conference on Exploring Horizons in Biotechnology: A Global Venture jointly organized by the BRD School of Biosciences, Sardar Patel University and Charutar Vidya Mandal (CVM) V.V. Nagar , Gujarat, India from November 2nd to 4th , 2006. 11.Attended 3 day Sci-Tech Utsav from 1st December 2006 to 3rd December 2006 and One day National level seminar on Radiology in service of mankind organized by M & N Virani Science College, Rajkot. 12.Attended and served as steering committee member of National level seminar on New horizons in Biological Sciences Jointly Organised by Natubhai V Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences,V.V.Nagar and Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM),Gandhinagar On 23rd September 2007. 13.Participated in One Day Faculty Development Program on 13th December 2007 Organised by ICFAI University. 14.Two days National level conference on characterization and Applications of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Organized by MAPAI and DMAPR.12 and 13th December 2010. 15.Attended and served as Steering committee member of National Level seminar on Passion to Mission in Molecular Biology Organized by NVPAS and GSBTM on 28th November 2008.
  • 6. 6 16.MICROBIAL COLLOQUIM at NVPAS, 7th January 2011 17.NEW HORIZONS IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Organized by Dept. of Biosciences, Sardar Patel University, V.V.Nagar 23rd January 2011. 18.One day seminar on Bioinformatics tool for genome analysis organized by Dept. of Animal Biotechnology Anand Agricultural University December 2012. 19.Two days National level conference on characterization and Applications of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Organized by MAPAI and DMAPR January 2013. 20.Research 2 Rupees two days workshop organized by GSBTM Gandhinagar and SKYquest Ahemadabad March 2013. 21. One day seminar on intellectual property right on 27th August 2013 organized by Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology Anand Agricultural University,Anand Gujarat. 22.Two day NAAC sponsored national seminar on Empowering educational system through quality enhancement and capacity building of teachers and students 6-7 Dec 2013.Organised by IQAC, NVPAS V.V.Nagar 23. One day GSBTM sponsored national seminar entitled Trends in microbial biotechnology on 26th Feb 2014 at N.V.P.A.S V.V.Nagar. 24.One day GSBTM and NCCSD sponsored seminar on Role of Bio-technology in Developing Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agricultureon 1st March 2014 at Anand Agricultural University,Anand Gujarat. 25.Two days workshop on communication skill for science through technology on 28th- 29th april organized by H.M.Patel Carrer Development centre V.V.Nagar Anand Gujarat. 10. Orientation, RefresherCourses andTraining I. One week International workshop on Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology At L.N.M.U Darbhanga with collaboration of GSF Munich, Germany. II. One week hands on training on immunotechnique( Computor based ELISA) from PD-ADMAS Immunology Laboratory IAH and VB Hebbal Bangalore. III. Successfully completed the one month Orientation Program from 25th May to 19th June 2010 organized by UGC-Academic Staff College, V.V.Nagar. IV. Two week Hands on training on molecular tools and technique sponsored by UGC and conducted by MLSU Udaipur Rajasthan. 11. Other Worthwhile Activities : a.Coordinator of Entrance Exam Preparation Cell (EEPC)- Target oriented Activities of EEPC has played a pivotal role in increasing the number of students being selected at National level institutes like IIT, JNU-CEEB, TIFR, MSU, BHU and further NET and GATE Preparation. This unique and career oriented activity has been highly appreciated by Students, Parents and External agencies. b.Serving as visiting faculty in Biotechnology of different colleges across Gujarat for Undergraduate and Postgraduate teaching programme in Biotechnology
  • 7. 7 c.Resource person for Capacity Building Cell (CBC) in different science college and PG department across Gujarat state governed by Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (GSBTM) Gandhinagar Govt. of Gujarat. d. Process owner for Human Resource Development (HRD) Management and Administration for ISO:9001:2008. e. Criteria owner for Leadership and Governance for NAAC Accreditation. f. Appointed as Member of syllabus revision committee by Sardar Patel University (SPU) for Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Genetics courses. g. Appointed as Paper setter and Examiner by Sardar Patel University (SPU) in Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Genetics for conducting PG and UG Examination every semester since 2003. h.Appointed as Dept. coordinator of NBTCBC of NVPAS of Anand Varodara region by GSBTM Govt. of Gujarat Gandhinagar. i.Appointed as member of board of studies for Biosciences by Vice-Chancellor Sardar Patel University (SPU) 12. INNOVATIONS MADE IN TEACHING: 1. Founder & Coordinator, EEPC (Entrance Examination Preparation Cell): 2005 Onwards: An initiative to make students competent to pass various entrance exams at PG level by generating Information about Various universities ,their admission process by organizing lectures and practice/mock tests. 2. Resource Person and Co-cordinator GSBTM (Deptartment of Science and Technology) N-BT-CBC of Anand-Vadodara region: (Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission- Network of Biotechnology Capacity Building Cell): A Unique initiative of Government of Gujarat to provide support and training to Undergraduate students to clear national level competitive exams and to join the mainstream of Nations best Institutes and organizations, by conducting Crash Workshops, Invited lecture series and other student oriented activities. 3. GSBTM Online Exam Team Member: Successfully conducted Six online screening tests for the selection of students for GSBTM Crash workshops at V V Nagar, Ahmedabad, Surat, Junagarh, Kadi & Patan in technical collaboration with Eternal Software solutions. 4. Appointed as Coordinator by Gujarat Pharma Care Society for Biotechnology Apitude Test (BAT) online exam since 2010. 5. Resource person for BISEC Gandhinagar, Govt. of Gujarat. 13. Area of interest for teaching and Research- Molecular biology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular technique, Molecular markers technology, Transgenic technology, Genomics, Differential gene expression studies, Industrial biotechnology, Plant and animal biotechnology, Medical Biotechnology and Stem Cell Biology etc.
  • 8. 8 14. Present status: Serving as Assistant professor (senior grade) Dept. of Biotechnology, Genetics and Bioinformatics of Natubhai V Patel college of Pure and Applied Sciences (Sardar Patel University) V.V.Nagar from 16th June 2003 till date. 15. Present Pay scale- 15600-7000-39100 (DA as per rule) 16. Declaration: I hereby declare that all above information made by me in this resume are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (KUNDAN KUMAR MISHRA) Date: Place: References- 1. Dr.K.B.Kathiria Director Research Anand Agricultural University(AAU), Anand-388110,Gujarat,India Telefax: 02692-263600,(M):+919998009961 Email:dr@aau.in,Website:www.aau.in 2. Dr. R.S.Fougat Professor and Head, Centre of Excellance in Biotechnology Anand Agricultural University (AAU) Anand-388110,Gujarat India. Telefax: -02692-261134, (M)+919898642618 Email: rsfougat@ yahoo.co.in,Website:www.aau.in 3.Dr.Basudev Bakshi Principal, N.V.Patel College of Pure and Applied Sciences Vallabh Vidyanagar 388120, Anand,Gujarat, India Telefax: -02692-234111, 235500 bbakshi25@gmail.com,nvpascollege@yahoo.co.in Website-www.nvpas.edu.in