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____________________________________________ CURRICULAM VITAE

Veterinary Pathologist,
Primex Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory,
Parel, Mumbai-12.
E-mail address  drpavan_patil@rediffmail.com
                  drpavanppatil@gmail.com                    Date of birth  April 14th, 1985
Mobile No. - 09780726650, 09029289230                        Marital Status  Male, Single
        I am a VETERINARY PATHOLOGIST with research experience in Pathology,
Clinical Pathology and Toxicopathology.
       I have developed diagnostic capabilities and skills in Clinical Pathology including
Haematology, Toxicopathology and Clinico-biochemical alteration in various disease
conditions in small, large and laboratory animals. I have acquired good communication,
organizational, interpersonal skills and excellence in writing scientific reports and
publications, project proposals, presenting posters and seminars.


   1. Laboraotory Animal House Incharge- at K. J. Somaiya Medical College and
      Research Centre, Mumbai for 5 months.
       Breeding & Management of laboratory animal viz. Rats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs.
       Treatment of laboratory animals etc.
       Maintenance of records for CPCSEA

   2. Veterinary Pathologist- at Primex Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Mumbai
       Diagnostic Hematology,
       Clinico-biochemical and patho-physiology,
       Urine analysis,
       Blood/serum/plasma chemistry,
       Organ function tests,
       Use of spectrophotometer, automated Haematology and Biochemistry analyzer
         etc. for laboratory diagnosis.
       Lymph node biopsy studies, gross and microphotography,
       Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC),
       Diagnosis of different tumours of domestic animals.

1. Worked as a toxicopathologist for more than 2 years including experience in M.V.Sc.
2. Manually processed and read histopathology slides of visceral organs of toxicity study
   on rats from the Department of Pharmacology, Mumbai.
3. Manually processed and read the histopathology slides of toxicity study on rat nasal
   mucosa obtained from Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai.
4. Handling routine laboratory activities like, Histopathology Techniques with
   differential staining, Clinical Pathology, Toxicopathology.
5. Basic knowledge of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)
6. Basic knowledge of different accreditation viz.CPCSEA, IAEC, AAALAC, APEDA
7. Development and management of scientific images/ videos and scientific / technical
   information of disease/ infections Domestic as well as Laboratory animals.

  Neurotoxicopathological assessment of lead acetate in wistar rats.
 Lead acetate given to the wistar rats of 4-6 weeks age through drinking water for
  42 days.
 Blood was collected from internal canthus of eye with the help of capillary tube
  on 14th, 28th and 42nd day. Haematology and serum biochemistry was performed.
 Functional operating battery (FOB) was performed in order to assess
  neurobehavioral changes. For assessment of the neurobehavioral changes Y-
  maze apparatus was used along with routine Home Cage observations, Sensory
  activity, posture and gait.
 On the day of sacrifice in-situ fixation was done. A transcardial preflush of rat
    with heparinized buffer at room temperature (to prevent vasoconstriction) which
    was followed by perfusion with 4% buffered formalin.
   Three sections of brain were taken which mainly includes hippocampus and
    cerebellum remaining one section from the anterior part of brain was taken.
   Spinal cord from the cervical, thoracic and lumber region was removed.
   Special staining methods were performed. Brain was stained with Luxol fast blue
    stain and spinal cord was stained with Beilschowskay techniques.

 Examination       University/ Board         Year of      Percentage       Subjects
   passed                                    passing        marks
   M.V.Sc.   Bombay Veterinary College,       2010         84.50%         Pathology
             Mumbai, MAFSU
   B.V.Sc.   Bombay Veterinary College,       2008         77.50%            All
             Mumbai , MAFSU                                               Essentials
   H.S.C.    Pune University (Nasik sub-      2003         79.50%            All
             division)                                   (PCMB86%)        Essentials
   S.S.C.    Pune University (Nasik sub-      2001         83.06%            All
             division)                                                    Essentials


1.   Life Member of Maharashtra State Veterinary Council, Nagpur,
2.   Life Member of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, IVRI,
3.   Life Member of Alumni Association of Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai,
4.   Life Member of Global Vet, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai,


1. Mid Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists & National
   Seminar On Recent Advances in Innovative Techniques for Field Veterinarians in
   General & Teaching Veterinary Anatomy in particular", held at Bombay Veterinary
   College, Parel, Mumbai during May 8, 2008.

2. International Conference on Cardiometabolic Diseases organised by Zydus
   Research Centre, Ahmadabad, during February 2-5, 2009.

3. Ninth Indian Veterinary Congress of Indian Association for Advancement of
   Veterinary Research & National Symposium on Transition from Empiricalism to
   Molecularism in Veterinary Research for a Sustainable Animal Health & Production-
   Way Forward Organized by the Department Of Microbiology, Bombay Veterinary
   College, during February 20 -21, 2009.

4. Successfully completed Annual Biotechnology Workshop organised by Haffkine
   Institute for Training, Research & Testing, Mumbai during April 17-29, 2009.

5. International Conference on Laboratory Animal Science: Applications in Biomedical
   Research organized jointly by Laboratory Animal Scientists Association (LASA) of
India & National Institute for Research in reproductive Health, Mumbai during
   October 1 -3, 2009.

6. XXVI Annual IAVP Conference, C L Davis Satellite Seminar and International
   Symposium on Philosophy of Disease Diagnosis through Morphological to
   Biomolecular Approaches with Core Theme Diagnostic Pathology, held at
   GADVASU, Ludhiana during October 28 -30, 2009.

7. First annual convention of Maharashtra Chapter of IAVP and National Symposium on
   Advances in avian diseases and toxicopathology Organised by the Department of
   Pathology, Shirvwal on April 12, 2010.

8. One day crash course on Overview of GLP regulations in the drug discovery process
   with practical considerations of conducting toxicity and carcinogenicity organised
   by Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai on May 16, 2010.

9. IVRI Izatnagar Chapter of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists (IAVP).
   National Seminar on Advances in animal cancer research in India: diagnosis,
   treatment and clinical management, jointly organized by Dr C.M. Singh Endowment
   Trust, Bareilly, and Division of Pathology, IVRI, Izatnagar  243122, Bareilly (U.P.)
   on June 15-16, 2010.


               Type of Publication                       Number
               Research Article                            01
               Short Communication                         02
               Abstracts                                   16
               Poster Presented                            04


1. Represented University in Ashwamedh 2007 Inter-University Sports Meet in the
   event of Basketball at Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik.
2. Represented University in Avishkar 2009 Inter-University Research Meet at
   Solapur University, Solapur.
3. Secured 31st rank in Maharashtra State Scholarship Examination held by
   Government of Maharashtra.
4. Secured Conciliation prize in Maharashtra Talent Search (MTS), a state level
   talent search examination held by government of Maharashtra.
5. Successfully Completed Instructional riding camp held at Amateur riders club,
      Mahalaxmi race course, Mumbai.
   6. Cleared MS-CIT examination related with basics of computers of Maharashtra Govt.
   7. Assisted for the preparation of Video CD on the post mortem examination of Large
      & small animals for the COL- MAFSU programme.
   8. Actively participated in various extension activities as National Service Scheme
      camps, clinical and operative animal health camps, vaccination camps etc. and
      allied activities during under graduation and post graduation studies.
   9. Participated in college gathering Spandan in every year of graduation & post-
      graduation and secured prizes in debate, quiz, box cricket, volleyball & basketball


Dr. (Mrs) R. S. Nehete,                        Dr. D. P. Kadam,
Professor,                                    Assistant Professor,
Bombay Veterinary College,                    Bombay Veterinary College,
Parel, Mumbai- 400012                         Parel, Mumbai- 400012
Maharashtra, India.                           Maharashtra, India.
Phone: + 91-9322837096                        Phone: + 91-9869123619
E-mail: renuka_nehete@rediffmail.com          E-mail: dpkadampatho@gmail.com

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  • 1. ____________________________________________ CURRICULAM VITAE Dr. PAVAN PRAKASH PATIL Veterinary Pathologist, Primex Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Parel, Mumbai-12. E-mail address drpavan_patil@rediffmail.com drpavanppatil@gmail.com Date of birth April 14th, 1985 Mobile No. - 09780726650, 09029289230 Marital Status Male, Single __________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY I am a VETERINARY PATHOLOGIST with research experience in Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Toxicopathology. I have developed diagnostic capabilities and skills in Clinical Pathology including Haematology, Toxicopathology and Clinico-biochemical alteration in various disease conditions in small, large and laboratory animals. I have acquired good communication, organizational, interpersonal skills and excellence in writing scientific reports and publications, project proposals, presenting posters and seminars. A) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1. Laboraotory Animal House Incharge- at K. J. Somaiya Medical College and Research Centre, Mumbai for 5 months. Breeding & Management of laboratory animal viz. Rats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs. Treatment of laboratory animals etc. Maintenance of records for CPCSEA 2. Veterinary Pathologist- at Primex Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Mumbai Diagnostic Hematology, Clinico-biochemical and patho-physiology, Urine analysis, Blood/serum/plasma chemistry, Organ function tests, Use of spectrophotometer, automated Haematology and Biochemistry analyzer etc. for laboratory diagnosis. Cytology, Lymph node biopsy studies, gross and microphotography, Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), Diagnosis of different tumours of domestic animals.
  • 2. B) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1. Worked as a toxicopathologist for more than 2 years including experience in M.V.Sc. 2. Manually processed and read histopathology slides of visceral organs of toxicity study on rats from the Department of Pharmacology, Mumbai. 3. Manually processed and read the histopathology slides of toxicity study on rat nasal mucosa obtained from Bombay College of Pharmacy, Mumbai. 4. Handling routine laboratory activities like, Histopathology Techniques with differential staining, Clinical Pathology, Toxicopathology. 5. Basic knowledge of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) 6. Basic knowledge of different accreditation viz.CPCSEA, IAEC, AAALAC, APEDA 7. Development and management of scientific images/ videos and scientific / technical information of disease/ infections Domestic as well as Laboratory animals. RESEARCH WORK for M.V.Sc.: Neurotoxicopathological assessment of lead acetate in wistar rats. Lead acetate given to the wistar rats of 4-6 weeks age through drinking water for 42 days. Blood was collected from internal canthus of eye with the help of capillary tube on 14th, 28th and 42nd day. Haematology and serum biochemistry was performed. Functional operating battery (FOB) was performed in order to assess neurobehavioral changes. For assessment of the neurobehavioral changes Y- maze apparatus was used along with routine Home Cage observations, Sensory activity, posture and gait. On the day of sacrifice in-situ fixation was done. A transcardial preflush of rat with heparinized buffer at room temperature (to prevent vasoconstriction) which was followed by perfusion with 4% buffered formalin. Three sections of brain were taken which mainly includes hippocampus and cerebellum remaining one section from the anterior part of brain was taken. Spinal cord from the cervical, thoracic and lumber region was removed. Special staining methods were performed. Brain was stained with Luxol fast blue stain and spinal cord was stained with Beilschowskay techniques.
  • 3. C) EDUCATIONAL SUMMARY-- Examination University/ Board Year of Percentage Subjects passed passing marks M.V.Sc. Bombay Veterinary College, 2010 84.50% Pathology Mumbai, MAFSU B.V.Sc. Bombay Veterinary College, 2008 77.50% All Mumbai , MAFSU Essentials H.S.C. Pune University (Nasik sub- 2003 79.50% All division) (PCMB86%) Essentials S.S.C. Pune University (Nasik sub- 2001 83.06% All division) Essentials D) LIFE-MEMBERSHIP-- 1. Life Member of Maharashtra State Veterinary Council, Nagpur, 2. Life Member of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists, IVRI, 3. Life Member of Alumni Association of Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, 4. Life Member of Global Vet, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, E) SEMINARS & CONFERENCES ATTENDED-- 1. Mid Annual Convention of Indian Association of Veterinary Anatomists & National Seminar On Recent Advances in Innovative Techniques for Field Veterinarians in General & Teaching Veterinary Anatomy in particular", held at Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai during May 8, 2008. 2. International Conference on Cardiometabolic Diseases organised by Zydus Research Centre, Ahmadabad, during February 2-5, 2009. 3. Ninth Indian Veterinary Congress of Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research & National Symposium on Transition from Empiricalism to Molecularism in Veterinary Research for a Sustainable Animal Health & Production- Way Forward Organized by the Department Of Microbiology, Bombay Veterinary College, during February 20 -21, 2009. 4. Successfully completed Annual Biotechnology Workshop organised by Haffkine Institute for Training, Research & Testing, Mumbai during April 17-29, 2009. 5. International Conference on Laboratory Animal Science: Applications in Biomedical Research organized jointly by Laboratory Animal Scientists Association (LASA) of
  • 4. India & National Institute for Research in reproductive Health, Mumbai during October 1 -3, 2009. 6. XXVI Annual IAVP Conference, C L Davis Satellite Seminar and International Symposium on Philosophy of Disease Diagnosis through Morphological to Biomolecular Approaches with Core Theme Diagnostic Pathology, held at GADVASU, Ludhiana during October 28 -30, 2009. 7. First annual convention of Maharashtra Chapter of IAVP and National Symposium on Advances in avian diseases and toxicopathology Organised by the Department of Pathology, Shirvwal on April 12, 2010. 8. One day crash course on Overview of GLP regulations in the drug discovery process with practical considerations of conducting toxicity and carcinogenicity organised by Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai on May 16, 2010. 9. IVRI Izatnagar Chapter of Indian Association of Veterinary Pathologists (IAVP). National Seminar on Advances in animal cancer research in India: diagnosis, treatment and clinical management, jointly organized by Dr C.M. Singh Endowment Trust, Bareilly, and Division of Pathology, IVRI, Izatnagar 243122, Bareilly (U.P.) on June 15-16, 2010. F) PUBLICATIONS Type of Publication Number Research Article 01 Short Communication 02 Abstracts 16 Poster Presented 04 G) EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES-- 1. Represented University in Ashwamedh 2007 Inter-University Sports Meet in the event of Basketball at Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik. 2. Represented University in Avishkar 2009 Inter-University Research Meet at Solapur University, Solapur. 3. Secured 31st rank in Maharashtra State Scholarship Examination held by Government of Maharashtra. 4. Secured Conciliation prize in Maharashtra Talent Search (MTS), a state level talent search examination held by government of Maharashtra.
  • 5. 5. Successfully Completed Instructional riding camp held at Amateur riders club, Mahalaxmi race course, Mumbai. 6. Cleared MS-CIT examination related with basics of computers of Maharashtra Govt. 7. Assisted for the preparation of Video CD on the post mortem examination of Large & small animals for the COL- MAFSU programme. 8. Actively participated in various extension activities as National Service Scheme camps, clinical and operative animal health camps, vaccination camps etc. and allied activities during under graduation and post graduation studies. 9. Participated in college gathering Spandan in every year of graduation & post- graduation and secured prizes in debate, quiz, box cricket, volleyball & basketball tournaments. REFERENCES-- Dr. (Mrs) R. S. Nehete, Dr. D. P. Kadam, Professor, Assistant Professor, Bombay Veterinary College, Bombay Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai- 400012 Parel, Mumbai- 400012 Maharashtra, India. Maharashtra, India. Phone: + 91-9322837096 Phone: + 91-9869123619 E-mail: renuka_nehete@rediffmail.com E-mail: dpkadampatho@gmail.com