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DVD Cover Construction
     Muhammad Zeeshan,
     Mohammed Zafraan,
       Judah Chandra
Plain Black Background.     First bit of border created
                            using the box tool

   Creation of the Border.
   As you can see we used several different techniques
    when it came to making the border for the DVD Cover.    Final Border.
   However it all links down to one simple tool. The Box
Box Tool Use
              We created a black background and
              then made a white box on the

                          We then resized the white box to create a
                          black border by making the white box just
                          smaller than the black box.

                After that we had to recolor the
                black background into the grey you
                now see.

Using simple techniques such as resizing,
colouring and creating boxes, can turn an
amateur piece of work into a well designed
product, which could almost be mistaken as a
professional product depending on the quality.
 The gradient tool is
  used to create a
  saturation effect from
  two or more colours.
 In our case we used
  the gradient to
  illustrate the changes
  which appear as the
  life goes on.
 Moreover the gradient
  creates an interesting
  effect as the smooth
  change of colours is
  quite attractive which
  consequently results
  in a nice DVD cover.
Final Border
   Here is the
    final border
    after using
    the box tool.
   This border
    was created
    using the
    box tool &
 Features &
The special features are a
codes and conventions that the
majority of the magazines
We created our special
features using simple text to
make it easier for the targeted   Barcodes are a typical code and convention of
audience to read and interpret.   any product. These are placed on the product
                                  to make the retail process much more easier.
Moreover due to me using          We followed the codes and conventions by
simple fonts, the codes and       downloading a barcode font to create the
conventions of the DVD cover      barcode, as creating the barcode from scratch
                                  would take too much time, time which could be
were followed which               spent on researching and construction of our
consequently made a much          main product and ancillary texts
more efficient cover.
Accreditations Logos & Restrictions
Accreditations must be placed on the DVD cover as they are one of the most essential
code and convention of the DVD Cover.
Accreditations are credits to all who were involved within the production, marketing and
promotion of the DVD Cover.
We used and developed this code and convention by using famous individuals and star
personas to increase the rating of our DVD cover thus increasing the fame of the artists
themselves. This is because a famous director such as Lorenzo Bonaventure would
only increase the power and status of the artist as he is famous for films such as
DOOM, Transformers 2 or G.I.Joe. Due to these reason we decided to use him and
other influential individuals within our DVD cover to further enforce the power of the

 Moreover other than logos to illustrate the institutions
 within production, promotion and marketing of the DVD
 Cover, other logos with completely different purpose also
 reside in the product. One of these are the 1080p logo.
 This logo illustrates the quality of the movie, we placed
 this within the DVD cover as the higher quality product has
 the highest chance to be sold.
 However other logos are on the DVD cover are for
 restriction of certain actions to prevent misuse or piracy of
 the product. This code of and conventions is placed upon
 any product which has copyright.

  Further more other logos are present which dictate the
  features of the product and some who denote the proper
  procedures to take to prevent any harm.
  Some might be to illustrate the use of subtitles within the film
  so the hard of hearing and deaf can also enjoy the movie.
  While other are from institutions such as PEGI, these logo
  are to advise the audience, generally parents and guardians
  to let the viewer be of certain age.
Front Page Main
The front page image was made my colleague,
Muhammad Zeeshan, as we wanted some originality
within our product. However due to the size of the image,
the picture went off the page and had to be resized and
cropped so the layout of the DVD cover could be
enforced, which would result in a much more professional
DVD cover.
Moreover the image underwent editing to create a
montage of different filters. We did this because we
wanted to illustrate the differences between individual and
how we all can get all with each other. This depicted the
attitudes of the artist thus the image was an important part
of the DVD cover.
we first did this by resizing my image to fit the layout
and deleting the image where it crossed certain layout
barrier set by me. we did this by using the simple
selection tool to cut the image where it was not needed.

Lastly we felt that the DVD cover could need a
symbol or logo so they could relate our product with
the band. We tackled this by Zafraan creating a small
Gif of our surrounding area. We then placed this on
the lower right corner of the DVD Cover to illustrate
and further promote the band. This in turn made our
product a much more efficient at advertising and
marketing our artists.
Title of the
   We used the title changes within our DVD
    cover. We did this as we were relating the
    DVD with the promotional cover to make an
    efficient combination of ancillary texts.
   However compared to the Promotional cover,
    our products title is made using different
    fonts. We did to illustrate and enforce the
    changes in not only life, but our behaviour,
    status, power & lifestyles. This made the title
    much more interesting to look at as the title is
    no longer an interesting piece of typography
    made to attract the audience, it is now an
    icon for individual, something the targeted
    audience can relate to.
   This furthermore depicts the attitudes of the
    artist towards individuality which increases
    their publicity due to their relaxed and tolerant
   Lastly we developed this code by making the
    title of the film the second biggest thing on
    the front cover of the DVD cover. This in turn
    made the image much more influential in
    attracting the audiences through pure
Spine Creation
   The spine of the DVD is as important as
    the front of the cover. this is because
    when they are stacked together, only the
    spine is visible.
   Thus exemplary use of logos and text
    was crucial as this not only makes the
    spine better looking but it also follows the
    codes and convention which is of the
    highest importance. Moreover this also
    indirectly expressed the power of the
    artist which made them more admirable
    resulting in a higher amount of targeted
    audiences buying the DVD.
   We tackled this problem by using the
    interesting title we had created but also
    followed the codes and conventions of
    DVD covers as the title is placed on the
    spine. However we expanded this by
    placing the names of the group members
    upon the DVD spine.
   This not only illustrated the directors but
    also the related the DVD cover to the
    artist as influential directors will make
    much better DVD cover thus increasing
    the power and fame of the artist
    themselves .
Adding the last touches on the
   For the final touches on the
    spine we added a product
    number to the spine so the
    retail process of the DVD
    could be much easier.
    Moreover unwanted piracy
    could also be stopped by
    using this simple text. This is
    due to the fact that all of the
    products will have a number
    to accompany them
    individually. This will stop
    piracy because number that
    are not within our data base
    can be tracked using modern
    satellite technology to stop
   Moreover the barcodes have
    been coded to alert our
    marketing system of each
    sale. This will help us track
    pirates who copy and sell
    their DVD as each copy of the
    DVD has a single number. So
    multiple copies with the same
    code will automatically tell us
    if the DVD is pirated or not.
   The synopsis of the DVD cover
    is a very important and essential
    part of any DVD cover. This is
    because synopsis is the
    typography which tempts the
    targeted audience into buying
    the DVD thorough words such
    as magic, majesty which
    depicts the DVD as the film to
   Moreover the synopsis also
    illuminates certain aspects of
    the artist themselves such as
    their Legendary status. This
    makes the summary an effective
    promotion and marketing tool.
   Further more because
Artist Images &
 Artist images are the some
  of the main ways of
  promoting the artist, this is
  because they denote not
  only their physical
  appearance but also their
  attributes and traits which
  are express
 Moreover the images of the
  artist had to be the biggest
  thing on the back page.
  Due to this simple change
  in size, the back page
  becomes much more
  efficient in promoting the
Fort Minor Logo
 The artists logo was
  copied from the promo
  and modified to fit the
  house style of the DVD
  cover which results in a
  professional and
  efficient product.
 Moreover the silvery
  colour of the logo
  illustrates the wealth
  gained by wealth such
  as silver which in turn
  illustrates the power
  gained by the artist
  through the wealth of
  not only money but
  also friends.
Final Product

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Dvd cover construction

  • 1. DVD Cover Construction Muhammad Zeeshan, Mohammed Zafraan, Judah Chandra
  • 2. Plain Black Background. First bit of border created using the box tool Creation of the Border. As you can see we used several different techniques when it came to making the border for the DVD Cover. Final Border. However it all links down to one simple tool. The Box Tool.
  • 3. Box Tool Use We created a black background and then made a white box on the background We then resized the white box to create a black border by making the white box just smaller than the black box. After that we had to recolor the black background into the grey you now see. Using simple techniques such as resizing, colouring and creating boxes, can turn an amateur piece of work into a well designed product, which could almost be mistaken as a professional product depending on the quality.
  • 4. Gradient The gradient tool is used to create a saturation effect from two or more colours. In our case we used the gradient to illustrate the changes which appear as the life goes on. Moreover the gradient creates an interesting effect as the smooth change of colours is quite attractive which consequently results in a nice DVD cover.
  • 5. Final Border Here is the final border finished after using the box tool. This border was created using the box tool & gradients.
  • 6. Special Features & Barcode The special features are a codes and conventions that the majority of the magazines follow. We created our special features using simple text to make it easier for the targeted Barcodes are a typical code and convention of audience to read and interpret. any product. These are placed on the product to make the retail process much more easier. Moreover due to me using We followed the codes and conventions by simple fonts, the codes and downloading a barcode font to create the conventions of the DVD cover barcode, as creating the barcode from scratch would take too much time, time which could be were followed which spent on researching and construction of our consequently made a much main product and ancillary texts more efficient cover.
  • 7. Accreditations Logos & Restrictions Accreditations must be placed on the DVD cover as they are one of the most essential code and convention of the DVD Cover. Accreditations are credits to all who were involved within the production, marketing and promotion of the DVD Cover. We used and developed this code and convention by using famous individuals and star personas to increase the rating of our DVD cover thus increasing the fame of the artists themselves. This is because a famous director such as Lorenzo Bonaventure would only increase the power and status of the artist as he is famous for films such as DOOM, Transformers 2 or G.I.Joe. Due to these reason we decided to use him and other influential individuals within our DVD cover to further enforce the power of the artist. Moreover other than logos to illustrate the institutions within production, promotion and marketing of the DVD Cover, other logos with completely different purpose also reside in the product. One of these are the 1080p logo. This logo illustrates the quality of the movie, we placed this within the DVD cover as the higher quality product has the highest chance to be sold. However other logos are on the DVD cover are for restriction of certain actions to prevent misuse or piracy of the product. This code of and conventions is placed upon any product which has copyright. Further more other logos are present which dictate the features of the product and some who denote the proper procedures to take to prevent any harm. Some might be to illustrate the use of subtitles within the film so the hard of hearing and deaf can also enjoy the movie. While other are from institutions such as PEGI, these logo are to advise the audience, generally parents and guardians to let the viewer be of certain age.
  • 8. Front Page Main Image The front page image was made my colleague, Muhammad Zeeshan, as we wanted some originality within our product. However due to the size of the image, the picture went off the page and had to be resized and cropped so the layout of the DVD cover could be enforced, which would result in a much more professional DVD cover. Moreover the image underwent editing to create a montage of different filters. We did this because we wanted to illustrate the differences between individual and how we all can get all with each other. This depicted the attitudes of the artist thus the image was an important part of the DVD cover. we first did this by resizing my image to fit the layout and deleting the image where it crossed certain layout barrier set by me. we did this by using the simple selection tool to cut the image where it was not needed. Lastly we felt that the DVD cover could need a symbol or logo so they could relate our product with the band. We tackled this by Zafraan creating a small Gif of our surrounding area. We then placed this on the lower right corner of the DVD Cover to illustrate and further promote the band. This in turn made our product a much more efficient at advertising and marketing our artists.
  • 9. Title of the Movie We used the title changes within our DVD cover. We did this as we were relating the DVD with the promotional cover to make an efficient combination of ancillary texts. However compared to the Promotional cover, our products title is made using different product fonts. We did to illustrate and enforce the changes in not only life, but our behaviour, status, power & lifestyles. This made the title much more interesting to look at as the title is no longer an interesting piece of typography made to attract the audience, it is now an icon for individual, something the targeted audience can relate to. This furthermore depicts the attitudes of the artist towards individuality which increases their publicity due to their relaxed and tolerant views. Lastly we developed this code by making the title of the film the second biggest thing on the front cover of the DVD cover. This in turn made the image much more influential in attracting the audiences through pure imagination.
  • 10. Spine Creation The spine of the DVD is as important as the front of the cover. this is because when they are stacked together, only the spine is visible. Thus exemplary use of logos and text was crucial as this not only makes the spine better looking but it also follows the codes and convention which is of the highest importance. Moreover this also indirectly expressed the power of the artist which made them more admirable resulting in a higher amount of targeted audiences buying the DVD. We tackled this problem by using the interesting title we had created but also followed the codes and conventions of DVD covers as the title is placed on the spine. However we expanded this by placing the names of the group members upon the DVD spine. This not only illustrated the directors but also the related the DVD cover to the artist as influential directors will make much better DVD cover thus increasing the power and fame of the artist themselves .
  • 11. Adding the last touches on the Spine For the final touches on the spine we added a product number to the spine so the retail process of the DVD could be much easier. Moreover unwanted piracy could also be stopped by using this simple text. This is due to the fact that all of the products will have a number to accompany them individually. This will stop piracy because number that are not within our data base can be tracked using modern satellite technology to stop piracy. Moreover the barcodes have been coded to alert our marketing system of each sale. This will help us track pirates who copy and sell their DVD as each copy of the DVD has a single number. So multiple copies with the same code will automatically tell us if the DVD is pirated or not.
  • 12. Synopsis The synopsis of the DVD cover is a very important and essential part of any DVD cover. This is because synopsis is the typography which tempts the targeted audience into buying the DVD thorough words such as magic, majesty which depicts the DVD as the film to see. Moreover the synopsis also illuminates certain aspects of the artist themselves such as their Legendary status. This makes the summary an effective promotion and marketing tool. Further more because
  • 13. Artist Images & Logo Artist images are the some of the main ways of promoting the artist, this is because they denote not only their physical appearance but also their attributes and traits which are express Moreover the images of the artist had to be the biggest thing on the back page. Due to this simple change in size, the back page becomes much more efficient in promoting the artist.
  • 14. Fort Minor Logo The artists logo was copied from the promo and modified to fit the house style of the DVD cover which results in a professional and efficient product. Moreover the silvery colour of the logo illustrates the wealth gained by wealth such as silver which in turn illustrates the power gained by the artist through the wealth of not only money but also friends.