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20/20 Pharma
case studies

                JiM VaUghan, Vice President and general Manager of 3m Drug Delivery Systems Division,
                discusses some of the manufacturing challenges in the life-cycle of a product and bringing a new
   2            product to market

                Ph: What delivery options does 3M Drug De-              body. additionally, we have developed a hollow           pharmaceutical firms in emerging markets, helping
                livery Systems currently offer, and what are the        microstructured transdermal system that allows liq-      them develop their drugs into our dosage forms.
                key advantages and applications of each?                uid forms of these drugs to be delivered, which will     We are seeing many new small, research-driven
                JV: 3Ms chief drug delivery technologies are in        further expand the range of medications that can         pharmaceutical companies, particularly in asia,
                the areas of inhalation and transdermal delivery.       be delivered transdermally, which is a very exciting     thanks to the increasing level of scientific talent
                inhalation drug delivery is very popular for the        innovation. Those are the two main areas in drug         outside of america and the u.K., and we consider
                treatment of conditions such as asthma, chronic         delivery systems that we focus on at 3M.                 these companies to be important partners in our
                Obstructive Pulmonary disease, and other diseases                                                                offerings to new markets. We can also provide assis-
                of the respiratory tract. 3M has a history of over 50   Ph: Emerging markets are presenting im-                  tance with navigating regulatory requirements as
                years in the inhalation category, and our contribu-     portant opportunities in the pharmaceutical              larger firms look to expand into new territories, as
                tions include the development of the first metered-     industry. What is 3M doing to position itself in         well as provide manufacturing services to produce
                dose inhaler and the first cfc- free propellant         this area?                                               the large volumes necessary to help companies
                pressurized Metered-dose inhaler, autohaler, and        JV: 3M, as you know, is a big multinational firm;        meet the demand for their products.
                some novel valves and adaptors that we have to          we are in many countries. as the world gets smaller
                offer to our customers.                                 and countries are generating more wealth, emerg-         Ph: Bringing a new product to market involves
                    as we know, inhalation has fundamental              ing markets are investing more in helping people         significant work beyond pairing the drug and
                advantages for respiratory diseases, due to the fact    have healthier, and hopefully longer, lives. This is     the delivery system. Manufacturing is a signifi-
                that it is target-specific. drugs that are adminis-     important to drug delivery systems, because un-          cant challenge as well. What additional services
                tered by inhalation minimize systemic absorption        fortunately with industrialization comes pollution,      does 3M offer to customers, and how can out-
                and adverse effects compared with drugs that must       bringing with it an increase in disease states. Our      sourcing those services benefit companies?
                travel through the gastrointestinal tract. inhala-      delivery systems help relieve those disease states       JV: Most people are familiar with tablets and cap-
                tion is a growing market and it continues to evolve     with the right drugs, allowing people to have a bet-     sules, and those are the predominant dosage forms
                and expand to larger molecules, such as proteins        ter quality of life.                                     for delivering drugs that we know today. Because
                and peptides. We believe that inhalation has the             These systems include inhalers for asthma           of that, many pharmaceutical companies already
                potential to become the delivery route of choice        and chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease,               have the equipment to manufacture those dosage
                for a wide variety of therapies, for both local and     along with the transdermal delivery systems for a        forms. However, when a company finds a drug
                systemic drug delivery.                                 variety of molecules. These platforms enable ef-         that is good for respiratory treatmentchronic
                    applications for transdermal therapies are          ficient administration of drugs to treat some of the     Obstructive Pulmonary disease or allergies, and so
                expanding rapidly. 3M has been in the sticky-          most common diseases that arise with increasing          on  and they believe that the best way to deliver
                stuff  within the transdermal area for over 30 years   industrialization. additionally, they also enable fast   the drug is through the lungs using either dry
                 both in the formulation and development, as           delivery of vaccines, an important component of          powder inhalation or metered-dose inhalers, many
                well as expertise in films and adhesives. currently     improving public health in emerging markets.             firms do not have that infrastructure, equipment
                we offer transdermal systems and components for              an important consideration when developing          or knowledge to manufacture those dosage forms.
                small molecules, proteins or peptides.                  drugs for emerging markets is the issue of trans-        This is where 3M can help. We have a reach and the
                    transdermal delivery has a number of advan          portation and storage. a key advantage of 3Ms           ability to produce for our customers needs, with
                tages over other routes of administration, includ-      micro replicated system is that we have seen sev-        facilities to manufacture inhalers in the u.s., the
                ing its ability to avoid the first-pass metabolic       eral molecules that we can manufacture and then          u.K. and south america. additionally, we have the
                effects of the liver. it also provides steady, sus-     dry onto the microneedles in such a manner that          capability of developing those dosage forms in our
                tained release of the drug, and helps ensure            the drug doesnt require cold storage. if you can        laboratories in singapore, the u.s. and the u.K.
                compliance. 3M has developed a method of solid          eliminate the need for cold storage, the distribu-           3Ms inhalation manufacturing capabili-
                microstructuredtransdermalsystemmicroneedle             tion and access to that drug or that dosage form can     ties include both pressure-fill and cold-fill for
                delivery that expands the range of medications that     be widened quickly, because it can be distributed a      metered-dose inhaler manufacturing, and we can
                can be delivered transdermally to patients, using       lot faster, and less expensively.                        also provide custom micronizing or particle size re-
                biocompatible, polymeric microneedles to bypass              On top of our dosage platforms, 3M has manu-        duction to obtain particles in the respirable range.
                the barrier properties of the stratum corneum           facturing and research and development facilities        additionally, we have filling capabilities for projects
                and deliver previously undeliverable molecules,         in most regions around the world, and we have just       in sizes ranging from clinical to commercial supply.
                including vaccines, proteins and peptides into the      opened a brand new laboratory in singapore. These        3M is one of the only Mdi component suppliers to
                                                                        locations give us the ability to work with many          manufacture both valves and canisters, so we can

                 20/20 Pharma
case studies

optimize these components simultaneously with          customize and meet their requirements. in addition       pharmaceutical firm partners the greatest value in
the convenience of a single source, which helps        to manufacturing, we offer services including            contract manufacturing services.
ensure their compatibility.                            analytical work, regulatory help and compilation of
    Likewise with transdermal delivery, 3M offers      documents for submission to get a drug approved.         Ph: Life cycle management is an important
manufacturing services for the transdermal sys-        We offer a full spectrum of services to assist our       part of the pharmaceutical business. how does
tems and components, which include backings,           customers in getting their drugs registered and          3M work with customers to address life cycle
membranes, liners and tapes. We are able to assist     ready for approval, distribution and sales. We use       management needs?
with transdermal manufacturing needs, includ-          this partnership approach to help assure a smooth        JV: as we know, the continuing increase in prod-
ing aqueous and solvent coating, converting and        process from start to finish, which can help im-         uct development costs means pharmaceutical
packaging. as with inhalation, our transdermal         prove a products chances for success.                   companies are under increasing pressure to find
manufacturing facilities are capable of handling           Manufacturing is a service at which we are           ways to increase revenues from existing marketed
capacities ranging from lab scale, pilot scale or      well-practiced. 3M is very experience in manu- fac-      products, and also to ensure protection from sales
commercial scale. We have an extensive array of        turing thousands of products for sale in more than       erosion after the launch of generic equivalents.
scientists who bring over 30 years of experience in    60 countries, and we also have the network and           Many companies have found that delivering exist-
this area.                                             infrastructure to handle even the most complex           ing molecules via new delivery routes can improve
    By working with 3M for their manufactur-           supply chains. Our 50-year track record of compli-       patient compliance, or the drugs overall thera-
ing needs, pharmaceutical firms can be assured of      ance with multiple global regulatory bodies, includ-     peutic benefits. reformulating drugs for delivery
reliable product delivery with our expert supply       ing the fda, can give our pharmaceutical partners        via the lungs or through transdermal means can
chain management and global facilities that are        additional peace of mind.                                sometimes result in improvements to the current
current good manufacturing practice compliant,             as these points illustrate, by combining our         dosage form and response in the patients, including
as well as capable of large scale production. We use   formulation expertise, state-of-the-art technology,      fewer side effects, greater and/or faster onset of
a collaborative approach to planning and execu-        and our strict compliance to regulatory guidelines       action and also longer action. This reformulation
tion, and we work very closely with our partners to    with multiple filling capabilities, 3M can provide its   can be undertaken both as a method of life cycle

                                                                                                                                           20/20 Pharma
case studies

                a kEy aDVanTagE oF 3mS miCro
                  rEPLiCaTED SySTEm iS ThaT wE
                 haVE SEEn SEVEraL moLECuLES

                ThaT WE CAn MAnUFACTURE AnD
                 THEn DRy onTo THE MICRonEE-
                DLES In SUCH A MAnnER THAT THE
                  DRUg DoESnT REqUIRE CoLD
                management or as a general improvement to the           and this is an area in which 3Ms manufacturing         transdermal systems can lower costs in shipping
                drug to help with issues such as compliance, side       services can be helpful. another effective way of       and storing, and total delivery costs will be signifi-
                effects and so on.                                      controlling costs is to reduce a new drugs time to     cantly lower.
                    from a commercial perspective, formulating          market, and this can be achieved by making certain          furthermore, in terms of pharmaco econom-
                drugs for new delivery routes can extend the life       a firm has the necessary chemistry, manufacturing       ics, using inhalation or transdermal delivery to
                of successful products and also protect them from       and controls system data packages to allow fast         allow patients to self-administer medications is a
                generic substitution. alternatively, it may enable      approval through the regulatory bodies. With 3Ms       much more cost-effective method of delivery than
                pharmaceutical companies to enter a new market          experience of over 50 years in the industry, we         having professional healthcare providers delivering
                utilizing their existing technologies or by partner-    have a record of approval the first time through for    injections.
                ing with drug delivery companies to enter a mar-        regulatory bodies for both inhalation and transder-         We understand that the challenging economy
                ket of strategic importance. to help our customers      mal dosage forms. and were proud to say we have        has caused both healthcare companies and
                determine if their candidate molecules may be suit-     gained approval the first time through in our last      consumers to examine the value of the services
                able for transdermal, inhalation or nasal drug deliv-   three submissions. This kind of efficiency can be a     available to them, and we are confident that 3M can
                ery, 3M offers a free-of-charge, no obligation paper    significant help in controlling costs.                  offer increased efficiency and value to both groups.
                feasibility service which explores the likelihood of        another aspect of cost controls is in dosage        By providing pharmaceutical firms with a range of
                a products success using these delivery routes.        forms, and 3Ms offerings can play a role here as       services to help them develop new delivery meth-
                                                                        well. specifically, a metered-dose inhaler is one of    ods, gain approval, and manufacture their products,
                Ph: Controlling costs is an important issue in          the cheapest dosage forms per dose that you can         we can help them reduce their time to market
                the pharma industry and healthcare in general.          administer to a patient. Likewise, with transdermal     and increase their internal efficiency. and in the
                how does 3M help its customers address                  delivery systems some drugs can be developed in         range of our delivery systems, we are helping offer
                this challenge?                                         a seven-day patch, which is a very cost-effective       patients cost-effective and precise dosing of drugs
                JV: One of the most effective ways for pharma-          way of delivering certain medicines to the patient.     that can allow them to efficiently self-administer
                ceutical companies to control costs is to reduce the    additionally, as previously discussed, the ability to   their medications.
                amount of money that they have in manufacturing,        eliminate cold storage for some microstructured

                                            JimVaughn became Vice President and general manager of 3m Drug Delivery Systems Division (DDSD) in 2007,
                                            having held the general manager position since 2005. Prior to his present appointment, he served in Europe as Busi-
                                            ness Director for Pharma- ceuticals & DDSD, and prior was Business Director for Personal Care Division. in his 33 year
                                            tenure with 3m, mr. Vaughans various positions in the company include Technical and manufacturing manager for 3m
                                            Selvi Pharmaceuticals, italy; Quality assurance manager; Plant manager for northridge, Calif., u.S.; Supply Chain man-
                                            ager for DDS, and general Sales & marketing manager for Europe.

                20/20 Pharma

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Drug delivery

  • 1. DRUG DELIVERY 20/20 Pharma
  • 2. case studies JiM VaUghan, Vice President and general Manager of 3m Drug Delivery Systems Division, discusses some of the manufacturing challenges in the life-cycle of a product and bringing a new 2 product to market Manufacturing Ph: What delivery options does 3M Drug De- body. additionally, we have developed a hollow pharmaceutical firms in emerging markets, helping livery Systems currently offer, and what are the microstructured transdermal system that allows liq- them develop their drugs into our dosage forms. key advantages and applications of each? uid forms of these drugs to be delivered, which will We are seeing many new small, research-driven JV: 3Ms chief drug delivery technologies are in further expand the range of medications that can pharmaceutical companies, particularly in asia, the areas of inhalation and transdermal delivery. be delivered transdermally, which is a very exciting thanks to the increasing level of scientific talent inhalation drug delivery is very popular for the innovation. Those are the two main areas in drug outside of america and the u.K., and we consider treatment of conditions such as asthma, chronic delivery systems that we focus on at 3M. these companies to be important partners in our Obstructive Pulmonary disease, and other diseases offerings to new markets. We can also provide assis- of the respiratory tract. 3M has a history of over 50 Ph: Emerging markets are presenting im- tance with navigating regulatory requirements as years in the inhalation category, and our contribu- portant opportunities in the pharmaceutical larger firms look to expand into new territories, as tions include the development of the first metered- industry. What is 3M doing to position itself in well as provide manufacturing services to produce dose inhaler and the first cfc- free propellant this area? the large volumes necessary to help companies pressurized Metered-dose inhaler, autohaler, and JV: 3M, as you know, is a big multinational firm; meet the demand for their products. some novel valves and adaptors that we have to we are in many countries. as the world gets smaller offer to our customers. and countries are generating more wealth, emerg- Ph: Bringing a new product to market involves as we know, inhalation has fundamental ing markets are investing more in helping people significant work beyond pairing the drug and advantages for respiratory diseases, due to the fact have healthier, and hopefully longer, lives. This is the delivery system. Manufacturing is a signifi- that it is target-specific. drugs that are adminis- important to drug delivery systems, because un- cant challenge as well. What additional services tered by inhalation minimize systemic absorption fortunately with industrialization comes pollution, does 3M offer to customers, and how can out- and adverse effects compared with drugs that must bringing with it an increase in disease states. Our sourcing those services benefit companies? travel through the gastrointestinal tract. inhala- delivery systems help relieve those disease states JV: Most people are familiar with tablets and cap- tion is a growing market and it continues to evolve with the right drugs, allowing people to have a bet- sules, and those are the predominant dosage forms and expand to larger molecules, such as proteins ter quality of life. for delivering drugs that we know today. Because and peptides. We believe that inhalation has the These systems include inhalers for asthma of that, many pharmaceutical companies already potential to become the delivery route of choice and chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease, have the equipment to manufacture those dosage for a wide variety of therapies, for both local and along with the transdermal delivery systems for a forms. However, when a company finds a drug systemic drug delivery. variety of molecules. These platforms enable ef- that is good for respiratory treatmentchronic applications for transdermal therapies are ficient administration of drugs to treat some of the Obstructive Pulmonary disease or allergies, and so expanding rapidly. 3M has been in the sticky- most common diseases that arise with increasing on and they believe that the best way to deliver stuff within the transdermal area for over 30 years industrialization. additionally, they also enable fast the drug is through the lungs using either dry both in the formulation and development, as delivery of vaccines, an important component of powder inhalation or metered-dose inhalers, many well as expertise in films and adhesives. currently improving public health in emerging markets. firms do not have that infrastructure, equipment we offer transdermal systems and components for an important consideration when developing or knowledge to manufacture those dosage forms. small molecules, proteins or peptides. drugs for emerging markets is the issue of trans- This is where 3M can help. We have a reach and the transdermal delivery has a number of advan portation and storage. a key advantage of 3Ms ability to produce for our customers needs, with tages over other routes of administration, includ- micro replicated system is that we have seen sev- facilities to manufacture inhalers in the u.s., the ing its ability to avoid the first-pass metabolic eral molecules that we can manufacture and then u.K. and south america. additionally, we have the effects of the liver. it also provides steady, sus- dry onto the microneedles in such a manner that capability of developing those dosage forms in our tained release of the drug, and helps ensure the drug doesnt require cold storage. if you can laboratories in singapore, the u.s. and the u.K. compliance. 3M has developed a method of solid eliminate the need for cold storage, the distribu- 3Ms inhalation manufacturing capabili- microstructuredtransdermalsystemmicroneedle tion and access to that drug or that dosage form can ties include both pressure-fill and cold-fill for delivery that expands the range of medications that be widened quickly, because it can be distributed a metered-dose inhaler manufacturing, and we can can be delivered transdermally to patients, using lot faster, and less expensively. also provide custom micronizing or particle size re- biocompatible, polymeric microneedles to bypass On top of our dosage platforms, 3M has manu- duction to obtain particles in the respirable range. the barrier properties of the stratum corneum facturing and research and development facilities additionally, we have filling capabilities for projects and deliver previously undeliverable molecules, in most regions around the world, and we have just in sizes ranging from clinical to commercial supply. including vaccines, proteins and peptides into the opened a brand new laboratory in singapore. These 3M is one of the only Mdi component suppliers to locations give us the ability to work with many manufacture both valves and canisters, so we can 20/20 Pharma
  • 3. case studies 3 Manufacturing optimize these components simultaneously with customize and meet their requirements. in addition pharmaceutical firm partners the greatest value in the convenience of a single source, which helps to manufacturing, we offer services including contract manufacturing services. ensure their compatibility. analytical work, regulatory help and compilation of Likewise with transdermal delivery, 3M offers documents for submission to get a drug approved. Ph: Life cycle management is an important manufacturing services for the transdermal sys- We offer a full spectrum of services to assist our part of the pharmaceutical business. how does tems and components, which include backings, customers in getting their drugs registered and 3M work with customers to address life cycle membranes, liners and tapes. We are able to assist ready for approval, distribution and sales. We use management needs? with transdermal manufacturing needs, includ- this partnership approach to help assure a smooth JV: as we know, the continuing increase in prod- ing aqueous and solvent coating, converting and process from start to finish, which can help im- uct development costs means pharmaceutical packaging. as with inhalation, our transdermal prove a products chances for success. companies are under increasing pressure to find manufacturing facilities are capable of handling Manufacturing is a service at which we are ways to increase revenues from existing marketed capacities ranging from lab scale, pilot scale or well-practiced. 3M is very experience in manu- fac- products, and also to ensure protection from sales commercial scale. We have an extensive array of turing thousands of products for sale in more than erosion after the launch of generic equivalents. scientists who bring over 30 years of experience in 60 countries, and we also have the network and Many companies have found that delivering exist- this area. infrastructure to handle even the most complex ing molecules via new delivery routes can improve By working with 3M for their manufactur- supply chains. Our 50-year track record of compli- patient compliance, or the drugs overall thera- ing needs, pharmaceutical firms can be assured of ance with multiple global regulatory bodies, includ- peutic benefits. reformulating drugs for delivery reliable product delivery with our expert supply ing the fda, can give our pharmaceutical partners via the lungs or through transdermal means can chain management and global facilities that are additional peace of mind. sometimes result in improvements to the current current good manufacturing practice compliant, as these points illustrate, by combining our dosage form and response in the patients, including as well as capable of large scale production. We use formulation expertise, state-of-the-art technology, fewer side effects, greater and/or faster onset of a collaborative approach to planning and execu- and our strict compliance to regulatory guidelines action and also longer action. This reformulation tion, and we work very closely with our partners to with multiple filling capabilities, 3M can provide its can be undertaken both as a method of life cycle 20/20 Pharma
  • 4. case studies a kEy aDVanTagE oF 3mS miCro 4 rEPLiCaTED SySTEm iS ThaT wE haVE SEEn SEVEraL moLECuLES Manufacturing ThaT WE CAn MAnUFACTURE AnD THEn DRy onTo THE MICRonEE- DLES In SUCH A MAnnER THAT THE DRUg DoESnT REqUIRE CoLD SToRAgE. management or as a general improvement to the and this is an area in which 3Ms manufacturing transdermal systems can lower costs in shipping drug to help with issues such as compliance, side services can be helpful. another effective way of and storing, and total delivery costs will be signifi- effects and so on. controlling costs is to reduce a new drugs time to cantly lower. from a commercial perspective, formulating market, and this can be achieved by making certain furthermore, in terms of pharmaco econom- drugs for new delivery routes can extend the life a firm has the necessary chemistry, manufacturing ics, using inhalation or transdermal delivery to of successful products and also protect them from and controls system data packages to allow fast allow patients to self-administer medications is a generic substitution. alternatively, it may enable approval through the regulatory bodies. With 3Ms much more cost-effective method of delivery than pharmaceutical companies to enter a new market experience of over 50 years in the industry, we having professional healthcare providers delivering utilizing their existing technologies or by partner- have a record of approval the first time through for injections. ing with drug delivery companies to enter a mar- regulatory bodies for both inhalation and transder- We understand that the challenging economy ket of strategic importance. to help our customers mal dosage forms. and were proud to say we have has caused both healthcare companies and determine if their candidate molecules may be suit- gained approval the first time through in our last consumers to examine the value of the services able for transdermal, inhalation or nasal drug deliv- three submissions. This kind of efficiency can be a available to them, and we are confident that 3M can ery, 3M offers a free-of-charge, no obligation paper significant help in controlling costs. offer increased efficiency and value to both groups. feasibility service which explores the likelihood of another aspect of cost controls is in dosage By providing pharmaceutical firms with a range of a products success using these delivery routes. forms, and 3Ms offerings can play a role here as services to help them develop new delivery meth- well. specifically, a metered-dose inhaler is one of ods, gain approval, and manufacture their products, Ph: Controlling costs is an important issue in the cheapest dosage forms per dose that you can we can help them reduce their time to market the pharma industry and healthcare in general. administer to a patient. Likewise, with transdermal and increase their internal efficiency. and in the how does 3M help its customers address delivery systems some drugs can be developed in range of our delivery systems, we are helping offer this challenge? a seven-day patch, which is a very cost-effective patients cost-effective and precise dosing of drugs JV: One of the most effective ways for pharma- way of delivering certain medicines to the patient. that can allow them to efficiently self-administer ceutical companies to control costs is to reduce the additionally, as previously discussed, the ability to their medications. amount of money that they have in manufacturing, eliminate cold storage for some microstructured JimVaughn became Vice President and general manager of 3m Drug Delivery Systems Division (DDSD) in 2007, having held the general manager position since 2005. Prior to his present appointment, he served in Europe as Busi- ness Director for Pharma- ceuticals & DDSD, and prior was Business Director for Personal Care Division. in his 33 year tenure with 3m, mr. Vaughans various positions in the company include Technical and manufacturing manager for 3m Selvi Pharmaceuticals, italy; Quality assurance manager; Plant manager for northridge, Calif., u.S.; Supply Chain man- ager for DDS, and general Sales & marketing manager for Europe. 20/20 Pharma