「我是一個前端工程師,每次要進行頁面套版時,都要等後端工程師寫好 API 才能測試,我覺得很痛苦,但公司的後端我又叫不動,有沒有甚麼方法可以簡單的設計出 RESTful API,讓我可以立即套版使用?我不想每次都苦苦哀求後端工程師快點生出 API 給我!」這是之前某位學生告訴我的一段話,也想必是許多前端工程師的痛,現在,你可以不一樣! ?
我將在這場分享中講解如何利用 JSON Server 快速建立 RESTful API 服務,讓前端工程師可以在完全沒有後端開發能力的情況下,自行設計出任意格式的 API 讓自己使用。本次直播完全免費,當天還會簡單示範如何在 Angular 使用 Http 服務元件呼叫自製的 API! ?
The document discusses building responsive mobile themes for Drupal. It recommends a mobile-first responsive design approach using flexible grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries to target different screen sizes. It also provides examples of meta tags for controlling zoom levels and queries for targeting different devices. It addresses support for older IE browsers through conditional comments and polyfill scripts.
「我是一個前端工程師,每次要進行頁面套版時,都要等後端工程師寫好 API 才能測試,我覺得很痛苦,但公司的後端我又叫不動,有沒有甚麼方法可以簡單的設計出 RESTful API,讓我可以立即套版使用?我不想每次都苦苦哀求後端工程師快點生出 API 給我!」這是之前某位學生告訴我的一段話,也想必是許多前端工程師的痛,現在,你可以不一樣! ?
我將在這場分享中講解如何利用 JSON Server 快速建立 RESTful API 服務,讓前端工程師可以在完全沒有後端開發能力的情況下,自行設計出任意格式的 API 讓自己使用。本次直播完全免費,當天還會簡單示範如何在 Angular 使用 Http 服務元件呼叫自製的 API! ?
The document discusses building responsive mobile themes for Drupal. It recommends a mobile-first responsive design approach using flexible grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries to target different screen sizes. It also provides examples of meta tags for controlling zoom levels and queries for targeting different devices. It addresses support for older IE browsers through conditional comments and polyfill scripts.
This document discusses how to become an expert in information architecture (IA) for Drupal sites. It provides an overview of common IA patterns like hierarchy, database, hypertext, and linear structures. It also describes Drupal modules that can implement these patterns, such as Menu Block, 404 Navigation, Menu Item Container, and Menu Position. The document contains links to Flickr photos that provide visual examples of how to apply different IA patterns in Drupal.
This document provides an introduction to Drupal content types, fields, and views. It explains that content in Drupal is organized using nodes and content types, which allow adding custom fields to structures content. The document walks through creating a biography content type with custom fields, adding biography nodes, and building a view to display the biographies sorted by different fields. Mistakes made by learners are discussed, and corrections are made to improve the example content and views.
The document discusses trends in web technologies like HTML5, microblogging, authentication and databases that are relevant to Drupal. It encourages contributions to Drupal's translation, documentation, design and code to help the project. Community involvement is emphasized as more important than any single technology. The future of Drupal and the web is shaped by open collaboration.
Leadership Personality Types: USA vs ChinaStep Research
Did you know that the most prevalent leadership style in China values relationships as most important versus the US preference for speed? Never lead with speed.
This presentation explains how Joomla, a popular content management system (CMS), works. It goes through the details of how the database interacts with the template to display the information, so all pages on the site are dynamic. It talks about how the various extensions interact with the system to provide a customized site without a lot of programming effort. The presentation is provided by Landau Design, a web design company in Ventura, California that specializes in Joomla web design and Joomla development. Read what clients think at <a>Landau Design Reviews</a>.
The Construction and Practice of Apache Pegasus in Offline and Online Scenari...acelyc1112009
A presentation in Apache Pegasus meetup in 2022 from Wei Wang.
Apache Pegasus is a horizontally scalable, strongly consistent and high-performance key-value store.
Know more about Pegasus https://pegasus.apache.org, https://github.com/apache/incubator-pegasus
Pegasus: Designing a Distributed Key Value System (Arch summit beijing-2016)涛 吴
This slide delivered by Zuoyan Qin, Chief engineer from XiaoMi Cloud Storage Team, was for talk at Arch summit Beijing-2016 regarding how Pegasus was designed.
1. The document discusses Microsoft's support for open source technologies through contributions to open source projects, extensions for Microsoft platforms, and enabling technologies like Hyper-V and SQL Server to better integrate with open source solutions.
2. Key points include Microsoft contributions to Linux kernel to support Linux virtualization on Windows Server Hyper-V, open source extensions for .NET and SharePoint, and technologies like Live@edu and Moodle that integrate education services into open source learning management systems.
3. Microsoft also contributes to open source projects like Apache Qpid and supports open standards like AMQP for business messaging between open source and Microsoft platforms.
This document discusses using the Drupal content management system to build a biodiversity information system called BiotaTaiwanica. It outlines various content types and modules that could be used to manage taxonomic and specimen data, multimedia files, literature citations, and geospatial/occurrence data. These include taxonomy, bibliography, and geospatial modules to classify names, manage citations, and handle location data. The goal is to develop a pilot Drupal project to aggregate and share biodiversity data from Taiwan.