Harmonizing SharePoint 2010 and Lotus NotesMainsoft
Learn how to promote SharePoint usage from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook:
* Learn how to share documents and team calendars from Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook.
* Learn how to preserve business information locked in people’s private inboxes.
* Get to know SharePoint 2010’s new social and collaboration features, and how they can be used directly from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook.
The document summarizes research on using dipstick and immunochromatographic strip tests to diagnose various parasitic diseases. It describes developing and evaluating dipstick and strip tests for hydatidosis, schistosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and trichinosis using crude antigens prepared from each parasite. The assays demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity compared to other tests in clinical and experimental studies. The document recommends applying the dipstick assay in field studies and developing improved immunochromatographic strips.
La trichinosis es causada por la ingestión de quistes larvados del parásito Trichinella spiralis, generalmente a través de carne de cerdo cruda o poco cocida. Las larvas se liberan en el intestino delgado e invaden la mucosa, donde maduran y se aparean. Las hembras depositan larvas en los músculos esqueléticos, donde forman quistes. Los síntomas pueden incluir diarrea, fiebre, dolor muscular y edemas palpebrales, y el período de incubación es de 2 a
La triquinosis es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Trichinella spiralis que se encuentra en quistes en la carne de animales como cerdos y osos. Se adquiere por el consumo de carne cruda o poco cocida que contiene los quistes. Los síntomas incluyen dolor muscular, fiebre y diarrea. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante exámenes inmunológicos y parasitológicos. El tratamiento implica medicamentos antiparasitarios como albendazol o mebendazol. La prevención requiere
Trichinella spiralis is a nematode that causes the disease trichinosis. It has a life cycle involving pigs and humans, where larvae encyst in muscle tissue. Humans can become infected by eating undercooked pork containing the larvae. The larvae hatch in the small intestine and mature into adults, reproducing via viviparity. Newborn larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate via the bloodstream to encyst in skeletal muscle, preferentially in the diaphragm, jaw and neck muscles. Clinical features include gastrointestinal and muscle pain as the larvae invade tissues. Diagnosis involves testing for eosinophilia or detecting larvae in muscle biopsies. Treatment involves albendazole and corticosteroids
Harmonizing SharePoint 2010 and Lotus NotesMainsoft
Learn how to promote SharePoint usage from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook:
* Learn how to share documents and team calendars from Lotus Notes and Microsoft Outlook.
* Learn how to preserve business information locked in people’s private inboxes.
* Get to know SharePoint 2010’s new social and collaboration features, and how they can be used directly from Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook.
The document summarizes research on using dipstick and immunochromatographic strip tests to diagnose various parasitic diseases. It describes developing and evaluating dipstick and strip tests for hydatidosis, schistosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and trichinosis using crude antigens prepared from each parasite. The assays demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity compared to other tests in clinical and experimental studies. The document recommends applying the dipstick assay in field studies and developing improved immunochromatographic strips.
La trichinosis es causada por la ingestión de quistes larvados del parásito Trichinella spiralis, generalmente a través de carne de cerdo cruda o poco cocida. Las larvas se liberan en el intestino delgado e invaden la mucosa, donde maduran y se aparean. Las hembras depositan larvas en los músculos esqueléticos, donde forman quistes. Los síntomas pueden incluir diarrea, fiebre, dolor muscular y edemas palpebrales, y el período de incubación es de 2 a
La triquinosis es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Trichinella spiralis que se encuentra en quistes en la carne de animales como cerdos y osos. Se adquiere por el consumo de carne cruda o poco cocida que contiene los quistes. Los síntomas incluyen dolor muscular, fiebre y diarrea. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante exámenes inmunológicos y parasitológicos. El tratamiento implica medicamentos antiparasitarios como albendazol o mebendazol. La prevención requiere
Trichinella spiralis is a nematode that causes the disease trichinosis. It has a life cycle involving pigs and humans, where larvae encyst in muscle tissue. Humans can become infected by eating undercooked pork containing the larvae. The larvae hatch in the small intestine and mature into adults, reproducing via viviparity. Newborn larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and migrate via the bloodstream to encyst in skeletal muscle, preferentially in the diaphragm, jaw and neck muscles. Clinical features include gastrointestinal and muscle pain as the larvae invade tissues. Diagnosis involves testing for eosinophilia or detecting larvae in muscle biopsies. Treatment involves albendazole and corticosteroids