As the CRO flies2020PharmaWhen finding the fastest path between discovery and delivery, pharmaceutical companies are increasingly looking toward Contract Research Organizations (CRO s).
As the face of the industry changes, 2020 Pharma (Ph) sits down with two CRO experts to discuss these trends.
Wireless reviewVikas MalikThe document provides an overview of wireless data communications technologies including wide area cellular services, wireless LANs, and satellite integrated wireless services. It summarizes key aspects of these technologies such as cellular network principles, GSM network architecture, GPRS and EDGE integration, 3G UMTS standards, CDMA basics, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and issues with wireless LAN and 3G integration.
EnRus 10-2014Tugan.TVEnRus is a translation agency based in Moscow that was founded in 1991. It specializes in translating technical documents in fields like computer science, law, finance, and medicine from European languages into Russian and other Slavic and Turkic languages. EnRus has translated books by notable authors and works with many corporate clients who praise EnRus' expertise, quality, and responsiveness. It employs a large network of highly qualified native language translators.
Drug delivery2020Pharma3M offers drug delivery technologies in inhalation and transdermal delivery. Their inhalation technologies include metered-dose inhalers which help treat respiratory diseases locally with fewer side effects than oral drugs. Their transdermal technologies expand the types of drugs that can be delivered through the skin. 3M helps pharmaceutical companies develop, manufacture, and bring new products to market through services like analytical work, regulatory assistance, and manufacturing various dosage forms from clinical to commercial scale.
DASH Locality Hierarchies (PADAL'16)Menlo Systems GmbHSingle node hardware design is shifting to a heterogeneous nature and many of today’s largest HPC systems are clusters that combine accelerators in heterogeneous compute device architectures. The need for new programming abstractions in the advancements to the Exascale era has been widely recognized and variants of the Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming model are discussed as a promising approach in this respect DASH is a C++ template library that provides distributed data structures with support for hierarchical locality in a PGAS programming model. Portable efficiency, an essential goal in the design of DASH, can only be achieved with programming abstractions of hardware locality that allow to optimize data structures and algorithms to the underlying system at compile- and run time. Established tools like LIKWID and hwloc provide reliable interfaces to query the hardware topology on node level but fail to construct a global representation of distributed locality domains and do not support accelerator architectures like Intel MIC. We present Locality Hierarchies, an abstraction of distributed, hierarchical locality represented as a modifiable data structure. The underlying model supports heterogeneous systems as first-class use case and introduces a well-defined concept of distance for arbitrary distributed hardware hierarchies. Using common range-based algorithms as motivating examples, we explain how our approach facilitates locality-aware load-balancing and process mapping on SuperMIC compute nodes.
DASH: A C++ PGAS Library for Distributed Data Structures and Parallel Algorit...Menlo Systems GmbHDASH is a C++ PGAS library that provides distributed data structures and parallel algorithms. It offers a global address space without a custom compiler. DASH partitions data across multiple units through various distribution patterns. It supports distributed multidimensional arrays and efficient local and global access to data. DASH includes many parallel algorithms ported from STL and supports asynchronous communication. It aims to simplify programming distributed applications through its data-oriented approach.
A Multidimensional Distributed Array Abstraction for PGAS (HPCC'16)Menlo Systems GmbHDASH is a C++ template library that offers distributed data structures and parallel algorithms for PGAS programming without a custom compiler. It provides a unified access to local and remote data through a global address space. DASH contains multidimensional distributed arrays, lists, maps and other containers, and growing set of parallel algorithms like fill, copy, reduce that also work on multidimensional ranges. It achieves portable efficiency through algorithms like SUMMA for matrix multiplication that leverage high performance libraries like Intel MKL. Benchmarks show DASH outperforms equivalent functions in ScaLAPACK, PLASMA and Intel MKL.
FE401: Chapter IV - SocializationPiseth CheaThis document outlines a chapter on socialization from the Royal University of Phnom Penh. It discusses the process of socialization and how it occurs from a young age through childhood and into adulthood. Socialization involves learning the customs, attitudes and values of one's culture through both formal and informal education. It examines several theories of socialization, including how children develop a sense of self through interacting with others and imagining how they appear, as well as learning to take on social roles. Socialization is crucial for healthy development and occurs through interactions with family, teachers, and society.
Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространствеTugan.TVБорис Подольский, СТС Медиа
«Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространстве»
Chapter 6 : Connectionist ApproachesPiseth CheaThe document summarizes two models of second language acquisition: the competition model and connectionist approaches. The competition model assumes language learning involves mapping between forms and functions. Connectionist approaches model mental phenomena as interconnected networks, focusing on strengthening associations between stimuli and responses through repeated exposure. Specifically, parallel distributed processing posits that language learning occurs through the simultaneous, parallel processing of multiple linguistic units in the brain, with connection strengths changing based on input frequency and feedback.
Interactional hypothesisPiseth CheaThe document discusses Michael Long's interactional hypothesis, which is based on Stephen Krashen's input hypothesis. The interactional hypothesis proposes that negotiated interaction between learners and their interlocutors can qualitatively change the nature of the input, facilitating language acquisition. When communication breaks down, interlocutors provide modified input through repetition, confirmation checks, comprehension checks, and clarification requests to aid comprehension. While interaction can help comprehension, it is not solely responsible for acquisition and individual differences are also important factors. The interactional hypothesis perspective has limitations but provides insights applicable for language teaching.
Expressing and Exploiting Multi-Dimensional Locality in DASHMenlo Systems GmbHDASH is a realization of the PGAS (partitioned global address space) programming model in the form of a C++ template library. It provides a multidimensional array abstraction which is typically used as an underlying container for stencil- and dense matrix operations.
Efficiency of operations on a distributed multi-dimensional array highly depends on the distribution of its elements to processes and the communication strategy used to propagate values between them. Locality can only be improved by employing an optimal distribution that is specific to the implementation of the algorithm, run-time parameters such as node topology, and numerous additional aspects. Application developers do not know these implications which also might change in future releases of DASH.
In the following, we identify fundamental properties of distribution patterns that are prevalent in existing HPC applications.
We describe a classification scheme of multi-dimensional distributions based on these properties and demonstrate how distribution patterns can be optimized for locality and communication avoidance automatically and, to a great extent, at compile time.
Promo Interactive (Ogilvy Group)alladvertisingПоиск и внедрение инноваций, нестандартных решений в области маркетинговых коммуникаций. Полный комплекс работ в сфере digital: от порталов и промосайтов до мобильных приложений, различные нестандартные рекламные носители, мультимедиа-продукты, креатив для реализации комплексных кампаний в digital - среде.
DASH: A C++ PGAS Library for Distributed Data Structures and Parallel Algorit...Menlo Systems GmbHDASH is a C++ PGAS library that provides distributed data structures and parallel algorithms. It offers a global address space without a custom compiler. DASH partitions data across multiple units through various distribution patterns. It supports distributed multidimensional arrays and efficient local and global access to data. DASH includes many parallel algorithms ported from STL and supports asynchronous communication. It aims to simplify programming distributed applications through its data-oriented approach.
A Multidimensional Distributed Array Abstraction for PGAS (HPCC'16)Menlo Systems GmbHDASH is a C++ template library that offers distributed data structures and parallel algorithms for PGAS programming without a custom compiler. It provides a unified access to local and remote data through a global address space. DASH contains multidimensional distributed arrays, lists, maps and other containers, and growing set of parallel algorithms like fill, copy, reduce that also work on multidimensional ranges. It achieves portable efficiency through algorithms like SUMMA for matrix multiplication that leverage high performance libraries like Intel MKL. Benchmarks show DASH outperforms equivalent functions in ScaLAPACK, PLASMA and Intel MKL.
FE401: Chapter IV - SocializationPiseth CheaThis document outlines a chapter on socialization from the Royal University of Phnom Penh. It discusses the process of socialization and how it occurs from a young age through childhood and into adulthood. Socialization involves learning the customs, attitudes and values of one's culture through both formal and informal education. It examines several theories of socialization, including how children develop a sense of self through interacting with others and imagining how they appear, as well as learning to take on social roles. Socialization is crucial for healthy development and occurs through interactions with family, teachers, and society.
Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространствеTugan.TVБорис Подольский, СТС Медиа
«Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространстве»
Chapter 6 : Connectionist ApproachesPiseth CheaThe document summarizes two models of second language acquisition: the competition model and connectionist approaches. The competition model assumes language learning involves mapping between forms and functions. Connectionist approaches model mental phenomena as interconnected networks, focusing on strengthening associations between stimuli and responses through repeated exposure. Specifically, parallel distributed processing posits that language learning occurs through the simultaneous, parallel processing of multiple linguistic units in the brain, with connection strengths changing based on input frequency and feedback.
Interactional hypothesisPiseth CheaThe document discusses Michael Long's interactional hypothesis, which is based on Stephen Krashen's input hypothesis. The interactional hypothesis proposes that negotiated interaction between learners and their interlocutors can qualitatively change the nature of the input, facilitating language acquisition. When communication breaks down, interlocutors provide modified input through repetition, confirmation checks, comprehension checks, and clarification requests to aid comprehension. While interaction can help comprehension, it is not solely responsible for acquisition and individual differences are also important factors. The interactional hypothesis perspective has limitations but provides insights applicable for language teaching.
Expressing and Exploiting Multi-Dimensional Locality in DASHMenlo Systems GmbHDASH is a realization of the PGAS (partitioned global address space) programming model in the form of a C++ template library. It provides a multidimensional array abstraction which is typically used as an underlying container for stencil- and dense matrix operations.
Efficiency of operations on a distributed multi-dimensional array highly depends on the distribution of its elements to processes and the communication strategy used to propagate values between them. Locality can only be improved by employing an optimal distribution that is specific to the implementation of the algorithm, run-time parameters such as node topology, and numerous additional aspects. Application developers do not know these implications which also might change in future releases of DASH.
In the following, we identify fundamental properties of distribution patterns that are prevalent in existing HPC applications.
We describe a classification scheme of multi-dimensional distributions based on these properties and demonstrate how distribution patterns can be optimized for locality and communication avoidance automatically and, to a great extent, at compile time.
Promo Interactive (Ogilvy Group)alladvertisingПоиск и внедрение инноваций, нестандартных решений в области маркетинговых коммуникаций. Полный комплекс работ в сфере digital: от порталов и промосайтов до мобильных приложений, различные нестандартные рекламные носители, мультимедиа-продукты, креатив для реализации комплексных кампаний в digital - среде.
Система интернет вещания с использованием IP-камер.Cyril MamaiПредставляем Вам систему Интернет-вещания с использованием IP-камер. Нашауникальнаяраработка Aminis Transcoder, позволяет обеспечивать высокое HD-качество видео изображения при минимально возможных скоростях потоков - подробнее смотрите на сайте
Андрей Колодюк. "Монетизация контента и услуг через платформу DIVAN.TV для те...OdessaCamp — баркемп в ОдессеПредставление ряда новых возможностей интерактивного взаимодействия с клиентом; новый канал доступа и возможности монетизации своего контента и услуг через уникальную платформу; новые возможности изменения рынка с появлением Smart TV платформ.
7. Каждый может стать автором собственного
медиа-канала, построенного из выбранного
Real-Time Playlists контента
Виртуальные кинозалы для эксклюзивных событий
Зрители одновременно видят одно и то же
Пользователи обсуждают увиденное в чатах во
время просмотра
Возможность платного предпремьерного
Автоматическая генерация виртуальных
вещательных каналов на основе рейтингов и
тематических выборок Тематические брендированные
12. 6
Добавление механизма
нелинейного ветвления
Конкурсы, игры,
промо и спец-проекты
13. 6
Телезрители получат возможность платить "по телевизору"
Покупать контент и товары, делать ставки, дарить подарки
Рекламодатели смогут премировать зрителей за внимание и лояльность
14. 6
Электронная теле-коммерция
"Магазин на диване" избавится от телефонной составляющей
, 86 руб.
= 1 523
= 31 999 руб.
Процесс телепокупки упростится, а распределение доходов изменится
15. 6
API для партнеров Позволит разработчикам создавать
приложения с
контента на экранах
18. 6
2017 год
Производители контента? Операторы связи?
Сервис-провайдеры? Агрегаторы?
19. А может быть - те, кто знают
про контент и зрителей?
20. 6
Разрушение дневной
сетки вещания
Что это даст?
Новое пространство
возможностей ИЛИ Угроза для телеканалов
21. 6
Хочет ли зритель
потреблять контент
в одиночку или готов
пустить своих "друзей"
в домашнее
22. 6
Телепродюсеры смогут более точно адресовать ЦА
Каналы получат новый ценный продукт для продажи рекламодателям
23. 6
Даст новый импульс для
роста телевизионного
Персонализация рынка
телевизионных %
= 20
рекламных R 2012 -20
коммуникаций на
основе истории
Рынок интернет-рекламы в России 2010-2016, млн. долл.
Источник: Консенсус АКАР, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, J’son&Partners,
25. 6
Телезрители получат
возможность принимать
участие в онлайн-шоу, а
процесс телесмотрения все
больше будет походить на
компьютерную игру
26. 6
Личное пространство телезрителя
Примет в себя Добавит их
Станет домашним Добавит их в процесс
пользовательские в процесс просмотра
медиа-центром теле-социализации
фото и видео и создания контента
27. 6
Телесмотрение переместится на улицы и в транспорт, оно будет
непрерывным и станет гео-контекстным
28. Никуда не
Оставайтесь с нами!
Аскар Туганбаев
Директор по стратегическому развитию новых медиа в «СТС Медиа»
Тел.: +7 (925 )7411274